Prophetic Word: “I Am With You to Help You,” Says the Lord

webinars December 16-18: Divine alignment in 2025
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1
Prophetic Word with Jamie Rohrbaugh |

Have you been in great agony of spirit and soul, trying to cope with the monstrous stressors that have been coming at you from every side lately? If so, the Lord says to you today:

“I am with you to help you, even when you don’t think I am.

When you see yourself making no progress at all, I am with you to help you. I am helping you behind the scenes, even when you don’t see Me working.

When others reject you, I am still with you to help you. When people don’t meet your expectations, I am still working.

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    You have been confused in many things, but I am still with you to help you,” says the Lord. 

    He continued: 

    “Your agony of heart and spirit is not lost on Me; I am with you and I see everything. But do you not know that you do not have to figure things out? All you have to do is know Me, and I will lead you.

    Your life could change tomorrow for the better. It could change today. Everything could change in one moment, and you would have done nothing to accomplish that change yourself. I am fully capable of changing everything for you, and all you have to do is rest in Me.

    When you rest in me, it shows that you trust Me.

    You don’t have to figure it out; all you have to do is live moment by moment abiding in Me. Do what you need to do from one moment to the next. Have I not told  you to take no thought for tomorrow? Yet you are working yourself to a frazzle with nothing but thoughts about tomorrow!

    I need you to rest in Me. I need you to cooperate with My plans for your life, and your cooperation includes resting. It does not include striving or worrying.

    I am working things out on your behalf for your highest possible good, and you will be staggered by My goodness when you finally see what I have been working out for you all along.

    Reader FavEs

    Speak Life Volume 2!

    This book contains hundreds of Biblical confessions that will help you walk in God’s manifest power every day! Use Speak Life Volume 2 to help you speak the Word over your mind, love walk, prayer life, and more.

    You are farther along than you think you are in My plans for you.

    You do not see yourself growing, but I do–and I am so proud of you. Moment by moment I am convicting you, changing you, growing you, and enlarging your territory. Day by day I move you toward My desired destination. Year by year you have built your testimony of My goodness in your life, and that will not stop.

    The flow of My goodness is not going to stop in your life, and I am restoring things you have lost. I am giving you back your anointing, power, and purpose–which are all My anointing, power, and purpose in you. You have felt lost and you have wavered, driven aside from the normal path that we walk by unforeseen events, agony, and circumstances. 

    But you know what? I am with you always, even to the end of the world.

    I will never leave you nor forsake you. I am with you until the end of time, and I will be with you for all eternity after time ceases. You are My beloved and My song of songs, and I dote on you.

    I am mesmerized by you, My beloved baby. I kiss you all day with My tender mercies and lovingkindness, and I will never cease doing so.

    Rest in Me now.

    You are going to have to find rest in Me on purpose. You will find it as soon as you seek it, however, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light. If you come to Me, even in your weary and heavy-laden state, I will immediately give you rest. 

    I will never begrudge you the rest you need. I will always fulfill your cravings for a refreshed and revived soul. I will water you with My Spirit in your body, soul, and spirit, and I will make you feel brand-new.

    You do not have to know. You only have to know Me.

    My provision and guidance come from Me, and I can’t help but send them; Provider and Counselor is Who I Am. And when you focus on Me, you will automatically be right in the center of where I need you to be–because I will guide you there.

    When you are obsessed with Me, you will be in the pipeline to receive everything I am and everything I have. Do not worry; no one–not even you–can pluck you out of My hand.

    Reader FavEs

    Speak Life Volume 2!

    This book contains hundreds of Biblical confessions that will help you walk in God’s manifest power every day! Use Speak Life Volume 2 to help you speak the Word over your mind, love walk, prayer life, and more.

    My reach is secure and My grasp is firm.

    I want you to have so much peace about My provision for you, My plans for You, and My love for you. I want you to approach each day from the perspective of wondering which good and perfect gifts I have for you today, instead of fearing how you will get through each day. If you will focus on Me and REST, you will be able to do that.

    My love for you exceeds all boundaries, all confusion, all wondering, all lack, all inadequacy, all sorrow. I take these things away from you when you are in My presence, and I give you peace–precious peace. Focus on Me and receive from Me, and I will manifest Myself to you as everything you need.

    Love, your Abba Father.”

    Beloved, is this word resonating with you right now? If so, please leave a comment below!


    1. IRMA NORTJE says:


      1. This is a direct word to me from Abba, every word, God bless you for being His anointed conduit through which He flows, His instrument and vessel anointed and honor. May His favor and blessing be multiplied upon u this day. I needed this. This is life! Thank you

      2. Yes, Thank you so very much for this Word I’ve been in a very difficult situation, too long to explain, that also has made it difficult for my husband and I to be together all the time due to an accident i had, and having to stay with my daughter and my husband staying where we live 45 minutes away, and I’m having a difficult time trusting GOD because of the situation we are in, it’s a long story like I said, and we are both retired and ny husband has to work a part time job in order for us to be able to pay our bills and live. I’ve been feeling neglected, I know that the LORD never leaves us nor forsake us, I’ve known the LORD for awhile and it shames me the way I feel. Because I know that HE loves us all. Thank you again for your Word may the LORD JESUS Abundantly Bless you and your family and ministry, in JESUS CHRIST NAME AMEN SO BE IT!!!!!!!

    2. Hi Jamie, I appreciate this word. God has been preparing me for ministry the last few years, surprisingly and unexpectedly in this late stage of life. I’m 63. Lots of preparation, but not sure for what. So I’m learning to rest and trust.
      Thank you,
      Melissa J

    3. Diana Garcia says:

      Thankyou Jesus I really needed this word my mom is in the ICU fighting for her life , with brain injury because she had to be Resuscitated , now they want me to make a decision for hospice, my God is bigger than this so I like it I’ll let you be and I thank you for the word that was given to me today . Thankyou so much I receive the Prophetic word
      In Jesus Mighty Name Amen

    4. Pamela A. says:

      Jamie, Thank you so much for the Words you so faithfully steward from The Lord. Every time I read them I feel so thankful and learn things about Him I otherwise may not have. I love hearing His heart and the beautiful love language He has! Thank you introducing me to His love language and for the blessing of your ministry. The difference it makes is in ways you may never know the reach of. God bless you in all you do, many times over!

    5. Raven Tasker says:

      Wow I’m the 5th to comment and I consider that Gods grace. This was a word straight to my heart. I just apologized to my husband for another party I planned that I over stressed about and could have enjoyed more because it was in celebration of the life of my son. My son actually was a surprise from God in the midst of a call of death (cancer) I got . We named Him life . And that Life comes from You Abba! God you are always speaking life to the parts I consider to far gone. Your goodness and mercy chases me down. In Your love there in absolutely no fear, no striving just belonging. Solidify me in your rear . May I be obsessed with You more than anything else. I choose You because You loved / love me! Amen! I agree!

    6. Raven Tasker says:

      Oh my I wasn’t the 5th I was the 4th. And even so thank you!! Love you! Abba Father. Your love never fails!

    7. Sukoluhle says:

      Wow thank you so much, I am encouraged and revived. I felt the love of God reading the word.

    8. Oh my gosh! I just heard a Pastor on The Word tv station that we get and i never even knew we had that station until today. The Pastor preached about the verses where Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water until he let fear rise in him and took his focus off of Jesus. Then the pastor continued and said “but Jesus Reached out his hand and picked him up and saved him” and continued stating that Jesus’ hand is always ready to reach out to us… thats where your post is such confirmation where you say “My rescue is secure. My grasp is firm”. Such confirmation! And as God led you to write ….“if you focus on me and Rest” …. FOCUS. REST DO NOT FEAR …all confirmation as to what I heard this morning! And as i said I just happened to put that station on after our church online service! I love when that happens as Jesus wanted me to get this!!! Jamie you are such an amazing caring person being used by God in an amazing way speaking to others hearts and souls!!! I know your words from God speak to mine! Love you so much! Please take care of YOU as WE need you!!! Sheri from Michigan!!!

    9. Wow, amen, just what I am going through, I need to rest in Jesus and trust that that he will take care of everything.

    10. Jamie, this Word really resonated with me. I have felt so comforted. So loved. Thank you.

    11. This absolutely speaks to me! Almost word for word what I’ve been struggling with and what I’ve needed to hear. Thank you Jamie! Thank you Jesus 🙌.

    12. Christina Jones says:

      My husband and I are purchasing a home, well trying to. I pray there are no roadblocks that will prevent it from happening. Move miraculously in our lives, even with our credit. Have everyone that is tied to our purchasing a home will have faith and believe in God that they could get us to purchase our home.

    13. desmond Greene says:

      this gives me great encouragement. to know that jesus is always with me no matter what. this really draws my attention to that fact. it sets my attention towards Jesus. Amen.

    14. Thanks for your message, which is a confirmation of the beginning of my day!
      I should have started my new work today in a factory in one shift. Today is the entrance day. I lived so much difficulty in the last few months. And I’m so tired phisically, spiritually and mentally. I have a 4 years old son. He woked up in the morning. And I couldn’t go away. I was so nervous and angry. But after I heard that the Lord wants me to rest. And here is your message from God that’s the same what He told to me. So I start it and hope that I’ll receive a new possibility to start my work another day. Blessings to you from Hungary!

    15. Oh YES! This wird is powerful and speaks to my situation.
      God bless you Jamie for sharing.
      I am encouraged that not even I can pluck myself out of the hands of God. He’s got me. Hallelujah 🙌

    16. Karren Smith says:

      I am so grateful to your words. I have been going through some things and was losing hope and lacking faith and trust. I love God and Jesus and I’m so glad they love me too. The words from everyone helps and to know I’m not alone in this makes it better . I live alone and don’t go out much I have not found a church that I want to be part of yet . I thank you for this inspiring message and comforting words

    17. I am so pleased that I read the email. It was exactly what I needed.

    18. Thank you and amen. My life blew up about a month ago and it will never be the same. There is so much confusion, hurt and sorrow. Thank you this is a timely message from Abba.

    19. Thank you for this word!
      I say YES and AMEN!!

    20. This is my word. I receive in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen

    21. Thank you. I needed this encouragement.

    22. Annanson John says:

      Great is thy faithfulness, O’ Lord.
      Most very grateful for this word.
      God bless you and keep you safe.

    23. Thank Father for this word for I know your always with me and guiding my life. Father please allow me to rest in your presence. Thank you Jamie for this beautiful word blessings to you 🙌🏾🙏🏾.

    24. Glory to Yah! This word is for me! Praise GOD! Thank you for releasing this on time word, Jamie. 🙏🏽

    25. Bantshang Karesaza says:

      Thank you Lord for being with me always.

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