Prayer for a Hurting Warrior Prince

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Prayer for a Hurting Warrior Prince | Prayer for hurting men | Pray this for the hurting men in your life! | by Jamie Rohrbaugh |

Do you have a son, a husband, or a brother in Christ who is hurting right now? If so, I wanted to provide you with a sample prayer you can lift to the Lord to pray glory and fire down for your hurting brother.

I have a passion for the hurting warrior princes and princesses in the Body of Christ.

God’s people are so precious, and He died for every single one. But when a brother or sister is hurting, sometimes they don’t know they can go to the Father–or they might even feel hopeless, like they have no reason to live anymore.

But all that can change as we to the Lord in prayer on their behalf.

When you go to the Lord in prayer, praying with the heart of the Father for people who are either unable or currently unwilling to pray for themselves–and even praying for people who do know how to pray and ARE praying, but they just need lots of help and support–God moves. It is His heart to answer and help; He just needs us to pray, so He can have permission to move in a person’s life, change their heart, and raise them up.

Get our free PDF Prayer to Reverse Unjust Situations when you sign up for our free email encouragement program!


    Intercession is the heart of God.

    He is always looking for someone to stand in the gap before Him for the land. He is always looking for someone to intercede for their husband, wife, neighbor, brother, sister, cousin, or friend. He is always looking for us to be like Jesus, and Jesus’ whole LIFE was an intercession for mankind.

    Jesus came to the earth as a Man, lived a perfect life, and died so that we wouldn’t have to–because we couldn’t. Jesus paid the price that we couldn’t pay. His entire life was an intercession for us; He stood in the gap between us and Father God and bridged the gap with His open, bleeding arms. And when you stand in the gap between God and a hurting brother or sister, you become an intercessor with the heart of Jesus.


    9 Power Gifts of the Spirit EBOOK!

    Do you want to walk on earth as Jesus did, manifesting miracles and living in the supernatural? If so, then this ebook is for you!

    Interceding with the heart of Jesus will get your prayers answered.

    And because so many of us in this community have sons, brothers, husbands, friends, or even acquaintances who are hurting, I wrote a prayer for a hurting warrior prince below. (You can find the prayer for a hurting warrior princess here.)

    Never forget that every human being is made in the image of God, and God has a redemptive purpose for everyone–no matter how dire their current situation may be.

    The purpose and plan of God for every person is to redeem them unto glory. The purpose and plan of God for every hurting heart is to:

    • convict;
    • redeem;
    • heal;
    • comfort;
    • change;
    • restore; and
    • elevate.

    Righteousness and justice are the foundations of His throne, but remember that justice must take into account the blood of Jesus. And if God did not cover us in His mercy, He would be doing an injustice unto His Son, Jesus, who paid the price for our sins. He disciplines us and there are consequences for our actions, but God also covers us with mercy at the same time because of the blood of Jesus.

    The blood of Jesus is why mercy triumphs over judgment, and that’s why we can always pray for God’s redemptive purpose to come forth.

    It’s always about the blood of Jesus, and it’s always about the heart of God for every person and situation. Yes, even in the worst times. Even during the ugliest situations. Even when dealing with the toughest people …

    Our job is to pray in the perfect will of God: for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

    So do you have a hurting brother today who needs prayer? If so, look at them with the eyes of Jesus.

    See them as the warrior prince they are, even if they happen to be wallowing in the mud right now.

    See them with the eyes of the Father, who has HOPE and love and an eternal plan to fulfill in their life … even if the world predicts that there is no hope for this brother.

    See them as the Father originally intended for them to be, living as Father originally intended for them to live. And using the prayer below, join with me to call into existence the things that Father has ordained from the foundation of the world. Call those things that be not as if they already were.

    Pray this Biblical prayer with me over the hurting warrior prince in your life:

    “Father God, I come before You in Jesus’ name.

    Father, thank You that You’re alive and hearing me pray. Thank You that Your ear is tuned to the righteous, and You are listening to my cry right now. Thank You that I can boldly come before Your throne of grace, where I may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

    Abba Father, I come to You not for myself, but for ________(insert name of the brother for whom you are praying).

    Your Word says that You seek people to stand in the gap before You, so I desire to stand in the gap before You today on behalf of my brother. My brother needs help, Lord, but I don’t know if they know how to pray or even have the courage to pray at all. So Abba Father, I lift my brother up to You right now.

    Abba Father, You see Your son _______ (insert name of the brother for whom you are praying). You see where he is, and only You know his heart.

    Father, You see the shame that covers him right now. You see the pain in his heart. You see the disgust he feels toward himself, and You see all the attacks of the enemy on his life.

    Father, You also see deep inside his heart like no one else can.

    You see the inner hurts, the pain, the sinful parts, and the clean parts. You see it all, and You are the only one who does.

    Lord, my brother doesn’t know what to do, and I don’t know what to do either. I definitely don’t have the answers that he needs. But Father, You do. So Abba Father, I come into alignment right now with Your Word. And standing in the gap before You for my brother, I speak to my brother and his situation and I say:

    • Will of God, come forth in this situation in Jesus’ name!
    • Kingdom of God, come!
    • Redemptive purpose of God, come forth and be manifest on earth and in this situation exactly as it is in Heaven!

    Father, I know that it is Your will that my brother prosper and be in health, even as his soul prospers. But first and foremost, his soul has to prosper.

    So Father, I pray for my brother’s soul–his mind, will, and emotions:

    • That his mind, which is the mind of Christ, would think the thoughts of God.
    • That he would not be conformed to this world, but that he would be transformed by the renewing of his mind, that he would prove and demonstrate to the world what is Your good, acceptable, and perfect will.
    • That You would work in my brother right now both to WILL and to DO for Your good pleasure.
    • That You would give him wisdom from above, which is first pure, then peaceable, willing to yield, and full of mercy and good fruit.
    • That You would give him godly and Biblical understanding in all things.
    • That my brother would hear the voice of the Lord behind him, saying, “This is the way; walk in it,” and that he would always obey You and never turn to the left or to the right.

    I pray that my brother would move into the secret place of Your presence and glory right now.

    Wherever he is, whatever he is thinking, and whatever he is doing, I ask that You would move him supernaturally out of the pigpen and bring him to himself. I ask in Jesus’ name that he would come to the realization that he might as well come back to You, even though he’s not worthy–and that You would remind him that none of us are worthy and we all depend completely on the blood of Jesus.

    Father, I plead the blood of Jesus against the spirit of self-pity that is attacking my brother. 

    In the name of Jesus, I speak to that spirit of self-pity that is tormenting ______ (insert name of the person for whom you are praying) and I command it to leave him alone right now. I speak to those demon spirits of death and suicide that are tormenting him also and I command them to leave in Jesus’ name. Father, fill my brother with Your Holy Spirit where those things were right now in Jesus’ name. Fill him with the Spirit of LIFE in Christ Jesus.

    I speak to my brother’s soul right now and I say, “Soul, line up with your spirit, which is filled with God’s Holy Spirit, right now in Jesus’ name.” I bind my brother’s soul to You, Father, and to Jesus Christ, His Bridegroom.

    Abba Father, I speak to my brother’s spirit right now and I say:

    • Let faith arise, in Jesus’ name.
    • Let hope spring up inside his body, soul, and spirit, in Jesus’ name.
    • Let the manifest love of the Lord cover my brother from head to toe right now, in Jesus’ name.

    I speak to my brother’s soul and spirit, and I command them to open to Holy Spirit and receive His ministry, comfort, instruction, wisdom, and conviction of sins right now–wherever my brother is and whatever he is doing.

    Abba Father, my brother is a warrior prince.

    You have made him such, and You have called him before the foundation of the world. He is royalty because he is Your son, even if he is away from You or on a path upon which You did not desire for him to walk.

    So Abba Father, in Jesus’ name, I speak to the eternal destiny that You have for my royal brother, and I command it to manifest right now in his life in every area. I speak to the finished works that You have prepared and finished for him before the foundation of the world, and I command them to manifest in Jesus’ name.

    Abba Father, Your Word says that Holy Spirit will convict us of sin, righteousness, and judgment. So I ask right now:

    • Convict my brother of his sin in any way that You know he needs convicting. 
    • Show him how to repent and make things right in any area where repentance and making things right are needed. Give him wisdom, Lord!
    • Give my brother hope. Show him that You will shepherd him through this process. You will instruct him and teach him in the way he should go; You will guide him with Your eye upon him.
    • Make him humble. Help my brother to humble himself before Your Word in every area, both the easy parts and the hard parts.
    • Show him what Jesus looks like, and what true holiness looks like in every area–but especially in this situation.
    • Show him Your heart for this situation, and show him Your thoughts about this situation.
    • Give him a deep yearning for You–a hunger and thirst for righteousness.
    • Give him a deep inner desire to be CLEAN, and show him the cleansing power of Your Son Jesus’ blood like my brother has never seen it before.
    • Show him that there is NO hope if he remains in sin, but there is ALWAYS hope if he will turn to You and receive Your help, submitting to You humbly and with nothing held back right now.

    Abba Father, Your Word says that the man who isolates himself seeks his own desire and rages against all wise judgment (Proverbs 18:1).

    So Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, I ask right now that You would move supernaturally on my brother’s heart and show him his need for community and help. Show him his need for accountability and transparency. Show him how grievous the sin of self-isolation is, and bring him into relationship with the right people right now.

    Abba Father, I pray that You would bring my brother into contact with the right people, but deliver him from the wrong people. Bring him true friends that he can lean on right now–friends who will speak words of truth and life into his heart. Help him to open up to receiving wise counsel. Surround him with favor as with a shield as he follows You in this. At every step along the way, confirm to him that he is doing the right thing by entering into community with Your people that You have sent into his life.

    Abba Father, send Your angels to protect my brother, Your warrior prince, right now. 

    I pray that my brother would dwell in the secret place of the Most High right now. I pray that he would open his lips and confess out loud that You are his refuge and his strength; that You are his God, in whom he trusts.

    Abba Father, deliver my brother right now from the snares the wicked one has set to bring him down. Deliver him from diseases, sicknesses, and dread afflictions of every kind. Cover him with Your feathers, and let him find true and peaceful refuge under Your wings right now. 

    Lord, I pray that my brother would embrace Your truth right now in every area, and that Your truth would be a shield to him.

    I pray that he would not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the enemy’s arrows that fly by day. I pray that he would not dread waking up, nor would he dread going to sleep. I pray that he would sense Your presence and affection right now, and that he would feel and know Your love more than he ever has in his whole lifetime.

    I ask also, Abba Father, that You would deliver my brother from destruction. Rebuke the devourer for his sake. We decree and declare–You and I together, Lord–Your Word over my brother: that a thousand may fall at his side, and ten thousand at his right hand; but it shall not come near him. Only with his eyes shall he behold and see the reward of the wicked.

    Lord God of Heaven and earth, I ask in Jesus’ name on behalf of my brother:

    • That no evil would befall him, nor shall any plague come near his dwelling.
    • That You would give Your angels charge over him, to keep him in all his ways.
    • That Your angels would bear my brother up in their hands, lest he trip and fall over any obstacles whatever.
    • That my brother would TREAD and TRAMPLE on the enemy, the roaring lion, who is seeking to devour him.
    • That my brother would tread and trample upon the serpent, the enemy, which is seeking to beguile him.

    Abba Father, I pray that my brother would rise up in the virtue, strength, and power of holiness right now, in Jesus’ name.

    I pray that he would set his love upon You again. I ask that You would also and therefore deliver him. I ask, because it is Your will for ALL Your children, that You would set my brother on high again, for he does know and understand Your name. 

    I ask in Jesus’ name that You would be with my brother in trouble; that You would deliver him and honor him; and that with LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG life You will satisfy him and show him Your salvation.

    In Jesus’ holy and precious name I pray, amen.”

    My friend, did you pray this for a brother of yours–for a warrior prince who is hurting and doesn’t know who he is in Christ right now? Did you pray this for a brother whom Jesus loves, but who does not know how to receive the love of Jesus right now? If so, leave a comment below and confess your faith in God who hears and answers your prayer!


    1. Thank you, timely prayer.

      1. Thank you so much for this prayer, I really needed this for my brother who has lost faith in God. I believe with all my heart that God will hear me and deliver him in Jesus name

        1. Latishia Rawls says:

          Thank you so much I just prayed this prayer for my boyfriend Paris two sons three brothers three grandsons and my son-in-law I believe in my heart that God will lead them back to him and healed them. Thank You Jesus… Amen

      2. Thank you for a prayer that is in season!

        1. Thanks so much for this prayer I love you Jamie God is truly using you in the whole world spreading his word we need this everyone in our family experienced this. Thank you Godbless you

      3. April Tillman says:


      4. Thank you father God, I needed this for my brother, draw him closer to you Lord, please help me in fasting in prayer for my brother as he is facing a situation that we need abba father to intervene change things put us on the right path or someone cross our path. Blessed be to our father, thank you for the cross!

      5. The Lord almighty is healing my son, who has been sick for 8 years, today!!! Praise his name. I believe and receive the healing on behalf of my son, who cannot speak. Thank you, Jamie for this timely word.

      6. Thank you for this on time prayer. My son has been going through a long time problem that raised its ugly head this week. He needed this beautiful prayer for peace of mind and restitution. I am so in awe how Abba Father knows what we need even in prayer. He is that He is. Thank you again.

      7. Thank You for the encouragement and prayer of intercession Pastor Jamie. May the Lord continue to bless and use you mightily in Jesus name!!!

      8. Believing this for my husband.

      9. Amen and amen thank you Holy Spirit thank you Jesus Thank you ABBA Father, glory be to God in the highest Hallelujah

    2. Phenyo Victoria Sebogodi says:

      Yes I just prayed for my brother and two sons and am believing God for their healing

    3. Amen Jamie ❤ thank you! Just prayed the prayer for a hurting brother. . God bless you!

    4. Jaime,
      Thank you for your faithfulness in posting this Word from God today! It has been a phenomenal blessing, an answer to prayer the Lord has put on my heart for the last several weeks! I was frustrated with the progress of the hurting warrior prince in my life, and the Lord showed me that this was a matter of spiritual warfare, where I would have to intercede for him. So I have been praying for him and I prayed the prayer the Lord had you share with us today and I PRAISE GOD for the spiritual breakthrough that is about to take place/ has taken place in his life!!! I believe and receive that he is restored and delivered, and will continue to be, all for God’s glory!! Jamie, may God continue to bless and have favor upon you, your household and your ministry! I can’t wait to see what God is about to do!

    5. Jaimie, Is this a prayer that could be prayed over an unbelieving husband who is facing a very destructive financial situation with evil and deceptive business organization. It seems that we have been in spiritual warfare with this for over a year.

      1. LaSunda Brock says:

        GOD bless you. Yes this prayer is what I need to pray over my wilderness husband. We have been separated for 3 years and he’s a backslider that lost his way. This prayer is powerful! Thank you for sharing

    6. Maabo Nxumalo says:

      Thank you, just what I needed. Stay blessed .

    7. Really a great prayer for this moment in time, for my brother is facing the prospect of not coming home from prison for a long time, even though he is to be released today. He is facing strict sexual offense restrictions that are preventing him from providing a suitable address to go home and be supervised under. I’ve been making so many calls today for help, shelters, transitional housing, parole, social worker, my own parish, with little help. Please pray for him, intercede on his behalf. He is a warrior prince in a wicked prison system. God bless all my hurting brothers. It’s truly amazing to have received this post at this exact moment and how much it seems it was written for my brother and I. God is always on time.

      1. Desiree r Custis says:

        I prayed this prayer over my husband who is currently hurting rite now , he hasn’t spoken to his daughters and when he told me all I could do was hug him . I am so thankful for this prayer

    8. Timely prayer indeed. Needed it for intercession. Regards

      1. Thank you Pastor Jamie I Receive this powerful prayer for my Son who just lost his job believing God for a better one for him and that he will be encouraged in the Lord keeping the Faith. God Bless You and Your Ministry !

    9. As I’m praying for my Father I’m calling on Jesus on my own behalf as well. Giving him the glory, the honor, and the praise. Thank you Mrs. Jamie for all that you do in Christ Jesus Holy and matchless name. Blessing!

    10. I prayed this prayer today for my sons and my unbelieving husband. Can’t wait to see how the Lord will move and what He will do!

    11. A super timely prayer I need for a man in my life. Thank you for being faithful.

    12. Annanson John says:

      ha ha ha Haha
      It is enough that I have a special forces specialist!!
      Prophetess Jamie, Gracias!

    13. This was perfectly timed as my husband came and asked us to pray together which he rarely does. We held hands as I read out most of this prayer. It was too long for him so I let him go and kept on praying. Thank you Lord. This prayer is going to bring joy into my life. Thank you Jamie.

      1. I thank you Lord that you have heard my prayers & that you are faithful to answer & that all your promises will come forth in Jesus Mighty & Precious Name! Amen

    14. Christine says:

      Thank you Jaime. This prayer came in perfect time. Two days ago my warrior prince came to me about a situation he was in and was really stressed out. And today you sent this prayer. BUT GOD!! He’s so good.
      Thank you. God bless you!

    15. Amen.I declare this with you and the Lord over my brother’s life.

    16. I plead the blood of the precious lamb over my younger brother who is facing charges, that father God intervene the kingdom of God come forth in this situation in Jesus’ name that we get answers in thr next fee days that this situation has been reversed, I am truly blessed that this prayer came to me when it did to pray for him, the in just prayer that I pray daily for him, my older brother that had a stroke this week I so needed this prayer to pray over them, Draw us closer oh Lord to thee! Thank you!

    17. Lucretia Wingate says:

      I just prayed for a hurting friend and to bring us closer. Thank You Jesus and Thank You Jamie 🙏🏾😊

    18. I just love H.S. and thank you for your pure heart of prayer to help set my heart in alignment with His.

    19. Thankyou so much for this prayer. I have 3 people that i needed to pray for and oh my you are God sent

    20. Thank-you Jamie , our son an daughter are young adults an life is hard ,this prayer means a lot,Thank-you.

    21. I praise God for this prayer Jamie! It is exactly what I needed for several hurting warrior men in my life. Thank you for your right on time obedience and the way you make God accessible. Thank you for reflecting God’s heart and ministering to people, just like Jesus. Thank you ❣️

    22. I just prayed this over my grandson. I can’t wait to see what God is up to.
      Thank you for sharing the wisdom God has given you.

    23. Thank you so much for this prayer Jamie. I prayed this prayer for my husband. I thank God for He is faithful and just. He will let my husband receive His unfailing love.

    24. Wow this prayer came at the right time. Gods timing is perfect. I prayed this prayer over my brother. Thank you!.God bless you!!!

    25. Amen and Amen
      Thank you Jesus
      Thank you Jamie

    26. Myriam Bolton says:

      Thank you for this prayer I pray this for my sons. I pray that Abba Father May carry them all theirs lives. Even if they depart from him that God will lead them back to him. That they may live a prosperous life and that they love the lord more then they love the things of this world.

    27. Linda Stanford says:

      Thank you so much for this prayer Jamie. I have prayed this prayer for my brother and I am trusting God to deliver him from this situation that he is in and I know he is going to do so in the Holy name if Jesus. Please pray for him that God will cover him with the Blood of Jesus and deliver him out of this situation now. Thank you God in advance for answering my prayer for my brother.

    28. Bruno Pazot says:

      Thank you so much for this prayer Jamie. I just prayed this prayer for my nephew who really needs to be delivered from the situation that he is in. I believe with all my heart that Abba father will deliver him in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Thank you Jamie.

    29. Thank you Jamie for this prayer! I prayed this for my husband and others in our family. I know that God has heard and already answered. To him be all the glory and praise! Bless you my sister!

    30. To God be the glory great things He has done. Oh thank you Fathet for this prayer for You will not leave Your children desolate. You always speak a word in season and this word will not return to You void but will accomplish that to which You have sent. Alleluia our prayers are answered. There is a move in the Spirit realm. Baba You are working. In Jesus name, Amen.

    31. Romeo Katto says:

      What a powerful prayer!

      will try to pray for a brother each day.

      Millennials and Gen Z brothers are caught up in struggles with the wicked forces of this age. It’s heavy.

      This is a powerful tool. Thanks Jamie

    32. Candice Smith says:

      So powerful.. I can’t wait to see the testimony this brings…

    33. Crystal hill says:

      Thank you so much that was powerful this prayer was for my brother Chris hill and my baby father Titus Waldo Lord I ask you to give them peace and heal theY whole body mind and soul And let them know God is real and to give them faith and Lord I ask you rebuke all those demons out they life and mind And put them on the right path give them a good cleanser From the wicked And connect them with people that love them and love God and I thank you so much for this prayer

    34. I am so grateful for this prayer, my partner and I are going through a difficult situation and I know he needs this prayer now more than ever and that God will heal and protect him during this time. Amen

    35. VICKI COLON says:

      I love this prayer i prayed for my husband Michael 😍


    37. Amen this was right on time. Just interceded for my brother n law. I believe God to answer!!

    38. Thanks Jaimie for the prayer…..I prayed it for my son!

    39. Sharon Jane Cole says:

      This prayer……tonight my sons friend from another state called the cops on me. My son and I fighting again some stuff coming across from computer not of God.
      My son spirit filled did a ride in our city we are under demonic attack surrounded by a Coven. I prayed this for my precious son please pray for us please dad stands by and watches not saved. My son and I have been so close home school I am devastated. They left it as parenting issue.

    40. Elizabeth Tuinidau says:

      Yes Jamie,i prayed over my husband,my Dad,my son ,my 6 brothers and all my nepews.It is really POWERFUL as i was praying.I really really have faith and believe that something good is going to happen to my wonderful family.Thank you so much for perfect timing about this prayer.Amen and Amen.

    41. Prayed this prayer over my husband who has lost his way in the Lord Jesus Christ while he was sleeping. I believe the Lord is going to raise him up and restore him! Also asked the Almighty Father to accept the same prayer for my father, bonus son, and three brothers. I believe Sept. 23, 2020 will be a prayer memorial to the future blessings and testimonies of these very special men in my life!

      Thank you in advance, Lord God!

    42. Cynthia G. Zurflueh says:

      Thank you !
      I had just told The Lord I did not know how to pray for my adult son and the very hopeless , discouraged attitudes he expressed to me tonight about his life and future. I ask The Lord to help as I readied for bed. I walked over to my computer to check emails and there was this email from you and I saw the words “Do you have a son, a husband, or a brother in Christ who is hurting right now?” My heart jumped ! I knew this was help from the Lord and I thank Him and praise him !
      I prayed for my adult son.
      Thank you Jamie for sending this to my email box tonight !

    43. Cynthia G. Zurflueh says:

      Thank you !
      I had just told The Lord I did not know how to pray for my adult son and the very hopeless , discouraged attitudes he expressed to me tonight about his life and future. I and there was this email from you and I saw the words “Do you have a son, a husband, or a brother in Christ who is hurting right now?” My heart jumped ! I knew this was help from the Lord and I thank Him and praise him !
      I prayed for my adult son.
      Thank you Jamie for sending this to my email box tonight !

    44. Cathy Anderson says:

      I prayed this prayer over my husband. He knows the Lord but is not walking with Him right now. He is deeply troubled and having trouble at work and financially. He is not attending church any longer and was deceived by a man who mentored him in the Lord who is now in prison for a terrible crime. My husband had put this man on a pedestal for years and spent hours learning from him. It was a terrible blow to my husband when the truth about this man came out. My husband still talks to this friend who is now in prison and wrote to him but sees no repentance in the man for what he has done. This man had been previously convicted of the same crime. Its a terrible situation that has deeply affected my husband. Mu husband is hurting and needs the Lord to deliver him. Thank you for this prayer in Jesus Name.

    45. Ruwani Wickramaratna says:

      JAMES…Prayer Partner/Art.Bro in Christ/Michael.Bro in Christ/Jordan-son in Christ JESUS/Ike…a bro who ministers to me.AND VINCENT…My sister Rene’s son…Backslidden..Believing that he will be Raised up as a WARRIOR PRINCE……JAMES IS FIGHTING the Battle of his Life…PERSECUTION in his country…his juice business was attacked…by mobs….he has a call on his life to be a Preacher of the Gospel and the Doors were just opening out to him to preach to Buddhist people in the area…the LORD JESUS used him Mightily to heal people of Cancer,plus a little girl of muteness..he is currently homeless……pls pray for very Safe Shelter and for Angels to protect him Jamie..I Love this Ministry AWESOME WOG…GOD/Mighty JESUS Bless you always..AMEN and AMEN and Amen.

    46. Thank you for allowing God to use you Jamie.
      I prayed the prayer for my husband, brothers, uncles, cousins, father n law, brother n laws, and friends. I know God will fulfill His Word of Promises of His sons. Thank you for this wonderful prayer. Glory be to God Hallelujah

    47. I prayed this prayer for my friend’s kleopas Robert frans and Kennibirth I prayed and God will bless Them.. Amen

    48. Thank you! I prayed this for my husband, for a beloved ex-son-in-law, and a loved but prickly son-in-law. Amen!

    49. Absolutely beautiful prayer as my son just received a doctors report of heart issues BUT God is our Great Physician. I also have been praying that God touches my son And guides him with decisions he is in process of making and this prayer covered all of that! Thank you, Jamie as you are Gods vessel like no other! Gods timing with the word He gives you to share are Always perfect timing! GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME. ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD!!! Thank you, Sheri from Michigan .

    50. Jamelle Major says:

      I just prayed this prayer for a good friend of mine. Thank you for this on-time prayer. God bless you abundantly.

    51. Bantshang says:

      Thank you Jesus! Indeed it was a powerful prayer. Thank you for helping us to stand on your gap and intercede for others. Thank you for your love.

    52. Thank you so much for this Word… I am standing on this Word for my brother David who is so lost right now… his world is crashing… but I believe God will hold him in the hollow of his hand and remove every barrier that stands in his way in the mighty name of Jesus… I pray that he will be delivered from alcohol and be saved from himself… Thank you for saving my brother and restoring his life Jesus…please send angels…

      1. Amen to this prayer. I believe it over my son.

    53. Thank you Jesus for the deliverance of my brother, my warrior prince. You are His Hope his shield and keeper of His soul. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen 🙏

    54. Thank you Father for the deliveance of my Brother from all infirmity and rage. Align my brother to optimal health of mind, body, spirit and soul and with your word for his call and purpose. Thank you Lord.

    55. Bernadette says:

      Thank you so much for this prayer. I have been struggling with what and how to pray for my brother‐in‐law. I just started praying the words and it was everything exactly, and more, that have been asking the Lord to provide. May you be blessed in your ministry a hundredfold of the blessing you are to so many xx

    56. Thank you .
      My Son 18, Seth fell off a roof yesterday from 11 feet.
      Backwards landed flat on his face .broke his nose and 17 stitches on his face.
      A Huge miracle .
      Praying this prayer for him .
      Know God has a big plan for him He’s Ben through a lot losing his Father 4 years ago and then a brother a year ago .

    57. Catherine Kilpatrick says:

      My husband had a stroke on June 19th (Father’s Day). Prior to this, he had several smaller ones we didn’t recognize as strokes until he was in the hospital for the last one.
      Therapy couldn’t take him until September, and he still hasn’t seen speech therapy for chocking and vomiting issues. He’s lost 30 pounds in 4 months, and is beginning to look skeletal.
      They won’t let him drive until he passes a specific test, which is hard to schedule. This, combined with his lack of sleeping well, is making him depressed.
      I prayed the warrior prince prayer over him.

    58. I prayed this long powerful prayer Thankyou Abba Father for your words of wisdom that you put into Jamie’s heart Amen

    59. Michelle Broussard says:

      Jaime, I have been praying for my friend and brother and have been without words, this prayer was an excellent frame to begin my conversation with Daddy on his behalf. Thank you

    60. I prayed this for a warrior who is loved by God that he will be blessed.

    61. I pray this for a warrior of God that he will be lifted up and out.

    62. Thank you Jamie for allowing God to use you in touching the urgent desires of His children This your posting praying for abrother or son is for me. Holy Spirit woke me up around 3.30 a.m. to see it and to pray. I believe inthe prayers and my faith is lifted up,and I know that God has turned around the situation of my adult sons. GOD BLESS YOU JAMIE AND MORE ANOINTING IN JESUS NAME.

    63. Denise Wilson says:

      I prayed this over my Sons
      And I confess my Faith that God heard my prayer and answers !!
      In Jesus Name
      Thank you

    64. I prayed for all the Warrior Princes in my family, in Jesus’ most holy name. Amen!

    65. I pray this over my brother in Christ and thank God for turning him back and manifesting in his life . In Jesus’ Name, Amen

      1. It is done, in Jesus’ Name

    66. Hi, I prayed this for my stepdaughters new boyfriend,
      He says he’s had, some church, but didn’t know what kind.
      I believe God will work mightily in his life! Thank you for this prayer it was perfect timing!!!
      Love in Jesus

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