Prophetic Word: You Are Capable of Superhuman Acts
1×1 mentoring phone calls with jamie
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1
webinars JANUARY 20-22: how to interpret dreams/visions
webinar JANUARY 29: how to cast out demons
In a shocking moment of revelation, I heard the Lord say today:
“You are capable of superhuman acts.”
The Lord went on to say:
“When the apostle Paul wrote that he was crucified with Christ, therefore he no longer lived and Jesus Christ lives in Him (Galatians 2:20), he said that because I told him to. And I told him to because this is a revelation all of My children need.
Review this verse again with Me. It says:
“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20 NKJV).
Even though you are alive and breathing on the earth, it is not you who is alive in you. It is My Son Jesus Christ. He lives inside you, within you, in your very being; and He is the only thing alive inside you.
When you gave your life to Christ, you literally surrendered your life. You gave it up, and you received My Son and His life in return. This is a literal truth.
You need to understand that you are literally dead to yourself and alive only because Christ is alive in you. He is your Spirit, your mind, your breath. He is even your body, for you took His body as your own when you partook of the bread and body of Jesus in Our communion supper.
This is a literal thing, and it means everything.
It means you are healed because Christ is alive in you, and He bore all sickness and pain away from you and away from Himself with His death on the cross. Just as My Son no longer suffers from any sickness or pain, neither do you have to if you receive and know who He is in you.
It means you no longer have to suffer through sorrows, for My Son became a Man of sorrows and bore all your sorrows and His to the cross.
They were crucified with Him, and I have anointed Him with joy over and above all His companions. Since He is alive in you, that means YOU have joy over and above all YOUR companions too.
It means you no longer have to worry about anything, for My Son sits at My right hand, where I have made His enemies a footstool for His feet.
He has no worries, and He is alive in you; nothing is alive in you other than Him; therefore, you have no worries or cares either–unless you pick them up yourself; unless you try to live outside of My Son Jesus.
It means I am providing for you the same way I provide for My Son Jesus, for providing for you IS providing for My Son Jesus.
And because My Son is alive in you, and indeed is the only life in you, you are capable of superhuman acts.
You do not have to do only the things humans do, for you are not only human. You are superhuman; above human; beyond human; way past human status.
You have the One and Only God of the universe living inside your skin; He is the only One alive in you; the King of kings and Lord of lords is functioning inside your skin right now!
Even as you realize this, your cells are coming into alignment with My Son Jesus, for that is who you really are. You are IN My Son, and He in you. Even as you meditate on this, new breath is coursing through your airways. And even as you grasp hold of this reality, your life is changing.
You are capable of superhuman acts.
You do not need to go where others go or do what others do. You are different! I set you apart, and I drew you to Myself because I want My Son living in you! And now that He is, I have things for you to do.
You have no idea what you are capable of.
You have no idea the level at which you can function:
- You have no idea of the things you can accomplish.
- You have no idea how good you can feel, how much joy you can have, and how much influence you can have on the earth for Me!
- You have no idea how strong you can be, for you have never tapped into the fullness of My Son Jesus inside yourself before.
- You have no idea how to raise the dead, for you have never realized that My Son Jesus wants to raise the dead for you, from right there within you!
You know those things that eye has not seen, nor ear heard, which have not entered into the heart of man?
Those things haven’t been seen, heard, or thought of simply because you have not tapped into the fullness of JESUS within you. But as soon as you tap into the fullness of My Son inside you, you will begin to see! You will begin hearing! You will KNOW the things I have for you, for you will experience them!” says the Lord!
The Lord continued and said:
“To take this even further, I am in My Son and He is in Me. That means I AM WITHIN YOU, Me Myself, Yahweh Adonai, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!
I am the God who burns with fire, and I am within you. I am God for whom the four living creatures around the throne cry ‘HOLY!’ day and night. I am God whom billions of angels worship. I am God who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is.
And I dwell within you.
I dwell in you. I am here, with you now; and I have been here ever since you gave your life to My Child Jesus.
This means:
- Do you need to turn a car over? You can do it, for I will do it and I can do it. I move heaven and earth; moving a car is nothing to Me.
- Need to walk on water? You can, for I am God who made the water. Water obeys Me, and it will hold you up when I command it to.
- Need to cross over on dry ground? You can, for I command the water and it flees when I move it out of My way.”
“I am with you, to deliver you,” says the Lord.
You need to understand the reality of My Person being with you. For I am with you in a more intimate way than any human could ever be. I literally live inside you and within you every moment of every day.
There is nothing hidden from Me. Nothing has passed Me by. Nothing has escaped My notice. I am God of Heaven and earth, and they are both afraid of Me.
This is the most earth-shaking revelation you could ever get in your life: the reality of who I am in you. For you are capable of superhuman acts,” says the Lord. “You are capable of seeing everything I want to do for you, and all the works I completed for you before the foundation of the world.
All you have to do is know Me; know that I am in you–with you, within you, inside you; and act accordingly …
… with the bravery, boldness, obedience, holy fear, and intimacy with Me that come only from knowing My Christ in you, the Hope of glory.
I love you, My child. And despite all these things that I want you to know and do with Me, I want you to know that I am Your Father first and foremost, and My highest delight is being in you because I love you.
Let Me leave this letter with a verse that should have a whole new meaning for you now.
I want you to read all of Psalm 18 with an eye for what I have taught you in this letter. But other than that, focus especially on Psalm 18:19, which says:
He also brought me out into a broad place; He delivered me because He delighted in me” (Psalm 18:19 NKJV).
All My words matter. Everything I have written in My Word, I wrote for a purpose. Notice in this verse what I told My servant David: that I deliver you because I delight IN you. IN you.
I delight inside you, for I am inside you.
That’s why My joy is your strength. That’s why I work deliverance on your behalf. I am delighting inside you right now. I am delighting in you from the physical place of being within you. Feel My pride in you. Feel My joy. Feel My delight in being your Father, for I am in you; I am with you; and I am for you.
Love, Abba.”
There are no words.
I’m undone and put back together, all at the same time.
If this word impacted you also, please leave a comment below.
Wow… I have been working in my own strength for too long. This is what I needed to hear, my Father! I love my Heavenly Father!!!!
Everyday I want to walk closer to the Lord. He is shown his love for me. Recently I found lump in my breast and then a few days later my grandma passed away. I miss my grandma dearly but at the same time I’m glad she don’t have to suffer any longer. As for the lump in my breast I’m scared of out my mind. Then I feel guilty for being scared. My mammogram is the 9/14. Please pray for me that I don’t have cancer. PLEASE. Thank you for reading my comment.
Charlene, I am praying that you do not have cancer or any other disease and THAT GOD’S PRESENCE IN YOUR LIFE WOULD PROTECT YOU FROM EVERY DISEASE.
An inspired prayer from Pastor Wade Taylor, still used by his daughter, Nancy Taylor Tate, of Parousia Ministries, which I will pray for you, reads, “May you increasingly prosper both spiritually and in your life circumstances, beyond all that you have experienced in the past, and also may you be blessed in life, in health, and in all that is before you.”
Thank you Jesus for your love and mercy upon my life, i receive you as as my lord and savior, i thank you for your presence in my life, i now you live in me and me in you, You never left nor forsake me in times of troubles, father i live for you and for you only, thank you Jesus for dieing for me on the cross so that when you resurrect i become alive in you too, i love you Jesus
Wow, I’m just awe struck at this love letter. I walked out from my prayer closet and this message was awaiting me it cause me to come alive like never before. There are some ways I know who I am in God, but after this newfound revelation I’m superhuman, beyond human fathoming. With God fully alive and operating in and through me we can accomplish many many acts for God’s Glory. Hallelujah!
Thank you for this word
My tears are still falling. Since a child I have taken care of everyone else until my strength could no longer. I was always the strong one. (It has been necessary to get me out of the way so I can do what I am called to do.) It is my Father that is my strength. The Joy of the Lord is my strength. Those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. They will mount up with wings like Eagles, they will run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint.
Thank you Jamie for sharing. ❤️ You have no idea how your words the Lord gave you have been guiding me. Thank you for showing me the way. ❤️🙏❤️
Thanks so much for the words of encouragement may God bless you and give you more grace to continue this great work for His kingdom
Bless you Jamie for bringing this up. Hallelujah
Thank You Father! Last night I had a dream where a voice was destroying every hindrance in my life and gave me victory, then suddenly something like a being entered inside of me. I woke up and declared that because my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, that HIM alone can enter into my body. Only for me to get this prophetic confirmation this afternoon. All glory to God! May God continue to bless and lift you my prophetess Jamie.
This is amazing and after reading this makes complete sense of the supernatural favor and things that have been happening to me and through my words for the last 2 or 3 days. Thank you Father for this revelation! I’ve been praying specifically for revelation and this proves You heard my prayers. I love you Father with all my heart soul body and mind…Amen
Love this!!!
Thank You Father!
Yes! I receive all of this Word and all of You in my entire being!
Help me. Father…I pray that my soul comes to the complete realization of the fullness that I have in You right now and You can manifest Your total Self in my being, Lord! Have Your complete and entire way in me every second.
I surrender all of my being to You alone!
I live in the complete fullness of You now!
Thank You Father, thank You Jesus, thank You Holy Spirit!
Yes indeed! Abba Father GOD, Beloved LORD JESUS and HOLY SPIRIT, let the Fullness of the Three Person Trinity be formed and revealed in me. Amen.
Glory be to God
Hallelujah Thank you Jamie for this powerful word..May God bless you
Confirmation! TY!❤️❤️❤️
Thank You ABBA Father. I have seen Your works in my life over the past few weeks…. and I delight myself in You oh Lord!
I’m still trusting God for big things❤🙌
Wow…thanks to the Wonderful Heavenly Father, Praise the Lord, Praise His Wonderful Name
Jamie, I absolutely receive this Word of God from you to us. Yes!!! I believe. We have mainstream media and we have mainstream mindset pastors in the pulpit today who not even closely believe in what you just said. I can no longer sit and listen to irrelevant teaching. Can’t do it. It hurts my heart to listen to the “lunch crowd church” who meet for a 20-minute sermon. Anyway, I needed this. Have been discouraged this morning. Thank you!
Wow. I have to meditate on this over and over to let it sink down in me and root and bear fruit.
Thank You Father, Thank You Jesus and thanks for Your manifestation always. Father God I bless Your Holy Name and I thank You for all that You are about to do in my life for the glory of Your Kingdom. J am here Daddy.
Thanks and God bless you Jamie for this Propheic word and may the Lord continue to use you in Jesus Name amen
Amen, how then does one get on this journey, to be still before the Lord? …. please point the direction.
Good day Jaime. I literally cannot stop crying tears of joy. Your prophetic word was a prophetic summary over my life. The last 6 months have been horrible, in addition to this worldwide pandemic. I had to make a seemingly impossible decision, which resulted in my 4 children and I going back to my home country, during this pandemic. BUT I CONTINUED TO SEEK THE LORD! I used your 21 day prayer series and your 31 day supernatural encounter series to keep me focused and intentional. I am Blessed to have an awesome support system, but your prophetic teachings have helped me to see and hear God through all of the pain, suffering and mess. God’s Word, through you in this post, just revealed that I have come out on the other shde of this mess and I am about to do and see amazing, wonderful, miraculous acts because He is in me and I am in Him. My children will know God loves them, and desires to use them and everyone within my sphere of influence (and beyond) will know that ‘ It is no longer I who live, but CHRIST that lives in me. God Bless you and your family.
Thank you!!
I have been on a journey with health issues and pain and even finding it difficult to sleep or even wake up at times. Yet, I’m impressed to write and and minister encouraging words to others. Not on my own. Christ in me is doing this and has found me and revealed to me why and that he is with Me and that I do not have to worry about these issues in my body anymore because HE has control over them all. I literally have been having nightmares so bad that I had not been able to awaken on my own but yet everytime he rescues me. I have been asking why. Today I know why and am no longer afraid because of this very message you have relayed to me. I want to do my Father’s will and serve his people to encourage and relay to them his great love Jamie. Pray for me to continue to follow and obey his plans for my life purpose for the Kingdom and for his Glory. Thank you Jamie for reaching out to us. Father I bless your Holy name and give you the praise for your love for us and this obedient servant Jamie. Thank you for revealing this word to us! Jamie thank you for sharing Father’s love and words of life. I will walk in it and trust my Father’s words are true “Christ in me the hope of Glory” I am healed in Jesus name.
Powerful. Because of him, I live and have my being.
Giving thanks to his name,
We love you Jamie,
Stay the course my Sister!
Thank You ABBA Father. I have seen Your works in my life over the past few weeks…. and I delight myself in You oh Lord!
I’m still trusting God for big things❤🙌
Wow… Thank You Abba Father and I love you too. Thank you so much Jamie this really touched my heart 💓😊🙌🏾..
I receive in Jesus Name.
Grateful Jamie
Thankyou Jaimie, this Word came at the perfect time, I asked God to speak to me & I know I heard clearly from my HEAVENLY FATHER today, REASSURING me of His love & plans for my life. God I’m ready for this New season, take me to higher places & not fear the climb but admire your Creation 🥰🙌🙏
I believe and receive in Jesus name.Amen
Thank you Jamie,more grace
Thank You Lord God Almighty. How reassuring to know the Lord is in me. I am more than a conqueror. Thank You Jamie.
I believe & l receive in Jesus Name 🙏 🙏🙏 Thank so much Jamie & be blessed
Amazing . Am simply Speechless.
Ifeoma. U
What a mighty powerful blessing to start the day. I receive it all in Jesus’ name. I am happy & wonderfully blessed. The joy of the Lord is my strength. This Word reminds me of who I am in the Lord and that God lives in me & is in me. Thank You Lord for such an ontime Word. Thank you Jamie Rohrbaugh for the messenger that you truly are.
May God pour out His limitless blessings on you and your family as He promised to Abraham, for your obedience to not only hearing His word but sharing it so that others may be blessed! Powerful…YES. Surprised…nope. That’s the God we serve! Thank you for this teaching Jamie!
Wow Jamie,what confirmation .This week theres been like a presence I am feeling as someone is walking with me ,watching me ,its a warm feeling .Hes in me an I in Him my favourite word .When youmentioned “superwomen” I smiled.I understand this .Thank you so much for this outpouring of what Gods doing through an in you .love you lots .God bless you .
Good day miss Jamie I am speechless 🤷🤔
Thank you ,Lord for using Jamie as your mouth piece. Woman of God I thank you for being obedient to All that God tells you to share with us and tell us. I pray that you are always covered by the Blood of Jesus daily,, you and your family and this Ministry. ♥️🙏🏽🙏🏽
In Christ,
Oh Jamie this is an answered prayer for me as I asked God to teach me to walk in devine health instead of being healed only to get sick to need healing again!!! I am in awe of how God ALWAYS answers my prayers through you in this season from where I am in South Africa. Truly you are a Prophettes from God. I thank God for your life and ministry! Stay Blessed and love you tons!
Wow……..I really needed this reminder !! Thankyou !!! Bless you …
Praise God, He lives right inside of me. I tap into the fullness of Jesus Christ right now. Lord work your miracles through me 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 May this revelation become a reality to me
All i need is this to start another new day,a new week and also the last day of Aug 2020.A blessed confirmation from the Lord this morning.Was waiting for something and it is this message from Abba Father.Praise God for this you Sister Jamie.I Speak Prosperity,Healing and over flowing of finance onto your lap for this ministry and your family.It will be poured out to you my sister.May the Lord Elohim,and the Lord Jesus and the lovely sweet Holy Spirit Bless you always.
Thank you for this word Jamie and all you and your ministry does.
Jesus Delights in me…..woohoooo!! Glory to God, the Hope of ALL Glory. Thanks Jamie. God Bless you Sis.
Blessings Jamie!!
First I thank you for your obedience and your undistracted devotion for Jesus! What a powerful Word from Yahweh !
I have this verse posted in my bathroom, I have been declaring it for years and taught my children to do the same, but I never understood it the way Papa explained it in His Letter to us. THIS IS A WORD DIRECTLY FROM HIS HEART! I’m excited, fired up to press on towards the mark of the High calling He has placed upon my life because I NO LONGER LIVE, JESUS’ FULLNESS LIVES IN ME .. HALLELUJAH UNDER THE ANOINTING!
I ask the Lord to REWARD YOU OPENLY for your faithfulness and obedience to His Voice in Jesus Name! He will do exceedingly, abundantly ABOVE ALL I ASK OR THINK! Thank You Lord in Jesus Name! AMEN!
In His Love,
Let it be so! In the name of Jesus.
Father God is truly awesome, wow ….I ‘m speechless and so in love with him 💓❤
Thank you very much Jamie.
Galatians 2:20 is a scripture that once impacted and liberated me so much. Great to be reminded and with so much freshness and power. I choose to run with this. Great word. As always thank you for your obedience and generosity in sharing. God bless you abundantly and reveal even more to you and through you.
Gratefully yours in Christ.
Amen, it is so!!
Three simple words but hold GREAT POWER, “Jesus loves me!” Amen
Thanks sister in Christ, you are truly His voice of deliverance and peace and so much more. May He bless you and keep you always!
Simply Amazing
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Jamie
Thank you for your inspiring prophetic word. I want to be set free from the past in my mind. I was married to a mentally abusive husband for 38 years (which included years of infidelity on his part). After the divorce, I am still tormented by his hate that he still displays towards me. We have three grown children. I have nothing but regret for putting up with it for so long. Everytime I think about how I let him treat me, I cry. I started a non profit domestic violence organization called Her Cries Are Heard to bring awareness and prevention. However, I want to be set free in my mind so that I can move on.
Sweet sister Sheila, I am so sorry you went through this. I will pray for you!
This word is so timely. Under spiritual attack at work. I know that HE is for me, in me and with me and this word today confirms it all. The weapons form but don’t prosper – HE will deliver me because HE delights in me.
Thank You, Dearest Father.
Jamie this is absolutely amazing- the presence of the Lord was so tangible and strong while reading this and I heard Him speak to me as clear as never before, these words from Isaiah 62: „You shall no more be termed Forsaken, and your land shall no more be termed Desolate, but you shall be called My Delight Is in Her, and your land Married; for the Lord delights in you, and your land shall be married.”
Isaiah 62:4 ESV
I believe and receive these words. In the name of Jesus.Amen
This word is so powerful and encouraging thank you.
Thanks & Praise to the Wonderful Heavenly Father
All that I can say is this word is phenomenal. Exactly what I needed. Gonna need to continue meditating on this until it premeate my spirit, soul, mind and body. Than you so much for your obedience to God and blessing us with this revelation.
Hallelujah 🙌, since Christ is living in me, I don’t have any sickness/ailments in my whole being because Jesus conquered them all when He resurrected. Glory, Glory. Amen🙏. Bless you Jamie.
I am blessed Jesus lives inside of me. I give him all the glory and praise. Thank you Jesus Christ for dying on the cross for me to live victoriously.
Thank you thank you and thank you again Jamie. I have no words.
God richly bless you and watch over you. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾❤️❤️❤️
Wowwww,I am amazed. This word is one of those Awwww moments. I know my Father truly loves me and there is nothing He would not do for His children. Thank you Father for Your continued grace, mercy, and love. I need always need you and be forever grateful. Thank you, Father, thank you Jesus Christ
Thank you, Abba. Thank you for your obedience, Jamie!
Glory to God in the highest! I receive this prophetic word in Jesus’s name. Amen
Wow, Amen, thank you Jesus, My Lord God Almighty, Holy Spirit.
I love You Jesus, I love you Jamie R for your timely words of Life.
Superhuman Grace joy and peace. health and wealth for me and my husband, sibs, offspring, family, healthy, godly relations, reconciliation, reunion.
Bring our family together at a destined time to be a blessing to bless each other in faith truth humility courage. we can all be one divine Body in Christ.
Hallelujah. I recieve this word and reassurance Christ lives in Me. Love reigns
Very grateful for this awesome word.
One of my favorite verses wonderfully unpacked for me. Must get into Psalm 18.
Thank you Jamie
Thank You Jesus
Jamie, you are the real deal my dear! Father God spoke right through you directly to my heart. I couldn’t have organized this stuff, this is God in action.
I sent a text to my biological dad this morning telling him who we are in Christ and the power we have working in and through us because Jesus lives inside. Than right after I sent that I opened to this Prophetic word….. WOW!!! The spirit immediately came over me and broke me down with vehement cries and tears, for about an hour Holy Spirit ministered to me confirming every word to be true for this is His will for my life. Amen I receive it Jesus!!!
P.S. Jamie, your response at the end your reaction showed me this was not written by you, this was God speaking through you… amazing! by no means was that what made me believe, I knew from the start this was Father speaking to me, it was just another confirmation. Thank you Jamie, you awesomely amazing child of the most high…..
👏👏👏👏❤❤❤❤I am SPEECHLESS indeed.This is so so POWERFUL prophecy that God gave.To start another new month today01/11/21.these great message really touched my heart.Sis Jamie,thank you for sharing what God revealed to you.I am so blessed to hear from you what God laid in your heart to share to us.Glory Be To God Always.
I receive and believe in this word.I am a superhuman being because christ live in me and I can do greater that christ because his power the resurrection power the holy spirit is in me.Praise the mighty Lord Jesus Christ .Amen
This prophetic Word is awesome and powerful. It is revealing, the Lord has revealed who He is to us. He is alive in us and we need to have that consciousness. Having that awareness will certainly align our cells, tissues, organs, etc. in line with His Word. We can certainly do superhuman acts. Praise God, hallelujah.
Thank You Baba,Thank You Jesus Christ thank You Holy Spirit,I hear You my Father,I believe Your word and You are speaking to me Amen