Prophetic Word: “I Am Restoring Your Happy Tears,” Says the Lord

Beloved, have you been shedding tears of sorrow and pain for a long time? If so, look up! For the Lord says:

“I am restoring your happy tears!”

Here’s what the Lord is saying to you today:

“For so long, you have been numb and any tears you have shed have been tears of pain. But today I tell you, My child, that I am restoring tears of joy to your life.

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    I am restoring your happy tears, and I am giving you the happy years of which you have always dreamed.

    My people are supposed to dwell in prosperity. I intended you to inherit the land from the beginning. And now, you shall do so. I am restoring the years the locusts and canker worm have eaten.

    What does that mean? It means I am restoring to you:

    • the health of your conscience; 
    • your creativity;
    • your prosperity;
    • your ability to grow;
    • your financial provision;
    • your healing and health that the enemy has stolen so many times;
    • your ability to find a healthy balance in your life between work and rest; 
    • your new beginnings; and 
    • I am healing gaps in your godly character that should not have been there, and you knew it–but you were too overwhelmed to change.

    I am restoring to you the years the locusts have eaten.

    I am also restoring your ability to weep with joy in My presence.

    I am restoring the keenness of your ability to feel Me with you. I am restoring your ability to express your heart and emotions to Me in worship. I am restoring your ability to commune with Me in silence AND in song.

    I am restoring the holy sensitivity of your soul.

    For too long, you have been numbed by pain and overwork. You have needed deep healing, and you are farther along in that healing than you think. I am doing a quick work in you. I say again, as I have said before: I am doing a quick work!

    You need to rest in order to receive.

    What I will do for you from a place of rest is unimaginable. Even now you gasp and catch your breath with the wonder of it! I am doing those things that no eye on the earth has ever seen or heard from before, and I am doing them quickly.

    But to receive these things that I want to do, you need to rest. Your rest is the potting soil in which I am able to cultivate My greatest wonders. Your rest demonstrates that you depend on Me. 

    I am restoring your ability to whisper at the greatness of My plans for you.

    Even today, you will see My promise and hear My voice, and you will catch your breath in wonder. Even yesterday, you found yourself smiling for no outward reason–simply because My joy was in you. That joy is going to become normal for you now.

    My beloved, I am with you always, even to the end of the world. You have wondered where I am, but I have been here the whole time. My plans and purposes for you cannot be foiled as long as you keep your eyes on Me and obey Me.

    I know it has been hard and difficult, but you will find rest now. You will find peace now. You have been faithful over little things, and now I will make you faithful over much.

    Love, Abba Daddy God.”

    Thank You, Father! 

    My friend, is this word for you today? If so, leave a comment below, sow a seed to honor the Lord, and give Him praise and thanksgiving ALL DAY LONG!


    1. Dear Lord – You know my heart is breaking over my current relationship where an x girlfriend has not stopped interfering for a while now – I have been contemplating suicide an I have been praying for so long Father to please help me Lord help cause I am torn apart inside of me my heart is so broken I can’t breath any longer – pse Help me send me a prayer Lord that you are listening to my prayer an voice

      1. Dear Marie,
        My heart breaks for you. Please do not consider taking your life. At one time in my life I also had those thoughts. I didn’t feel I could go on.
        I remember having the thought that if I did it I wouldn’t be trusting God. I didn’t know much about God, but I knew He wanted me to trust Him.
        I resisted the thoughts and feelings that the spirit of suicide was constantly bombarding me with. I asked for help from a third party.
        I have been delivered from those thoughts for a long time now.
        I ask people this question:? “In 5 years will you care so deeply about this circumstance? Will your future self wish that you would not have given this former friend so much of your time and energy?”
        You impact the lives of people. Those people need you. People in your future need you. Please determine today to break the thought cycle and turn your attention to something/ someone worthy of your time.
        God is for you, He has always been for you.
        Jesus said this:
        “The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy (sound familiar?)
        But I have come so that you might have life and life to the full!”
        Do you see which one is trying to destroy your life and which one loves you beyond measure?
        I would venture to say that if you are being attacked in tia way, you have a pretty fabulous future ahead of you!
        I know there is battle going on in your mind. Please change the rules and decide that YOU will determine what to think about, not the enemy that is feeding you lies.
        God was full of joy when He created you! You still bring Him joy!
        Praying for victory for you, Marie!

        1. Kedibone Celia Magooa says:

          Thank you Jesus for this wonderful prophecy and declarations, i receive and i believe that all the pain and suffering that i have gone through have come to an end, my father i knew that you were always there with me during my hard times but because of your presence i managed to pass through. You are faithful father and i believe that all the prophecies will come to pass. Hallelujah Amen

      2. Antanaia Miller says:

        Thank you for this word it was definitely for me. Thank you.

        1. Nancy Dunnahoo says:

          Thank you for this word I did need it and receive the amen

        2. Randi Howard says:

          I agree with the word! I’m a dreamer. I feel that is the way God talks to me and have an understanding. Lately my dream was about me pulling my hair out and wailing while my husband comforted me and in his comfort I groaned internally and as I groaned a new substance was sprouting from my scalp. I believe God is saying He is about to do a new thing in my life. Thank you for you obedience to the Lord and sharing your messages.

      3. Dear Marie, suicide is not the answer but Christ Jesus. Christ in and among us is the hope and guarantee of glory to be revealed.- Colossian 1:27. The Lord hears His children when we call, for His word assures us so: “Call to Me and I will answer you, and tell you [and even show you] great and mighty things, [things which have been confined and hidden], which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish.”- Jeremiah 33:3 AMP
        “And I will do whatever you ask in My name [ as My representative], this I will do, so that the Father may be glorified and celebrated in the Son. If you ask Me anything in My name [as My representative], I will do it.”-John 14:13‭-‬14 AMP.
        Be comforted in the word of God and wait on Him for God is at work and His answer is closer than you may know. Praying with you, be blessed and healed of every brokenness in Jesus name.

        1. Yes this word was for me. Praise Jesus1!

      4. thankyou Abba God Papa for restoring my happy tears
        looooove you soooooooo much my Dearest Father for ever and ever

        1. Thank you Jesus so needed to read this. Amen

          1. MarYvonne says:

            Thank you Daddy for happy tears! God show me how to rest!!!

      5. Marie,
        Our Father loves you and created you with a destiny and purpose. Call out to Him and He will help you. I pray ABBA sends Angels to minister to you wherever you are. Receive His love and blessings.


      6. Marie, the Lord is the strength of your soul. The healer of your heart. The one who gave the very best of him because He loves you. Nothing can change that love. You are the most precious to Him; engraved in His hand, the apple of His eye. Your life meant so much to Him that He gave His Son so that you may live. I speak to every suicide spirit: “Be gone in the name of Jesus” and I declare the shalom peace of the Father over you Marie. Holy Spirit hover and brood over Marie in Jesus name, Amen. Marie, Jesus loves you.

      7. Lehlogonolo Mashiteng says:

        Dear Marie,

        Do not do it, trust me, last week I lost so much money which is seriously needed in my household, we havent paid rent for 3months and we in serious trouble, I lost my job and I live with two children and a sick wife who cant work, even get work.
        I tried suicide two weeks back and somehow God said no, even after I drank poison.
        Trust me it’s not the answer and it doesnt reply to the question we asking or the answer we seek.
        Just be still… and know.. I can’t believe I am the one writing this, but its God we talking about here. Leave it to Him…

      8. Tamara Varella says:

        Praying for your soul’s restoration from this Marie. The JOY of the Lord is your strength. Know that there are people that do love you and care about you including us. Great questions Jamie!

      9. Dear Marie,
        I’m sorry that you are going through a hard time right now. However, suicide is not the answer. It sounds like your relationship may be going through some hard times right now. Jesus knows this and cares about you and the situation deeply. He is waiting on you right now to tell Him all about it. He doesn’t mind that He already knows; He really wants to hear from you–about the deepest longings, joys, and pains that are in your heart.

        However, He also wants you to ask Him for His highest and best and most perfect will. Only He knows who is the perfect husband that He has chosen and ordained for you–but He DOES have one in mind. He has a man that He has created with you in mind, made just for you, before the foundation of the world. It may be this person you are with–but what if it isn’t? Only the Lord knows the answers to these deep and very painful questions–but He DOES have good plans for you; plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you a hope and a future.

        Marie, that’s why the Lord is waiting for you right now to come to Him, sit with Him, pour out your heart to Him, and ask Him to help you–but most of all to let Him work out His highest and most perfect will for your life in this situation. I know it feels hard sometimes to trust God with your heart, but He made you; He made your precious heart, and He’s the only one who really knows what He’s doing taking care of it. He just can’t take care of your heart until and unless you let Him; until you throw yourself on Him and cling to Him more than you cling to anything in your circumstances around you.

        Marie, you have a Father in Heaven who loves you very much. His heart beats for you and He thinks of you every waking moment. I pray you will let Him love you today.

        Big hugs to you,
        Jamie Rohrbaugh

      10. Go to google utube and lusten to Eckhart Tolle & also to Marissa Peer.

        1. Thank you Father God I will be resting and trusting you to do what you say you will do and I’m so ready for healing and have my life restored.

        2. I have been talking to the Lord about all of the things He mentioned in this devotion. Praise His name. He has heard my cry!

      11. Christine says:

        Thank ya xoxo much daddy bless ya 😇😇😇
        I’m greatfull of this prayer u Spock into my life of full in tears of joy.

      12. Dr. Torise Hiller says:

        Hallelujah to the King if Kings for your gracious blog to restore our Souls in this needed hour. I needed every ounce of this word. Thank you Jaime 😊

      13. Thank you for bringing such encouraging words.i have needed such words in my life.
        Your friend

      14. By faith i receive the Lord Jesus Christ’s blessings for me. I have been going through alot for soe time now and really could use some joy and favor from Him!

      15. Jamie, this is my word. To God be the glory!

    2. Prophet Jamie! I can’t express it enough! This is such an amazing on-time word from the Lord!

      1. Pls don’t think of suicide…. Like Prof Jamie prophecies God is just beginning. You are talking from a place of hurt and pain. You are hurt because you loved and cared. Turn your eyes to the one who Heals place your pain at the foot of his cross and with time you will only wonder where all the pain went. I will keep you in prayer. Stay blessed.

      2. Penny Davies says:

        Yes this word is for me and thank you Jamie for sharing Gods word with His people.

      3. Thank you so much Jamie for that word.. I feel blessed to have a relationship with the Lord. I’m in love

    3. Mary Archie says:

      Yes this word was for me Today !! I needed this Thanks Alot

      1. Claudette Turner says:

        Wow! Powerful & words of comfort from the Lord. I’ve been suffering from pain & hurt since I lost one of my son tragically. The devil & his host have stolen alot including my joy & happiness but after reading your powerful prophecy I heard him said to me” My daughter everything lost will be restored to you.” Hallelujah. I receive it now in the name of Jesus.

        1. Ida Kadewa says:

          Truly these words are for me. Thank you Abba Father.

    4. Babylin salazar says:

      Yes Jamie this is for me and God is restoring all that is broken in me. Someday I stand and tell my Testimony God is good and I know always

      1. Thank you Lord! I receive your word! God bless you Jamie!

    5. Amen, This word is for me. Thank you Jesus.

    6. I receive this word in the mighty name of Jesus. Jamie, this is truly the Holy Spirit with a now word for me. This is the answer to my prayers. God is so faithful. Thank you for your continued obedience to His Spirit.

    7. This is me. I cried so much today before leaving for work asking him to tell me why there is so much famine in my life after I have paid my tithe, my first fruits, my vows and nothing is working. I am undergoing a fast right now because of financial difficulty. I told God to take my life today if I won’t get answers. For 3years plus I have asked for the same thing a good job, financial breakthrough and marital breakthrough. I hope this word heals me because

      1. Hi Oy,
        Thanks for reading. Don’t you dare ask God to take your life today! That’s a prayer to the devil, not to God, because God isn’t like that and that doesn’t line up with His Word. Instead, examine your finances in light of God’s Word in order to see where you are lacking and why the blessings aren’t coming. When we manage our lives and finances God’s way, as described in His Word, blessings automatically follow.
        If you need help with this, I totally recommend books by Larry Burkett (his Bible studies on finances) and also Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover book. That book changed my life!
        I will pray for you. Blessings,

    8. Thank You heavenly Father. For Your lovingkindness endures forever!

      1. Amen I thank God for everything and I receive them all and I cant wait for God to Give me a job .let grace of the best Job ever locate me always want to pay my tithes and offering on time . I miss that

      2. Hi Jamie,

        This word spoke so much to me today, it’s been weary and sometimes so tiring.. I’ve been hearing the word ‘rest’ and reading it in your word today gave me much hope and clarity. Thank you

    9. Tammy Locke says:

      Thank you for all you do for the body of Christ. Much love. This word is for me. Thank you Father ❤️

    10. Yes, it IS for me. Thank you!

    11. Necole Zavala says:

      Thank you so much this is well received and met me exactly where I am. I am coated with every word spoken/written, this is on time! Thank You Jesus!!

    12. Thank you 🙏🏽 Heavenly father for your help and all you do ; help me grow closer to you and break barriers and blocks lord help me yield to your Holy Spirit protect and guard my Family Lord I’m seeking gifts of tongues lord help so I can pray for the body of Christ and for my Children, family members help me to receive the gifts that you have for me In the name
      Of Jesus Christ amen

    13. John C Raby says:

      I am amazed how close the Lords words are to my own experiences and my emotional reactions. How can I doubt such incite? I am an older man with a lifetime of wounds, both plyisical and emotional, military and non-military, yet here he is, speaking to me. Of course I will follow him: No Matter What.

      1. Hi John,
        Just wanted to say that Jesus and Father God and Holy Spirit love you very much. He will speak to you every single day if you would like to hear Him. He says, “My sheep hear my voice.” What a gift from the Lord–that all of us can and do hear! He loves you! 🙂

      2. jacqualine riddle says:

        Never give up on the Lord people may let us down but Our God always stands to his word may we be sensitive to his voice and not the other voices around us may he take you into a deeper intimacy with him our tears will be turned into Joy i receive God bless

    14. Cecilia Ramirez says:

      Thank You Father❤🥰 This Word is so accurate🙏🏼 Thank You Jamie for your obedience. You are so Faithful ABBA Daddy.

    15. Joseph Gandywest Agathe says:

      Thank you father for your caring .You don’t the longing I have wait to hear from.And now that you shower your grace and mercy I feel you are here near leading on the spiritual pathway you have destined for me.In the name of Jesus.Amen

    16. Chenequa Cash says:

      This word is for me and my household.

    17. Good day Jamie. I had a dream where l was fighting the witches in my house last night and was winning the battle. I also had a dream, in the same night, l was bitten by a snake on my finger and ended up throttling it to death with my fingers. Yesterday evening l was preaching at church and thereafter l led the congregation into praying for our finances as we are about to build a huge church. I believe God is restoring all that was lost to me. I am so overwhelmed with this prophesy because after a huge battle through my dreams coupled with the kind of prayer we had yesterday, l strongly believed that ABBA FATHER has finally answered my prayers.

      1. Hi friend, blessings to you and your church. In dreams, snakes represent lies. So it’s a good thing you killed that lie. May you stay strong in faith and stand with your armor on; having done all, to stand!
        Be blessed, and thanks for reading! Blessings to you and your church as well.

    18. Thank You Lord for Your reassurance this morning. I have been without joy for a long long time – thank You that You are restoring it in Jesus Name! Help us to keep our eyes fixed and focused on you always. Amen

    19. W.O.G,

      This prophesy was so well needled. The Lord is Mighty. Helpers one to another.
      Jesus I thank Ypu. My soul cries out Hallelujah Hallelujah. Restoration, 🔥💦💨
      Blessings, thank you for your obedience to the voice of the Lord. Thank you for being a change agent for the Kingdom of Heaven.

      T. JONES

    20. Linda Stanford says:

      I receive this word and claim it over my life. Thank you Lord and Thank you Jamie.

    21. Henrietta says:

      Thank YOU ABBA Father!!!!
      I have no words to thank You enough!

    22. Alberta Hogeda says:

      I Claim & receive this msg. I pray & thank you Lord. With the power of the Holy Spirit and in the blood and name of Jesus I pray . Amen!

    23. This word is an answer to my prayers and desires I talked with papa about just yesterday, to a tee. And right now I sit waiting for a pet scan believing that I have received my healing. The report will com back cancer free!!
      I praise God for his faithfulness !!
      God bless you Jamie, you have been a the life jacket tethering me to the anchor of my soul; JESUS.
      Bless you,

        1. Lord thank you so much father for restoring my tears of joy. I have rarely had those in my lifetime. Thank you so much Lord that what you have spoken, you have already created because your word creates. Thank you Lord for restoring everything the canker worm has eaten. We give you all the honor and all the glory my father. Lord bless your mouth piece Jamie and continue reaching the nations of the world through her. In Jesus’s name, amen.

    24. Latashia N Johnson says:

      Thank you jesus I receive in jesus name amen🙌🙌🙌. I have been going through so much thank you I needed this message. Gloryyyyyyy!!!!!

    25. Thank You Lord this word was for me i receive my joy and peace and health in abundance i reveive it with open hands🙏 Thank you Jesus Christ. Thank you Jamie

    26. God works in mysterious ways, Thank you for the word Jamie. I am so overwhelmed by my troubles right now but I am trusting God and taking Him at His word, my child has not gone to school since the schools re-opened in January, she went once and was taken out of class because we owe school fees, our house is in huge arrears the bank and lawyers are preparing for foreclosure date, it’s sad it’s painful but I still praise the Lord for His faithfulness

    27. Okhen Esangbedo says:

      Amen, Papa God, I believe and receive your word for me today in Jesus name amen. I have been longing to be in your rest, to enjoy the peace of God that passes all understanding, to pray, listen, hear and obey you Lord. Lord my whole being depends on you, do not forsake the work of your hands. Thank you Jesus.You’re my Lord, my God, my saviour and my king, the king of kings &the Lord of Lords, I surrender my heart, my husband, children, job, finances,spiritual& prayer life, my entire life&destiny&marital destiny into your holy hands,I bow down before you and adore you Lord and give you all the glory,honour,adoration,praise,worship,salutation&thanksgiving that is due to your holy name, be thou exalted&glorified both now and forevermore amen.

      1. Tess White says:

        I receive this word for myself and my family, and our loved ones.
        Please manifest my husband’s prophesied healing and raise up our finances for Your Glory.
        Thank You Lord for restoration and Your faithfulness. Amen.

    28. Thank you for such an on time word.God bless you

    29. Amen. This word is for me. Thank you Father God for this encouragement. Thank you Jamie for your obedience and hearing God. So grateful that I am entering His rest. I will testify to the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.


    31. Thank you for this Word. I’m claiming it for my household today!

    32. Jerome Cowell says:

      Thanks Jamie a needed and on time Word from the Lord. I receive and Believe in every Word Of God! I AM Praying and Believing for double in 2020. Lord give me Strength to Endure in the race of Life. So I can receive my Crown, and my Father say WELL DONE my GOOD and FAITHFUL SERVANT!

    33. CYNTHIA GUIDRY says:


    34. Lord:THANK YOU!..Be it unto US according to your word.!


    36. Tears of joy, yes, yes, Yes! My life is changing with all the wonderous “suddenlies” of God according to your prophesies, it’s amazing!! Thank you and bless you 💜

    37. It’s not been easy these past years. My family has been put through the wringer, lost a sister and my father…family support broken…. every thing has been painful… Psychologically that it turns physical body pains when I think about it. The only thing I do is cling to God’s promises and the prophecies that God rains down in my patched life through his worthy servant Prof. Jamie. Thanks for availing yourself. And thanks for this word it’s mine in Jesus name amen

      1. Dear friend, I’m so sorry for your tragic losses. I prayed for you just now. May the God of all comfort heal your heart and take away your pain.
        Love in Christ,

    38. Latika OQuinn says:

      YESSSS!!!! This word indeed is confirmation to me. Yesterday I was driving home and began singing-loudly unto the Lord. It was great!! I have been feeling SO great lately! I am getting better at resting and not feeling bad about it.
      I try my hardest to obey at all cost.
      I am looking forward to the manifestation of His promises towards me.
      Thank you again, Ms. Jamie for spending time with the Lord.

    39. Margaret Mills says:

      Yes, I receive this!

    40. Dan Mbugua says:

      Thank you for this Kairos Rhema Word.i claim it in Jesus Mighty Name.i decree and declare that restoration is my portion in Jesus Mighty Name

    41. Thank you Abba Father for speeding up my answers. May your be praised!! Bless you Jamie for sharing.

    42. Annanson John says:

      Prophetess Jamie, you have no reason to DOUBT God! This is has been desired for a while and couldn’t have come at right time! Lord let it rain!
      May the Lord pour out HIS Holy Spirit on you the more!

      1. Thank you Lord, and you too woman of God, that is me, I claim the Word joy restoration is my portion.

    43. Thank you Lord Jesus. This is a word for me and my family. I receive it in the faithful name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

    44. Anna-Mary says:

      I needed this assurance. Thank You Father. It’s been hard and painful. I believe that you are doing this fast, no delays. I rest…

    45. Our God is merciful, so much merciful that his mercy endureth forever.

    46. I received the same word from Dick Mills in the 80’s regarding the canker worm
      It’s Time now for the restoration, not only of that which was stolen from me, but from a good portion of the body of Christ.
      Today is the day of the great awakening and the restoration of all things to be shouted from the housetops
      I wish you had a chat room so we could communicate with each other
      How do I contribute ?

    47. AMEN!! I receive this WORD in the Mighty Name of Jesus!!!

      This is my WORD!!!

      Thank you Jamie and may God bless you abundantly!!

      1. Good evening Jamie & community! Yes! This passage spoke too me GOD is working things out behind the scenes I see God in everything and he’s in charge no matter what msn says he’s our comforter and protector. Amen 🙏🏽

    48. Confimation!! I receive this word……praise the Lord!! thank you Jamie for sharing this…….as always his times are perfect! Amen!!

    49. This word resonates with me. I have been in so much emotional pain, uncertainty, distrust and bitterness because of how someone close to me behaved and I have been struggling to get over that. I am strong, but these days I find myself shedding silent tears – my eyes are always moist. And I am praying earnestly for God to help me heal spiritually, focus on Him more and forgive and forget. This word in deed is welcomed.
      Thanks Jamie – God richly bless you and prosper your ministry.

    50. Wow. I have been struggling for so long finding the balance between work, family, myself and God. Usually work always comes first. I have struggled to put God first, but little baby steps at least got me on the road. I read my bible piece every morning and try to focus on God while I am at work. Work is hard and the attacks are so many. I think that I am an oversensitive person. I long for rest, peace and silence in my head. I struggle to set priorities and to find meaning to this life.

      1. Hi Annelie, you are on the right track if you’re seeking God first every day, even if you only have a few minutes to do so! That few minutes invested in seeking the Lord will set the course for your whole day and you will reap BIG dividends in blessings, peace, and God’s supernatural flow and grace on your day—all because you sought Him first. Giving Him the first part of anything makes the whole rest of that thing BLESSED. <3
        Thanks for reading!

    51. Shauna lundy says:

      Amen! Yes thank you Jaimie for these uplifting words. The Lord is restoring all and this was even more confirmation. I have cryed so many tests of pain over the years where the enemy has stolen a spouse many years ago and now my 5 year old daughter whom I’m fighting to get back from an injustice that was done to me. I believe God is going restore my daughter and my finances which are currently being stolen as well. I believe the lord is calling me to online ministry as well and I will do your online program soon so I learn how to prosper in all that God has for me. Thank you!

    52. christy eck says:

      I started crying as i was reading this and excepting it as my own. Thank you LORD, for always being there even when i don’t think you are and i doubt you ever hearing my words to you. I know your return is near, even closer than i think. Please help the ones who are not paying attention to open their eyes. In JESUS name, amen.

      GOD Bless you and your work Jamie!

    53. Marcia E. Stallworth says:

      Thank you for this encouraging word. I receive this word as personally given for me. I have not had any tears for many years because of a medical condition During the last year, year and a half, I have not shed one tear, even though my sister, my best friend, passed and another dear friend was eulogized yesterday. I felt the sorrow, but wasn’t able to release the tears.. Recently, I have heard a waling from within me and I know that something is about to happen in my life. Thank you again for this word.

    54. Thank you for that word. I am asking God to restore things in my life , health, spiritual , financially and salvation of my children. So many things going on that I know I need to rest and allow God time and space to handle these situations. This word encouraged me. Thank you for listening to the Father and relaying the message. I bless you in Jesus’ name. amen

    55. Joseph Whitelaw says:

      Thank you Father I receive that in Jesus name!

      April H.

    57. I cant beleive that the Lord will remenber me and bless me beyond imagination like this. O thank you JESUS


    59. Tonikia Freeman says:

      I receive this word for my life, my family and church families life In Jesus Name!!!

    60. Thank you again for your obedience to the Holy Spirit.this is a timely word for me and received that in Jesus name. GOD BLESS.

    61. Kathy Harrison Privott says:

      Yes, this word is for me and I receive it in the name of Jesus!

    62. Elizabeth Tuinidau says:

      I am so blessed to serve a great God like our Papa.It is mine and i am going through tough times for my son n husband.God is restoring back my family and my hope is in the Lord always..Thank you Lord for Jamie’s life and her ministry. I received this Word of prophecy and i believe the Name of Jesus in my heart.and it is mine.Amen!!!!!

    63. This is spot on for me! Thank you, Father God! I receive this word expectantly. God, your Word will not return to you void, for it will accomplish the purpose for which you sent it out. Praise your Holy Name!

    64. I receive this word with praise and thanksgiving!

    65. Crystal hill says:

      I think you Lord and I received these message over my whole life in Jesus name!!! Thank you

    66. Hallelujah, this is so timely Lord, this prophecy is mine and I declare and decree in the name of Jesus Christ that the restoration and breakthroughs to manifest in my life in Jesus name.. “The smile I had yesterday” it’s so true after a very long time of tears and loneliness I had a very warm smile and I got a sweet compliment from that, how coincident, this is God’s ways of showing me he got me 💯 and my time is now to receive my full miracles and breakthroughs in Jesus name.. Thank you dear father for this wonderful prophecy, thank you for using your servant and speaking through her, Lord am beyond grateful and blessed.. Thank you 🙏

    67. I receive this word ! In Jesus name Amen

    68. Certainly the Lord will restore what has been eaten by locusts, Lord I trust in you, your words never fails, I continue to await faithly in Prater that joy comes in the morning

    69. Thank you jamie
      I been pressing in daily this word is of great comfort to me . God bless you in all your needs

      Peace restoration come forth now in jesus name

    70. Thank You Jesus! I prayed for this sign. My heart is now at rest and at peace.

    71. Good morning, thank you, thank you and thank you. Yes this word is truly for me. I thank God for using you to speak through. May your today be brighter than yesterday. May God continue to bless and keep you.

    72. Thank u lord for total.restoration, this prophetic word was meant for me,am so much in pain,broken but my eye will always be open to u lord.Thank u Jesus for the message. This is really my message. Love u Jesus.

    73. Thank you Jesus, you are ALWAYS on time!! I feel as if this Word was tailored just for me. Just before I started reading it, I was thinking I am a cry baby. Often times when I am praying and worshiping the Lord, I begin to cry. The last 3 years of my life was very challenging. I was the primary Caregiver for my mom, who has gone on to be with Jesus. Thank you Lord for your Word through Jamie. Thank you Jamie for your obedience. May God continue to bless your ministry, you, your family and all of your endeavors!

    74. Restoration is my word for 2020. Thank you for your obedience.

    75. Thank you Jamie.Thank you for this word.It was definitely for me.Thank you Lord Jesus.I know all my prayers will be answered.

    76. Praise God. Jamie, our Lord is very faithful. He wipes all our tears and brings joy even if it takes longer. His plans are the greatest. In his time, all pain will be wiped off.
      Thank you for the prophetic word. It’s his words telling me that my joy is close at hand. Amen !

    77. Shailaja Abraham says:

      Thank you so much for your prayers and prophetic word.when I started reading the tears of Joy rolled over my cheeks.Yes I know the years of pain and distress I went through but my Abba Father is with me and He never let me down.Thank you Father God for Your blessings.Thank you Jemie for your timely Word that makes me feel better in Jesus Christ the name above all name.God bless you and your family abundantly.

    78. Thank you so much Jamie for your obedience in sharing this word! I’m so thankful for Papa God restoring my tears of Joy and allowing me to live out my name! Thank you Papa God for your love and healing all the pain, hurt and disappointment that I have experienced over the years. Praise God for restoration!!!! I love you so much Papa!!

    79. Thank you very much Father God in heaven. These words are for me. I have tears of joy now. I have found my soul mate through those prayers of spouse. A man of God. I’m waiting for the big day. Thank you Jammie

    80. Dear God… You know I have been looking for a job for many years, and I believe you will give me one soon. Please help me also if n my current relationship, I just need a job and love please and I’m sure you will give me.
      Thank you

    81. Tammy Locke says:

      Much needed word. I have not been able to cry in so long. Feel like the Father is so far away.

      1. Thanks for the promise of hope from Abba Father. Please continue to pray for me as I try to hold up myself against multiple odds that come my way. It’s been a long haul of several years now. Request you to pray for my wife, sons and a seriously ill younger brother.
        With you in Christ,

    82. Toni Henderson says:

      Lprd, I thank you and received this message in the name of Jesus.

    83. Maika Kamikamica says:

      Tears of joy, thank you Jamie for the word. Nine long years of waiting for restoration ,stay blessed and your ministry

    84. Lisa Margaret says:

      Wow again through salty tears, bless you!

    85. angie Tocher says:

      Amen, thank you so much for such an encouraging word, I receive it in Jesus Name, thank you Jamie for all you do and your blessings, May God Bless you abundantly.

      from Australia With love Angie

    86. Kedibone Celia Magooa says:

      Thanks Jamie, may God Almighty continue to use you on us the people of this world, the above prophecy is really talking to my situation and i believe God is doing wonders in my life, I’m waiting for the prophecy to come to pass, I’ve been crying since last year when the enemy entered in my finances, I’ve been crying to God for intervention and restoration, but nothing happened, but today i received my deliverance through the word i received through you. Thank you

    87. Receiving this word today was so timely for me. Thank you, Abba Father! And thank you, Jamie, for everything you and your ministry do for us. May God continue to Bless you abundantly.

    88. Jamie ,please pray for us!

    89. Crystal hill says:

      I receive this word and claim it over my life. Thank you Lord and Thank you Jamie.

    90. Nadia Slater says:

      Good night Jamie, I am thanking God 🙏 for this word, I have been crying for so long and I have been wondering how long was it going to take for my God 🙏 to even look or even hear me, this word today tells me that God is answering my tears, Thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus, I stand on your word and I know that you will restore,unto me all that has been stolen in Jesus Christ name Amen

    91. Iro Summers says:

      Dear Jamie,

      Thank you so much for sharing this Word from the LORD today. I definitely receive it. God bless you.

      Love Your Sister in Christ,


    92. Thank You for giving her this Word FatherI And thank you Jamie for your obedience in sharing it with us. I receive it in Jesus’ name!


    94. Faith Kabiite says:

      Thank you so much for the Encouraging words i believe in Good Or Bad Situations God is there to show his mercy and Grace to those who Love Him ,
      My Family is going through a hard time ,Satan is using some people who want to Steal our Land and Property , we have been Going to Court over this issue but all in Vein there is a lot of corruption and injustice but i believe the God we serve will give us Justice amidst all Challenges and trials

    95. Joseph Gandywest says:

      I believe and receive. In Jesus name.Amen

    96. Thank you so much Jamie for this prophetic Word. Just a few minutes BEFORE I read it, such a calmness and rest came upon me in the middle of a distressful situation. This is such an encouragement and confirmatin of what I experienced. Be blessed and sorry for not commenting on each of your posts – they too have been very helpful and a blessing! (I printed out your prayer of intercession and keep it in my bible. I pray it every day over my family members, to name just one thing…)

    97. Prisca Simango Mwansa says:

      Oh thank you ABBA GOD, thank you for restoration, tears if joy, laughter and abundance. My children are being restored of their wisdom intelligence undanstanding and joy. Oh Jesus thank you IAM RESTING, I DEPEND ON YOU ABBA.
      My financial situation and family is changing for best.

    98. Prisca Simango Mwansa says:

      My sons Mapalo Jeremiah Mwansa, Lubuto Nathan Mwansa and Takundanashe Mwansa, ABBA GOD their future is bright and they are making it in life. I submit their name before you throne of mercy. My nieces
      Lumbani, Natasha and Tafadwa they are making it in life.

    99. This word brings joy to me! thank you Jamie for sending the email this morning, right on time. I receive this from my Abba Father right now!

    100. Thank you for this word!
      I have been going through bad things most of my life.
      This morning I called out to the Lord and asked Him if this is my destiny and whether I was subjected to a miserable life. The last few years had been the most terrible.
      Today, I claim these promises and blessings from God….this word of restoration.
      And I receive them ALL,in Jesus name! No more heartbreak, no more misery, no more tears, no more disappointments, in Jesus name!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      The fullness of God’s glory belongs to me!!!!!!!

    101. Bless you Jamie. I receive them all. Abba Father is restoring that which the canker worm has devoured from me. My tears are turned into joy!!

    102. I have cried more than a river, thank you for the prophetic word im fighting in the spirit and im cleaving on with faith, holding onto nothing until nothing becomes something. God bless you abundantly Jamie for lifting up our souls.

    103. Thank you for this word.. I feel it is directed at me.. I for some time have been having a very heavy heart, and all I want to do is cry.. I have been thru so much in my life time.. I am getting tired..weary and worn out.. I no longer feel strong.. Ive prayed n asked God for help..without Him I am nothing..without Him I would die..and i am just so tired of feeling sad depressed n oppressed..Im tired of this life..n ask Father to take me home..there is nothing in this earth for me but sadness n not suicidal..just would rather that God take me home now..if nothing changes.. Im tired of loneliness..nobody cares unless its at their convenience..and that is how i at the end of it all…but i cant cry..plz help me..

    104. Amen!! You have no idea how I felt while reading this, brings my hope back and know this is for me……..I’ve struggled for so long with so many things and this word speaks to my heart! Praise the Lord! God bless you Jamie!

    105. I receive it in Jesus name. Thank you Abba Father for this word.

    106. Thank you papa God,
      this message really meant for me and has touched me. i went through a lot and felt like leaving my family and to run away. i had dropped tears every time and Papa God really was there in my problems and troubles. i thank you today for restoring my life back. i claim it and thank you in Jesus name. Amen.
      thank you Jamie, God bless.

    107. LaTrina Steele says:


    108. Jamie your encouraging words have helped me so much over the last several years. I’ve seen them thru Elijah List and your voice has been one of the most truthful dependable voices in my journey. God has you time and time again over and over. I am so blessed to have had your words in my life. Thank you for your obedience.

    109. Oh thank you so much for this word, I’m claiming it in Jesus name. I’ve been crying for the past three days. I’m single mom of two boys, I’ve been looking for employment for a long time without any success, I have the qualifications and experience but Im only receiveing only ” we regret” responses. I have problems with my heart ( its swollen) i am struggling so much that I have suicidal thoughts. I’m depressed. Sometimes I cant even pray it’s just tears of pain. We are living on handouts oh my God I feel that everything is too much for me. I feel like giving up.

    110. Jamie, I needed to hear this. Thank you for being faithful to God to have been able to be a vessel that He can use so that my ears could hear Him speak. Bless you. Hallelujah

    111. Amen!!! I receive this in Jesus’ name hallelujah 🙌

    112. Tammy Collins says:

      This hit home! I needed this. It describes me perfectly and where I am in my life.
      Thank you so much and may I continue to focus on the Lord and His plans for me. I did lose my focus and I did wonder where He was but I now know He made some adjustments in my world and removed some people from my life so that I could move forward! Praise God!!!🙏

    113. Yesssss, thank you Lord Almighty God, thank you Jesus, I love you father, I love you Jesus, thank you for fulfilling your promises, the plans you have for me and granting me the desires of my heart.. Yesssss Abba father, you’re never late, always in time.. I love youuuuuu Jesussss, thank you for confirming everything, manifesting your greatness upon my life, restoring everything, thank you for giving me a new song, testimonies, thank you for restoring my joy, have changed my dancing style, I am dancing your glory and honor.. Thank you Jesus, thank you Lord Almighty God.. 🙌❤️💃💍💒💵

    114. Hello Jamie
      Praise God for all you do. I want to Thank God for letting you be a part of my Life. You and your Ministry has been a Blessing to me and my Family. I try to not miss a note or message from you. You are Awesome and I do feel the Love 💘 of you and Father, Abba. I am diving deeper into the Walk with Christ. These last two years have been hurtful and painful. In a daily fight and battle being a Kingdom Builder. Will you continue to Pray for me and my Family? And Thanks for being Real and Transparent. I can relate to you better that way. There is a lot of fake and phony people out here. Thanks again, much Love 💘 for you and your work.

    115. Thank you for these deep, healing words from Abba, they are like a quiet, pure breath many, for me this speaks directly to my spirit, my soul. Thank you for your your faithfulness Jamie. Thank you Abba for restoration, like a tree taking in a deep drink of water, from the roots up, thank you for your blessings and the deep work of restoration of the years, of life, of body, soul, mind health and of joy. Amen

    116. This is my love letter I received from Daddy God today. Thank you Daddy, I have no doubt you care so, so much about me and am aware am in your presence right now and will remain in this same position you have placed me for a long time to come.
      Thank you. All glory be to Go!!.

    117. Omar Pastrana says:

      I just asked to give a sign he would restore me and a promise gr made me. Low and behold, i receive this word! Father you amaze me. I am in awe of you. Thank that you hear my cry and you answer me. 🙏🏼

    118. Hallelujah thank You Jesus! God bless and thank you Sister Jamie!

    119. Candice Parsons says:

      What a precious word, it could not have fit my situation more precisely and felt like Jesus was talking to me in answer to prayer… Jamie THANK YOU! I couldn’t possible be more blessed by you and EVERYTHING you do. Yours has to be the most powerful and miracle making blog on the entire interwebs… I praise and thank God for you. You really are His Messenger of love and hope, wisdom and strength – on so many levels. Hallelujah!!! ❤️🙏🙌 …Candice from Perth, Australia.

    120. I receive and believe this prophecy, word is for me today. Thank you for allowing God to speak through you to bless so many. Including me.

    121. This word is definitely for me. Thank you for it, I receive it in Jesus Name

    122. Elizabeth Tuinidau says:

      Amen I received it!Absolutely mine!
      Praise the Lord Immanuel!


    124. Thank 🙏🏾💞 You HEAVENLY FATHER for always being there for me😇🤗. You are so good to me all the time. I LOVE ❤😘 YOU with all my heart 🔐💗💖. Thank 😇✋🏾👉🏾You JAMIE GOD 🙏🏾🙌🏾 🙏🏾YOU.. .*💗TAKE CARE💗*.

    125. Abba father show yourself strong in the bane of Jesus 🙏 😇 😘

    126. FATHER GOD, thank YOU for YOUR answer to all my questions and prayers. I believe in YOU and also in YOUR SON Jesus. Amen.

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