Listen To the First 6 Keys of David Tracks, Especially #6!
Hey everybody,
I’ve been working hard to upload preview tracks of “Keys of David,” so you can listen for yourself. It’s time-consuming and I’ve only gotten the first 6 done so far, but here they are in case you want to listen. Just click on the Soundcloud player at the bottom of this post. Or, if for some reason the player isn’t showing up in your browser or on your phone, you can:
click here to listen on Soundcloud.
And while we’re talking, can I just share from my heart?
Here goes: It’s hard to promote your own product.
The only reason I can do it is because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this album is going to take you to higher places in your worship and prayer. It’s going to help you experience the Third Heaven, which is where we all live (whether we know it or not).
I’m not gonna lie. I have this feeling that people think I’m just after their money, and that freaks me out. People are used to getting free content on this blog, and I want it that way. I want to be generous. But honestly, I’m not going to apologize for offering this product for sale, either. And I don’t have the gift of beat-around-the-bush, so I’m just going to say this:
You need to invest in your relationship with the Lord. Don’t expect to receive the costliest of blessings when you offer worship that costs you nothing.
This album will benefit your worship time. It will draw you in to focusing on the Lord in prayer. It will release peace in your house. It will make you aware of the atmosphere of Heaven.
I didn’t record it for my health. I recorded it because I wanted to impart whatever measure of the glory of God He has given me into your life. The same reason I offer free content on this blog week in and week out. It’s because you matter, and your relationship with God matters, and releasing His Kingdom on the earth matters.
So listen to the tracks. Purchase it on Gumroad, and invest in your own worship experience.
You’ll be glad you did.
And about #6…
Check out what Danielle said about track #6:
I am listening to your new soaking CD… amazing! I am a piano lover, and I absolutely feel God’s presence as I’m listening to Him through your fingers. Glory, glory, glory! … I’m loving it. I just have it on in the background as I’m doing my homework and it’s so peaceful. I love “Quiet”… but I love a lot of them actually. … “Quiet” was the one that just stopped me and I soaked through the whole thing. I literally stopped typing and got on the floor and laid in His presence. Good stuff!” – Danielle