Prophetic Word: Enemy Darts Exposed

1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2

The Lord showed me this morning that some of you have been under attack, and this word is going to expose the darts of the enemy.

Here is what Holy Spirit showed me:

Some of you have just begun a new thing or entered a new environment, and the enemy is trying to get you out of that new place. Specific darts have been slung at you that only God and the enemy could have known would hurt you. God did not cause these darts; the enemy did.

The enemy is throwing darts at you to try and get you out of your new place, but God allowed those darts because they will make you stronger. The darts that have been thrown at you are not real. The sinister conditions you imagined to be present behind those darts do not exist.

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    The REALITY is that you do have favor with God and man, and you WILL succeed. Furthermore, your impact will be much greater than you imagined it could be.

    The warfare is not about you. The warfare is about your breakthrough and the breakthroughs of others.

    You are about to become an agent of breakthrough. God has placed you in your position for such a time and a purpose as this. If you do not stay aware of this, the enemy darts could succeed. You have to recognize the fight you’re in, and you have to keep your armor on.

    God gave you a word about this place before you ever arrived at this place. THAT WORD IS TRUE. I heard Holy Spirit tell me to say it again: THAT WORD IS TRUE.

    You did hear properly before you arrived here, and the promises Papa God gave you WILL come to fruition. What you are seeing now are only darts and arrows of the enemy; but you shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day. A thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come near you (Psalm 91).

    Again, you are about to become an agent of breakthrough.

    You have the Perez anointing: the anointing of breakthrough. You are anointed to break through walls, obstacles, and poverty. You are about to be released yourself; AND, when God releases you, you will release others.

    You thought the enemy had beaten you down, but in reality Papa God has raised you up.

    The place you are in looks lower than your former place. However, remember that in the Kingdom of Heaven, the highest places are the lowest ones. The most exalted ones are the servants of all. And God has positioned you strategically for such a time as this. He has enlarged your boundaries and has stretched out the cords of your habitation.

    People are coming to you who will help you.

    People you never thought would help you will come to you out of nowhere as agents of assistance. Assisting angels have also been ministering to you the last week and a half, and you did not know what they were. Ask God to send you help from Zion and from the place of His holy sanctuary.


    It’s time to enlarge the place of your tent. Look for ways to become more efficient and more effective. Zero in with laser-like focus on the things only you can do, and find others who can do the rest.

    You are an agent of breakthrough. Disregard the enemy darts.

    You are on miracle territory. Refuse to be dislodged from the places of your habitation. You must inhabit the land. Persevere in it. The darts that have been aimed at you are only a trick of the enemy. The TRUTH is that you are enlarging your borders and will be blessed in the land.

    Does this word resonate in your spirit? Has Holy Spirit been telling you these same things? If this word encouraged you, leave a comment below! I’d love to hear what Holy Spirit is saying to you!


    1. Katrina Pritchett says:

      Thank you so much for this timely, and accurate word. This word exactly explains, and confirms what I have been dealing with on my new job and most importantly it confirms the anointing on my life. Thank you so much and keep me in your prayers.

      1. Glory be to God every word that you said today is speaking to me. Thank you Jesus


      3. Sue Tracy says:

        Thank you Jamie for the encouraging word I definitely received it, I know my breakthrough is coming and I need to give God more praise and thanks for He is doing exceedingly more than I could ever hope for. Thank You Papa, Your daughter Sue Tracy ❤️ To God be the Glory! Amen

    2. Kahn Johnson says:

      Yes, this message is on point!!! I know I will win asPapa God and revealed it to me. He has sent ministering angels to assist me. You are right, people who I least expected are helping me. Thank you Jamie and Holy Soirit for the encouraging words!!

      Safe in His arms,

    3. Laurna Tallman says:

      Fantastic, Jamie! Right on the button. I am doing the same things with a new focus, rethinking all my strategies, and involving people in new ways.
      Thank you for the warnings and reminders. This work is the Lord’s. He is sitting with me at the planning table and promises more than I can imagine. Those darts you refer to are flying, of course! I am so grateful for your ministry. I have been praying for you and your baby. You might try playing soft, “background” music to help him sleep, help him awaken, and to raise his mood during the day.

    4. Jamie, EVERY. SINGLE. WORD. In this prophesy resonated with me! Every one !!! Someone prophesied over my new place of employment and told me that the place was treacherous but that’s where I will find my breakthrough. That I will be asked my opinions by a policymaker of this company and will gain favor in his eyes. That has happened. However, like the prophet said, this will spark jealousy from the enemy and it has. I was just praying to God asking Him if I should stay here or move on, so I take your Word as CONFIRMATION that I need to stay to fulfill God’s promise for my life and also for my breakthrough! THANK YOU ??

    5. Comfort Sajowa says:

      God bless you sis Jamie. I need this message

    6. Thank you Father God for this prophetic word! I claim and recieve it by faith.The circumstances I’m in right now is truly matching your Word.Thank you for lifting me up through using your daughter Jamie.Now everything to me makes sense and thank you for giving me direction on what should I do.I won’t give up and never leave the new job I have right now eventhough I feel demoted as the situations is telling me and wondering why even I prayed the events is getting worst.Thank you so much Ms Jamie your blog is such an encouragement and blessing and you really touch many lives by your teaching and writing artilcles.God bless you and this ministry.

    7. Frances Juanita Brooks says:

      Yes this word touched me so deeply that I cried like a broken vessel and Holy Spirit moved over me completely. Thank You for obeying the Holy. Spirit.

    8. Roshanda Teamer says:

      Thank you Lord In Jesus name Amen. Thank you Jamie. God bless you

    9. Maria Rizzi says:

      Good morning Jamie, WOW and WOW Backwards! This Word is SO accurate as to what has been happening in my life, and I’m SOOO grateful for your post. I know my BREAKTHROUGH is closer than I imagined, as I am about to embark to the place of my DESTINY, and God really has strategically placed 2 new people in my life in this past week, to assist me with PRAYER coverage. Thank you for your obedience to Him, and His Word. May God continue to Bless you abundantly for your work in the Kingdom and personally. Love in Christ, Maria

    10. Lisa Sharpe says:

      Dead on and exactly what I needed to hear today, Jamie!

    11. Explains everything I’m going through right now. Thank you

    12. Thank you for this came at a time where I am being tested …your timing is great…

    13. Henrietta says:

      Yes dear Jamie! This word is right on point! Just today I felt overwhelmed at the greatness of what the Lord called me to do and felt so little. Thanks for this word, I know that whatever happens my Lord is able to bring His word and plan to pass, I only have to surrender and be faithful to do what He has called me to do.

      Glory to God Who is able to do much more than we can ask or think!!!

    14. Thank you Jamie for this word. I recently felt that the Lord was saying to me to “take a long-term view” on things. A few days after that, I read a prophesy that reaffirmed that. This message further affirms that, it’s like water around parched lips.

    15. Wow! This resonates with me on so many levels! The spirit lept within me as I read this. So awesome to see God work through you to get His Word to those of us who sometimes lose sight of what He is doing in our lives. Thank you for allowing God to speak through you.

    16. Thankyou and the Holy Spirit has told me to stop smoking

    17. Melaku Delkeroe says:

      Thank you for posting timely message. I am blessed by it.

    18. I have been suffering a great deal. I have fallen back into addiction and felt like I was being swallowed up. I could feel the enemy pulling me down. But you am fighting to stay afloat today, And everyday!!! I cry out the name Jesus! Oh Lotd do you hear my cry?

    19. Emily Matthews says:

      Yes to answer as far as the Holy Spirit telling me I’m anointed and will be healed and delivered and that God me thank you for your conformation Hallelujah thank You Jesus Christ

    20. Blessings Jamie. I thank God for you. Every word you prophecy relates to me. Today I am overwhelmed’ and even crying i felt like the walls were falling down on me. but after reading this powerful message I am encouraged. Thank you Jamie. I really need your prayers today.

    21. Thanks for this Jamie,
      This right here resonate with me!! I just need that breakthrough. I applied for another position at my place of work, I had a dream that someone was not happy about me applying for the post and the person is close to the executive head. The same person I saw in my dream and another person already got interview date and am still here waiting. Now I feel like giving up and look else where for employment. But am trusting GOD to perfect everything that concerns me in Jesus Name.

    22. Ińem ikpidungise says:

      Thank you Jamie for the now word. My spirit resonates completely with it.

    23. This is comfirmation of where I am and have been the past 10 days. I was praying Psalm 91 over me just before I read this. I am standing in faith trusting my Father. I will give up no ground! Thank you for this word I receive it.

    24. Good Morning Jamie. You are right on point with the words Father GOD has given to you. I have been praying for supernatural breakthroughs to come into my life. I received every single word you have spoken. I’m so excited about what DADDY GOD is getting ready to do in my life. Love reading your blogs. May PAPA continue to Bless You and Your Family.

    25. Deverly Fletcher says:

      Thank you for that word. The Holy Spirit has been talking to me in the same way. Saying not by sight but by faith.May the Lord Bless you

    26. Tierashia says:

      Glory be to God! He is FAITHFUL in providing what we need at the RIGHT time. After 14 years of teaching, Papa called me out of the classroom to fully pursue the things He has given me to do. He told me to sub, which I do mainly a few days a week so I can havr the time to do the things He has given me to do. In this transition, my income is just barely over a quarter of what I made as a teacher, BUT He KEEPS reminding me that HE IS Jehovah Jireh. He has even challenged me to give MORE now that I have less. I have been willingly obeying Him, too. He has repeatedly shown and told me over the past decade how He is going to use and bless me for His glory. Thank you for obeying Him in publishing the prophetic words that you do. Your labor is NOT in vain. I love you mucho, Sister!

      X X X

    28. Hi Jamie!

      I received this word from God today. Every since the last part of last year, the enemy has been trying to over through me. My 43 year old aunt passed away 2 days before I open my business.

      Trails after trails was at my door back to back. But I know God word was and is my strong “anchor.” I’ve saw storms formed but didn’t prosper.

      Every since I open my business, and getting ready to open my spa, hatred has being coming from unlikely people. God laid those businesses on my heart over ten years ago, and now I’m seeing them come to pass and my now business is creating jobs for other’s.

      The Holy Spirit has been really ministering to me in some of my darkest hours. God is such a present help in a time of need. Part of me really felt like giving up! But I know I’m called in the ministry, so I can’t give up now!

      1. “Overthrow” that is

    29. Yes!
      This is a warning for me, stay alert!
      I LOVE hearing confirmation from Papa. I was just pondering the other day Perez and breakthrough!
      Last night I was in a study of Isaiah and Papa highlighted His armor:
      “He saw that there was no man, And wondered that there was no intercessor; Therefore His own arm brought salvation for Him; And His own righteousness, it sustained Him. For He put on righteousness as a breastplate, And a helmet of salvation on His head; He put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, And was clad with zeal as a cloak.”
      ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭59:16-17‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      I echo someone’s comment “WOW and WOW backwards. “

    30. Margaret Ema says:

      This word is so accurate! my mouth is open all the way, my jaw dropped. Wow! All I can say is, who are you! Wow! You really do have your ear close to the mouth of God Almighty. May you be blessed and may God continue to uphold you In Jesus mighty Name Amen!

      1. Good morning it is such a blessing to wake up to God’s word we wake up according to God’s love for us everyday my favorite chapter is the 91st Psalms Hallelujah I think God for your message I thank God for your presence I think you do have a father for I know that I’m being raised up in Jesus name thank you Jesus amen
        I have breakthru

    31. Melaku T Delkeroe says:

      Good morning Jamie,
      we are blessed because of you! Keep up the good work! The lord is with you. i cried when i read the message. it is not the first time God spoke to me through you and your ministry. However, i am really touched by this message,

      Thank you

    32. Gwynne Nation says:

      Thank you for a timely word! This is exactly where we are in our walk with God. We were recently asked to begin a new assignment at a fellowship that just experienced a church split. There are many broken people there. My husband and I were shown incredible favor and were released to pray for people during ministry time. We have been used in miraculous ways to bring healing, wholeness and freedom into people’s lives. Just yesterday we were given the laser focus to see and pray into deep wounds in peoples hearts. We have been so humbled by the favor we’ve been given after only attending a short time. God has been bringing restoration and healing to these broken people and they are hungry and desperate for MORE of Him! Halleluyah!!???? We give Him ALL of the glory, and honor and praise!!


      Gwynne Nation

    33. People who i least expect have not come to assist me but the word is so timely and on point as i struggled so much with resistance and being overlooked in my new job.Thank you papa God,enlarge my territory ,make me wise,give me confident and let me be a blessing to others too .

    34. Elizabeth Tuinidau says:

      Praise the Lord for the timely God’s message you shared Jamie.You are a great Prophet of God,it is what I am going through right now n i felt i was a bit down but I forced myself to rise up this morning n talk with Our Dad.I stood still outside my house n read this email,it is so encouraging n where i am right now,God is using me in our local church in the youth ministry,Children’s ministry n to some families n also to the church.I thank God for the help of my great Counsellor the Holy Spirit.Nothing will stopping me from reaching out to help souls draw closer to God..Thank you Sis Jamie n God continue to bless your ministry n your family

    35. Wow I truly needed this today! Last week was horrendous But Dear God carried me through! He has spoken to me all this New Year that I was born for such a time as this! My spirit leapt when you said the Breakthrough anointing is not only on you for breakthrough but also for others! I Praise God in His great love and mercy for us all!!!!

    36. Hi Jamie that word really speaks to my spirit,I’m being attacked with these darts at work,and it makes me want to just give it all up,but my spirit tells me to hold on…thank you for your encouraging word.

    37. THANK YOU,
      Sister Jamie what a word that’s right on time. I will not move out of this place FATHER GOD has ordained for me.
      Again…THANK YOU!

    38. Charmaine Clarke says:

      Hi Jamie
      Very encouraging words I have been coming under attack and I know my break through is coming soon
      God bless

    39. VALERIE BENJAMIN says:



    40. Kristi Woods says:

      Thank you as always, Jamie! My husband and I are meeting with our church leaders this Thursday, to propose starting a new mid-week childrens’ ministry. God is so good, His timing of words I need to hear, is always perfect. Thank you for being a tool in the hands of God!

    41. Thank you Holy Spirit.

      I hope to meet you one day Jamie. Blessings in Christ Jesus. Thank you for your heart full of Gods Love.

      Love you beautiful sister in Christ.


    43. Pauline Borgan says:

      Thank you! I claim these prophetic words, in faith for my husband and I. We are agents of breakthrough. Business breakthroughs, financial breakthroughs and physical breakthroughs. We are breakthrough people and as God releases us others will receive breakthroughs. Expecting Eph 3:20 in our breakthroughs. Exceedingly and abundantly more. We serve a Awesome God! Glory to God!

    44. Rebecca Jones says:

      If the darts aren’t real He has pulled down some major strongholds. It has been like things were worse in many ways, But I can see the breakthrough.

    45. Adrenamae says:

      This message is just on time Thank you for being an instrument of GOD. He is truly awesome. I will stand still on his words and watch him work. Be blessed

    46. Sala Marseu says:

      Praise God for my Word! Just received double portion of assuarance from two separate devotional for today!!
      I am bombarded with scriptures of assuarance from every side.
      Thank God for His faithfulness and also using you to speak to me and others through prophetic assuarances!
      You nailed the truth of my situation spot on! And never will I waiver to the TRUTH!
      God bless your faithfulness to the Call of being a voice.

    47. The darts started this past Friday but I knew it was the enemy trying to bully me because I’ve been receiving breakthrough and revelation. I can see what I could not see before.

    48. Wow this prophecy is right on I just moved to another state wanted to go back to the other state I used to live but someone prophesied to me to wait on God and I’ve been wanting to leave because things are going crazy or seen it so hard but this confirmed that it is not time for me to leave that I’m in the right place that I he is the god of breakthrough that the reason is so hard is because my blessings are here and you’re right he told me to come here so God bless you for giving that word I thank God for you because it encourages me to know that I’m in the right place and blessings are here thank you God bless for allowing the Holy Spirit to use you

    49. Judith Alfa says:

      I receive in Jesus precious name! Thank you for this timely word and glory and praise and thanksgiving be to God.

    50. Rachel Castillo says:

      Thank you Jamie, for this Word from Papa God. May Papa continue to bless you.

    51. Ok so the word I heard today is. Trifecta. He can try but I know whose bigger and so grateful for the teachers and preachers in this my finest hour and all the sand that’s rubbing this pearl to a shiney finish. Yes and Amen!

    52. Wow! This prophetic word is truly a word in season! It restored my faith, encouraged my spirit and refreshed my soul!

      Thanks Jamie

    53. I thank you for this wonderful word from god. I really needed to hear this. I have been going through some things in my life but now I know that god is here for me and I will make it out this with the help of god! Thank you ?

    54. Wow! This prophetic word was truly a word in season! This word restored my faith, encouraged my spirit and refreshed my soul! May God continue to bless you!

      Thank you?

    55. thank you a lot. Actually I am harrassed by a neighbour who conveted my land. i refused to sell and I am living in hell right now. I am holding Ezechgiel 34:25-31 as God’s promises. Your prophesy encourages me to persevere.

    56. Hi, am going through the most trying times in my life but this word comes of a confirmation of what the Lord has been speaking to me about.
      Thank you Father that your Word will not return to you void. Feeling blessed, thanks Jamie

    57. This resonates with my life right now. Continue to pray for my breakthrough in my ministry, my business and in the lives of my children. I will not quit or be intimidated for the battle has already been won.

    58. Chiara Pardini says:

      Absolutely true in my life and very encouraging !!!
      Thank you Holy Spirit and thank you!

    59. I have been on this new shift not quite a year and darts are continuously thrown at me! This article resonates with me completely. But I know that I am one of God’s children and covered by the blood of his son Jesus 24/7 so no weapon formed against me shall prosper! Let the darts fly!

    60. Penelope ware says:

      So grateful for this affirmation and your ministry????

    61. CL Mareydt says:

      TY for sharing this powerful prophetic word!
      I receive God’s word GLADLY & yes, it does resonate in my Spirit.
      In fact … right on time! For the confirmations are more than one or two … your words are FULL OF CONFIRMATION! Was like sitting down & having a FULL meal & getting up so thankfully satisfied in spirit, soul, & body.
      God bless you dear sister Jamie & I know you will continue to flourish!

      I ‘happened’ upon your site a while back because of the HOLY SPIRIT & have found nothing but the HOLY SPIRIT every time I visit. God bless you dear Jamie! Will be seeing you soon when we hear CHRIST’s call to meet HIM in the clouds.
      M A R A N A T H A

    62. Thank you so much for this word. It is timely and very encouraging. Keep doin’ what you’re doin’.

    63. Robin Webb says:

      Jamie, Please pray for me…this word was very significant to me! God has kept me Hidden & in a low (servant) place as a YWAM missionary…but now has positioned me in a place where my giftings are helping with shifting things regionally! I was invited to join a Prophetic Round Table & the other night, we prayed for the mayor of a town that is the County seat (authority), but this town has been covered with grime from the enemy! The Lord used me to call out the Gold in this mayor & her people! She is now going to let us Prophetically paint truth & identity throughout her town through murals! God truly is expanding my tent pegs! Please pray for my children (this seems to be where the enemy hits me the most!) I appreciate your ministry (the Gold word really hit too!) Many Blessings to you & your family!

    64. Saint John says:

      Timely word. May God increase you in Jesus Name.

    65. Yhess!! This is everything I have been going through this past week. Last night Yah reminded me of the word He gave me long before this time. Thank you for confirming my the moment I am in before BREAKTHROUGH is released.

    66. Thank you sooo much for this timely and accurate word ??♥️Praise be to God??????????

    67. Thanks so much for inspiring me today. This conformation to the anointing on my life and assignment…blessings

    68. Caethy Tuvalu says:

      I am speechless! !!!!!!! Gloooooorrrrryyyyy! !!

    69. Thank you for obeying the Holy Spirit and releasing this timely word of confirmation. My heart is encouraged because this is what the Holy Spirit has been saying to me. It is time for the manifestation of the blessings! God bless you!!!

    70. Dani Peteet says:

      This is right on time! Few weeks ago things abruptly changed for what seemed like the worse but it really wasnt. I was attacked out of nowhere while I was being blessed tremendously. I know it sounds like an oxymoron but it happened. Fast forward and things got a little more messy HOWEVER I am determined to keep my eyes on promises of God and the word. My faith has increased and I am set on what is righteous and doing the right thing no matter what operating in faith. Again This message is right on time

    71. Thank you for your obedience in confirming this new season of my life. God revealed a 22-year old lie that brought bad fruit and affected my children horribly at the time, but I see His greater plan in it now.

    72. Thank you very much, this word is so true and has really encouraged me. It’s a timely word for this season in my life to reassure me that God known or unknown to me He is fighting my battles behind the scene.

      Thank you and God bless you mightly

    73. Wow, I’ve had this open in a tab since I saw it post and just got to read it. This is spot on, line by line, for me and what I am facing right now! It even gives language to some feelings my husband and I have had but don’t know how to describe. Thanks so much for the encouragement. I receive this word in Jesus’ name!!!

    74. Thank you so much, I’m preparing for my wedding that will be next week, everything seems to go wrong now I know it’s the enemy trying to distract me,I’m calling on papa to send me agents of assistance and that I breakthrough this. Amen

      1. We cancel every weapon of the enemy in regards to your wedding in Jesus name. Your wedding will be beautiful and the enemy is a liar and will be put to shame. Just stay focused my dear.

    75. Thank you very much. Its my WORD and I receive it. God is so good.
      All honor and glory be unto Him.

      Love and Blessings.

    76. Hi Jamie,
      you wrote what am passing through, may God bless you for encouraging words.
      In Jesus

    77. Sogr Ocholi says:

      Great and timely word. Shalom to you.

    78. Thank you Jamie for sharing God’s word. I have a neighbor who brought me a special cross made by a friend of her’s. He prayed over it she told me to keep it in my purse!! I have felt more strength in dealing with a situation troubling me for a while now. I know God will get me (us) through this with a good outcome for all. God Bless you and your family!!

    79. This is specifically for me, and right on time!!! Thank you for your obedience. I receive this word over my life. The enemy cannot shut a door that God has opened. Amen!!

    80. Sheila Gapinkse says:

      Thank you Jamie for confirmation, this resonates and I never thought about what I was given was to be used as an agent of change. All the doubts have been the enemy. I love the prophetic and I love you. All these wonderful testimonies for this prophetic word, how awesome to be able to read them and pray for the needs. I love being a part of this ministry.

    81. Blessed Sister this speaks directly to my spirit and answers questions I recently spoke to Papa about in my prayer closet. I am overjoyed in my Spirit! God bless you Sister.

    82. Thank You Jesus for confirming Your word over my situation.

    83. I have not read this blog for a while and I opened it today and it was right directly to me. Thank you Jamie, for the words of encouragement, keep doing what you are good at and the Lord shall surely bless you a hundred fold.

    84. This is a blessing and I am encouraged! I believe it and I receive it in Jesus Precious Name!!! Thank you so much Jamie!

    85. Thank you Jamie! Spot on what I have been hearing and experiencing on my current job and finances. So far in the midst I have received an unexpected job offer where they are tailoring things to me….God all over this next move. Still standing, armor on. Thank you so much for faithfully sharing. Confirmations are powerful and so affirming.

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