Urgent Prophetic Bulletin
1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2
Beloveds, this is a very brief but URGENT prophetic bulletin.
Yesterday, the Lord gave me a WORD about February that you are going to love. I’m in the process of writing it out. For now, though, you need to know:
If you have not made a WRITTEN LIST of your big requests–the things you want and need from God–do it TODAY.
You are going to begin seeing God make legislative judgments on your behalf starting in February. Believe me, you WANT to get in on this! And writing your list of petitions files your case in the courtroom of Heaven. Write it now, for cases are being registered and arrayed before Father!
Some specific things that you might not have thought of to pray and decree for include (but are not limited to):
- Return with interest of stolen insurance deductibles;
- Return of stolen or lost inheritances;
- Children who are away from Father coming back home;
- Collection of debts (money that people owe you);
- Surprise provision coming to you from all sides;
- Total resolution of character issues and freedom from bondage of every kind, with total heart change;
- Connections;
- Ministry opportunities;
- Confirming miracles and wonders when you step out in faith;
- Real estate sold that you desire to sell; and more.
The list could go on and on.
I’ve already been doing this, but the Lord is so serious about this that He woke me up shortly after midnight this morning to write some more requests, and to pray over them aloud and speak the Word over them (and over myself, my husband, our family and loved ones, etc).
Please do not miss out. Make your written list of petitions and pray it to Father. I sense by the Spirit that you are going to marvel at what He does.
Many blessings to you today!
Love in Christ,
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God bless you as you keep on reminding us to present our request to the Lord. You really want us all to be blessed just like you’re. Glory be to God for your selflessness to His kingdom.
Thanks, Jamie, I am on this. Some things are starting to happen, slowly like the January Thaw last week that reminds us such a thing as Spring will return in a couple of months. I have the list in my head, but I will commit to paper as well.
May the blessings of your prophecy return to you a hundredfold.
Please pray for me and my three children protection from our enemies and for deliverance all hell is breaking lose, my husband does not love me He cleave to his mother and puts me last,but puts his mother and his kids First, and doesn’t acknowledge me or even kids. I have been a faithful wife.
Thank you for encouraging us to make our list. Just made mine and will bring them to my Father. Claiming His Promises. Blessings to you all. In Jesus name I pray ?
Yes! Father just won’t let me off this word. So glad you wrote down your petitions!
Dear Jamie
God spoke to me this morning in a dream I was praying for a new home enough money to pay for it in full. In a quiet neighborhood. Also for my son and his wife business to grow and a new home for them all. God is using you. Be bless Love Millie
So glad Father spoke to you, dear. May He provide that home quickly in Jesus’ name!
Confirmation received. Thank You Jesus! Thank you Jamie! On it. Opening my mouth wide and my heart too! Pour into me. Fill overflowing. You are the only One who can satisfy! Let it be to me according to Your Word, Abba! Praise Your magnificent name forever! Amen!
Yes! Prophesy to your situation, sister! Speak God’s Word loudly and drown out every shred of anything that would argue with that Word.
You have got me so excited! I started the list a few days ago. And I’m going to add some new ones now! I can’t wait to see God show up!!! Thank you Jamie for listening to our Father and sharing with us!
Go for it, sister! Make that list specific, too! Father loves our specific requests!
I made a list.
I wrote my long list and I’m ready for a change in my life my family life Thanks Jesus Amen
Yes! I love those long lists!
Please pray for my son Kopano to break free from an addiction to marijuana and for God’s promised deluverance to manifest today in his life. Pray for my heart that it would be softened towards my husband after infidelities caused me pain and anger. Pray for my financial and work situation and promotion. Pray that my two young girls would grow up in loving obedience to their parents and to God
I just prayed for you, Toa. Thank you for reading.
Thanks, Jamie. This was very hopeful. I definitely
making my list.
Blessings and the Favor God to you always!
So glad it helped, sis! Make that list LONG!
Mark 11:24 (NLT)
“I tell you, you can pray anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours…”
Psalms 55:22 (NLT)
“Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall…”
Psalms 121:1-8 (NLT)
“I look up to the mountains – does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaver and earth! He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber. Indeed, he who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps. The Lord himself watches over you! The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade. The sun will not harm you by day nor the moon by night. The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life. The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever.”
…all of these scriptures apply! He has been speaking to me on this exact subject and has given me several scripture to confirm what he wants me to do!! Your post on this topic is just added confirmation for me. I love your list, Jamie and I am totally using some of your ideas that you listed on your list for my own list, but I am also adding some specific requests of my own!
Big requests for me also include my own ministry opportunity and also acquiring the 67 acres to the south of us! That would give me 107 acres total to expand my home base…
Thank you, Lillie! Yes, these Scriptures are amazing! I do pray for you in that ministry opportunity. Go through the gates! (Isaiah 61-62). Also, just curious–what do you do with your acreage? God loves to give land to His people, so you have many promises in the Bible about that! Deuteronomy 8:7 is coming to mind particularly.
Thanks Jamie!!
Yes, God does give land to his people… and he has had me read Psalms 37 many many times! In reality I know that it is HIS land and that HE has just made me a stuart to it temporarily.
I just have a hobby farm at the moment where I am being allowed to raise my kids (HIS kids, really). We have chickens, goats, a horse, and a dog of course, and I am hoping to get some bees soon.
I’m not sure what capacity HE wants to use me in. I know I want to share the good news about HIM and HIS kingdom, and win souls for HIM… I just don’t know specifically what that looks like for me and how exactly HE wants me to go about all that. HE is going to have to spell it out and show me…He has a willing servant who is willing to submit and obey. I just have to know what and how HE wants me to go about doing what it is HE wants me to do… make sense?
Hey Jamie, you said you prayed the word over your requests from God, can you give me a couple verses that you loved praying, over these requests. Thanks.
Absolutely. What a great question! I need to do a webinar on claiming specific promises. Here are a few ideas:
Isaiah 49: The Lord will send me my builders and people to help me.
Isaiah 49 and Isaiah 54 and Isaiah 65: All my spiritual children will be discipled by the Lord Himself; they will be in right standing with God; and they will be in perfect shalom–nothing missing, nothing broken.
Psalm 32:8: God will instruct us, teach us, and guide us.
Malachi 3: the blessings of the tithe: I’m claiming open windows of Heaven and huge blessings, especially the financial provision I need right now to leave my corporate job and dedicate myself full-time to this ministry! (And He is answering this prayer for sure! I’m seeing huge miracles daily!)
There are so many more. If you have a specific topic, let me know and I’ll offer any ideas I can.
Hello sis all I am asking God to Seek Ye first the kingdom of God. For the presence of Holy Spirit in my life and my family and their salvation.
Amen. Seeking Him first and His presence are the best possible things! You have chosen well. The Lord will bless you for that choice.
I wrote my list pit as soon as I read your blog!