Amazing Testimonies from November
Dear Presence-seeking family,
I wanted to share testimonies with you today about what God did in November through our combined efforts. Read on for photos, testimonies, and details about all God has done!
I give God all the praise for what He has done, and I want to say “thank you” to you, right at the beginning.
Truly. I’m so thankful for you. Your prayers, financial support through donations, partnerships, and product sales; your likes and shares on social media; your encouragement–all of this combined is what made this possible. God has used us together to be His hands and feet to so many precious sons and daughters.
Here’s what we got done from November 2016 through the present–all of this made available through your support:
- We provided material provision for 6 families who would have had to do without.
- I released 16 blog posts in November alone on this blog.
- I’ve released another 7 blog posts so far in December; this is the 8th.
- Completed 11 mentoring sessions with people whom I disciple personally here in my hometown.
- Equipped 243 people via 3 live class sessions of my free Finding Deep Soul Healing 101 webinar. That’s just the people who either attended live or already watched the replay; a total of 350 people registered and have received the replay, total. (The difference between the 243 and the 350 is just that some folks who registered haven’t watched it yet.)
- Taught 2 Bible journaling classes about prophetic dream interpretation to large groups of teenagers, adults, and children at my local church. The most recent class, we had 18 people there, learning how to study God’s Word!
- Led 7 intercessory prayer and worship meetings at my local church.
- Taught 5 Spanish for Missions classes to missionaries-in-training.
- Released 3 encouraging/teaching/prophetic words via Facebook video.
- Mentored a group of 50+ Gospel writers in the art of marketing their work, so they can reach people for Jesus.
- Helped a local children’s pastor build a website that she will use to equip parents to raise godly, Spirit-filled children.
- Helped a local worship leader build a website, blog, and social media outlets for the prophetic words and songs the Lord gives her. (Serving local pastors and Gospel workers is a huge passion of mine!)
- Sent out multiple encouraging words via email only to members of Presence Seekers University, my free, email-based equipping program.
I also had several prophetic words published by outside venues (, The Elijah List, and Glory to God! I’m so excited about that!
And, in November, we–you and God and me all combining our efforts–reached 61,119 pageviews on this blog! Thank You, Jesus!!!!!!
Here’s another cool testimony:
My husband and I made a 3-year faith pledge to our church’s capital campaign; our church is renovating our children’s facilities, as those facilities are very old and need a lot of repair.
We didn’t have a way to pay for this pledge out of cash flow, so I decided to use webinar income from the paid webinars that I’ll be offering to pay off our pledge. And guess what God did?
Not kidding:
In November and December, from the two paid webinars we’ve done–Intro to Prophetic Ministry 101 webinar plus the How to Blog for Profit 101 webinar–plus from our adding a little extra to it …
… the Lord allowed us to bring in 10% of our financial commitment yesterday to our church, as it was the first Sunday we were all bringing in our offerings for the renovations!
How cool is that? 10%! So thank You, Lord! And thank YOU, beloved friends, for signing up for the webinars! 🙂
Here are some neat testimonies from readers and webinar attendees:
From the Intro to Prophetic Ministry 101 webinar:
“AMAZING JOB!!!! I am so thankful I was able to be a part of that. [My husband] even sat in with me and listened!!! … That was right on point for me!!! I can’t even tell you how it hit the mark. Thank you. AMAZING AMAAAAAZZZZZINNNGGG! It was well worth it … Thank you for your time, your study, and resources! It was great! Loved it! I still have butterflies in my tummy from it.”
“That is so lovely to hear. I want live and breathe the word…. The intimacy is amazing. Thanks for sharing your journey, so encouraging. God bless you.” – P
From a blog reader:
“Dear Jamie, thank you so much. Words cannot express my gratitude. I was online all afternoon looking up “Suicide – I don’t want to live anymore.” Somehow your website just popped up.
Thank you for the audio message from the Father. I have cried all the way through it. I don’t cry very often. I will hold on to your words. I think everything will start to be different for me now. Thank you. – M”
From an Elijah List reader in Nepal:
“Dear Jamie, thank you for the post. I believe it was specially for me also. I read it seven times as I wanted to understand and remember everything. Couple months ago God spoke to me about enlarging the place of tent and the other time He said He will bring three people to support my ministry. God healing Leah’s emotional barrenness was a message for me. He was speaking to me about “I am.” All five points are very special for me as He is already speaking through different situations in different times. This morning, now I realized what He was telling me before confirmed through your post. Thank you so much, woman of God. I’m from Nepal and I wish it was in Nepali so all the people could read. Happy Christmas. – S”
From another Elijah List reader:
“Thank you so much for this blog. I just read it on The Elijah List this morning. I cannot express how thankful I am to you and to the Lord for this Word. Tears rolled down my face as the realization came into my soul that Papa is not only able but He is willing just for me. Thank you for speaking directly into my life today. I am asking the Lord to bless you as much as your Word from Papa has blessed me. This has given me strength, hope, validation that nothing has ever touched in me before.
Just had to let you know that you have been allowed to open a closed off place that the Lord wanted opened. A new dimension previously inaccessible to me is being made accessible. Only He knows the fruit of your labor that will spring forth in me because of your words. I feel like the leper that returned to Jesus to thank Him for cleansing him. Jesus asked were there not 10. I know that this revelation is major. Thank you so much. – M”
From an American pastor who read my article on The Elijah List:
“Jamie I am writing because your article regarding the Isaiah 54 season. It touched my heart so deeply. As a leader and pastor of a 13 year old work …, I am just the person who needed to read it. I sat and wept. Thank you. There is so much I would love to say to you in this email. But just thanks is what I will say for now. Continue and be continually blessed for your work towards the body of Christ.”
From the Finding Deep Soul Healing 101 webinar:
“Wonderful, what a blessing and thank you for bringing Holy Spirit with you.” – D
“Thank you, Jamie, for the webinar “Finding Deep Soul Healing 101.” It was extremely helpful to me. … It’s “funny”… not really… I’ve been saved for a long time and I’m still not bearing fruit of the Spirit and have issue I need to deal with in my life. But, this webinar has been me keys to being finding deep soul healing and to walk in the desire and dreams Father God has for me. Thank you.” – S
Also, this month, I saw:
- A sister make giant progress toward getting free from fear of man;
- A sister and brother trained in how to walk in God’s authority;
- A brother forgive people in his family who had hurt him severely;
- Two sisters encouraged and equipped to stand for the saving of their marriages;
- A sister in the Midwest, who has a ministry in a local jail, took my material about honor, freedom from shame, and forgiveness and taught it to women in the local jail. I praise God for her and her ministry that sets captives free!
- And more, and more, and more.
And I promised last month that I’d be accountable for soul care on an ongoing basis, so …
Um, about that …
Well, let’s just say I’ve not done a very good job taking care of my health lately. I’m working on it. 🙁
My schedule over the next couple of weeks is going to be hectic due to traveling to see family for Christmas. But, I’m trying to get some rest. Not even on purpose; I’ve kind of run myself into the ground, and my body is rebelling. When you fall asleep praying, you know you need a few extra zzzzs. #facepalm
I’ve been working so hard because I’m so far behind, but as I mentioned in my personal prayer requests a few days ago, I really can’t keep up anymore.
I do want you to know that I’m very behind on a lot of things, like emails and comments. And I apologize.
I read every single email and comment you send, and they mean the world to me. They encourage me like you wouldn’t believe, and I’m so thankful for every one. Please keep emailing and commenting! It’s just that I’m struggling to answer them all.
I’d really like to get caught up, but I’m so far behind that I probably am not going to be able to answer every single email or comment. I apologize for this. It’s in my heart to answer them all, but I’m struggling to get it all done.
However, I do welcome you to respond to other people’s comments here on the blog. We are a community, and I’d love to see us all encouraging one another. So feel free to engage others in conversation–never correcting or convicting, but encouraging. Just go ahead and jump in, ok?
Well, that’s a wrap for the last month or so. Thank you so much for helping me so that, together, we can reach people with Father’s love.
And if you haven’t already done so, would you consider partnering with me financially to help me continue reaching people?
You can set your own partnership amount. I have partners at $5, $8, $10, $20, and even over $100 per month. Every gift counts. If the Lord is leading you to help me, click here to sign up to be a monthly partner on my Gumroad store.
Beloved, thank you. Thank you for praying for me. Thank you for your many sweet emails, notes, comments, shares on social media, product purchases, donations, and partnerships. You are so good to me–but greater than that, I know you are blessing our Lord Jesus.
So thank you.
I leave you with this blessing:
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace” (Numbers 6:24-26).
Love in Christ,
Marvelous!. Jamie the Lord is a true God. When we put our trust in Him he will surely be with us. God bless you for your love by helping us have insight of Papa’s love towards His children. May the Lord give you strength always to do His work and all your readers have that also in the name of Jesus to give glory to His works.
Amen and thank you and I receive that blessing, dear Freda.
Your email is truly blessing me in my spirit, mind,emotions I thank God for the gift He has given you and I pray that every good thing be released to you
[email protected]
Jamie your amazing! A wonderful example and role model for me. I am so grateful I found your blog. I missed the webinar in December. It was so much going on in my life near the end of the year but one of the most precious times I recollect is when I found your spirit led blogg! God used you to speak to me at the very time I needed to hear his voice through your ministry blog.
I am so grateful. I will keep you in my prayers. Still unemployed so I cannot support financially as of now but I can pray! until then. God bless you my sister and know that what you do is never in vain but a source of richness that money could never pay for. You are sowing and reaping in the lives of God’s people and my prayer is that “Our Great God will continue to supply all of your need physical and spiritual according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” – blessings in him.