Prophetic Word for September 2020
1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2
Hey beloveds,
Today, I heard the Lord say these two very specific prophetic words for the month of September 2020:
1. “September is the month of unfinished projects. Don’t carry them over into the new year, 5781.”
I asked the Lord for details on this and He said:
“Amazing opportunities are going to come to you soon, and you cannot be held back by the stress of unfinished projects. Finish everything you’ve gotten started, so you can start fresh in 5781.”
Well, ’nuff said about that. Let’s get right to work! 🙂
And word #2:
2. Pray with IMPORTUNITY!
The word “importunity” is my word for the month. When the Lord quickened this word in my spirit, I saw a mental picture of myself sitting down at a table with God. I had a request for the Lord, and He was looking at me.
In the vision, I already had His full attention, but I saw myself literally slapping the table in front of me several times (with my open palm) to get His attention and to emphasize my request–and to encourage His response.
It’s just like what might happen if your child approached you while you were seated at your dinner table, and your child wanted something.
To get your attention, the child might tap on the table and say, “Mohhhhm, LISTEN!!!” Or “Daaaad! Listennnn!” (Insert slight whining tone of voice here.)
Well, in the same way, imagine yourself sitting down with the Lord. He’s already listening to your requests, but you smack the table lightly several times, lean forward, and say, “Dad, listen!!! I need _______! Will You do that for me, please?”
Father wants us to pray this way.
Related: Read what it means to put a demand on God here.
I heard the Lord say:
“Sharpen your importunity game!
You have no idea what is possible because of your relationship with Me, but I want you to know. To find out, I need you to pray with importunity!
Ask Me for things that are bold and brash. Tell Me that I can do them, and that You believe I can do them. Emphasize it! Point out to Me that, not only do you believe I can do them, but that you know I want to do them!
Pray with importunity, beloved! Ask Me for things you have no business asking for. Ask Me for what you need, want, and desire. Ask Me for things You only dream of seeing happen.
Ask Me for big things and bold things.
Make a withdrawal on the credit of our relationship–yours and Mine, My child. The credit of our relationship will get you everywhere with Me, and it’s all through the blood of My Son Jesus.
The price has already been paid for you to have whatever you want. Anything you want, everything you want. You have not because you ask not.
Please start asking! If you need money, ask Me. If you need help, ask Me. If you need comfort, ask Me! No matter what you need, you have got to ask Me!
I desire to wake up the non-askers in September.
I desire for the non-askers to become askers. I desire for the un-passionate to experience a craven hunger. I desire for you to receive everything you need from Me first, and then you can function rightly with the world.”
If you’re already asking, I heard the Lord say this:
“Pray with importunity even if you’re already asking. Take what you’re doing and 10x it. Make it louder, stronger, feel it with more passion! Put the fire of God in it–MY FIRE!
I desire you to 10x what you are doing in September, and I mean this very seriously.
I made you to function with your whole heart. You are to be enthusiastic! Remember that the root of the word “enthusiastic,” or “en-thus,” means to BE FULL OF GOD. I desire you to take your life every day by force, filled with the enthusiasm of God!
I am in you! Is that not something to be excited about? I am for you! I have never lost a victory, and I never will! And I am with you; you are not alone; I have not left you comfortless!
Ask today; and, I say, ask again! Even if you have to take communion with every meal, ask again and again and again!
I want you to harass Me.
Toddlers go through a stage in which they want only to climb all over you. They desire to be in your lap, hugging your back, leaning on you, and otherwise being very cute pests who won’t leave you alone. I made them like that, and that is My favorite stage of their babyhood!
You know why that is My favorite stage of a toddler’s babyhood? It is because that is how I made you to be with ME. You are to be all over Me; leaning on Me; climbing on My lap; patting Me with your hands to make sure I’m still there (and I am, and will always be still here).
I desire you to harass Me and never leave Me alone!
I love it when you do this! When your toddlers climb on you, you may think, “Aww, this is cute” for the first five minutes, but then you generally get annoyed and ask them to stop. But you know what? I never ask you to stop!
You need to know My heart.
I absolutely LOVE IT when you climb all on Me. I ADORE IT when you mess with My hair, touch My face, and hug Me. I delight in it, for I delight in you.
My Son Jesus is with Me in Heaven in bodily form, but I miss YOU. I need YOU.
Granted, I am God and do not technically need anything, but My heart has chosen to love you and therefore to need you. I desire your companionship, and I desire you to know Me.
I desire you to act like My child, for you are My child.
You are My child, with all the rights and privileges which come with that relationship. You are My child with all the inheritance which comes with that position. And you are My delight, with all the gifts, hugs, kisses, snuggles, and joy which come with that.
So ask Me. Ask with importunity. Press into Me more than you ever have before, and press into Me FOR more than you ever have before. I delight to give you whatever you want, for you are My delight.
Love, Papa.”
Wow! Thank You, Daddy God. I love you so much. Thank You for this word.
Beloved, is our Daddy God speaking to you through this word? If so, please leave a comment below! I’d love to hear what He’s saying to you!
Wow, Jamie! What a wonderful, amazing word! The toddler age is my favorite, so this really is going to help me in my asking! I get it now!
I LOVE THIS WORD from ABBA FATHER! I receive!!! I will pray more with importunity like a toddler (my favorite age of my daughter was three). Also, I am pressing in to projects at my home that I would like to have completed in month of September. That is confirmation. This month is 40 days of prayer and fasting beginning September 2. There are many overlapping prayer movements during this month, which, we know are very important to Messianic and Orthodox Jews. New Year!!!! Many holy feasts. Global shaking and repentance! So much. The Ekklesia is waking up. Election year. We must be grounded in the Word and hold tight to THE HOPE.
This is my father ,my saviour, my everything talking to me this morning. Thanks a lot Jamie for this word.
Thank you Jamie for the propheic word for September.We are also grateful for the answered prayer. GOD has done it again and He will do ten times more.
Thank you Jamie! Beautiful
Bless you Jamie & thank you for this Word! I’ve been praying for a fresh encounter & renewed passion for the Lord. I’m desiring your prayers. Blessings
Hi Jamie, thank you so very much. Yes this word is for me. How I need to pray with importunity. I will do it that more and more. Thank you for encouraging and pushing me in that direction. I am ever so grateful for blessing my life over and over again.
God bless you.
Hallelujah, happy dance. Thank you father God.
I receive and believe. In the name of Jesus.Amen
Thank you Jamie for September’s Prophetic Word that give me wisdom and everything. Whatever GOD wants me to do, i will do it for Him. I pray in Jesus name!
Amen!!! I receive this Word in Jesus’ name.
This is awesome, thanks for sharing. Just curious, what does 5781 mean?
Hi Mary, 5781 is the number of the Hebrew year that is about to start on September 18, 2020. Just like 2020 is the number of the year we are in on the Gregorian calendar. The Jewish people count years differently than we do for their religious calendar.
Hope this helps. Blessings!
Oh Jamie this is such an on time word!! I need my Father just like a baby need it’s mother. Bless you for this word🙏
Love always💕
Amen!!! Praise God for this prophetic on time word . Glory Too God ! Thank you Jamie for your faithfulness I receive the word in the name of Jesus !!!!
Oh Wow I thank God for thi s Word!!! It is done!!! Thanks Jamie, stay blessed!
amen! Thank you Lord! Thank you Jamie! Hugs and Blessings
This words are rightly the right words for me this season , my one year old boy was all over me ,touch my face ,nose, even putting his hands in my mouth…I did make attempt to stop him ..but he continued..this prophetic words brings this to mind .. God is Indeed want to relate to us in that manner ..
Thank you Jamie for this awesome Word for September! God is so good to us His Children! I am going to take my importunity and run with it! God bless you and your ministry Jamie!
I love this word!!
God had spoke to me to “Ask Big” a few days ago! God is good!!
Ask and keep asking! Thank you!
Importunity is the word on my mouth this September, 2020! Thank you Jamie. God Bless you.
Thank you Jamie for the word of God that encourage us
Unbeknownst to me, your email hit my inbox at the exact time that I was drawn to pray with importunity… at 1:45 pm today. I just now read your word (at 7:21 pm) and I am blown away because the language send attitude you used was the exact same language and way that I pressed into my Father. What a confirmation. Thank You, Lord God!!!
Amen…Praise God!I will do this,this month.Thank You Father..Today is the 1st of Sept,2020 as it is 12;45 pm Fiji time.I am so blessed to hear this today.Amen
WOW! If this word does not push a child of God closer to his Papa’s arms, what else will? There is nothing more important than our relationship with Daddy God. WOW again!
Awww what a beautiful word. Thank you daddy for your love that never fails. Im never going to stop asking.
Wow! Thank you so much our loving father. Thank you Lord 🙏🙏🙏
Amen! In Jesus Name, I receive!
Wow, thank you for allowing God to use you in such a powerful romantic way. Blessings to you. I love the part about the toddler I will go to God in that way, but He must teach me how to do so. As if God was speaking directly to me through the prophetic word. Childlike faith is what’s required. Amen Amen
Thank you Jamie ,”Finish everything you ‘ve gotten started ,so you can start fresh in….am doing Jamie ..such an accurate word means a lot to me “papa God “I love you .Yes Lord I break off all limitations off me an will “ask “
Wow, amazing word, Jamie! What a glorious picture you have painted with words! True revelation…I’m so grateful for this!
Hi Jamie,
This word resonates with my spirit. In fact, I just told my prayer partner the other day that I must finish the two projects that I have been procrastinating with. Now I now why – there is so very much more that the Lord wants to do for me, through me, and to me!! From this point forward I will pray with importunity.
What other Fathet but our Father in heaven will tell us to ask and keep asking. Thank you gracious Father. I am definitely going to ask with importunity. I am pressing into You Father. I will not leave You unless You bless me and You will see me every moment, day and night, until my breakthrough and even after my breakthrough. Oh Father, thank you for Your abundant mercy and grace.
Thank you Jamie for this message. Papa God is always faithful and so will do what He has said. 🙌🙌
Amen to that in Jesus mighty name
Super word illustration! Thank you
Thank you Jamie as I’m a beginner on learning this and I will pray this prayer everyday. Bless you !