A Spirit of Performance Is Giving Way to the Spirit of Elijah

Prophetic Word with Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.comBeloved, have you been amazed that the Lord is changing your heart toward your family recently? If so, you may be a recipient of His outpouring of the Spirit of Elijah.

I saw in the Spirit that, for two years now, the Lord has been progressively delivering His people from a spirit of performance and striving.

The first year of the process was the hardest.

In that year, the saints resisted, convinced that the only way to survive was to claw and soldier their way through. The pressures mounted up as the addiction to striving and performance fought hard against the Lord’s invitation to rest, and to focus on what’s really important.

Related: FREE blog series: Rest In God, Reach Your Destiny

If that describes you, you learned a lot during the first year–but it took you that whole year to rest and lay some things down, in order to pick up better things.

At the end of that year, when you began resting (one year ago), then and only then could the Lord deposit in your heart what He wanted to give you all along: the Spirit of Elijah. 

The Spirit of Elijah is the manifestation of God’s Holy Spirit in which He turns the hearts of the children to the fathers (and mothers), and the hearts of the mothers and fathers to the children. As it says in Malachi 4:5-6:

“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.”

When you began laying down busy work in order to focus on what’s really important, the Lord began to give you His Spirit of Elijah.

You could tell that something was different in you because you began noticing a willingness to put your family first; a turning of your heart toward your family. You weren’t where you wanted to be yet, but you knew the Lord was working in your heart.

Over the last year, He has softened your heart toward your family and given you His own love for them. His work has reached the point where many have actually thought within themselves–and meant it–that “This person [in my family] is my best friend.”

Many have also thought, “I’d rather be with my family than with any other people in the world,” when they were accustomed to taking their family for granted and putting them in the proverbial back seat of life before.

You have noticed the Lord’s tremendous work in your heart, and have wondered at it.

The things that have been so important to you for decades are suddenly falling away. Things like:

  • People’s expectations;
  • Dreams of outward success;
  • A longing for big external rewards;
  • An internal need to prove yourself and your worth to others; and even 
  • Being popular …

… All these things used to bring you fulfillment, but they don’t really matter to you anymore.

In fact, you have even surprised yourself by realizing lately that, if some of your external dreams don’t happen, you would be okay with that because you would have willingly and purposely sacrificed them in order to have more important benefits for your family, children, and legacy.

All of these things have been shocking to you, but the rest they have brought you in your mind has been the most shocking thing of all.

Already you are seeing your relationships blossom because of these changes. Even recently, I saw many people shocked by how rapidly their relationships with their children are changing for the better as they are putting family time and family bonding ahead of work, striving, and success.

God is wrecking your heart for your family.

I also saw that many have held secret feelings of shame and inferiority because they didn’t have the family relationships they desired, but they didn’t know what to do about it.

The whole time, however, striving and performing have occupied their entire horizon, squeezing out the family relationships they so desired. Yet, they never knew this was the reason. They never sensed the dichotomy of striving on the gerbil wheel of success while also trying to succeed in their family. The two things are not possible to have at once; a gerbil wheel requires constant attention in order to keep it going.

I saw that the Father is offering His Spirit of Elijah to every person, no matter where you are in the process.

It is His will to bring every person and every family into a broad place; a place where your marriage, family, and home become the safe and loving shelter for BOTH you and your children that Father meant them to be. However, in order to receive this, you must be willing to rest.

Performance is exhausting; it takes all your energy to maintain it. This is why the Father has been curing and delivering His people of performance-based thinking for two years now. He has allowed His people to become tired so they can see the futility of their striving. 

I saw Father’s hand open in invitation, though. He is inviting you to rest if you will.

The choice is yours, but everything you desire is behind the door of rest:

  • The family relationships you yearn for are hidden in your rest.
  • The provision you yearn for is hidden in your rest as well–not in a cessation of work, but in a cessation of striving.
  • The ability to focus only on your priorities and live for the glory of God is wrapped up in your willingness to rest.

Will you rest?

Father God is extending His hand out to you. He is expanding your ability to focus on your family, but sacrifices will be required:

  • Everything that looks like striving will have to go.
  • Everything that smells like performance will have to be left behind.
  • Everything that looks like a gerbil wheel, smells like a gerbil wheel, and spins like a gerbil wheel will have to be eschewed in order to receive the fullness of the Father’s Holy Spirit of Elijah.

The Father is expanding your capacity to be a father or mother after His own heart.

He is anointing you to just be, and to be in conjunction with the people you love the most. He is turning your heart toward home, toward family, toward peace. He is turning your heart toward your children and toward your parents and family. He is bringing margin into your life.

Or He is attempting to.

But scaling your business has to take a back seat to His peace.

Achieving hallmarks and milestones that other people say you should achieve so you can show your worth will have to go. Walking on other people’s pre-determined and pre-prescribed paths of success will have to go.

And you will have to be willing to rest and walk in peace.

You will have to lay back in Father’s arms and trust Him: trust Him to provide, and trust Him to see your dreams come true.

You will actually feel release as you relinquish your dreams and demands to the Father–telling Him that you still believe Him, but you are going to focus your energy on resting and trusting and caring for what matters most to Him while HE does the striving toward the impossible for you.

The Holy Spirit of Elijah is turning your heart toward what matters. Will you yield to Him today?

Beloved, is this word for you? If so, please leave a comment below!


  1. Brittne Epps says:

    WOW!! This is totally for me!!! Yes I am yielding to the Holy Spirit of Elijah!! He is turning My heart towards what matters!!! Thank YOU LORD!🙏🙏

    1. Babylin Salazar says:

      Wow! What a prophetic word this is exactly for me I’m going to restore my children my relationship to them God is wrecking my relationship to my family. This is my hearts desire to restore my family. Thank you Jamie for this words you shared to us Godbless you more

  2. As I am sitting here bawling because I have not seen my adult children in 3 years, nor met my grandchild, and feeling very hopeless about our family situation, I open my email and read this. Wow, the timing is incredible and it gives me such hope. What you wrote Jamie has been my prayers and scripture that I have been standing on for a long time… Thank you Jesus for the confirmation! I know as I know a breakthrough is about to happen!!! Come Holy Spirit of Elijah and TURN OUR HEARTS! May you be glorified in this miracle. Thank you Jesus!

  3. Debbie Harmon says:

    Thank you! for this message. I now have peace. A year ago, I stepped down from a higher paying, high performance job to spend more time with my children and grandchildren. Since that time, I have grown closer to Father God and my family. It has been a struggle financially at times, put Father God is my provider. My faith and family are the best it has ever been. I have thought and wondered at times why I made this decision without knowing how it might have turned out, but knew in faith that Papa God knows what is best! Thank you for this confirmation and thank you for reaching out to all of us believers!

  4. Annanson John says:

    Yes I am willing Lord to yield to Holy Spirit of Elijah.
    I am surely better with my siblings lately, after more than 25years of estranged relationships. Particularly, with my Muslim kid brother Douglas Kwame Bakyaayiri. Lately, I can tolerate a conversation with him. Thank you Jesus. My only shame is that I could not have the opportunity to bond with my father and mother before they departed from the earth in 2007 and 2018 respectively. I pray for the peace of God and His Grace to carry on in Christ Jesus.

  5. Teresa Stanton says:

    Well you nailed it. Now i understand a whole lot more whats been going on in my life. I have been at home for 2 full years because of being exposed to mold. But i was so thankful i could be cause i was in so much pain at work and was bleeding internally from all the pain killers. I ve been learning to let go and not get so upset when i cant work and ive been reaching out to my kids and grandkids a whole lot more. Funny i asked the Lord for a double portion a few years back of the power Elija had so we could see people set free. Thank you Jamie for this word from the Lord. Alot of the messages you have been giving have so resonated in my heart and spirit. Your messages have greatly encouraged me. I am so gratefull to the Lord for bringing me to your site in answer to prayer. He is so loving, kind and long suffering to us. Im so glad he didnt give up on me. Thank you💖💖

  6. Yes! This is the breakthrough I have prayed for. This is the thing my heart has wanted for so long! Thank you!

    1. “Your reasonable service” has been turning over and over in my spirit this past year. Despite my “kicking at the goads” and looking off-course, these words have kept me from completely derailing. It’s been paring down and summation of my duty, in both the spiritual and natural. I believe this word confirms what I have been sensing.

  7. That is exactly true what Lord has been doing in my life..Praise God for you Jamie

  8. SHIRLEY TYSON says:

    Thank you for this word. For over 45 years I have striving to please. My efforts were fruitless. But within the pass two years, the Holy Spirit has been doing a work in my heart. He has brought me to a place of rest and peace. One morning the Holy Spirit said to me, “To busy.” Since that time He has helped me cease from striving. I can hear His voice a lot more clearly. Only pleasing Him is all that matters now. Thanks for the confirmation. I have learned to rest and trust Him, especially during the Pandemic, knowing He is fully in control.

  9. Enseia Robinson says:

    Yes!!! This word was right on time for me!! God had told me a while back that He was blessing me with the Spirit of Elijah and today I was led to read this word!!! This is such confirmation for me!!! Now I will be praying for the Grace to walk in this Anointing!! Thank you so much for this word 🙌🏾❤️🙏🏾!

  10. Sandra Katerere says:

    Hi Jamie. How does one pray for a prophetic word to come to pass.

  11. Thank you Lord for turning my heart more and more towards what matters most. Grateful to you Jamie for delivering this word!

  12. Okhen Esangbedo says:

    Yes, this word is for me, I am yielding totally to the spirit of Elijah, surrendering fully to God the father and entering his rest and provision in Jesus name amen.

  13. This is exactly what is needed (and I say it humbly) for my husband as he struggles with performance spirit and it hinders. I receive this for him and for my family today. All praise and glory to God. Thank you Jamie!!

  14. Jamie spot on! I am so overwhelmed now……Spot on. You are spot on….

  15. Joseph Gandywest Agathe says:

    I believe and receive. Amen

  16. Lorenza Passarella says:

    I believe and receive!Amen
    Thank you!

  17. Thank you woman of GOD🙏 I could not understand why things happening the way it was happening in the last year..wow, wow, wow…The LORD said once in a family meeting”I will astonish you”..and I believe this word from you is part of it👏..Thank you again dear precious pastor Jamie. I have to come to the place of rest. Thank YOU FATHER GOD, I received YOUR message through pastor Jamie. All glory to YOUR Mighty Name, Amen🙌🙏❤

  18. This is for me even though I still feel as if I’m fumbling around. Just waiting for the Lord to give ME specific instructions.

  19. Elizabeth Tuinidau says:

    This great message brought tears to me. I need a family who put God first and family after and not back benches. I’ve been going through this for long. It hurts, at times being the last thing in my family. It hurts as i always put God first but i will always be the last during the day to be remembered. But God is still Number 1 in my life even if my family members put me as the last thing. Amen!!!!

  20. chandra moss says:

    Thank you for your commitment to the Lord. I have learned that the door to the Fathers heart is on the floor. You can only get to the door if you lie down and rest. Humbleness also, but for right now resting in His love for me is the season I am in. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.


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