Has All Hell Broken Loose? Read This

LIVE webinar: How to Hear God Prophetically For Yourself | May 10, 2024

LIVE webinar: What It Takes to Develop a $100,000 – $1,000,000 Income Blogging|May 18, 2024

Has all hell broken loose against you this week? Are you fighting off panic attacks today? Do you feel like your body and soul have reached–no, passed–their max capacity to handle things, and you’re a mess right now?

If so, I feel like the Lord wants you to know these things:

  1. Your breakthrough is just around the corner. All hell has broken loose because the enemy is trying to stop what GOD has ordained. But, if you stay on the straight and narrow with God, the enemy won’t be able to touch you.
  2. The problems you are dealing with have already been dealt with in Heaven, and God has already prepared a solution for you. He will give you wisdom and show you what to do.
  3. Rest and pull back from as many things as you can, or as you need to, in order to maintain your focus on Jesus as you walk through this final storm in this particular breakthrough process.

Friend, Jesus IS the Answer. He is helping you today. Remember that His provision sometimes looks different than you want it to look:

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    Everything you see was created by the spoken word.

    So if you have nothing except the ability to speak, you can still create anything you want. You can be like God and speak those things that are not as if they already were (Romans 4:17)!

    To help you, Jamie wrote a book of hundreds of Biblical confessions for you—especially in the area of your finances. It called Speak Life Volume 1: Chart Your Course With Your Words, and it’s our most popular book ever! Get your copy today and begin speaking LIFE over those things that concern you!

    1. Sometimes He moves the deadline;
    2. Sometimes He eliminates the need;
    3. Sometimes He delays the need;
    4. Sometimes He waits until after your deadline, but removes the consequences you thought you would experience if you miss your own, self-imposed deadline.

    God’s provision also doesn’t look like you never have a need. It simply means every need is supplied, even if not in the time you want it to be supplied.

    God operates on His timetable, not ours. But keep the faith and hang in there firmly with fasting and prayer anyway. Your fastings and prayers ARE bringing breakthrough! Help is just around the corner!

    Did you need to hear this word today? If so, leave a comment below!


    1. I needed this in jesus name, not just for myself but to also help a friend who is going through a lot of trauma. Praise be to God

      1. Amen! Thank You Father God for intervening on my behalf. Lord, everyone on this feed need You and I humbly ask that You Bless everyone with, health, wealth, peace and unspeakable joy in Jesus name. Thank You Father for being my shelter and comforter in this rough patch. Lord we Glorify and bless You in Jesus name

        1. This really for me
          Thank you Abba father in Jesus name

      2. Amém
        I needed to hear this encouragement words

      3. Thanks pastor, it is well with my soul.You are always inspire by God to encourage the broken-hearted

    2. More than what I needed today. How very timely!!! Thank you Yahweh and Jamie.

    3. Thomas West says:

      Second word today I read that’s right on point!

      Thank you for faithfully sharing what God puts on your heart!

    4. Thank you so much for this. It went straight to my heart. I haven’t had so many unfortunate things happening at once, but now I understand. Keeping my eyes on Jesus. ❤️

    5. This word was just for me!

    6. Hallelujah Thank You Our Heavenly Father,I Receive I believe In Jesus Christ name,It came in the right time

      1. Thank you LORD for you , word, i’am grateful.
        Thank you

    7. We are going on strike October 4 to 6th. We need God Almighty Prayers for Us facing money problem health problem and homes facing lien and bills piling scary time very little Faith pray for Us facing looming strike may be longer that those three days been fasting and praying and losing sight on my Faith

    8. Sampson Ezikeanyi says:

      O Lord, thank you for talking to me at exactly when I needed it. Take up this fight in my career that is making me think of giving up, amen.

    9. Yes thank you for that word from the Lord. It was just what I needed to hear at this time, there’s times I do for get that Gods timing is not ours and it’s hard at times in the waiting.

    10. I needed to hear this right because I felt like the more I pray the more the enemy rises and acts but I am encouraged by this word. I will stick to my place of prayer I will go deeper in Jesus Mighty Name 🙏

    11. Rolande Andre says:

      Yes i needed this, today was a very difficult day for me. But God is in control. Thank you

    12. Amen. VICTORY belongs to Jesus. Word for the season indeed. I am encouraged

    13. James Anthony Tucker says:

      Thank you so very much Jamie for this Raima Word from the Lord as I have been facing a very difficult season where my residence my camper that I live in has been impounded and I don’t have the resources to pay the $1000 it costs to move it. Please Pray that as I sowed my seed and named it that it would be a very quick return of the Hundredfold Blessing of God!!

    14. Anastasia says:

      This is exactly how I was feeling today, I needed this word to read today, thank you Jamie

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