3 Things to Do When You Feel Dry and Stale
Do you ever feel dry and stale? Spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and even physically stale? Almost like you’re numb to the world?
I know I do. I have felt that way several times recently. I’ve been pretty tired and way too busy, and that dryness has crept up on me several different days lately.
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I don’t like to feel dry. I like to be vibrant and well-watered! So over the last few days, I’ve been going to the Lord about this and asking Him to help me. I feel like He has given me several things to do to fix it. I thought I’d share them with you, and I’d love to hear what helps you when you’re feeling like this, too.
Here’s what I feel like the Lord is telling me to do:
1. Rest.
This is going to be tough, because I’m going to have to say no to a lot of things for a period of time. Most of the things I’ll have to say no to are social activities that I enjoy.
But I need more sleep, and I need the kind of rest that doesn’t involve sleep. I need to be at home, with plenty of peace and quiet, and recharge. I need to be renewed.
So I am blocking out the rest of June and July on my calendar, and I’m going to try to say no to almost everything during that time. There are some things I can’t say no to (and wouldn’t anyway), like teaching Lifegroup and leading worship. But there are other things that I can do without for a couple of months, like constantly meeting up with friends. I will miss our dinner dates because I love to spend time with my friends, but I really need this time of physical, mental, and spiritual renewal. I can talk with friends on the phone and email them, and they will understand. (They’re just great like that!) 🙂
If you feel dry and stale right now, please consider resting on purpose. You may have to literally block out time on your calendar in which to stay at home and do nothing, and even lead your family in doing the same thing. However, I really believe this kind of rest will help you as it will help me.
2. Read.
I am desperate for reading time, especially for Bible reading and study. I am still having my quiet time every morning, but I feel like I’ve been so hurried the last few months. I feel starved for mass amounts of feeding on the Word.
Reading inspires me. The Word feeds me. It helps me feel God’s presence more. The Holy Spirit uses His Word to draw me closer to Himself.
Also, without mass amounts of the Word burning in my heart, I have nothing to offer to the people I minister to: you, my beloved readers; those who need healing at the healing rooms where I lead worship; my amazing musician family that I teach in Lifegroup on Sundays; and many other people that I get to minister to as part of the prophetic ministry at my church.
If you feel dry and want to be well-watered and set on fire again, please, please, please get out your Bible and really FEED on God’s Word. I promise it will restore and recharge you, just like it does me.
3. Take responsibility.
It’s scientifically proven that I will not lose 20 pounds and get healthy and fit unless I exercise and eat right. I’ve been doing so poorly with exercise and MyFitnessPal the last few weeks. But the problem is not going to go away. I have to actually DO something.
- My ebook that I started on at the beginning of the year, “21 Prayers That Will Power Your Life,” won’t get finished unless I sit down and write it.
- The house won’t stay clean unless I help clean it. (Even though my husband helps all the time, it’s still a two-person job.)
- I won’t get ahead on blogging unless I sit down in the evenings and blog ahead.
Too often, I chicken out at the last minute when I have time to make progress. Instead of dedicating two hours to writing in the evening, I’ll surf Facebook, etc. But I’m going to have to just suck it up and get it done.
Taking responsibility and getting these things done will be like tossing dynamite in a haystack for me. It will set me on fire again because I will have accomplished some major goals, and it will reshape my current reality.
If you feel dry right now as well, what dynamite can you toss in your own haystack?
I’ve been getting a new measure of conviction just writing this post. I’ll be starting on these things today. You can follow me on Twitter to keep up if like.
But what about you? Are you tired of feeling dry and stale? If so, would these things help you? what can you do to get well-watered and fired up again? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Please leave your comments below!
Image courtesy of Witthaya Phonsawat /FreeDigitalPhotos.net.
Thank you. I needed to hear this today! And God’s blessings to you and your new baby!