Prophetic Word: Lessening of Common Grace Is Kicking You Out of the Nest

1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2

If you’re suddenly feeling uncomfortable in a place where you used to thrive, there may be a reason for that. I heard the Lord say that He is moving in many people’s lives right now in order to kick them out of the nest and help them soar.

This help is coming in a strange way and carries these characteristics:

1. There is a lessening of God’s permissive grace that used to help you stay where you wanted to be, without stretching yourself and doing what you are called to do.

I am hearing Holy Spirit refer to this as “common grace,” but He is not referring to the common grace on leaders that restrains evil in nations. The way I am hearing the Lord tell me about this common grace, He is referring to a grace commonly available as permissive grace.

The way I am hearing it, this permissive grace has been a common grace, freely available to all in the past; a grace that has helped them do things, especially to work in jobs, that they were not necessarily called to. It has been a keeping grace, where God has blessed the work of your hands even if that work was not His eventual best for you.

That kind of commonly-available, permissive grace is lessening. God’s grace is changing in manifestation to kick you out of the nest and help you soar.

Even good nests can be high up, and you can see a lot if you’re sitting in that nest. But even the best nests are still cages. Only the people who fly get to experience real freedom, and live out both the joy and the freedom of God’s best.

2. There is an increase of “destiny grace” to meet your steps of faith.

Father God is roaring over His people with destiny grace. In this time, He is forcing you out of your nest by removing the feathers that previously lined your nest and made it comfortable.

Father desires you to go after Him and press into His high call with everything you’ve got. In this season, every step of faith that you take in obedience to God’s call on your life will now be met with extreme AND QUICK answers from the Lord.

Those answers may be either “yes” or “no,” but the “no” will only happen to protect you if you have mis-heard God. Everything that you hear from Him that is accurate, you will find backed up with His extreme grace and strength.

God is kicking many aspiring entrepreneurs out of their previous nests right now.

He is calling entrepreneurs of all kinds–whether in ministry or more traditional business–away from a place that previously felt safe, and into their respective destinies. INTO the businesses and dreams and ministries and opportunities they have always imagined they would have.

So marvel not that the place in which you were happy suddenly doesn’t feel right anymore. Don’t fret if you are suddenly struggling in your job on one side, but seeing an explosion of creative ideas on the other side.


Where grace is manifest, you will feel divine flow, joy, and fruit. Don’t abandon the place where you have been unless GOD tells you to, and don’t abandon it UNTIL He tells you to.

However, start now with your dream. Plan your work and work your plan. You will find that God will meet you there.

Did Holy Spirit use this word to confirm something He’s already been telling you? If so, please leave a comment below! I’d love to hear about it!

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  1. Rumbidzai Mwedzi says:

    Thank you for the powerful Word and it is indeed directed to me….l am strongly feeling in my spirit that God is about to do something huge in my life and am not happy with where l am and hence l need Him to give me that DESTINY GRACE to be able to make the rightful decisions so as to be where He (God) wants me to be.

    thank you so much Jamie….

    1. You seek Him with all of your heart, friend, and He will add ALL THINGS to you. Matthew 6:33. Be obedient to follow His voice every day, and step out in faith when and how He shows you. He will help you and preserve you.

      1. yes this just happened for me. Praise God!!

    2. I have been feeling God slowly tugging me into another industry than I am in now. He is really helping me use my time more strategically, and on things that matter for my future. This is bang on:) Thanks Jamie!

  2. Praises be to God. Thank for the prophetic word. I am in a workplace that use to be my passion and the environment has suddenly changed. I no longer look forward to coming to work. I have these wonderful ideas I been wishing to pursue.

    Thank you once more woman of God for the word.

    1. I totally understand, Ingrid. Chase the grace that God shows you and follow Him as He moves you forward! He will show you the way, each single step at a time.

  3. Hi Jamie, Yes indeed this is a confirmation of what God has been telling for sometimes now. Thank you and God bless you.

  4. Debbie Kempke says:

    This word is spot on. I am an entrepreneur in process of dissolving out of a financially desolate business and seeking God for direction geographically where I can merge my business gifting with and finally pursue the high calling of God on my life. Just yesterday had a realtor come to assess home in knoxville for relocation to where I can come under a strong ministry. As God says that place is where the business will flourish as well. Wow, so be it onto me Lord.

    1. Praising God with you! That sounds amazing! Yes, the melting pot of gifts is a key. God never wastes a storyline!

  5. James Balami says:

    Thank God for this revelation.
    I believe the Holy Spirit is speaking to me through the daughter of Zion.
    I have been is service for in Nigeria for 22years and I have been nursing the plan to quit and have time for myself, for God, for my family and start up something. My last two years was the height of my service during my last service years. I became the Chief of Staff to our two previous CEOs and the work was ver very demanding. I was literarily on the job 24/7, and with little time for myself, and I said to myself, at the end of this job I will quit service, but I was financially constrained, so I kept on praying and hoping on God.
    Time came that our Management came up with an attractive exit plan for anyone who wants to leave service, and I thought that God has answered my prayers.
    I spoke with my Pastor and he agreed with me and encouraged me, and assured me that the “grace” of God will help me to make success. Although he told that God told him my family members will oppose my decision, and they really did. I have repeatedly spoken to my wife, my brothers and sisters to see reason but they are adamant. They wanted me to dwell on th mountain of Civil Service. But I hold on to my Pastor’s word, even as I didn’t go ahead. They said my country’s economy is in bad shape, with inflation very high, our currency has been devalued, I have a wife with kids to take care of etc etc.
    I became like Peter sinking in the sea of life. I packed my plans and warehoused it waiting on the time when God will clearly speak. Although I keep contact with all my supply lines, equipment and material suppliers I have met and discussed on this project hoping that when God makes the time and season, I’ll quit my job, take my exit package and startup a new thing.
    This confirmation therefore, is coming when am in the sea sourrounded by voice of many waters and being tossed by the waves of the sea.
    I believe this confirmation is for people who are in my situation.
    God bless you for bringing this revelation to us.

  6. Christine Marimba says:

    God has confirmed to me that I will move. A workplace which previously felt like a noose around my neck and a war zone had suddenly become peaceful and enjoyable. However, the Lord has convicted me with the knowledge that I shall leave this place because I have learnt everything that I needed to learn here. I’m excited!!! 🙂

    1. That sounds AWESOME, Christine. Father must have something wonderful in store for you next! And I identify about the noose around your neck. Yikes. But Father removes our hands from the burden and from the basket and helps us while He’s doing so. Grace and peace to you while you wait it out and walk down this journey!

  7. Mary Lott says:

    Thanks Jaime. Confirmation! He kicked me out of a very comfortable beach in Florida to the cold of Maryland. I know he has something big for me. Feeling the shift, not whining anymore

    1. Sometimes these shifts can feel so hard, Mary, I know. But if we keep our eyes on Jesus, He helps us see the bigger perspective so we can stay encouraged. “Keeping our minds on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God!” <3

  8. Rebecca L Jones says:

    Destiny grace sounds good, and to the other comment about whining, I did the same thing about rest. I have been racked with cabin fever. But now I know it was a healing grace.

    1. Father’s getting you out of that nest and building your life and ministry, sis. It’s so exciting to see!

  9. Hi Jamie and family?
    Wow thank you for this prophetic word today! Its confirmation for me !! I have been feeling like i cant put my feet down like i used to ?Everything seems so different and i do feel like a bunch of new responsibilies have been put unto me as a leader in a small prayer group! I really feel a big shift and God is using me in different things , things that i am still learning about . I had finally found a safe place i thought and was doing well and now i all off a sudden got that kick from above and i am learning to fly ☺️Its a bit risky haha but at the same time it can be fun and hopefully i get to soar high above the storm soon☺️Thank you for the word it makes very much sense to me and it explains the feeling i already have ☺️God Bless you in your new job / ministry and may he use you even more ! You are a great blessing to me and so many others!! Keep up the good work!! Shalom! ??

    1. Amen, sister! That kick from above, as you put it, is definitely a different feeling! But it’s sooooo good as soon as we stretch our wings out and take the leap! Even if the leaps are small at first. We’re simply supposed to be journeying with Papa, one step at a time!



  11. Kahn Johnson says:

    Oh my goodness, this is do on point!!! I am uncomfortable at my job, and I have been praying that the Lord places me where He wants me. I just recently passed the exam to be a supervisor and now I’m praying whether the Lord wants me to stay at my present job as a Supervising Children’s Social Worker or if I am to go to another department or office as a Supervisor. I just want to be in His perfect will rather than His permissive will.

    1. He will definitely guide you, Kahn! A lesson I had to learn the hard way one time: He is big enough to close doors and open doors for you as you pursue Him wholeheartedly!

  12. Since February I have been struggling. At 57 I look and Sense that what I have been doing for 35 years has no meaning anymore. Even approaching the work day I feel just tense and nausea. I would not have a clue what to do , which is why I have been in worship and crying out to Jesus. The desperation of knowing what He wants but really knowing what you are doing now is not what He wants for you(confusing I know). I have been in this place for about three weeks. Reading what the Lord showed you was amazing. Right now I am just crying not wanting to disappoint my Father, yet not knowing what to do. But feeling exactly how you described.

    1. Hi, dear Nancy. I feel ya on these things! Just to clarify on the above–do you feel like you do know what Father has called you to? Or that you don’t? I will pray for you either way. But if I can encourage you specifically, I will.
      Love and hugs!

      1. Really , I do not. It is such a long story. I do have a block . I was always taught that only a select few can be used by God. I was never seen in that way. So even if God spoke to me. I have probably talked myself out of it.( if that makes sense) I know these days have been just drawn to just wanting more of Jesus. I look at work and I just get this struggling feeling inside, which was not the case before. I long for a clarity in God’s voice . For 24 years man has told me what I could not do or become that it has covered me.

        1. Precious sister, I break that off you right now in Jesus’ name. EVERY believer, including YOU, can and must be used of God. There is no hierarchy of More Important Calls. All we are supposed to do is be faithful to our call, whether we are called to a pulpit or not. It is an absolute lie from the enemy that says that only those who are called to a pulpit are “in ministry.” YOU are in ministry if you are obeying God and being His hands and feet upon the earth. No matter what that ministry looks like. If it looks like a pulpit, great. If it looks like a corporate job or a job in health care, great. If it means raising babies to love God, great. Whatever passion God has placed in you, He will show you.
          Have you ever read my Dimensions of Destiny series? In particular, the post about identifying your calling and life message. If not, that might help you and encourage you.
          Love and hugs to you today, sister. I prayed for you.

  13. Henrietta says:

    Jamie, what you wrote makes complete sense to me! I think it summarizes my situation. Thank you for sharing this message! Seeking the Lord for His direction for the way forward!

  14. Amen to Destiny grace
    Am feeling out of place where I am right now.i wanna pursue ministry work fulltime. Pray wth me family.

  15. Thanks for the prophetic word Jaime! This is happening in my life. I can feel Him protecting me from the devil. It may not be a walk in the park, but im starting to trust Him more. Please include me in your prayers, I’ll also put you in mine. You’re doing a great job! God bless! 🙂

  16. Linda Davies says:

    Wow is all I can say 🙂

  17. Brenda Payton says:

    Bless God for His Destiny Grace. He opened a job at the local hospital that only He could of done. I work what I physically can do which is 3 days a week and He even made it so I can work 6 hrs. a day and not 8hrs. Even with this blessing I heard Him say don’t get too comfortable there because He has something even better than I could of ever imagined. It is the Destiny He designed for me before the foundation of the world. He is preparing the journey I will take. It will be up to Papa God when exactly He moves me & I must prepare for that day so I can soar with Him!! Thanks Jamie for the very on time word. I was getting uneasy about the shift I am beginning to feel.

  18. John Shomade says:

    Awesome Word – the Lord has been using you to bring CLARITY into some of the situations confronting me. I’m really blessed. Thanks


  20. Wow, very encouraging “word”! Thanks Jamie.
    I’ve been thriving in a church and have become uncomfortable in the last week or so, while creativity has been flowing to me.
    I will seek the Lord and chase the grace, waiting upon His perfect will.
    All for Jesus

  21. Hi Jamie,

    Thank you so much for this word! I wept when I read it because I am soooo there! I have been so frustrated because the enemy of our souls has been so against my work and has been coming, literally, at me from all sides, including neighbors, co-workers, family members, etc. I am so exhausted, but will keep on as God, and people like you, encourage me. I keep taking small steps as I see the need, and so I’m happy to at least feel that I am moving forward in some small way, but am so desirous of the BIG step and move. I feel torn apart! God bless you and keep you in your work and calling! Becky :>)

  22. I say Amen and Amen!!!
    This is The word for me. The ‘knowing’ that it is time to relocate has just been confirmed.
    Thank you!
    May the Lord bless you more and more Jamie.

  23. God bless you Woman of God. This has spoken to me so well. Don’t know why God has to bring it up again to you. .but guess it was for me. Thanks for letting him use you! Much blessings…Meme.
    Ps: i sent a mail earlier and no response.

  24. This is a Word for me, Jamie! I’m trusting Jesus to continue revealing His calling and next steps for me to take as I make this transition! God has used you and other women to minister this message to me! It is right on time!
    I receive it on Jesus’ name!
    God bless you , Jamie, for being such a powerful and important minister! You are a wonder! So glad I stumbled across your blog a few months ago…your ministry has blessed my life!

  25. Yes this word is just where I am right now… feeling unsettled for the last three years and yet knowing that God is transitioning me into a new place and season. I am praying for the armour to wear at all times as I am moving into the place He has designed and chosen for me in the army of God. God bless you for your prayers in this season. I need prayer warriors behind me!

  26. Jamie! This is so relevant right now in my life. My current position is sales and consultant and my salary has been drying up for almost a year now, down $20k a year, this is not for a lack of effort on my part . It is just business. I have known and felt the favor of God but have been having to work much harder and struggle to make ends meet. I am working on some entrepreneur projects and feel this message is for me. Please pray for me and thank you for your messages. xo

  27. Henrietta says:

    Jamie, the Lord has already done this! It happened just recently and I find myself doing what I am good at but never allowed myself to do before! But now it gives me peace to know that it is His will so I am happy to go forward with it!
    Praise the LORD!!!

  28. Sue-Ann Montaque says:

    This word was definitely for me. Thank you.

  29. This prophetic message is apt for my present situation. I feel boxed up in my present job ( in the nest?) due to non-advancement in career and lack of clear career direction and growth. The past 6months have been that of serious reflection and waiting on the Lord through Christ Jesus. Though promises have been made by “men”, i discovered more clearly from your Blog that promotion comes ALONE from God.
    Thanks for the good job of encouraging and interceding for persons like us. More intercession for me please. God Bless.

  30. Irene Jones says:

    Amen to this word

  31. oveida lunsford says:

    Hi, Jamie
    You have helped me tremendously in the Prophetic Ministry. I appreciate your heart, zeal, and spirit. God bless your ministry, you , and yours.
    Chaplain Oveida A. Lunsford

    1. Hi Chaplain Lunsford! Thank you so much. I’m so glad Papa God has used our ministry to bless yours. I drive through Virginia on the way to visit my in-laws several times per year; let me know if you’d ever like to meet for lunch!

  32. I could have screamed when I started to read the post because those are the EXACT words expressed in a conversation with a (former co- worker)the previous day. I was recently promoted to supervisor two months ago and am ready to leave. I told the former co-worker that until this promotion-my spot was comfortable and now I feel God has put me in an uncomfortable place otherwise I would never step out and pursue my true desire and purpose!
    Right now word !

  33. Patricia Daniels says:

    God blessings to you Jaime

    The push from the nest is a confirmation. Just last week, Sun 4/27/19, a prophetic word from God was given to me by my Pastor for me to start walking in my destiny and stop trying to figure it out or God will begin to make things uncomfortable for me. I been told that I have a Pastor anointing on my life . Today I experienced a transition. Being an ordained Minister, when praying over someone, I would ask what am I agreeing with you for the Lord to do. I have been seeking the Lord to use me differently by knowing what the need a person have without me asking. Well today Sun 5/5/19 it happened. I’m currently widow for 17 years now and been prophetized that by Boaz is coming. I thought I would be married before walking in the anointing of Pastor. I guess that what God is referring about me trying to figure it out.
    Need prayer and encouragement in this new walk.


  34. Jacqualine says:

    Hi Jamie my ex husband just told me he’s got a job overseas I live in south Africa the thing is we still live under the same roof coz of my precious son and he has sole custody of him and wants to take him with which means I will never see my son my heart broken and if I don’t sign the papers my son could lose out on a future and if I do he will grow up without his mom I feel torn heartbroken and need guidance from the Lord

  35. Thank you for this WORD!! I have been praying for direction and this is confirmation. God bless you Jamie!

  36. CYNTHIA GUIDRY says:


  37. This spoke to me especially about soaring. He specifically told me, That I have EVERYTHING I NEED. So I’m going to go forth, and allow Him to lead my life.

  38. Erin Canahui says:

    OOOOOOH LORD! Yes! Such an incredible confirmation! Thank you, Jamie!

  39. Amen. Thank you Pastor Jamie.

    God has been speaking through prophets and pastors that i must move. Please Pray for me

  40. “even the best nests are still cages. “
    “Destiny grace” Yes and amen- hallelujah🙌🏻🔥 . I receive it in Jesus’ name. Glory to God for this timely word sister 🙏🏼😊 absolutely a new lens to press into and inquire of the Lord! 😁👑💜 shalom, shalom

  41. God Bless and Thank you so much for sharing this Word of God.
    Yes it has Truly spoken to my heart what God has been speaking to me about.

  42. Joseph Gandywest Agathe says:

    Amen.Praise the lord.

  43. God bless you Jamie. Thank you for blessing us with these prophetic words. This blessed me greatly and speaks yo my heart. I declare that there shall be a performance and the are established to prosper in Jesus name.

  44. Wow this was for me, God definitely kicked me out of my former accommodation, because it was not good for me, I am now in a lovely house, its temporary but I love it, and I get on well with everyone there this is so true thanks be to God
    God will bless you Jamie financially

  45. Amen Hallellujah Its a confirmation for what Im going through right now,I was nt sure about everything but the Holy Spirit kept on reminding me the verse in-2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you,for my strength is made perfect in weakness,for my power is being perfected in your weakness,therefore I will all the more gladly boast in my weakness,so that the Power of Christ may dwell in me”

  46. Terry Eagle says:

    Oh my gosh! What a confirmation of that which Papa God and Holy Spirit has been doing in my life!

    After 7 years of retirement, last year I became engaged to marry a lovely God-loving woman. This Spring I sold my condo, and gave away my furnishings and nearly all of my “stuff remaining” Then I relocated to where I was to marry, but that didn’t happened as planned. I believe it all happened to get me out of my comfort level and retirement “nest” to 1) to make me totally dependent on God for all, 2) bring my focus totally upon His plan for my life, 3) to develop and further fine-tune my relationship with Holy Spirit, and make it possible for me to now soar to new heights with doors closing behind me that can no longer be opened, and new doors opened that cannot be closed to pursue and fulfill God’s plan in this new season of my life now and beyond; soaring ever higher and higher! How AWESOME! This is especially awesome since my surname is Eagle! There are no coincidences with God–just Godincidences! And as for the pain and suffering of my marriage engagement, I stand on Romans 8:28!

  47. Praise God. I have an accounting business in which I have always provided bookkeeping services for business owners. Lately I have had not desire for it but a BIGGER vision of providing coaching services to Christian entrepreneurs in the area of financial prosperity according to the Word of God along with accounting principles. I am already working on a program to roll out to the marketplace soon. This word is confirmation to me ~ thanks Jamie!

  48. Thankyou Jamie,I’m feeling this in certain areas of my life,it was kind of sudden,so I believe it’s God at work
    AMEN,praise the Lord

  49. Such a timely word for me. Thank you, Jamie. I can already see my world changing and I thank you for this confirmation with supporting vision. Blessings.

  50. Good morning Jamie
    Thank you for this word. On Saturday I was praying with the sisters at church when I heard the Holy Spirit praying this through me “Father forgive me if I was standing in someone else’s position in the spiritual realm and if I took a prayer hour that wasn’t my hour according to Your will, forgive me and show me where I am supposed to stand and the hour according to Your will.” And now reading this word has open my understanding.
    Please pray with me that God reveals my place and hour that I can be more effective in His Kingdom and what He has called me to do. 🙏

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