My 3 Favorite Ways To Use a Tallit

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My 3 Favorite Ways to Use a Tallit by Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.comConfession: I used to think using a tallit when you pray was weird.

It’s true. I did. And it took a dramatic event to change my mind.

Awhile ago, something happened that made me feel spiritually uncovered. When this thing happened, I could really feel the absence of that spiritual covering right away.

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    It was horrible. The only way I can describe that feeling is: it felt like I had been tossed out on the interstate highway of spiritual warfare with little-to-no protection from oncoming cars. I felt like I was suddenly on the front lines of battle with no army behind me.

    I went home, crumpled to the floor of my study, and cried.

    I had a tallit that a friend had given me. It sat on the shelf and had for a long time, because I always thought using a tallit was weird. But my pastor had always taught us that it represented the covering of God.

    As I sat on the floor of my study that day, I needed covering. I felt so exposed. So I retrieved that tallit. I put it over my head like it was a shield between me and the world–a shield between me and the battle. And you know what?

    God covered me.

    I could feel it. There was a noticeable difference in how I felt and how much peace I had when I had my tallit over my head, and when I didn’t.

    So I stuck with it. I kept that thing with me. I slept with it at night because I needed that covering. It was a rough time. Eventually I got that spiritual covering back and everything became ok again. But I had learned a valuable lesson by experience about tallits:

    A tallit represents covering, and using one brings supernatural manifestation of the Holy Spirit.

    It’s been quite awhile now since the incident above happened, but I’ve continued to use my tallit while I pray and at other times. If you’re interested in using a tallit too, let me tell you about my 3 favorite ways to use a tallit:

    1. I use a tallit when I pray to represent God’s covering and His secret place.

    Psalm 91 tells us:

     Start-quoteHe who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
    Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
    I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress;
    My God, in Him I will trust” (verses 1-2).

    He shall cover you with His feathers,
    And under His wings you shall take refuge;
    His truth shall be your shield and buckler” (verse 4).

    The secret place of the Most High is that place right in God’s throne room, where you are aware of God and God alone. It’s that place where it’s just you and Abba Father, and it’s where all things are made right again.

    And somehow, when I cover my head with my tallit, any place becomes the secret place. The tallit blocks out the world and helps me focus in on Him alone. It’s His wing; I can feel His feathers covering me.

    Placing my tallit over my head when I pray helps me enter quickly into radical encounter with Jesus.

    2. I use a tallit to represent my covering over women I mentor.

    I met recently with a dear friend of mine whom I was going to mentor. It was our first meeting. When we sat down, I felt like the Holy Spirit was telling me to place my tallit over her shoulders.

    Honestly, I felt very weird doing that, and I told her so. I had no idea why God would tell me to do that, but I was positive it was Him. So I did (and she was ok with it). And after our meeting, I could see why the Lord told me to do that.

    It was as if placing my tallit over my friend represented my pulling her under my spiritual wing. It represented my covering over her: that I was making a covenant with her to walk with her, love her, pray for her, and impart to her anything holy on my life that God wanted for her life too.

    The tallit was like my wing, and placing it over her was symbolic of that mentoring relationship we were establishing. It was cool. I would never have thought of it, but the Holy Spirit knew.

    So since then, both my husband and I have continued using our tallits to represent covering over people we mentor. We’ve let a precious brother we are doing life with use my husband’s tallit when we’re praying together–because it represents our covering and brotherly love over him. It’s been powerful, too.

    3. I wrap myself in my tallit when I sleep, and you would not BELIEVE the sleep I get when I do.

    I started doing this during the traumatic time mentioned above, but it gave me such deep sleep that I kept it up. So every night, I spread my tallit over my pillow, lie down, and then pull the ends of the tallit back over myself. And it’s unreal. I sleep so deeply and soundly when I use my tallit–way more deeply than I sleep any other time.

    As a matter of fact, and this may sound strange–but I have found there to be such peace and rest attached to that tallit that I can cover myself with it almost anytime and fall asleep pretty quickly anywhere. It’s like as soon as I place it over my head, this supernatural rest comes over me, and often I’ll just keel over and be out like a light. 🙂

    So those are my 3 favorite ways to use my tallit. If you are considering getting one, this is also important to know about using a tallit:

    A tallit gets heavier and more anointed with use.

    I have been through several tallits, because I keep giving mine away. And each time I’ve started over, when I’ve taken the tallit out of the bag, even though it’s been great, it’s felt like a mildly-anointed piece of fabric.

    But after I have used each tallit a few times, they have gotten “heavier” and heavier with glory.

    It truly is like the anointing of your prayers and worship soak into the very fiber of the fabric and remain. And the more you use your tallit, the more anointed it gets. (Maybe it’s something like the apostle Paul praying over cloths and people getting healed?) So my current tallit is the one I’ve had the longest, and I feel like it’s dripping with anointing. (Which is maybe why it makes me pass out in sleep when I put it on.) 😉

    So I want you to be aware of that. If you’ve never prayed with a tallit before, get it out, anoint it with oil, pray over it, dedicate it to the Lord, and then use it. A lot. And the more you do, the more benefits you will reap from its use.

    Are you intrigued? Are you ready to get yourself a tallit?

    Get one that you like, but I can tell you that I really like–and have had good experiences with–the acrylic ones made in Israel by Talitnia on Amazon. They come in all price ranges, colors, and several different sizes, so you can pick the one you like.

    If you’re interested in purchasing one from Amazon, I’ve placed several Amazon links below to tallits I like personally.

    The long, skinny ones are great for one person. My husband and I purchased one recently for a dear friend who is head of his family. We got him a larger one, because not only can he wrap himself in it, but he can also wrap his wife and child in it at the same time (it’s pretty big). So if you’re the head of your family, you might want a larger one like that.

    Anyway, without further ado, here are a few of the more affordable tallits I like on Amazon (the blue one is the big one we got for our friend who is head of a family):

    No matter which tallit you get, you will enjoy it and it will be of great benefit to you. (And the Amazon links above are my affiliate links. When you purchase a tallit from Amazon using these links, Amazon will pay me a small commission at no additional cost to you of course. My family thanks you in advance.)

    Have you ever used a tallit? If so, what’s your favorite way to use it, and what benefit do you feel when you do?

    Image courtesy of Yuval Saar on Flickr via Creative Commons license.


    1. i too have had a traumatic time a few years ago, and for a while now have felt like im not under a covering it really effects me and going to church just doesnt suffice for it anymore, its like the part of me that allows the covering is not allowing myself to be covered for some reason, anyhow i could go into more detail of my experience with this covering thing but will hold back for now, so i want to know if you want to elaborate what caused you to feel like you were not under a covering? and was the tallit the only thing that fixed it? or did you find another avenue aswell as the tallit to be under cover?

      1. Hi Michael. Thanks so much for reading. 🙂 That’s a fair question. (Sorry for the delayed response; I’ve been away from my computer over Christmas, and couldn’t log in to comments.)

        I don’t want to go into extremely deep detail here, but I will say that I lost a specific relationship with someone who was a spiritual covering for me. It was horrible and things weren’t totally fixed until that relationship was restored, which it was after awhile. But while I waited, I used the tallit not because IT covered me per se, but because it was a tangible faith-builder that GOD was covering me. It reminded me that God loved me, that He would protect me and take care of me, and that He has all things under control.

        I’ve talked with several folks lately who feel uncovered, for a number of reasons. Sometimes their leaders aren’t doing their job and leading; sometimes they aren’t in a place with any leaders at all (e.g. they’re not going to church or being active in the Body of Christ); sometimes it’s been because they’ve taken an offense (or grabbed onto somebody else’s offense) against their leadership. I’m sure there could be other reasons too, but those are the ones I’ve seen lately.

        Of those three, I believe the last one is the most destructive. With the first, they can find new leaders or maybe the person wasn’t in the right place to begin with. Or people can start going to church; those are kind of obvious solutions. But the third one is a veiled trick of the enemy, because when we get offended, it seems justified; but that offense turns into bitterness and unforgiveness against the leaders, and essentially the person rejects the covering that is available to them because they refuse to forgive.

        I really believe we all have to continually search our hearts about all three of these things, because the enemy would love to pull us outside the safety zone of spiritual covering.

        I’m sorry you went through whatever happened in your life that made you feel uncovered too. Having been there, I can identify. I know it hurts. I pray the Lord brings you to a place of healing and freedom and renewed covenant in just the right place where you need to be, and restores that godly spiritual covering to you again. And while you’re waiting, I pray that He would help you sense His presence, His love, His comfort, and His watchcare over your life more than ever before. May His light shine into your situation and bring you hope and joy again. 🙂

        Blessings to you, and thank you so much for reading!

      2. Hi this is Wendy I have just started and I enjoy your tallit idea continue the good work.

    2. Hi Jamie. I came across this post while researching what tallits look like, as I was thinking of making something like it to help me pray for my baby daughter. She’s recently been given a diagnosis of a degenerative genetic disorder, and we are depending totally on God for her life and healing. Id read somewhere that the woman healed of bleeding actually touched the tassels on Jesus’s tallit, and I liked that idea. Anyway I’m so encouraged by reading your experiences, and the thought that a tallit could physically represent God’s covering over me in my heartbreak feels very comforting. Thanks.

      1. Hi Amy, that’s awesome. Thank you for sharing. Yes, I’ve heard that too, about the woman with the issue of blood touching the tassels on Jesus’ tallit. I think I heard it from Pastor Ron Phillips. Very cool stuff! I pray Papa God would touch and heal your baby girl. I will join you in praying for her.

        Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, I lift up Amy’s daughter to you. In the name of Jesus, I bind off every sickness and malfunction and infirmity from this girl and I command it to leave right now in Jesus’ name. I command every sickness and every spirit of infirmity to leave this baby girl in Jesus’ name, and I loose healing into her in Jesus’ name. I command strength into her body, soul, and spirit in Jesus’ name. I speak to her genes, and I command them to be restored and healed and line up with the Word of God, which says that this baby is fearfully and wonderfully made. By the stripes of Jesus she is healed, so I speak to her body and I say: Healing from Jesus, manifest right now in Jesus’ name! Goodness of God, be revealed in this baby’s flesh in Jesus’ name! Kingdom of God, come, in Jesus’ name! Will of God, be done on earth as it is in Heaven in Jesus’ name! Baby, be healed, strengthened, and empowered RIGHT NOW in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
        In Jesus’ name, let it be done.

        Thank you for sharing, Amy. I pray you’d have a wonderful day and that our Papa would strengthen you too.

        1. Dear Jamie, thankyou for standing with us and praying this gorgeous prayer, it boosts my faith again every time I look at it. God is good, all the time x

          1. He sure is. Praise God. It’s my pleasure and I’m so glad Daddy God is using it. 🙂 Have a wonderful day!

          2. Lisa Mendoza-Rodriguez says:

            And all the time God is good!🙏❤🥰❤

    3. Hi, I have been interested in the Towey since before six grade and I have done research about it and I have wanted one on and off for a while, and think it would be good for me to get one, do you know if there is a way to see if a tallit is right for someone. Thanks, do you know if there are others with experience with the tallit.

      1. Hi Hope,
        A tallit is a point of contact that builds your faith that you are right smack in the Presence of God. It’s a beautiful piece of our Jewish heritage, because every Christian is one with the Jewish people in Christ. So absolutely if you want one, get one.
        Thanks for reading, and enjoy your tallit! I love mine; I take it all over the place and always have a great time alone with God when I use it, no matter where I am. 🙂

        1. Hi, thanks, can someone wear a tallit all day or would they have to get a tallit katon? The type of tallit I want to get is a tent size tallit aka a tallit gadol, can you share some experiences with the tallit? I am about 5’1″ or 5 feet and the two sizes I am interested in are 55X75 and 36X72 which size shuld I get, I am also female.

          1. Hope, I think you can get any kind of tallit you want. Just my personal opinion. I wouldn’t want to wear it all day personally because I think I would feel weird doing it, and I think it would turn people off too (people who see you doing it). I personally keep mine for private, personal use – or for ministry situations when I am leading a worship service and praying for someone using the tallit etc.

            1. Hi, thanks, I am wanting some advice for which of the two sizes in the above reply I should get, the sizes are from
              Or you can google the shofar man tent tallit, I am wanting to get the gift pack one where the shipping and another tallit and a tape is included with it and the 36 size one is 107.77$ and the 55 size one is 137.77.

            2. I have purchased both the long, narrow ones and the wide ones before. I much prefer the largest size, because you can wrap yourself up in it like a blanket.

    4. Heather Powell says:

      Hello my name is Heather Powell. God lead me to becoming a Mantle maker about 8-10 years ago. I first started making tallits for the people in the Messianic congregation that I was attending. I have made well over 100 tallits and there have been no two alike. I ask people what their favorite verse is, color and giftings. I then approach God and ask what the tallit is too look like. All the people I have made them for have said that it’s exactly what they wanted. I was wondering if there would be any desire for the individualized tallits that I make to be available to you or those who you minister too? I am a stay at home mom of 4 kids. Thanks for taking the time to read and respond to my post.

      1. Hi Heather, thank you for reaching out. I honor your ministry and am grateful for other believers who support Israel. Unfortunately, I don’t think I am able to help with this, as I’m already committed to offer tallits made by folks in Israel. This is one of my ways of supporting the Jewish people, and I also support my church’s ministry which sells certain tallits. So I’m already committed to offering certain ones, but I do thank you for asking. May the Lord continue to bless you as you craft works of art for His children. 🙂

      2. Greetings, Heather! I recently discovered the tallit, love it, and am trying to learn everything I can about it. I would like to get one for my husband but we haven’t found one that suits him. However an individualized tallit like you described piques my interest and may be perfect for him. Do you still make tallit?

    5. Wow! I had never heard of head coverings etc. in my life and then it has been everywhere! Thank you for this article.

    6. Erika Edding says:

      Dearest Jamie, I just saw your email last night and did a double take. February 8th I was awakened by the Holy Spirit admonishing me to pray in tongues and take communion because He wanted to eradicate an evil spell or he. I complied although I didn’t completely understand but knew I am tired of the groundhog day effects of bullying, deception and manipulation st work, general confusion and lethargy where they didn’t exist, and extremes in opposition in my finances, taxes and credit (don’t get me started on betrayal and suicidal ideations!).

      Thank you, thank you, thank you for yielding to the Holy Spirit, receiving this word and sharing. It is Confirmation of what took place during my prayer time on Feb 8th and a gentle reminder that He not only loves me, but that people care about me whether I recognize it or not.

      From my heart to your…thank you Miss Jamie!


    7. Hi Jamie!
      I bought a tallit when we were in Israel as souvenir only. Finally, with your explanation and the benefits of using it, now I’m going to start to use my tallit.
      Thank you and God bless you!

    8. I have never really considered one as I don’t have much info on it…something to think about. Thanks

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