21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer: NO MORE QUIT
1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2
Welcome back to 21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer! This simple series will provide you with Scriptures to pray into for 21 days, asking the Lord for your breakthrough.
Today, we are drawing a line in the sand; asking Holy Spirit to do surgery on us and remove all the “quit” from our hearts, and declaring that there will be NO MORE QUIT in us ever again. 🙂
A couple of reminders:
This is a very simple series; I am not expounding on each Scripture very much, except through a bullet-point list to share some prayer pointers. I also am not writing out sample prayers, as I believe the Lord wants you to exercise your prayer muscles and make these Scriptures your own vocabulary for prayer.
But, even though it’s a simple series, I believe it’s a POWERFUL one … and I want to hear your testimonies as the Lord answers your prayers, okay?
See the 21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer series table of contents here.
Without further ado, here’s Day 10 of 21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer:
The Scripture verse of the day is Isaiah 50:7, which describes Jesus saying:
For the Lord God will help Me; therefore I will not be disgraced; therefore I have set My face like a flint, and I know that I will not be ashamed” (Isaiah 50:7).
Pray along these points for everything that applies to you:
- Thank Father God for sending Jesus to be our example and teach us how to live.
- Thank Jesus for setting His face like flint to carry out Father’s will.
- Thank Jesus for setting His face like flint to go to the cross, even though it was hard. Thank Him for doing it for you.
- If you have ever quit or stopped anything that GOD told you that you should do, acknowledge to the Lord that you have not followed His example of perseverance.
- Humbly repent and confess your disobedience to the Lord.
- Tell Father God that you know His Word says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). Thank Him for forgiving you and washing you clean with the blood of Jesus.
- Ask Father God to fill you with His Spirit where that sin was.
- Tell Father God that you want to be like Jesus from now on, and you choose to submit to Jesus’ Lordship and example right now.
- Tell Father that you’re drawing a line in the sand. Ask Him to do Holy Spirit surgery and take the “quit” out of you right now.
- Ask Him to work in your heart and for Holy Spirit to bear His fruit of patience, faithfulness, and longsuffering (“big fierceness”) in you.
- Tell Father God that, from this day forward, you want there to be NO MORE QUIT in you at all.
- Tell Father that you choose to set your face like flint to obey Him, just like Jesus did, no matter what.
- Ask Him to work in you, both to will and to do His good pleasure.
- Ask Him to help you and keep you from being disgraced or ashamed.
- Then thank Him for all these things in Jesus’ name!
That’s our breakthrough prayer for day 10!
Beloved, after you pray this prayer, let there be no more “quit” in you the rest of your life. Forget that the concept of “quit” even exists. NO MORE QUITTING! Instead, set your mind and keep it set on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God! Forget those things which are behind, and press on to those things that are ahead for the sake of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus!
Be like Jesus, and set your face like flint to obey God and keep on keeping on, no matter what!
Also, remember to use the verse itself as your vocabulary for prayer. Doing so will not only help you pray the most effective prayers it’s possible to pray, but it will also help you hide God’s Word in your heart, that you might not sin against Him (Psalm 119:11).
Did you pray this Scripture with me today? Or, do you have a testimony to share about how God has answered this prayer? If so, please leave a comment below! I’d love to hear what Papa is saying to you!
Just the word I needed to hear this morning. I was wanting to give up on things I have been contending for, for a long time. I guess I was just tired of the waiting for something to change, move, or just do something.
I feel the same way Carolyn …, blessing Shalom Shalom peace to us
These daily prayers and declarations are beautiful! Thank you for all the time you put into it from your heart. These are life changing! Thank you Holy Spirit for sending timely words just as the children of God are in need.
Hello Jamie, thank you for your obedience , and I just prayed for God to Bless me with seed to the sower so I can be part of his plan to keep your ministry funded and thriving , as I know , we are blessed to be a blessing , as Joan Hunter says , and I do too , thanks again Jamie , keep doing what you’re doing , in Jesus name, Amen .
Thank you so much. I woke this morning feeling so discouraged. I (we) will not quit! The WILL of God will never take you where the grace of God will not protect you. Thank you so much for your obedience to the Lord our Savior. Yes, He came to us as a Savior! Let us all rejoice! Blessings
Over not under, over not under. The earth IS the Lords. I pray His love touches hearts there truly is nothing greater (thank you saints for fostering the love of God)
Thank you so much for the 21 days of prayer. Daay 10 hit home for me for I had stopped completing a project that the Father had directed me to complete. I confessed it before Him remembering that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. Praise God from whom all good things come and may God continue to bless your ministry.
This is an exactly word of declaration to confess anything that can keep me far from the Lord i thank Father God for His mercy through His only begotten Son that accept me with an open Arm and welcome me back as His true daughter with LOVE i am grateful to you Jamie for your submission to Father’s will on earth for our breakthrough thank You Jesus Christ AMEN
With day 9 God fought for me and my family and has provided a way for my son’s very expensive dental surgery decreasing the amount by over 5 times. Day 10 comes after a week of disgrace and shame due to being AWOL from work and family for 2 days after overindulgence and binging missing skipping on work and family responsibility as well as losing income after squandering funds we have regardless of our situation. In my shame and self condemnation I quit my walk and praise & worshipping after day 9 feeling like a disappointment to everyone and a hypocrite. I’m back now and continuing on day 10 and this Post could not be more fitting as if written specifically for me. No More Quiting The Walk. Faced with another great financial weapon formed against me and my family I know my God is faithful, has forgiven me, will restore me to better than before and will make a way no matter the circumstances… I draw the line and will never feel this shame, guilt and disgrace ever again, it ends now in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Thank you Jamie for these powerful prayer points in Jesus name
Amen and Amen
Amen. Thank you Lord for this scripture. Continue to carry me Lord. I will put my self like a flint.
Amen In Jesus Christ name help me Holy SPirit not to be discouraged or quit