Try This to Live In His Presence Today!

1×1 mentoring phone calls with jamie
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Gaining an awareness of the presence of God is a journey, but it can be a short journey! You can easily turn everyday activities into your training ground for living in the manifest presence of God.

Try this to help yourself gain an awareness of God’s presence with you today:

Look for things to thank God for all day long. Then, thank Him for each one as you find it.

For example, you could say:

  • Thank You, Father, for helping that conversation go well!
  • Thank You, Father, for helping me get that task finished!
  • Thank You, Father, for that great breakfast!
  • Thank You, Father, for my job today!
  • Thank You, Father, for my spouse who is so sweet to me!

As you turn your thoughts toward God even during your daily routine, you will become like the Psalmist, who blessed the Lord “seven times a day and all day long.” Thanking God all day long will help you recognize Him at work on your behalf all day, which will in turn increase your awareness of His presence with you!

Did you try it? Leave a comment and tell me how it worked!


  1. Hello Jamie
    I have a question, how do i recognise the presence of God. I mean when i pray i don’t know how to recognise it. How does it feel.

    1. What a great question, Annelise. The best way I can answer it is to say that the Presence of God is not a generic feeling, but rather the presence of a Person. Sensing His presence is just like feeling your best friend standing with you, or sitting beside you. You know there’s Someone there. You hear His voice. (Start by reading His Word and noticing when a certain verse seems to leap off the page into your heart. When that happens, God just spoke to you.) You learn to feel His love and affection. And you get to know Him–what He loves, what He hates, what makes Him laugh. That’s the best way to describe it. He’s a Person–an amazing, wonderful Person you can get to know.
      Does that help at all?

      1. Hi Jaime
        Thanks for answering me. It helps alot. For several weeks i started to feel kinda what you described when i pray but i couldn’t understand. And sometime i 2nd guess myself wandering was that God or just me. But thanks for helping me understand that. I just praise God that there is internet. Love & bless you

        1. It is definitely God. 🙂 It’s not just in your head. Abba Father loves you very much, and He just LOVES the pleasure of your company. 🙂

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