Prophetic Word & Preaching Dates!
1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2
Good morning, dear lovely readers! I have been praying for you this morning and I felt the Lord wanted me to send you a quick post with an encouraging word. You’ll find that word below. But first, I wanted to also invite you to a couple of things!
1 – Come to my next live workshop, called “21 Kisses”! It’s free!
On Friday night, July 29, and Saturday morning, July 30, I will be teaching an equipping workshop at my church here in Chattanooga, Tennessee. This workshop is entitled 21 Kisses, and it’s about how God will give you the same sure mercies He gave to King David, the sweet Psalmist of ancient Israel and the only man in the Bible who God described as a man after His own heart.
This prophetic study of the life of David will focus on how God moved in David’s life to prepare him for (and move him into) his radical destiny–and how He promises the same mercy, blessing, and lovingkindness to you! If you want to walk closer with God than you ever have before, and see Him work more powerfully in your life than you ever have before, this workshop is for you.
This workshop has been on my heart for a year and a half, and I’m so excited to teach it! So if you’d like to attend, please do! You’re invited. You do need to reserve a spot; you can email me to do so. Please mark your calendar and make plans now to join us. Bring your friends, family, and anyone you want to see equipped to live victoriously in Jesus!
When: Friday night, July 29, 6:30 – 8:30 PM*
Saturday morning, July 30, 10:00 AM – noon*
Hixson, Tennessee
*All times are Eastern time. Also, all sessions will build upon one another, so attendance on both days is encouraged.
2 – On Wednesday, July 6, I’ll be preaching at my church on live streaming.
My pastor has asked me to preach about the gift of prophecy at our Wednesday night service that date. I’m soooo excited and honored to have the opportunity to preach God’s Word, and especially about something that is so near and dear to my heart. Please mark your calendar and make plans now to watch it live! (Or come visit if you’re able to do so!)
I’d love to see you at any of these times and places!
And now here’s the encouraging word:
I felt like the Lord wanted you to know this this morning:
“Beloved, I have greater things for you than you could ever have dreamed. And the greatest of all things you could ever desire is intimacy with Me. Come unto Me today. Let me refill your body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit. Let Me fill you with the LIVING water you so desperately crave. I am the sum total of everything You desire. All your fountains are in Me. If you will come to Me and seek to know Me with your whole heart, focusing all your attention on Me, I will energize you with more power, anointing, passion, enthusiasm, and JOY than you ever thought possible.
I am waiting for you. My heart burns with passion for you. Come to Me, and I will give you rest. I will fill you up this very day. You don’t have to wait. All you have to do is seek My face. I love you, and you will find only joy in Me.”
Does this encouraging word speak to your heart? Are you hungry for Jesus today? If so, please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you!
I’m coming Jamie, but I will contact Ms. Porter. I’m excited for you.
Yay, Tameeka! I’m so glad you will be joining us. 🙂 I can’t WAIT!!!
Good Morning! This word spoke to my heart directly! Tks for allowing Holy spirit to flow through you.Amen
Yay! Thanking Jesus with you. 🙂 Thank you for reading, and I hope you have had a WONDERFUL week!
I want to be near to Jesus, I need his love, joy, comfort, shelter, guidance etc.
Thanks engouraging word.
Amen! Thanks for reading, PM!
Wow Jamie…such rich confirmation…and the timing. Whoo! Shaking. This is quickened in my spirit with a powerful resonance. He’s been wooing me closer and closer and as i respond to Him, the communion has been SO SWEET. i’m learning to hear Him and focus on Him…so overwhelmed by Him, but still, just can’t get enough. Here i am, all my mistakes all my flaws, truly the least of these…but, He just won’t relent. It’s ALL HIM! He’s igniting the desire of my heart that HE has given me – the desire for Him -To know Him. If i had a trillion hearts, i couldn’t love Him enough, so i love Him with my life, with every breath He gives me. (Pardon me, got carried away on a little love-fest) Re. this awesome Word He gave you: Recently finished writing a song that Abba sang inside the ear of my soul during our times together over a couple weeks. The morning i woke up singing His bridge for the completion of the song, He led me to these references; Isaiah 45:19, Jeremiah 29:12-14 and 2 Chronicles 7:14-15. He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says…
i love you Jamie. Thank God for you!…for your faithfulness…for your obedience…for your boldness…for your endurance…for His powerful anointing in your life and being! Thank you Father for your precious daughter Jamie!!! Release Your honor and favor even MORE in her life! Let every promise You’ve spoken over her be manifested in this new season You are escorting her into. Great new doors blasted open. Supernatural provision. Broader influence. Fruit that remains for Your glory!!! And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. For You are El Hanne-man, our FAITHFUL Daddy God! Hallelujah! Tetelestai!
Terri, AMEN! I wholeheartedly agree with the love-fest! 🙂 And thank you for that prayer. I’m sorry it took me so long to reply – I’ve been scrambling this week and there hasn’t been enough of me to go around. But anyway. Yes, I agree with you and I love the thing about the song. I’m remembering that song based on Isaiah 30:29-30: “The Lord shall cause His glorious voice to be heard, and you shall have a song in the night!” <3 Go, Jesus!
It occurred to me that using my full name may come across as obnoxious…really don’t mean it to be…
The Lord let me find your blog after receiving a prophecy. I was searching to understand the term used, “mantle of favor” the only mantle i could recall off-hand was Elijah’s. Then, as i read more, the Lord began to layer, bold, italicize, underline and highlight His words and revelations to me through you. And they have been SO PROFOUNDLY timed and targeted to the core of my being, it is as if my full name is being called aloud with undeniable power, clarity and authority. It speaks to my past, present and future, to ALL of me first, middle and last. Without a doubt, just as a Mother calls a child. Like His passionate voice calling me out of my little broken corner in the dark – and me being shaken from my fight to endure against hopelessness, I’m responding (From Psalm 27:7) “My heart had heard You say, ‘Come and talk with Me’ and my heart responds, ‘Lord, here i am! I’m coming!!! I’m not nor have a been a dedicated social media or blog participant, not one who interacts much that way at all…anyway, felt like shedding a little light. Hope I didn’t cause too many eyes to roll in annoyance. If I reply again, I’ll use my initials trs…His Mrs:o)
Hey, using your full name is NOT obnoxious at all! Your name is who God made you!!!! Don’t give it up.
I’m so thrilled to hear about how Papa is blessing you and speaking to you with His inspiration, encouragement, and direction. He’s so awesome that way. Yes, pray for that favor!!!! I pray for it all the time and every time I pray that prayer – which should be every day, but sometimes I forget – I see dramatic results! Papa loves to clothe us with favor.
Your blog is so amazing and soul touching. May God Bless you abundantly and May many many souls come back to Him in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Dear LEB, thank you so much for reading and for your encouragement. I’m so glad that our Papa God blessed you. And amen to the harvest of souls.