Our $16,000 Miracle Testimony!

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Prophetic word with Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.com

Three days ago, on Saturday morning, I sent you an email with 10 personal and ministry updates and prayer requests. On Sunday, I received a $16,000 miracle from the Lord–and I want to tell you all about it today, to let it prophesy into your life.

Here’s what happened:

Last week, I spent much of Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at my church, praying with my pastor (Pastor Judy Jacobs) and her prayer team. The church had a $60,000 need, and the Lord was providing for that need left and right.

I don’t know the current balance that has come in, but people both from the local church family and around the world were sending $6,000, $1,000, $2,000, $60, $6, or any other number. It was incredible to watch the Lord move as we prayed.

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    Well, at one point, my pastor, Pastor Judy, started testifying about how the Lord (many years ago) had told her and her husband to sow a $10,000 seed and believe God to go on TV. When they sowed that $10,000, within days, two sisters approached them and advised that they wanted to pay the bill for TV airtime for them to preach on cable TV–and those sisters did it, too.

    Pastor Judy was also testifying about sowing numerous $1,000, for the thousandfold seed ALWAYS breaks the back of the enemy (which I agree with). God opened the nations to her and her ministry using a $1,000 seed.

    When Pastor Judy was prophesying about this, my spirit lit up like a Christmas tree.

    Sirens were going off in my head, my body, and my spirit. I KNEW, all of a sudden, that we are supposed to go on TV.

    Keep in mind, this was out of nowhere. I have NEVER had the desire to preach via TV before. Never. But I suddenly knew that the Lord was speaking. And the ground of that move of God, where the Lord was providing my church’s need so powerfully–that ground was so fertile and Holy Spirit was moving so much that I knew I had to sow into it.

    Related: Are You Sowing Into Good Ground? 3 Ways to Know

    I talked with my husband about it, and he agreed we could sow $1,000. Then, again on Thursday, my husband and I felt led to sow another $1,000.

    We named the seed for expansion of this ministry in every way God has for us–including for video camera, TV equipment, TV time, and for hiring Minister Michael Itson (my co-minister) into this ministry full-time.

    That happened Tuesday (the first $1,000 seed) and Thursday (the second $1,000 seed).

    Keep in mind that we sowed these seeds because we were led by the Lord, but it was an extreme sacrifice for us. Donations into the ministry for the last 10 days have been unusually low; only a few faithful partners have given $8 or $60 or $120 or whatever, so it’s been very hard all month. We need the Lord to send $40,000 a month, but 1/3 of the month has gone by with less coming in than should normally come in for one day.

    However, if an offering means nothing to us, it will mean nothing to God. We felt the instruction of the Lord, and it’s HIS money–so we sowed in obedience and faith.

    Then, Saturday morning came.

    I just wanted to connect with you on Saturday morning, and I knew the power of prayer. You all are a praying army, so I wanted to ask you to believe and agree with me! So, in my email to you on Saturday morning, prayer request/update #5 said this:

    “5) I am believing God for a video camera for the ministry—one that can stream live for long-ish periods of time.

    A regular SLR camera can only stream for about 30 minutes, so this is why an actual video camera is needed. Cost for this will be around $8,000. Would you please pray with me for the Lord to provide?”

    That’s it. That’s all it said.

    Well, on Sunday morning, lo and behold, would you guess? That’s right. Someone felt led to donate $8,000, and told me they wanted me to buy our first TV camera. (#faints)

    Then, Sunday afternoon, someone else–who knew that the first $8,000 had already came in–someone else felt led to donate another $8,000 for the additional camera equipment we needed (cords, cables, switcher, roaming camera, battery packs, installation, etc), and other useful things.

    Let me say that again:

    TWO thousand-dollar seeds sown for ministry expansion–just LAST WEEK. And the harvest already: TWO absolutely stunning gifts in the amount of $8,000 each for TV equipment …

    … TV equipment that is above and beyond my wildest dream.

    Yup. In one day, the Lord sent us $16,000 for TV equipment.

    I’m not kidding you. You can’t make this stuff up. Only God could do this … but #Won’tHeDoIt!!! Yes He will!

    Beloved, things are still tight for the ministry as the status of regular operating capital for our operating budget hasn’t changed. But you better believe that encouraged me, and encouraged my staff.

    If GOD can and will send $16,000 in one day for a dream born suddenly in a prophetic moment, don’t you think He will also provide for Minister Michael’s full-time salary? Don’t you think He will provide for our operating budget, so we can pay our apps, fees, rent, payroll taxes, payroll, and everything else? of course He will!

    And He will provide all YOUR needs too.

    Whatever you need, God will provide it if you believe Him and obey Him. The question is, do you have seed in the ground?

    The same way I sowed two $1,000 seeds into a prophetic atmosphere and a prophetic move of God, the Lord is speaking to some of you to sow into THIS prophetically-charged atmosphere and move of God.

    He’s speaking to you to sow to expand your territory; your ministry; your family; your business; your dream.

    Have you already obeyed Him? Or, are you holding back because of some notion that the money is your own, and that success will happen anyway, even if you don’t sow?

    Because let me tell you, everything good God has ever done in response to my faith–every time He has worked a miracle on my behalf–I have had to sow a seed AS WELL AS pray in faith and work. It’s not just prayer; it’s praying in faith PLUS sowing PLUS even fasting–a threefold cord.

    I’m going to leave this right there. I don’t know what God is telling you to do right now, but I believe He’s having me share this testimony with you for a reason.

    And if you don’t have seed in FERTILE ground, you need seed in fertile ground. Not controlling ground–fertile ground. (Here’s how to tell if spiritual ground is fertile or not.)

    And if you have never sown a thousandfold seed, you might want to consider it if the Lord is leading you to. Here’s my explanation of how and why a thousandfold seed works–please be sure and read it so you can fully dissect this powerful breakthrough technique.

    **** Spoiler alert: ****

    When God tells you to sow a thousandfold seed, it doesn’t have to be a thousand dollars/rand/yen if you don’t have 1,000 dollars/rand/yen. 🙂 It might be a thousand cents, if that’s all you have.

    But, the Lord will lead you to sow something that is within your reach, or within the reach of your faith–even if you give it in installments. And if you only have a thousand cents ($10.00), but the Lord tells you to give that as a seed, He’ll still honor it–and you can sow it and ask Him to bless you so much that next time you’ll have $1,000 easily.

    Make sense?

    It’s all about STARTING WHERE YOU ARE, but SOWING into where you want to go. 🙂

    Beloved, this testimony is intense. I’m still reeling over it, but I’m in faith and HIGH expectation. If God can do that–and He already did it–He will send Minister Michael’s salary. He will provide all of our needs, and HE WILL PROVIDE ALL OF YOUR NEEDS TOO.

    Receive this testimony as the Spirit of Prophecy into your own life today, and believe it for yourself!

    Love in Christ,

    Jamie Rohrbaugh

    FromHisPresence.com and OverNotUnder.com

    P.S. If you’d like to put a seed into the ground of this ministry today, our giving portals are here:

    And, thank you. We praise God for you, and I pray for you every day.

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