Personal Note & Blog Update
1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2
Hello, beloveds.
I wanted to write you a personal note to share a little bit about what has been going on in my life. I also wanted to provide you with a blog and ministry update about everything the Lord is doing.
First, the personal update (since it will explain part of the ministry/blog update):
I’m back.
That really kind of sums it up, but I know that’s completely unsatisfying, so I’ll start again. 🙂
You know I’m a real person, not a group or a company behind the screen. Just me. And I go through good times and hard times just like you do.
Well, things were really, really tough since the last part of January.
I mean really. As in, one of the toughest times I can remember going through in my whole, entire life.
But you know what? God is greater, and my Father has shown Himself to be greater on every side. He has taken care of me, sheltered me, protected me, and blessed me on every side throughout this time. It has been amazing. HE has been amazing.
And over the last few weeks, He has been healing me. The second week of March, during a conference at my church, in one moment’s time He gave me my joy back. (I had been struggling just to stay alive; my usual joy and laughter had escaped me.) But literally in ONE MOMENT, it all came flooding back.
I began to laugh again that day, and I haven’t stopped. Thank You, Papa. I felt much of my spiritual strength return that day.
He’s also been helping me with physical rest, and with prioritizing my schedule. After talking things over with my pastor/spiritual dad, I pulled back from a couple of things in my schedule, so I can make more time for physical rest and for some things that are higher priority. We all need to do this from time to time, and it has really helped me during the last couple of weeks. I’m starting to feel a calm in my physical body again–the calm that comes with white space and margin and taking care of things that need to be taken care of. Thank You, Papa.
And lastly, He’s restoring my soul. In the last week or so, I have started to feel the old pep, vim and verve again. The floodgates of inspiration are open. I’m feeling the Lion of Judah roaring through my bones, bringing a fresh wind back into my heart. 🙂
Thank You, Abba Father.
Precious friends, I want to thank you for your support during this time.
Many of you have emailed me, prayed for me, Facebook-messaged me, and left encouraging comments during this time. Thank you. Your encouragement means the world, and I have felt your prayers.
So many times during the last 3 months, I have felt the Presence of the Lord come up under me and buoy me up when I have been hurting. He does that in response to prayer. He heard you, and He answered. Thank you.
And thank you for partnering with me.
I knew during the second week of March that I had to start the process of transition to work in the mission field full-time. People are hurting and dying and they need hope and healing and deliverance and JESUS, and I’m called to it. So I have offered myself up to the Lord: “Here am I; send me.”
And He IS.
When I asked you to help, I knew full-well that I am at the mercy of God because I could never pay you back for your support. I knew He would have to call you to co-labor with me in this mission field, and it would have to be all Him and not me.
And He IS.
You have come up beside me and, in only about 3 weeks, I already have about 20% of the partners I need to become a full-time missionary here in my home city. 20% in 3 weeks. That’s huge. So if you have already chosen to partner with me, THANK YOU.
God is moving in this blog and in the people He is helping me to reach.
I say this not for any glory or credit for myself. GOD and only God gets all the credit. He sustains me and helps me and makes everything happen. He does the work every single day.
But I want you to know that, because of your support, I have already been able to free up a little bit of time that helps me minister more. On average, God and I have been completing about two mentoring/deliverance/inner healing/crisis intervention sessions per day, six days a week. With people who are broken and hurting and need the help of Father. People who need help forgiving and healing. People who need to know that Father loves them.
And God is moving powerfully.
I wish you could see how beautiful He is to people. How He loves and cares for them. How someone might come in angry and hurt and bitter and enraged, but go out in peace and calm, comforted and right with God. The Holy Spirit does that for people. He convicts, teaches, comforts, loves, and encourages them, every time. Without fail. He gets all the credit because He does the work. And every time we obey His Word, He comes through and does what He promised to do.
So, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU. And if you haven’t partnered with me yet, won’t you consider doing so? I’d love to report that we’re 50% of the way there next month! 🙂
Here’s the link where you can read my ministry and accountability plan, and sign up for monthly partnership for as little as $8 a month:
Travel plans:
This coming weekend, God has supernaturally made a way for me to travel to Los Angeles to attend The Call Azusa–a day of fasting and prayer for God to do again, plus more, what He did 110 years ago in the Azusa Street outpouring. I’m so thankful. He provided everything–airfare, hotel, everything–supernaturally. I can’t wait.
Will you be at The Call Azusa? Tickets are free, so it’s not too late to come! If you’re there, send me a Facebook message and I’d love to meet you!
Also, Papa has made a way for me to go on a week-long evangelistic crusade to Nicaragua this summer with my pastors and a group of several other churches. We will be ministering and preaching the Gospel to precious Nicaraguans with a huge crusade, worship, outreach, and more. This mission trip is almost paid for because of your support. Thank you.
Finally, I’m considering, over the next year or so, doing a few meet-and-greets in other cities.
I’d love to meet you in person, pray for you, and just hug you. So I’m wondering – where are you located? If that’s anything you’d be interested in, please leave a comment on this post so I’ll know.
Blog update:
My goal for this blog is to have 60,000 pageviews this month. That’s a huge number, but it’s very possible with your help and social media shares. I also plan to finish the series on the Sevenfold Holy Spirit quickly, and move into teaching on the baptism of the Holy Spirit and His gifts. 🙂
I will also be recording more Facebook videos with quick encouraging words and teachings, and a couple of vlogs about journaling (the easy kind that doesn’t require art) and more.
So please stay tuned. I feel the Holy Spirit brooding over me about what He has for us on this blog. May His will come forth in all things, and may He cover and protect us all (and this blog) with the blood of Jesus!
I just wanted to send you this quick update today. Thank you so much for your love, care, comments, social media shares, emails, partnership, and PRAYERS. We are all in this together, laboring in His harvest field until Jesus comes back.
In Christ,
All great news, Jamie! So encouraged by what the Lord is doing!
I would so love to be at the Azusa Now outreach!!!!
I would also love to meet you!
I’m in Traverse City, Michigan.
Attending service at your church would be fantastic too!
Keep up the God work.
You’re always in my prayers!!
Hey, Crystal! Michigan, huh? Believe it or not, I don’t think I’ve ever been to Michigan! Not even an airport. 🙂 That would be a fun thing to do. I’ll put it on the list and ask Papa for open doors. 🙂 I’d love to meet you too! And if you ever want to watch my church on live steaming, you can do so at Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights, and even a podcast. Wave at me if you tune in! I’m right down in the front. 🙂 And you would be welcome to drop by anytime, you know, or come down and attend one of our conferences. The next big conference is in July, and then another in the fall. Both will be make-you-cry-for-hours, getting happy in the Holy Spirit kind of AMAZING.
Thanks so much for your prayers and encouragement! I so appreciate them! And have a wonderful week!
Oh praise Jesus Hallelujah, Jamie that is wonderful news!! I’m so glad to know you are “back” again!! I too have been hit hard lately and it’s felt like the wind totally went out of my sail. I trust in the Lord to do mighty and powerful works in me and restore me just like He did for you!!!
I am praying for you, and will continue to do so.
Would love to see you in sunny Cape Coral, FL 🙂
May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always!
Your sister in Christ,
Hey Lori, I’m so sorry you have also been through a hard time. I pray Papa would also heal and restore your soul, body, and spirit, and that He would comfort you in all your affliction.
Cape Coral, huh? Hmmm… I have fond memories of that area. I used to live near Orlando and we would vacation at Sanibel Island whenever we could. Such a beautiful area! I’ll keep it in mind and see what opportunities the Lord opens up! Thanks!
God is good all the time.
In my new position in Ohio I am not under a lot of stress.
I am content and happy at what I am doing.
I am teaching Neil Andersons Victory Ove Darkness and Bondage Breaker. I has been a bit of a challenge but i am learning how to do a better job each week.
Bless you Jamie and keep up the God inspired work.
Hey Eric, it sounds like you’re doing great! I’m so happy to hear that! We miss you around here, but I’m thrilled Papa is blessing you. AND I’m thrilled you are teaching. What a need you are filling. I pray Papa would bless you and use you to help many sons and daughters find the freedom Jesus died to give them. 🙂
Have a wonderful week, brother! Thank you so much for reading, and for your encouragement!
Praise God! So awesome to hear testimonies about how God is moving in someone else’s life at the same time as yours. Lol God is such an amazing multitasker and God of love! Your blogs encourage me and guide me every time. I look for them every day. I want to say thank you for your giveaway on the glorious fasting. I was never taught that way about fasting and I have tried in the past but I had health issues that interfere with it so I Gave fasting up for awhile just saying I couldn’t. But i know that is a lie!
So excited for you and that God is bringing you into your season and calling!
Not sure where you are bit I live in phnx, az. I’m sure we will meet one of these days!
God bless and thank you for your obedience that I can enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Hi, Faith! I’m so glad you were blessed by the fasting teaching. You can definitely do it in whatever way you and God work out that works for you! It’s not about how you fast, but rather about the value of the offering you offer up to the Lord. 🙂
So you live in Phoenix? I believe that’s a Southwest Airlines hub. 🙂 My husband and I fly Southwest out to Denver a lot to explore the national parks around CO, and we’d been thinking of expanding our horizons into Arizona. PHX is affordable from Atlanta, so I’ll keep it in mind for the future! 🙂
Thanks so much for reading my blog, and thank you for your encouragement! It really means a lot to me. Have a wonderful night!
Yes I Live in a near by city (chandler) and yes you are correct it is a hub for southwest.
That would be awesome! I am telling all my friends about your blog so if you do come here you’ll have lots of ppl to meet lol?
Very cool! Thank you! 🙂
I’ll be at Azusa!!! And I would love to meet you – your blog has been such a blessing to me 🙂 I’m not on FB right now, but you can contact me through email.
Yay! I just sent you an email! That’s so cool!
Restore to me the joy of Your salvation And sustain me with a willing spirit. Psalm 51:12, I read different translations and this is English Standard. But I realized it says, and they all do, ” joy of your salvation “, not mine. It’s Jesus joy we have to keep because He gave it to us. Letting people take it will deplete you. I think we have a willing spirit, but not wearing ourselves out or letting difficult people zap your strength is essential.
Amen and amen and amen. Great word! Love it!
Jamie, I hate that you went thru so much the first of the year, but I’m so glad Daddy God brought you thru and you have your “JOY” and “ROAR” back! It’s so exciting to hear all God has in store for you, cause we get to benefit from it too! Love and praying for you. Can’t wait to see your blog everyday. Thanks again for obeying God.
Thank you so much, April. I sooooo appreciate your love and support! And hugs! 🙂 Papa is so good and I am so grateful that He uses this blog to bless you!
Have a wonderful week!
Hi Jamie,
Praise God!!! Your blog and your inspired teachings help me realize my Daddy loves me with an everlasting Love♡♡ I’m here in Phoenix, Az…
Hi Linda! Great to meet yet another Phoenix-ite! Sounds like that’s the place to be. 🙂 And you have so many wonderful parks near there… my husband and I are huge national park aficionados. 🙂
Praise the Lord, Jamie! He is doing wonderful things with your new ministry! I live in northern California sort of between San Francisco and Sacramento. If you ever get in the area, I hope to see you and hear you speak. Yes, and a hug too! 🙂 Isn’t it just amazing what our God does when we are obedient to His call? I am praying for your ministry and I am glad I read this post today because I need to remember to pray every day – not just what I think about it. I have a LONG prayer list! Bless you, sister!
Great job, Jamie! Come to Boston! I’d love to meet you! Stay blessed.