12 Mentoring Tips for True Success

1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2

Prophetic Word with Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.com

As I was studying and praying this morning, I felt led to share some very practical mentoring for today. Here are 12 true success tips for the hungry people who want to receive ALL God has for you.

1) Spend at least an hour a day studying—no, DEVOURING—God’s Word.

Do this first thing in the morning, even if you have to get up long before the crack of dawn. As Hudson Taylor taught, you cannot have your concert first and tune your instrument afterward. BEGIN your day with God.

(And don’t tell me I can only do this because ministry is my full-time job. I was taught to do this years ago, long before ministry ever became my job at all. And I still did it even when I was working 70 hours a week. Indeed, this one hour per day is the only thing that got me through that time, and has been the way the Lord has gotten me through the hardest times of my life. EVERYONE can do this. And if you don’t have time for an hour with God, in my experience you may be doing something you’re not called to do with the time you do have. Yes, even caregiving requires respite. If you don’t have time, figure out why, and then determine how you can fix the problem.)

2) Pray through every phrase of God’s Word that you read, AS you read it.

This turns your Bible study time into simultaneous Bible study and prayer, and is the most effective way to commune with the Lord through His Word.

Pray-reading helps you hide God’s Word in your heart, that you might not sin against Him. It also teaches you HOW to pray effectively, for it gives you a VOCABULARY for prayer. If you pray the Scriptures back to God, you won’t have to wonder about the most effective words to pray or the best ways to ask. The most effective words are provided for you, right on the page in front of you.

3) Turn the TV off. Permanently.

TV is addicting. It messes with your attention span as well. It keeps your eyes on earthly things, not on Heavenly things. Read the news and weather online if you need to. You can either watch TV or have your destiny … but you generally can’t have both.

4) Get a journal and keep a chronological record of:

– what you study each day,
– your thoughts about what you study,
– the verses in your Bible study that speak to you (write them out longhand),
– your prayer list, and
– what God does in your life.

5) Read your Bible with pen in hand and MARK IT UP.

Your Bible is your textbook for life abundant … but you don’t ever have to return THIS textbook! So make it well-loved and well-used.

How? Underline and highlight verses that speak to you, convict you, challenge you, teach you, and encourage you. Write the dates next to verses that jump out at you.

Write down notes about things you notice, like lists you read in the verses (e.g. “5 things God hates”; “10 benefits of loving God’s Word”; “9 reasons I need wisdom”). Write down your thoughts right in your Bible. (Yes, while still using a journal also. Over time, you will develop a rhythm for what feels best to record in your journal vs record in your Bible.)

6) Make written goals for this week, this month, this year, 5 years, and 10 years.

Write them down. Copy them out again by hand in your journal occasionally. Read them often, at least weekly. Reboot them when they no longer burn in your spirit.

7) Take personal retreats, even if only for a few hours, whenever you lose your way.

If you’re feeling dull and aimless, it’s time for a personal retreat.

8 ) If you’re always tired, do what it takes to figure out why.

Do you need better sleep? Longer sleep? Need to eat differently or better? Need to walk more during the day so you can sleep better? (Exercise generally improves your sleep.) What’s your key? Figure it out and do what it takes to get adequate sleep every night.

9) Make fasting a habit.

Even if you only fast and pray one meal a week, make it a habit to fast and pray every week. EVERY week. Without fail. You’ll be glad you did. Combining fasting with prayer moves mountains.

10) Become meticulous about your finances.

Finances are a marathon, not a sprint. If you’re not on a path to becoming a millionaire through earning income, budgeting, saving, frugal living, entrepreneurship, and investing, figure out why. Diagnose the problem and fix the problem.

There is always a way. Avoid debt at all costs. Read Dave Ramsey’s book The Total Money Makeover if you haven’t already read it, and follow Dave’s Baby Steps to get your money in order. Do this and keep at it. Do it every day.

11) If you’re married, pour into your marriage every day.

Find out what your spouse’s love language is and do something in that love language every day. If there is any chance that your spouse might not notice (e.g. if their love language is acts of service and they weren’t around to see you take out the trash or run their errand), send them a text or let them know what you did for them.

(Example: “Hi honey! I made up the bed, put some laundry in, filled up your car with gas, and took the garbage out to the curb. You don’t have to worry about those things. Love you!”) Trust me, speaking your spouse’s love language is essential.

12) Invest in quality time with your children. PURPOSEFULLY create that quality time.

My husband and I are working really hard on creating memories and quality time with our son, and it’s bearing so much fruit in our family. Learn what YOUR family loves to do together, and do it daily.

Is Holy Spirit calling one or more of these tips to your attention right now? If so, leave a comment below and tell me which one(s)!


  1. Yes, this was a blessing since I feel like I’m going through a season of purging, digging deep within to figure things. To do God’s will . Preparing for what’s new! Thanks, some of these I’m currently doing and the others I will do!

  2. Mary Hellberg says:

    They all speak to me Jamie, but the one most is at least one hour a day in God’s word! Thank you for all you do in advancing Gods Kingdom in those you minister to!! Many blessings sent your way!

    1. Thank you! I found your site when looking for information online regarding a personal issue. I know I was meant to find your site, the Holy Spirit lead me to it. I had been praying but needed more. I have not been doing as much as in need to in terms of the time spent writing and giving to our Lord. Your message has inspired me to start a journal and spend more time in my prayer with Jesus. I’m excited to get started on my new schedule. Thank you Jamie and my God continue to bless you! You truly are amazing!

  3. Annanson John says:

    Insightful tutorials!
    Inspiring and Revealing.

  4. Thanks Jamie, I need this. Thanks for your tips of wisdom. I feel like this is really speaking to me, especially reading this on the morning of my birthday! Much appreciated! God bless you!

  5. Hi Jamie,

    Thank you for your email, I am so blessed you addressed me by my name. I was actually fasting and praying throught out this week, which ended at 6:00 pm today. I have been praying for several things, God to use me powerfully / my relationship with God to deepen… break through in my health, marriage, finances, businesses ,my childrens’ personal relationship with Jesus, their education and future, salvation of soul of loved ones etc. One main prayer point is money needed to invest into businesses I’ve ventured into…getting stuck because of financial constrains…thru these businesses I plan to fund any church in need and win souls into God’s kingdom in my local place first then expand out.
    I love all those mentoring tips and will take heed of them by God’s grace. I feel God has directed you to send them to me during this time of fasting and prayer and meditating and studying the Word.

    God bless you and your ministry.

  6. Wow! Thanks so much Jamie, I really needed this. I seriously need a retreat.

  7. Vidah Chauke says:

    Amen. This is indeed the school of the Holy Spirit, thank you for being the vessel the Lord is using to speak to me each day

  8. This is so wonderful! Thank you, Jamie. I so look forward to your emails.

  9. Olivet Jones says:

    Jamie—I have never posted.a comment but I want to thank you for your structure and wisdom. Father led me to you a few years back and I wasn’t ready;). But there was a nugget planted in my heart. Now he’s brought you back to me in FULL Force. God bless you! I look forward to your posts, your wisdoms and your guiding us to deeper relationship with God. Thank you!

  10. Latika OQuinn says:

    This is very good. Thank you sharing. I do a few already but need to concentrate on them all.

  11. Esther Lukusa says:

    Hi Jamie,

    Thank you so much for sharing this, it is truly amazing! It really spoke to my heart! God bless you richly!

    Esther Lukusa

  12. Mary Ngozi says:

    I will make written goals now and read them weakly.

  13. Thank you Jamie.

    I needed this more than I know! God bless you for always being more than a blessing.

  14. Hello Jamie,
    I’ve been in a relationship for up to two years now. We are talking about getting married soon. Many, if not all, of the points you made all speaks volumes to me. I am an easy going person but I can be very stern about things I won’t tolerate. Each point that you’ve made has condemned me to do better in my bible studying. I use to study the bible everyday and sometimes twice a day but I started becoming discouraged about so many things that was happening to me in my life that I kind of went into my own shell. I have following you for the last three years and you have helped me grow so much to the point that I am back to reading and studying my bible. No I’m not where I use to be but I’m still studying. I haven’t quit. I thank you for all of your teachings and then some.

    1. I’m glad this ministry has helped you to grow. I would edit your comment that these points are made to “remind” and not “condemn”. Romans 8:1 states “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.”

      Blessings to you my sister.

  15. Hi Jamie,
    They are all speak me. They actually served as a reminder of areas that I’ve slacked in. I thank God for using you to remind me that I need to get back on track. Be blessed

  16. Hi Jamie, thank you for this message. I truly believe God was sending his word to me through you. I’ve been trying to figure out how to get closer to God and your message shows me how through these steps. I won’t ever know my purpose or God’s will for my life unless I focus more on him.

  17. Starting the day with God really spoke to me. I include God in my day but need to spend more time with him first thing in morning.

  18. Thankyou Jamie I can truly use most of these wonderful tips be blessed

  19. Kasa Kebede says:

    Thank you for the 12 tips Which sent me. I got direction about my spiritual , economical and physical situations.
    What I need more is my spiritual growth, family relationship and financial breakthrough .I will fast and pray based on your lessons .
    Thank you!
    God bless!

  20. April Moore says:

    Good morning Jamie. I truly appreciate you and your encouraging words and prayers towards us. I have been doing some of these things but will be doing the rest of them as well especially the financial one. And writing down my goals etc.
    Thank you 🙏

  21. Irma Nortje says:

    AMEN THANKU 21.1.24 grant us, me and my family, your Grace in Successful living in your Kingdom on earth and to be a blessing to bring honor to your Holy Name in our future divine destiny.

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