31 Days of Supernatural Encounters: Day 1

1×1 mentoring phone calls with jamie
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1
webinars JANUARY 20-22: how to interpret dreams/visions
webinar JANUARY 29: how to cast out demons
This entry is part 1 of 23 in the series 31 Days of Supernatural Encounters
31 Days of Supernatural Encounters | by Jamie Rohrbaugh | free devotional series on FromHisPresence.com

Welcome to Day 1 of our 31 Days of Supernatural Encounters free devotional series!

Every day of this series will have four parts: Read, Know, Pray, and Listen. The series will contain prophetic words, prayers, and more! (Click here for the series index.)

As you walk through this series, I pray that you would be powerfully impacted and that Holy Spirit would take you to a new level of intimacy with Jesus!

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    Day 1:

    Read: Ruth 1:1-17


    If you seek to walk in the supernatural with God, there will always be a moment in which you must make the same choice Ruth made. If you will make it, you may proceed with God … and have abundance and blessing, too.

    If you will not make this choice, you will go backward. Back to the old ways, the old land, the old misery.

    Staying still is not an option.

    So what’s the choice before you?

    Only this: What will you give up for Christ’s sake?

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    Wind of Heaven

    Want powerful, Scriptural prayers for every situation? Then grab Wind of Heaven: 12 Prayers for the Kingdom to Come in Your Life!

    Ruth was willing to give up everything. She left her family behind. She left her culture and traditions behind. She left her home behind. She abandoned everything that the outside world valued, all for the sake of following the way of God.

    So what are you willing to give up?

    What Will You Give Up for Jesus? by Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.com
    • Will you give up your right to worry about your circumstances, and decide to trust God and speak in faith no matter what?
    • Will you give up your right to be right, in order to humble yourself under God’s mighty hand?
    • Will you give up your right to do what you want with your time, in order to seek God with your time?
    • Will you give up your entitlement to good treatment, in order to complete the sufferings of Christ in your own life?

    Mark 8:34-37 says:

    When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also, He said to them, ‘Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it.

    For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?'”

    There is a choice that you and I must make. We must make it once, and then we must make it daily. That choice determines whether we will be disciples of Christ, or merely fans of Christ.

    What will you choose today? Ponder your answer. Meditate on it. Don’t take this decision lightly. Then talk to the Lord about it, and verbalize your choice to Him.


    “Father God, in Jesus’ name, I choose this day to make Jesus the absolute, 100% Boss of my life. I choose to bow and yield my all to You. I choose to obey You in everything. Please help me carry out this choice every moment of my life from this time forward and forevermore. Convict me and help me as I walk with You. In Jesus’ name, amen.”


    “Lose My Soul” by TobyMac. This is one of the most profound songs about lordship that I know. Listen closely to the lyrics, and pray through this song as you listen!

    How did Holy Spirit speak to you today as you pondered this decision? Please leave a comment below!

    Would you help me with my work of reaching people for Jesus as a domestic missionary? I need you; we are in this together!

    This blog, and all of the Kingdom work we do in this community together, are made possible through your partnerships, donations, and product purchases. If you’d like to help, please check out the partnership details and products available for sale here. And, thank you in advance for helping make this blog and everything we do together for the Kingdom possible!

    Series NavigationDay 2: Personal Encounters with Jesus >>


    1. Marlene Bond says:

      This song reminded me that I am currently in a neighbourhood where there are more than a few people who might easily fit into world of the characters portrayed in this video. Then I am reminded that we are beginning to see some of the ‘neighbours ‘ actually come into the church. There is a question that comes to mind. How will we treat these brothers and sisters who come from this world which is ‘different’ from ours? That’s what came up for me.

    2. Blessed to receive these inspirational prophetic encounters.

      God bless Jamie!

    3. “Make the decision once – and then we have to make it daily.” This is deep – especially when caught up in worry, fear and everyday cares, struggles and responsibilities……

    4. Marilyn Bucci says:

      He has been telling me to untie the knot,I had the little sign that read,Faith isn’t faith until that’s all your holding on to He is letting me know faith isn’t faith until you let go and trust Him! Love it!!!!!!!!

    5. May God bless you Jamie..thank you for doing what you do. I am so happy that I found your website. I needed direction and guidance. Your Sister in Christ…Laura

    6. This really struck home with me because I’ve been trying for too long to live for Christ and this world. I made the decision to live for Christ and He’s gotten me through so much but I’ve turned back time and time again. But Toby mac is right. I don’t want to gain the whole world and lose my soul. The process of change may be slower than I want but in the end it will truly be worth it for all of us. I just pray for patience and a sound mind as I hold tight.

      1. I’ve struggled with worry since I can remember. My biggest challenge has been 1 Peter 5:7, “cast all your cares upon me for I care about you”. I placed this all over my home as a reminder. I cried, and cried for hours after hours and days, trying to release everything and to no avail. I cried believing that which so stubbornly refuse within me to release me will have to respond to God. I was determined. I was sticking with God in all my junk and in one moment He would break every hindrance and he has done it!

    7. Wendi McKenzie says:

      What a blessed and awesome way to begin the month!! Im very excited to be a part of the 31 days of Supernatural Encounters. Thank you Jamie for being a disciple of Christ!!!

    8. I enjoyed the video. It definitely speaks volume into an “empty soul.” I know without a shadow of doubt, that God is giving all of us “every human being on the earth” a decision to make. No matter our houses, our bank accounts, our neighborhoods or skin tone (color). When Jesus died on the cross, He died so we all could have everlasting life. It’s no separation with our Father. Now that’s the “beauty” in being a true believer in Christ, because we know better, His word purges us and bring us into the true knowledge of what He expects of us as His children. Sin of ANY kind separates us from God.

    9. Trust in God, you can take anything as long as you leave me with Jesus, I will have everything. Thanks for keeping on inspiring us with the word of God. You are doing a great job. With you we will not get dry. May God keep on blessing you.

    10. George modise says:

      Gooday Jamie..I make my choice today I’m like Ruth..I’ll go with my God.when I listen that song the holy spirit it’s just touching me he didn’t speak..i need the supernatural powers of God,I’ll give my God time…GOD bless you Jamie

    11. The end of the video reminded me that God indeed desires us to partner with him for our sons, daughters and grand children, who have not yet been awakened to their calling and destiny , and that He is well able and willing to “drag “ them to himself, in His time, which is always on time
      I often have to remind myself that God is not wringing His hands over the salvation of His creation, and that”resting in Him “is a reality and not just words written on a page in the Bible

    12. Day 1 was amazing and very inspirational and am looking forward to the next 30 days.God bless you Jamie.

    13. Thank you for blessing me with this word and the song is very good ! God bless you!

    14. I stumbled acrosd your web page or should I say the Holy Ghost lead me to this page. I stand in agreement with God word with you & pray for a fresh wind & fire be released in you.

      Thank you…thank you…thank you

    15. Jamie, thank you so so much for helping us to get to a new level of intimacy with God- this has always been the cry of my heart. I always enjoy reading your posts because they encourage and minister to me.

      I thank God for you! May He continue to prosper the works of your hands for His Glory!

      The Lord bless you and keep you in Jesus Name under the Anointing!

    16. Rosella Bynum says:

      Thank you Jamie,
      As I read listen to The book of Ruth and the video; I realize I need to answer the call of God and fully surrender to HIM alone, not to comprise myself for sin, live in truth and the righteousness of God..

    17. I am serving in God’s Kingdom, but not feeling like I’m producing much fruit. It’s like I’m driving a car, but have forgotten to put gas in the tank and the gas has run out and instead of getting more gas I’m trying to make it move on my own power. That just won’t work. I’m not strong enough. I have run out of gas. I need to fill up. I need a fresh indwelling of the Holy Spirit. I took a picture of my dog today standing on the shallow step of the pool desiring to get the rubber toy I threw in for her, but either she was afraid to get in the deep end or was unwilling to go the distance to get it. It’s like I see Jesus out there in the deep water and like Peter, He is saying, “Come to Me.” Analogous to Shasta, I want to, but I’m afraid I’ll sink. I’m afraid I don’t have what it takes. Do I have what it takes to go the distance? But deep down I know He has what it takes and I want what He has. Simply, I want more of Jesus. I am tired of falling short. When I take that step, I don’t know what it’s going to look like. I really don’t even know how to do it, but I believe He will show me when and how. This I must trust He will do. Thank you, Jamie, for this study. I need it.

      1. This comment describes exactly how I feel! Thanks Jamie for this platform that you have provided and thank you Debra for sharing.

    18. Georgina Barboutis says:

      Did the guy buy the gun, kill someone with it and then return it or did he buy it and change his mind and return it?

      1. That’s a good question. Sometimes artists leave those endings like these to our imagination. It looked like he had a change of heart and the price for the gun was not worth his soul.

    19. Thanks Jamie, I’m super blessed this morning. God bless you.

    20. I’m blessed, i’ll be on the journey with supernatural.

    21. Pastor.Mark Cupido says:

      Amen.Jamie Im blessed and this journey in the supernatural is what I needed in my life.You are awesome in The Lord Jesus Christ.Greater is He that is in me than the one wjo is in the world.Jesus is Lord.This is my breakthrough! Here in South Africa Paarl .

    22. LaShaunda says:

      Thank you Jamie can’t wait for day 2 of the 31 days Supernatural Encounter, bless you & your family. Congrats on the new addition!!!…

    23. Tamie Tyra says:

      I’m running a day late so I just saw this. The Holy Spirit took me back to 2005 when God removed me from working in the world’s view of prosperity. I had an amazing job with incarcerated youth. He gave me a vision, a yearning and a very strong desire for a ministry with women who were broken. I woke up one night after a vision of selling everything I owned in a yard sale. The sign in the dream said make an offer, I’m off to do God’s Work. I let go of 50% of what I had (not 100%) and went to Hurricane Katrina ravaged areas doing God’s work. But I was pulled back into the money maker prosperity. God again awoke me 2010 and I lost everything I had left. I now am sitting in a home inherited by my father’s death. It’s in need of repair, God will not allow me to work outside of my spiritual gifts for financial gain and for the last 3 years has given me manna from above. He provides for my daily and monthly expenses (no government allotments). I have to every day make the conscious decision to pick up my bible my study guides, my phone and sit in His presence. With the Holy Spirit reminding me during the song, of the vision God had given, I’m focusing since July 28 th 2017 on His instruction, on His teachings and His will in my life. I’ve been blessed with ministering to small groups and many one on one moments since 2005. I feel He is preparing me for what He gave me. In the vision the ministry started with 2 then 12 then 120 each blink increased 10 fold after the one before. Today I fully submit to Him for my knowledge has increased in these 12 years, and continues. I may not be what the world calls prosperous, but I am richer than many and this testimony is worth more than gold. I don’t want to gain the whole world’s approval and lose my love of my heart &soul.
      God bless you Jamie.

    24. I heard the Holy Spirit say, “There is nothing on this earth and in this world that is greater than Me! I AM the WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE! Nothing on earth should be more important than ME!” My supernatural experience came when Yeshua told me to leave Michigan and come to North Carolina. It was a huge decision to make, but I had to trust and believe that it was Him asking me to make this huge move! I trusted Him and did it! I left my family and the few friends I had and made the move! I have been blessed in those things that I have been seeking Yeshua for, for along time. He has placed me in a ministry yo where I can obtain and receive those things from Him! I have been delivered twice from a lot of things from my past. He is my all in all!
      While some of you maybe trying to make up your mind, know this: without faith there is no love, without love there is no hope. Trust Him, he will not lead you astray!
      Thanks Jamie!

    25. Thanks Jamie, lots of doable work to be done by the love of God, grace of Lord Jesus, the fellowship of the HolySpirit. God bless you!

    26. Thankyou Jamie….I am so blessed to have found your site….the info is so great and informative and much needed for many people including myself……..You are such a blessing to share this to us and even when we have nothing to give in return…..may God bless you abundantly forevermore for your kindness and for sharing the knowledge of God…..may you reap 1000 times more for your generosity to all of us that we may all learn of the Kingdom of God Amen

    27. God bless you Jamie. I get so excited when i am going to read your post because i know I will surely have God talking personally to me. May God bless you greatly and give you strength to continue what you do

    28. Desiree Custis says:

      I heard the Holy Spirit say I can’t ever go back to my old way of living !

    29. Jaquiline says:

      May the blessings of the Lord be upon your life Jamie. I am so glad to have the opportunity to be renewed in the my spiritual journey. The Holy Spirit assured me that it is well, and I shall emerge victorious on this journey..

    30. The story of Ruth is really wonderful. The way God works through Naomi’s life and rejuvenates her through Ruth. Her loyalty brings refuge to her deceased husbands family. Thank you for sharing this series and song with us all Jamie. The song was a calling. I discovered your website in 2020 when I was trying to figure out how to pray for those that hate you. My life has changed tremendously since learning to pray for others. God is my King and protector. He recently challenged me to leave everything on a journey and I did. I don’t know where I will go next but, I ask that whatever I do be in God’s will. Thank You Jamie for continually spreading Gods words for those that thirst for it. I pray God continually blesses you and your family.

    31. Karen Secrest says:

      I have been hidden away for 25 years
      An undercover r r agent for Jesus in prayer. I find myself still wanting kudos from men for my time well spent since most everyone I know thinks I’m weird t o believe prayer works..
      I truly would like this life to be free of my whining…to go rather than to “be”.

      It was interesting as I pray for food and formula that God raised up this desire for wide open piece of land with a lake. No buildings, apartments just open space or even farm land close with crops. I don’t need a dream home. I’ve been praying for t he pastors houses. But SPACE for me. With a grocery close…lol

    32. Nathan Hill says:

      “Will we be disciples of Christ, or merely fans of Christ.” Wow! What a deep and beautiful conviction that statement brought to me. Thank you for this word and encouragement.

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