Overwhelmed By the Goodness of Jesus
webinars December 16-18: Divine alignment in 2025
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1
This morning during my quiet time, I was overwhelmed by the goodness of Jesus. I’ll tell you what I saw, and I believe you will be too.
1. Jesus is so beautiful.
I’m not talking about physical beauty, although I believe the physical descriptions of Jesus in the Book of Revelation (Revelation 1:9-19) are beautiful indeed. But I’m talking about His inner beauty. When I gaze at Him in my mind’s eye, there could be no one more attractive. The Son of Man, very God of very God, took notice of me, brought me back into relationship with Himself, and loves me. What could be more beautiful to me than Jesus?
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2. Oh, how He loves you and me.
As the Holy Spirit was showing me my beautiful Saviour, I kept hearing the song in my head:
Oh, how He loves you and me! Oh, how He loves you and me! He gave His life; what more could He give? Oh, how He loves you… Oh, how He loves me… Oh, how He loves you and me!
He loves you and me so much. Aren’t you overwhelmed by His love? No one has ever loved us like Jesus loves us, and no one ever could.
When you look into Jesus’ eyes, you can see His love there. He knows everything about us, but yet His heart is still ablaze with love… love for you, and love for me.
Oh, how He loves you and me!
3. Jesus is so merciful.
I don’t deserve mercy, yet He continually gives it. I mess up so often, but His mercies are new every day. Lamentations 3:22-23 contains one of my favorite Scriptures ever:
“Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.”
Jesus continually pours out mercy. He continually forgives. He continually gives me a second chance, and a third chance, and a fourth chance. His mercy makes me weep.
He loves to pour out compassion and mercy on you too. No matter what your yesterday looked like, you can find a new start in Jesus today. {Tweet this!} He’s right beside you, pouring out mercy if you will only receive it.
The goodness of Jesus is overwhelming.
4. Jesus satisfies.
Only Jesus satisfies all the inner cravings I have ever had.
- My whole life, I longed for a place to belong. Now I have found that I belong in the presence of Jesus.
- My whole life, I longed for love. The fickle and occasional love of friends and family members could not satisfy my longing. But now I have found the eternal, unbreakable love I longed for… in Jesus.
- My whole life, I have longed to know and be known. Jesus knows me more than anyone else ever could, and I know Him in a deeper way than I know any other person.
- My whole life, I longed for significance–to change the world and make an eternal difference. In Jesus, I am able to make a difference. One touch of Jesus’ love can heal the broken, the discouraged, the depressed, the hurting. I can be the one to touch someone’s heart with Jesus’ love today… and so can you.
Jesus, my One and Only. Aren’t you overwhelmed by the goodness of Jesus?
He wants to be your one, true Love. Would you receive His love, His compassion, His mercy, and His sweetness today?
If you don’t know Jesus, you can read more about His love for you here:
What Your New Life In Jesus Will Look Like
Next Steps For the New Believer In Jesus
The goodness of Jesus is overwhelming to me. What about you? What part of His goodness comes to your mind today? Please leave a comment and tell me your thoughts.
I’m amazed how much God loves me and puts up with me. I mess up in my mind, words I speak in haste, thoughts I think and my actions. I don’t really understand how God can love me. Oh, but I’m so thankful that He does. That’s what keeps me going knowing that no matter how I act or think HE still loves me and approves of me. It makes me want to be a better christian and to love and read His Word more. Thank You Lord!