More FRUIT to Your Account: 16 MORE Powerful Testimonials!

1×1 mentoring phone calls with jamie
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1
webinars JANUARY 20-22: how to interpret dreams/visions
webinar JANUARY 29: how to cast out demons

Friend, do you know that you are reaping a huge harvest through your support of this ministry? You really are! We couldn’t do what we do without you, and the funding you provide makes it possible for us to reach LOADS of people around the whole world, and around the clock, every day!

I wanted you to see a better glimpse of how richly YOU impact people every day for Jesus through your support of this ministry. So, I invited readers to send us their brief testimonials.

Here are just 16 of the testimonials I received in the last few days–and you have helped make every one of these possible.

There are more testimonials, but I will share more later. And I already shared the first 16 testimonials here; they were extremely powerful too, and included testimonials from our UK ministry!

Get our free PDF Prayer to Reverse Unjust Situations when you sign up for our free email encouragement program!


    Please check out what our precious readers said below–and know that YOU get reward for these things, and stars in your crown to cast at Jesus’ feet:

    (And I used color blocks below to help you distinguish one from another; the color blocks have nothing to do with length or importance of each testimony.) 🙂

    Angela said:

    “This ministry has impacted me in a positive way. I am so glad I came in contact with it. Every message is or has been relevant to what I was going through or had been through.

    So much information on your site. It is loaded with information that deals with every aspect of life. It is such a depth of information. It is like a biblical encyclopedia from A to Z.

    Very informative, inspiring, encouraging, uplifting and hopeful information that deals with every area of life.

    I am so grateful that I came in contact with this ministry. God bless you in so many ways.”

    Paul said:

    “I haven’t used your ministry to impact others yet, but it has been a big, big comfort to me.  

    I came across your ministry a couple of months ago, right after I entered the biggest storm of my life. … [Details of the storm redacted in order to protect the privacy of the reader.]

    As you can imagine, this is an extremely heartbreaking and financially devastating event. At first, I was numb and didn’t know what to do. I did know I couldn’t handle this on my own, so I prayed and asked God to help me.  The very next day, I ran across some of your online posts and began to read them. They showed me God’s word about situations like mine, showed me how and what to pray, and have given me tons and tons of encouragement.

    Because of your written prayers and other posts, I know beyond any doubt that God will get me through this. I know that He will work miracles on my behalf, He will do what His Word says He’ll do, and I will come out of this storm whole and better off than before. 

    Thank you, Jamie for all that you do.”

    Jennifer said:

    “Your ministry has helped me so much through some really hard and difficult times. Thank you so much for everything.”

    Leah said:

    “Your ministry has been such an encouragement to me. You have such a wealth of wisdom and insight to share and I am always surprised at how the Holy Spirit speaks to me through you and confirms the Word of God!

    Thank you for making the sacrifices that I know you have made to be able to minister so effectively and with such passion.”

    Scott said:

    “I read in one of your posts, you quoted “Ask and you shall receive, that your joy will be full.” I prayed that and within 10 minutes I saw a vision of a conveyor belt come out of the sky, pouring out gold into my lap. It was interesting that this was on the 1st day of Hanukkah, and that Gold or Gelt is a part this holiday. Remarkable, I would even say a miracle, I can expect GREAT things from the Almighty God, His name is El Shaddai, the All Sufficient One! Thank you for your ministry!”

    Fonda said:

    “I have been deeply impacted by this ministry. It has helped me grow spiritually, not only the free daily words of encouragement but also your books and several webinars and classes. I have shared this ministry with various family and friends and they have been blessed too!”

    Brenda said:

    “Your ministry has truly been a blessing to me since I happened up on it through social media somewhere.

    I currently am in a season of being in the process, being separated, and being set apart and walking into your ministry. Online has truly helped me understand these seasons it is helping me pray through these seasons, and has helped me to stay encouraged in this.

    And I would mostly want to let you know whenever you give a prophetic word and send me something. It is always on time it is always in line with something I’m going through or something that I am praying for God to break through and manifest in my life, so thank you so much for existing and doing what you guys do sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

    Alan said:

    “Jamie, this ministry has richly blessed my soul so much. You are a writer extraordinaire, golden downloading from heaven daily. I will be supporting this ministry in 2024. Thank you so much.”

    Zoie said:

    “Praise God for sister Jamie’s ministry. Your postings, prayers, in Facebook, YouTube, emails, presence seekers have been a constant source of encouragement and like a well of living waters to me and many others.

    I have been following your ministry since 2015. Your words and prayers are always so on point and timely. It’s like Holy Spirit sending you to speak to me in my times of need.

    I have forwarded and introduce your website and prayers to many friends. I also bought many e-books from your website and these have helped me a lot in my prayer walk and healing journey. Praise Jesus.

    Team Jamie, please keep pressing on. The Lord fights your battle. Merry Christmas and thank you very much. Forever grateful for your ministry.”

    Karen said:

    “The consistency of the good articles are a blessing. Thanks Jamie for having your ministry reach out all the time!”


    21 More Days of Breakthrough Prayer

    Do you need breakthrough in the toughest times? If so, the 21 days of detailed, bullet-point prayer directives in this book will encourage you, equip you, and help you receive the miracles you need from the Lord!

    N. Mpopoma said:

    “I am a citizen of Zimbabwe. I have been receiving emails from you as far back as 2012 … my faith has been uplifted by your teaching.”

    Marci said:

    “You have helped me grow a lot in the Lord, especially with your 1×1 mentoring sessions. You’ve given me great guidance with my kids and how to help the kids and me get rid of the enemy and his minions. 

    How to hear the Lord was great, too, especially writing. But best of all what you taught me is to keep my eyes on Jesus no matter what. This one helps me through especially when my depression and anxiety gets bad. I stop and remind myself when the enemy starts coming in to look to Jesus.

    Sorry, it was super hard to keep it at a couple of sentences.  You’ve done a lot for me spiritually, emotionally and mentally.  I am thankful for you and your team and keep you in my heart and prayers. I love you all.❤️”

    NaKita said:

    “I love your work! You are a mighty blessing and intercessor! You have wisdom with word and knowledge!”

    Austin said:

    “The prayer to reverse unjust situations has been a big blessing to me! Thank you & may God bless you.”

    Kim said:

    “I have been following and praying your powerful and to-the-point prayers. You are a great prayer and Word of God teacher.

    You deserve the ministry you are leading having been awarded to you by the Holy Spirit, the giver of good holy gifts. May He keep guiding you in all your undertakings.”

    Larissa said:

    “You gave me a marriage book. My husband has been noticing the prayers right away. It’s so good! It works for real because it’s the Word of God.”

    Friend, THANK YOU for your prayers and generous financial support.

    Your prayers are essential, but so is your generous giving. It really does take all of us to reach people for Christ. The Gospel is free, but the communication of it–and the labor it takes to preach the Word–cost money. So it is with YOUR help that we are impacting lives for Christ around the world, and around the clock, every day.

    THANK YOU! To God be the glory; great things He has done!

    Have you already signed up to be a monthly partner? Have you sown a year-end seed into what you want the Lord to do for you in 2024? If not, why not do so today? Our 5 ways to give are below.

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    We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Christian ministry chartered in the USA.

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    From His Presence, Inc., Post Office (PO) Box 25232, Chattanooga, TN, 37422 USA

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