Heart Bytes: 10 Mentoring Tips for Victorious Living

Heart Bytes: Mentoring Tips for Victorious Living | by Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.com

Heart Bytes are tiny mentoring tidbits from the flow of my personal time with the Lord. I am simply presenting these mentoring bytes in list format, with no additional commentary.

Here are today’s Heart Bytes: 10 mentoring tips for victorious living:

  1. We should desire the deep, inner, purging work of Holy Spirit more than we desire any other move of God–all so that we may be conformed to the image of Christ. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, even gaining it for Christ–but he (or she) loses his own soul? As the old hymnwriter wrote, and as giants of the faith Rees Howells and Gipsy Smith taught us to pray: “Lord, send revival, and let it begin in me!”
  2. Pray this: “Father, give me wisdom and understanding to know You!”
  3. Be desperate for God to be glorified in your life.
  4. Pray this: “Please, Father, make me a good and faithful servant.”
  5. Pray this: “Lord, that You would be glorified in my character. That You would be glorified in my work. That You would be glorified in my labors. That You would be glorified in my house; that You would be glorified in my health; and that You would be glorified in my family. Even so, amen.”
  6. The #1 best thing you can do for your worship life is to ask God to fill you with the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord.
  7. BREAKING: God is in a good mood! He’s in a good mood about His plans for you. He’s in a good mood about His plans to heal your nation. He’s fully confident (and in a good mood) about His ability to provide for you! He’s in a good mood about His ability and promise to work all things out for your good! God is full of JOY today! (And every day.) As a matter of fact, He is the sole Fountain of joy for the entire universe. Let’s try to emulate Him and be in a good mood, resting in Him and in His love, today, shall we?
  8. You should actively flee from things that boost your ego. Pursue humility instead.
  9. LADIES: On your worst day, put on your bright red lipstick and stab the devil in the eye by doing something great for God.
  10. BREAKING: This is not going to be the month when God begins to let you down.

Which of these Heart Bytes mentoring tips encouraged you or resonated with you today? Leave a comment below!


  1. Amen number 10 resonated with me I need Gods favour

  2. Number 7 God is in a good mood. (if he is- then I should be) and he is…

  3. The first one
    Deep work of the Holy Spirit in my life.
    To be Spirit led

  4. Thank you it was good to be reminded fed that God is in a good mood! He wants to heal our nation and bring joy . I want to show him in prayer and action how much I treasure His love and plans for His children!
    Thank you these bytes lifted my spirit!

  5. Number 9 and 10, I need am extra volume of faith to slay giants this month, and put on my lipstick no matter what! Father God, do come and provide!

  6. Right from no.1 to 10. I need to be reminded of them all everyday and Holy Spirit of God help me walk upright with you.

    We thank you Jamie for the good work

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