How To Prove That Jesus Is Fully Human

This entry is part 17 of 17 in the series Bible Boot Camp

Bible boot camp theologyHave you ever heard someone try to tell you that Jesus wasn’t a real man, so we can’t really expect ourselves to be like Him?

If so, it’s a lie. Jesus Christ was–and still is–fully human. Today’s Bible Boot Camp lesson will give you the ammo you need to prove it.

Why should we care that Jesus is fully human?

In order to qualify to take the punishment for your sins and mine, Jesus Christ had to be both fully God and fully human:

  • He had to be fully God because we humans are incapable of perfection, and only a perfect sacrifice for sin was acceptable to God. (For more info on that, check out this post about how to prove that Jesus is fully God.)
  • He had to be fully human because only a human can take the punishment for the sins of the human race.

So how can we prove to the skeptic that Christ is fully God and fully human? 

Here’s how to prove that Jesus is fully human:

Contrary to the Gnostic belief that Jesus was only a spirit (and did not actually come in the flesh), Jesus was a man. He lived as a man and died as a man.

  1. He had to endure through temptation like we do. Hebrews 4:15 states: “For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.”
  2. He experienced the full range of human emotions, including anger, joy, compassion, and grief.
  3. He experienced physical weakness, [1] hunger, [2] and thirst. [3]
  4. He ate real food. [4]
  5. He died, just as men die. If He had only been a spirit, instead of a man, He would have been unable to die.

Jesus Christ is a true man. He is completely human. Because He is human, He was fully qualified to pay the price for human sin.

Does He currently have a different body?

Yes. He has a resurrected, perfected body, just like He will give you one day when you go to Heaven (if He is the Lord of your life).

Does He look different now?

Yes. We know from the Bible (from people that saw visions of Him after He went back to Heaven) that His divinity is now shining through His body. He no longer has to limit Himself to just His human nature, so He doesn’t:

Related: Download my free worship music album here, “Behold Your God,” in which my friends and I sing through the physical descriptions of Jesus in the Bible. Check out songs 3, 5, and 15 especially!

Why doesn’t Jesus look the same as He did on earth?

Now that His work for mankind is done, Jesus doesn’t have to limit Himself to His human nature anymore. He still has a human body, but His God-ness can shine through now. However, that doesn’t negate the fact that He is still a Man. He calls Himself the Son of Man, and He chooses to identify Himself with us. 

So why did He become a human in the first place?

Jesus Christ had to become a man because, in order pay the price for our sins, He had to become like us. He had to experience the same sufferings and susceptibility to sin that we experience.

As a man, Christ was called by God to suffer through hardship and temptation the same way we do and to win the victory over every sin. Only then could God accept His sacrifice as the sacrifice of a perfect Man for imperfect men.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in his book The Cost of Discipleship, said:

Start-quoteSuffering and rejection are laid upon Jesus as a divine necessity, and every attempt to prevent it is the work of the devil, especially when it comes from His own disciples; for it is in fact an attempt to prevent Christ from being Christ.” [5]

What a story. What a God, and what a Man! Jesus became a Man, was born as a baby, and grew up to die on the cross to pay the price for everything you and I have ever done wrong.

Jesus paid the price so all our sins could be forgiven. Do you know Him? Will you receive His gift of forgiveness, so you can have eternal life? Click here to find out more!

[1] Luke 22:43, NKJV

[2] Luke 4:2, NKJV

[3] John 18:28, NKJV

[4] Luke 24:43, NKJV

[5] Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, The Cost of Discipleship, 87

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