How To Get Rid Of Your Desire To Sin
webinars December 16-18: Divine alignment in 2025
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1
Did you know that Jesus paid the price for you to be free of the desire to sin? That means you can get rid of the desire to sin. Easily.
True story.
I’ve been talking to some folks lately who have been struggling with sin of various kinds. They earnestly desire to walk in purity before the Lord. They don’t want to sin, at all, ever. They love Jesus and desire to seek Him.
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But sometimes actually walking in holiness doesn’t happen. Sometimes people want to get rid of the desire to sin, but they struggle to actually do it.
Does this sound familiar? It should. I think we all struggle with this to some degree, and we’re not alone if we do. This is what the Apostle Paul wrote about from his personal experience. He described his conundrum by saying:
For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin. For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do” (Romans 7:14-15).
But you know what? The good news is:
Jesus Christ paid the price for you to be free from sin AND from even the desire to sin. Here’s how:
Isaiah 53:5 tells us that Jesus was bruised–He bled on the inside of His body–for our inner tendency to sin. This passage says:
But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).
“Iniquity” is not the same as sin. Sin is the evil actually committed. Iniquity is the inner tendency to sin. It’s the root, the perverseness, the evil tendency on the inside that produces sin on the outside. Iniquity is the thing on the inside that gives you the desire to sin:
- It’s the rage on the inside that you feel before lashing out in anger on the outside.
- It’s the lust on the inside that you give in to before you sin by watching pornography.
- It’s the desire, the inclination, the bent toward sin that nobody might even sees … but God sees. And that iniquity is wrecking your life.
But Jesus Christ was bruised–He bled on the inside of His body–so that all that INSIDE stuff you struggle with could be healed.
Jesus’ internal bleeding paid the price for the iniquity in us–that inner tendency to sin–to be removed.
That means:
- Jesus’ sacrifice sets you free from inner perversion.
- It sets you free from the desire to sin.
- And instead of being filled with iniquity and the desire to sin, Jesus made the way for you to be filled with righteousness, peace, and joy through the Holy Spirit (Galatians 3:14).
Jesus paid the price completely. And now, in Christ, you ARE free from iniquity. You ARE free from the desire to sin.
So are you ready to walk in that?
Note: With this blog series, I am releasing a new, downloadable MP3 teaching called “Behold the Lamb of God,” a line-by-line study of 10 powerful things Jesus purchased for you based on Isaiah 53 and Galatians 3.
If you haven’t gotten that MP3 teaching, please run don’t walk to get it. It will really help you see the truth and beauty of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for you in a new, power-packed way. Click here to go directly to the MP3 teaching on my Gumroad store.
Here’s how to get rid of your desire to sin:
1. Believe in the name of Jesus. Believe that He shed His blood so you could be free from iniquity.
It really is as simple as believing on the name of Jesus. When Peter and John healed the man at the Gate Beautiful, they didn’t take him through a 10-step program. No; it was FAITH in the name of Jesus that healed the man:
And His name, through faith in His name, has made this man strong, whom you see and know. Yes, the faith which comes through Him has given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all” (Acts 3:16).
Just like faith in the name of Jesus healed the crippled man, so YOUR faith in the name of Jesus and in all He has done for you frees you from iniquity.
And after you believe in the name of Jesus for freedom from iniquity…
2. Keep on believing in Jesus. Fill up your mind, body, soul, and spirit with Jesus Christ.
Don’t just leave yourself an empty vacuum. If you’re going to walk in righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit, you must be continually FILLED with the Spirit of Jesus. You must continue to believe on His name–actively. Galatians 5:16 tells us:
I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16).
So to walk in power and victory every day, you simply replace the old iniquity with the good thing: Jesus Christ and His Word. You continue to have faith in His name by looking at Him every day.
And if you will continue to actively look at Jesus…
Just like your old iniquity fueled your sin, so now Jesus Christ will fuel your holiness.
“Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” John the Baptist really was onto something. He actually preached the Gospel in that one proclamation. The removal of sin and iniquity occurs in actively beholding the Lamb of God, and believing that He takes away your sin.
So fill yourself with Jesus Christ. Look to Him and live.
“Well, that sounds too easy,” you say.
It is easy. Jesus Christ didn’t die on the cross for you to have a complicated solution. Jesus Christ died on the cross for one reason: so you could simply look to Him and live.
He died so you could be free:
- Completely forgiven;
- Completely healed;
- Completely delivered.
Jesus paid the price with His blood for you to be completely free. If you believe on His name, you don’t have to keep sinning a million times, a thousand times, or even one more time. You don’t have to sin, ever again. You are free from bondage to sin, and you can be free from the desire to sin.
All you have to do is look to Him, and live.
Just continue to look at Jesus and have faith in His name.
If you will look at Jesus, and continue in faith in His name, He will remove your iniquity and you will be filled with His righteousness instead. It really is as simple as that.
Second Corinthians 5:21 tells us that WHO WE ARE is the righteousness of God in Christ:
For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21).
See, Jesus Christ is the Solution to the entirety of your sin problem. He has changed your DNA to make you THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IN HIM.
But to act this out every day, it’s not enough to accept Him as your Savior and then go your merry way, doing your own thing and ignoring Him the rest of the time. No. It is through faith in His name that you are cleansed and made whole, but that faith is not a one-time occurrence. You must continue to fill yourself up with Jesus Christ: with His Person, with His Word, with vision of His beauty.
That’s why the Bible tells us that we have to work God’s righteousness out of us–we have to bring it from the inside to the outside through our daily choices:
Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling…” (Philippians 2:12).
You must fill yourself up with the Fuel that drives holiness: Jesus Christ. You must look at Him continually to live.
And if you will look at Him, and fill up on Him DAILY–eating the Bread of Life, Jesus Christ, the Word of God continually–then you will develop such a magnificent obsession with Jesus that everything else pales in comparison.
- Pornography will hold no more appeal. You’ll walk in purity instead.
- Lying will hold no more appeal. You’ll walk in truth and integrity instead.
- Fornication will have no more appeal. You’ll walk in purity instead.
- Drugs will hold no more appeal. You’ll walk in power, love, a sound mind, and the comfort of the Holy Spirit.
- Anger and rage will have no more appeal. You’ll be filled with love instead.
- Bitterness and unforgiveness will flee away, giving place to a broken and contrite heart that God will not despise (Psalm 51:17).
Whatever your sin problem looks like, Jesus Christ is the Solution.
And when you stare at Him–when you let your entire horizon become eclipsed by Jesus, Jesus, and nothing else but Jesus–your life will demonstrate that Divine Solution. Jesus Christ will be the center of everything in your life.
All you have to do is look at Him and live.
Beloved friend, the choice is yours. It is up to you. Will you choose to look at Jesus today, so you can live?
If this message spoke to your heart today, please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you.
Thank Jesus for reminding me of making constant sound choices and for using Jamie as a messenger of complete deliverance of iniquity from sin for my life. All praise and honor be to Jesus Christ!
Yay! Praise God! Thanks for reading, Reyna!
Hi Rafael. Thanks for sharing and being transparent. I’m sorry you’re lonely. However, you’re right, seeking comfort in sin is never the answer. Sin can never satisfy, but JESUS can. I pray that you’d begin to go to God for comfort, for He will comfort you every time. Just look at Jesus… stare at Jesus… become obsessed with the magnificent beauty of Jesus, and HE will help you. I’m glad you’re getting help too. But the best help of all is right beside you, within you, through the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the Wonderful Counselor, and He can and will deliver you from every sin as you look to Him and live.
Blessings to you. I will pray for you.
Thank you this has been very helpful to me. I will look into the scriptures that you have listed above. I will look them up and read them, and hold tight onto them in my heart.
Kathie, thank you for reading. I know the Lord will bless you as you study His Word. His truth will set you free. Love in Christ to you!
Wow. Thank you for this wonderful article. This really helped me see our Lord’s sacrifice in a new way. The simplicity of the teaching opened my understanding… Funny how the enemy can cause our minds and thoughts to be so complex and confusing when it comes to truth. I just need to fill myself more with Jesus. God bless you!
Praise God. Yes, that’s exactly it. We just need more Jesus! Like the words to the song by Fernando Ortega: “Give me Jesus! Give me Jesus! You can have all this world; give me Jesus!” Oh, that we would all see the beauty and simplicity of the Gospel! Just give me Jesus!
Thank you so much for reading and commenting, Nakita!
I have been blessed by the message. may the good lord richly bless you and help u expand your territory
This message spoke to me through u thanks God bless you. But I have a question about the Sabbath, Saturday, and Sunday it pertaining to God’s day of rest I am a little confused. I don’t know if you can answer my question or understand it, you are a woman of God’ and a great blessing to others, your sister in Christ Jesus. Lorna Macias 🙂
Hi Lorna, I’d be happy to answer your question if I can.
Hi Jamie, God has truly blessed you with a wonderful gift. Your message on sin was very helpful to me today. Keep spreading the Good News with your writing! You are truly awesome and I know God will bless your life, just as you blessed mine today. Your sister in Christ, Chris
Wow, Chris, thank you. Your encouragement came at such a great time and I receive it! I praise God for blessing you also. He’s so amazing. 🙂
Thank you for reading, and have a great day!
I love how the Holy Spirit leads us to the truth. I began studying in the concordance, the definitions of sin and iniquity but didnt have the time to finish. Today, when I read this article I had a deeper and better understanding of sin and iniquity. Also, it was a revelation about Jesus being bruised for our iniquities. Opened my eyes to better understand and all I can say is THANK YOU JESUS!!!! Thank you for always guiding me, loving me, protecting me, teaching me! PRAISE TO THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS
Yes, Sarah, awesome. Praising God with you! The Holy Spirit is so amazing, isn’t He? He’s so wonderful. Thanking Jesus with you. 🙂
I have been falling into sin and when I first saw this reading I felt as if it was for me. Thank you for sharing this with everyone. I know I came across this for a reason and it has helped me to realize that we aren’t perfect but with God’s plan and help we can get to where he wants us to be. God is good.
David, thank you so much for sharing. Our Papa God is so good. The Gospel is simple if we will let it be. Just look at Jesus, and live. Look, behold, stare at His beauty. Gaze into His eyes. Learn to love Him through His Word. When we do, He is the one that changes us and we just get to delight in the superior pleasure of Jesus.
Thank You, Father. And thank you, David, for reading. I pray Papa would bless you today with this magnificent obsession with Jesus, who takes away the sin of the world.
Thank you for reading my blog.
Thank you for posting this article it has opened my eyes to see the Good news of Jesus Christ the saviour and Lord of my life. I didn’t know it was that simple but i’m going to follow what you said and look to Jesus believe in his name and walk by faith. God bless you sister.
Praise God! Yes, amen! It’s all about Jesus. “Behold the Lamb of God!” just thunders in my spirit. I am so glad Papa blessed you. Thank you for reading my blog!
Hi Jamie,
As I read this blog, I felt the truth of it rise up in my spirit. I have been battling with persistent and recurrent sin and to hear that I need to look to Jesus is so simple that I find it hard to believe. Please pray for me that as I start practice looking to Jesus, I will become so obsessed with Him, that sin does lose its hold in my life. Pray that I will believe the simple truth of God’s Word and see victory in my life.
Jamie, thanks for your incredible love for God and your simple and powerful faith.
Mellesia, thank you for sharing. I was so overwhelmed with gratitude when I read your comment. Yes, the Gospel is so simple. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. It’s all contained in that one Name. Jesus. He’s so beautiful and precious and holy and marvelous. He’s amazing. I pray the Holy Spirit would empower you as He talks to you about His favorite subject, Jesus. I pray your eyes would be filled with visions of Jesus, and that your ears would be filled with the words of Jesus. May you burn with this magnificent obsession with Jesus Christ, the Son of God. And as you behold, He will take away your sin.
Praise God. I’m so thankful for our Savior.
Thank you for reading my blog, and thank you for sharing. I will continue to pray for you.
Hi Jamie, this post has opened up my eyes a lot because I have been away from God since I was a teenager. Because of my sins family members have suffered because of me. I am fighting to come back to God confess my sins and repented. after finishing reading your post some of these bible verses
have read now I understand because I have a problem with comprehension
kind of embarassing always have to use the dictionary to understand.
Thank you for posting this How To get Of Your desire To Sin, by any chance do you have a book on this topic, who are struggling like myself and others
Hello! I have read this and felt joy in me. Thank you! I would like to ask you to spread this to anyone and especially with those under the burden of sin. Thank you! Thank you! And may God bless you! All of you!
Thank you for this….I’ve been celibate for almost a year and been struggling the past week. This helped me refocus and not to give in!
Wow! Ive been doing this without relizing it.
When wrong thoughts or the temptations to sin comes, i take them to Jesus and ask him to make them obedient to him. And he takes it away. He always does IF i take it to him. Conformation Jamie. Thank you
Hello Jamie, wow , that is the Truth, he is the Way , the Truth, and The Life , Jesus, Amen. Thank you Jamie for your obedience, your ministry is so encouraging to us all:) I pray everyone reading your blog gets a double portion of the love of God, and prays back into your family, friends and finances, in Jesus, Amen:)
Love this! He so answers when the student is ready! I remember a post a while ago where u said we never have to sin again. It’s been a long journey and much banging and sctratching of my head but I do believe and the saints that have gone before me have paved that road. Thanks for following His heart 🙂
Since I discovered this blog have been moving from glory to glory.
Praise God!!!!
This afternoon I found myself listing to some music, that I ended cutting out… was weird feeling myself even desire it. This led to a Google search, “Why do people have a desire to sin?” I saw all these results pop up that basically said you’re bound to always live like that. I knew that wasn’t true. I have lived free from the desire to sin before, but I noticed the last 1 1/2 years the desire again. Then I came across this search result. Wow! This burned within me. I’ve got to have more of this! It explained from different facet, what I’ve already lived, but started to lose clarity on. Thank you so much, for sharing this. This will set many people free. I am going to download this resource.
Hi Jamie. This is the 1st time I’ve finally understood the depth of what Jesus did when He died on the cross.
I have struggled for so long to put the flesh to death myself; I honestly didn’t know Jesus died to destroy those things that cause us to sin like lust and pride. It sounds so silly but I really only thought it was just sin he died to destroy.
Thank God for this message. Now I can continue with my relationship with God with a new understanding that He really did set me completely free. I dont have to use my own strength to be free.
Praise God!!
Thanks I am so grateful to God that He sent Jesus to take my sin and my sin nature. Praise God. I am so glad that the blood of Jesus cleanses me from all sin and from the desires to sin. Looking to Jesus and allowing Him to fill me every day is what I want to do from today onwards.
Hi Jamie,
I’m so amazed that I found your blog. I have struggled with my sexuality for various reasons and at one point before my Salvation I endulged in porn with my kids dad. I did so a few minutes before your blog came up, and right after I did I felt such shame and guilt because I do not want that. I never heard about the”iniquity” within the way you put it and I was amazed that I never understood the “bruised for our iniquity” was meant for the evil inclination! It really showed me that this can finally end! I’m going to keep my eyes on Jesus! .. Please tell me, what is it I must do when I literally feel a physical yearning in my body that is sexually aroused for that old nature because it is intense! I cannot stand it and sometimes succumb to it so I can “get it over with” and sleep sadly. Thank you again.
Hope to hear from you.
A sister struggling, but fighting.
Hi Heather, great question. Whenever you are tempted, get out your Bible immediately and start reading the words of Jesus. Hide God’s Word in your heart, that you might not sin against Him. Psalm 119:11. I will pray for you!
Thank you for writing your article on wisdom. I found an answer in your explantion that faith is not the opposite of fear, but love is!!! I had been thinking the wrong way. I feel the Holy Spirit guided me to that as I had been devasted by not getting anywhere in my fight! Let the light shine on, and on, and on….
A Beautiful message to share with my family tonight.