Prophetic Word: Two Keys to Your Victory
1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2
Hello, dear readers,
The Lord has had a prophetic word brewing in my spirit for a couple of days, and I felt like I am supposed to release it today.
I feel that the Lord told me there are two keys to winning the victory in the storm you are facing right now. The keys are:
1. Don’t underestimate the importance of even quick prayer.
During this thing you are going through, prayer is key. God will fight your battle for you as YOU stay on your knees.
Your prayers don’t have to be long or tedious, but stay in prayer. When you feel the Holy Spirit drawing you, stop what you’re doing and pray, even if it’s for one minute or five minutes. Don’t underestimate the importance of this. Stay in prayer, even when your prayers are quick.
2. Seek out community.
Stay in connection with the Body of Christ at your local church during this time. Stick to your church family like glue, whether it’s Sunday or not. 🙂 You cannot bear your burdens alone.
That doesn’t mean you should go around talking about whatever’s wrong to whoever will listen. But it does mean that, if you’re going through a hard time, let folks know. Allow them to be the hands and feet of Jesus in your life, and you do the same for them when they also share with you that they’re going through a storm too.
DO LIFE TOGETHER with the Body of Christ. This is essential to breakthrough right now.
Allow me to pray for you:
Father God, in Jesus’ name, I lift up the precious people who are reading this word. Father, keep them as the apple of Your eye. Hide them under the shadow of Your wings today. Bring them into close, covenant connection with Your Body. Shelter them and hide them in Your bosom today, Father.
Father, I pray that every one of my brothers and sisters who read this word would be drawn to You today. Fill them with Your Holy Spirit. Comfort and encourage them. Lift them up. Show Yourself to them as their Glory and the Lifter of their head, and we’ll be careful to give You all the glory.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
If this word spoke to you today, would you leave a comment below and share? Thanks!
Thanks Jamie.. Awesome Word Today.. BLESSED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay! Go Jesus!! Thank You, Papa, for blessing Your kids! ❤️
Love this word. Thanks.
Yes,awesome word! Thanks for praying that much needed prayer
Awesome word this morning. Thanks for your obedience and transparency. God bless you and yours
Thank you, Michelle. May He bless you also, and meet you at the point of your need and show off His goodness in all the best ways. 🙂
Your word is always timely and relevant to me. Don’t stop! God is using you! Blessings….
Thank you so much, Sandy. Praise God! Thank you for reading. 🙂
Lord thank you for lifting me up in your spirit today and thank you lord for the one who write this prayer and made today a better day?
Jamie, thank you for your obedience to the Holy Spirit that flows in and thru you. Thank you for your sacrifice of time and attention to the needs of God’s people. It is power in the numbers. ..where two or more are gathered God is in the midst…prayer avail much….Awesome prayer and Word…I will meditate on it and share it with others thru out my journey today being about our Father’s business. Glory
Amen, Tiffany. Thank you so much, and it’s my pleasure. Thank you for sharing also! 🙂
Thank you Jamie for allowing the Holy Spirit of use you.
Thank you Jamie. As always you are a blessing and much appreciated. May your prayers be ministered right back to you and Father God look on you with extreme favor.
I receive that blessing, Heidi. Thank you so much. I’m so glad Papa blessed you. 🙂
Awesome, thank you, I have received this message in Jesus name. The cloud has lifted , I can see clearly now.
Thank you for the prayer. We can all use each other’s prayer and encouragement.
Thank you…now I know Our Father hears my simple prayers
He sure does, Linda. They ascend before Him like incense in His nostrils. He hears the smallest cry of your heart, and He answers!
thanks jamie.
Hi Jamie,
Oh what a reminder this morning about Prayer. It had worked for me most of my life till date. i just wish and pray that i don’t go astrayon believing and getting relief from Prayer. Yes, glory be to the most High!!
Jamie, thanks for the words of encouragement from the spirit of God. You blessed my spirit today as I prepare for work this morning. Thank you again.
Jamie i must admit you are doing an amazing job.Look forward to each day s message,this one in particular touched and inspired me.Recently lost my husband,have drawn closer to God since.God bless you ,keep up the good work.
Camille, I just now got your comment. I’m so sorry; it was being sent to the pending-spam folder for some reason. (I’ve labeled it as not-spam now.) I’m so sorry for your loss of your husband. I pray our Daddy God, Abba Father, would wrap His loving arms around you and comfort you today as only He can do, healing and filling every ache and empty place in your heart with His love. In Jesus’ name.
Thank you for reading, and for your encouragement. 🙂
Thank you Jamie, your timely encouragement is much needed at this point in my life. The Spirit of the Lord is using you mightily Keep up the good work. May God richly bless you for all you do for his children. In Love Sister Carole
Hi Carole, I’m so glad Papa encouraged you with this post. He is so good! May He comfort and lift you up all week this week, and help you sense His presence and affection more than ever before!
Have a wonderful week!