Understanding How God Uses Numbers and Biblical Numerology
webinars December 16-18: Divine alignment in 2025
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1
Numerology = n. Numer = numbers + ology (the study of). Numerology = the study of numbers. Biblical numerology = the study of numbers in the Bible.
As Christians, we never want to get into New Age numerology, but we do want to understand how GOD uses numbers. And since you asked about numbers yesterday … (I can’t believe I’m doing this)…
… and since I’m prepping to teach a huge Keys to Supernatural Favor workshop this weekend, starting tomorrow, which means I don’t have time at this moment to develop this subject on the blog (I still can’t believe I’m doing this) …
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… and despite the fact that this makes no business sense, so I’ll trust God to cover the business side of this (did I mention I can’t believe I’m doing this?) … #facepalm
I’m going to release to you today a copy of my own personal teaching notes about Biblical numerology. For free. Probably for a limited time, because I don’t generally release my teaching notes.
These notes are from Week 3 of a 10-week class I taught last year about how to understand God’s symbolic language. The class is called Intro to Dreams, Visions, Tattoos, and Strange Events. It was intense. I have the audio from the class, but only the first week of the class is publicly available right now. (I’d highly recommend you listen to that week, though; you can download the audio of it here on Gumroad for $4.)
I need to edit the audio from the rest of the set soon, and I’ll offer it to you when I do. But for now, if you want to study into how to handle Biblical numbers, you can download my notes for free here, I-can’t-believe-I’m-doing-this:
Intro to Dreams and Visions Week 3 Notes Biblical Numbers
What you may do with these notes:
You may print them, and you may study them. You may tell everybody you know about them, including your neighbor, best friend, and best friend’s dog, so they can visit this post and download them too.
You may not:
Copy them, hand them out to anyone else, or change or alter them in any way.
Ok? And I will probably not leave them up very long, just so you know. But they will answer the questions you have from yesterday’s post. So download them quick and may the Lord bless you as you study into His Word. And remember:
“To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them” (Isaiah 8:20). Make sure your interpretation of numbers can be supported by the whole of Scripture!
Very interesting, thank you.
I asked God yesterday to teach me more about Biblical numerology! Thank you so much, Jamie!
Interesting study Jaime, I learned a lot about this from Perry Stone. Dr. D.James Kennedy had a book out years ago on the original Zodiac. The devil has counterfeited everything, it’s time to take it back. I was careful to avoid New Age and Kabbalah, I reread the numbers for the words love and one in Hebrew, and they also add to 13. I see how it became rebellion and superstition though. Have a great study.
Jamie, will u be blogging abt ‘keys to supernatural favor’ here?? Am so excited abt the subject as I’ve had rejections from everywhere for the past two years and I’ve been praying for God’s favor since two months now… Would really benefit if you blog it here….?
Maria, I don’t know if I will or not. The subject is so intense and multi-faceted that I am not sure I can cover it in writing nearly as well. But I did record the MP3s from the workshop and will be making them available very soon. It was an incredible time. The Holy Spirit sat down on us more, I think, than any time before. I can’t wait for you guys to hear them!
Thank you, Jamie!! I’ve been seeing either 11 or 111 for four or five years, multiple times a day. I had heard that it could have some biblical meaning, but never what. After reading your notes, thanks again, the Scripture reference rang true for me, so I checked Genesis and Philippians….nothing…then my Bible fell open to Hebrew 11:1. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
That’s it!!! I can’t stop crying. This is a verse I thought I knew well. But I didn’t know it like I know it now that I know God was saying it to me over and over every day!! It’s a revelation and a breakthrough for me!!!
Thank you for following God’s leading and making your notes available! God bless you!
Thank you Jamie! I have down loaded the six pages and look forward to what God has for me as I study about numbers.
I just can’t get enough of your teachings. It is as if I’m afraid of missing something important that I should know to make sure I get into the Kingdom of Heaven. I love your teachings thank you and I pray that God will bless you your family and your ministry abundantly.
Jamie, thank you so much for sharing these right on time teaching notes with us!