Baby Pictures, Sabbatical, and Asking for Your Prayers


Hey beloveds,

Next week, I am taking a sabbatical. And, I am asking for your prayers. I’ll explain why below. I’ve also included our partner update on this month’s ministry below–as well as some baby pictures. 🙂

Really quickly, here’s the partner update:

May was a quieter month than some. I spent quite a bit of time in intercession for our community rather than trying to write a new post quite as often. Also, I helped teach a 6-week small group during April and May. It was about Psalm 23, and it was such a blessing.

I also was able to mentor five ministers who are building online ministries, which was a significant time investment.

In May, we had 158,167 pageviews on this blog, as well as several prophetic words on other magazines (Spirit Fuel, 365 Prophetic, etc).

The biggest thing in May, I think, were the testimonies we received:

  • Testimonies about people breaking free from controlling people and controlling situations.
  • Testimonies about people getting healed from father wounds.
  • Testimonies about this or that prophetic word arriving in their email inbox at just the right time.
  • Testimonies about people getting free from poverty-dominated thinking, and beginning to hope again.
  • Testimonies about people being hungry for Father, and how Papa used this blog to help point them closer to Christ.

I’m so thankful to the Lord for these testimonies. Seeing lives changed for Christ is really what it’s all about. And I thank you and honor you for praying, for helping us, for reading, for sowing, for sharing on social media, and for sharing YOUR testimonies.

So then, I want to talk to you from my heart. Here goes.

Here’s what’s going on:

From the looks of things, this is the worst time to rest. Honestly. Blog traffic is just beginning to rebound from the spring break/vacation/prom slump (typical for bloggers most years). People are hungry for ministry and teaching, and I have a massive amount of Word in me that I’m just itching to get out to you.

But even writing this, I’m breaking down in tears, and that’s why I need to rest.

I’ve been through a lot in the last few years. Honestly, if I were just looking at the facts and emotions of it all–not looking with God’s perspective–I could honestly say that the last 3 years have been hell. But, God has a different perspective and He has blessed me so much. A miracle job (this job), a miracle baby, miracle after miracle after miracle.

But I’m tired.

I haven’t taken one official day off since the baby was born, not one. I’ve constantly tried to keep the blog up-to-date, whether through writing or through back-end tasks like accounting and email. Even when I haven’t gotten much accomplished, it wasn’t for lack of trying.

And I’m so very tired.

Then, on Monday of this week, I had a pretty radical encounter with the Lord.

He gave me some healing revelation about some of the hardest things I’ve ever gone through in my life. Deep stuff. Things that carry so much impact that they will help to heal nations. I feel that by the Spirit of God; that thing about nations just came up in my spirit as I was writing this.

The things He showed me are so deep and impactful that I feel I need to sozzle in them awhile. I need to take every spare moment for a few days, and just rest, and just BE with the Lord–open Bible, open journal, open heart, and just let His Word about these things soak in.

I can’t do that when I’m constantly thinking about ministry.

I am afraid to take a sabbatical.

There. I said it.

The very fact that I feel that way actually has to do with the deep things Papa is showing me. Deep, healing things that pertain to the things I have endured.

But, the first step to healing from anything is to recognize that there is a problem. And we’re all like onions, just waiting until the Lord begins to delve into our next layer. He’s taking us from glory to glory, faith to faith, and strength to strength, you see. And He has tapped into my next layer.

So I want to cooperate with Him.

A thousand thoughts are running around in my head about taking a week to rest. Among them are:

  • It’s Father’s Day, and it’s a painful time! I won’t be here to encourage people when they need it! (But I know Holy Spirit will, and He’ll do a much better job.)
  • What if our income tanks? We live by faith; and “out of sight, out of mind” has often been true when it comes to blogging income! (But Father is our source, and He said “You’ll receive when you rest.”)
  • What if our pageviews tank, and our partners think I’m being lazy? Nobody wants to partner with a ministry that’s doing nothing! (Partners, this is your call. But, I assure you that the website will still be reaching people whether I take a week to soak or not.)


But, fear is not from the Lord. And He is my Source–as much as I love you, and although our ministry is 80% funded by donations, partnerships, and product sales–not you. And He’ll encourage you with His own rhema word. He’ll protect the ministry and all its finances, and He’ll bring us the partners who are meant to run with us, and He’ll release the others into their own, other mission fields.

The fact is that He’s testing me.

He’s speaking to me about some lies that were ingrained into my psyche when I was a tiny child. He’s talking to me about love, and what it looks like, and how I can go deeper into His love.

And He’s testing me to see if I am willing to let go of myself and cling to Him in a whole new way, even though fear would say “no.”

But I can’t say no. I want to obey Him, even though He bids me to leave my human logic and human abilities and training and education and all of that. He is asking me to follow Him, even if it costs me something.

I don’t really think it will cost me anything. I think it will be a glorious time. But that’s not by logic. Logic says “NO NO NO NO NO!” But FAITH says, “Do it.”

“Follow Me.”

“Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

“Follow Me, and see what I want to teach you.”

“If any man would come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me …”

So I’m doing what He’s asking, even though it makes no sense logically.

He’s asking me to rest, and He’s asking me to let Holy Spirit minister to me, teach me, rejuvenate me, and heal me. When He told me that June was a month of healing, He meant it. 🙂

I am not sure which day the sabbatical will start, but it will be next week.

I may or may not pre-schedule emails to go out during that time. I may or may not pre-write posts to be posted during that time. I HAVE scheduled social media during that time, so there’s that. But as for the rest, I don’t know. We’ll see.

But I do ask for your prayer. Please, please, pray for me.

  • Pray that I will get deep, deep, physical, spiritual, and soul rest.
  • Pray that I will have wisdom from the Lord.
  • Pray that Holy Spirit will bear His fruit of self-control through me, so I stay keyed into His agenda for the week.
  • Pray for the ministry’s finances while I rest.
  • Pray for all the healing He wants to work in my heart.
  • And, last but not least, pray that my son will cooperate with a period of rest for me. 🙂

And about our son:

Elijah is five-and-a-half months old, y’all. Can you believe it?

We had him dedicated to the Lord in May; on Mother’s Day actually. Here are a couple of photos from that special event:

Our pastors, Pastors Jamie and Judy Jacobs Tuttle, prayed a blessing over Elijah as we dedicated him to the Lord.

My family attended the dedication to support us! Some of them traveled many hours to get there. We were so blessed and thankful!

Here are a couple more fun photos of His Royal Cuteness:

As you can see, he’s a handful.

But, you’ll be happy to know that PAPA IS ANSWERING YOUR PRAYERS.

Truly. So many of you have let me know you have been praying for us, and Papa is really answering.

Elijah still has struggled with uncontrolled vomiting, but just about a week and a half ago, we found a medication that appears to be stopping his vomiting. I mean, stopping it for real. It has been wonderful and he has gained quite a bit of weight just in the last few days, from keeping his food down!

He is also a VERY talkative baby. You can tell he’s a prophet! He has a lot to say. LOLOLOLOL…. 🙂 He even speaks Hebrew! His favorite thing to say is “Abba! Abba! Abba! Abba!” and yes, I know that all the Experts say he doesn’t know what he’s saying, but I say he just recently came from Father’s bosom, and he knows perfectly well what he’s saying.

#Can’tTellMeAnyDifferent 🙂

Elijah is still high-needs, and his needs are more than I understand sometimes.

I struggle with figuring out if he’s hungry vs. tired vs. bored, etc, when he cries–which he does A LOT. Plus, he fights off sleep. When we finally figure out that he needs a nap, he rarely actually wants to nap. He screams instead. Learning his ways has been a struggle for us all.

It can be pretty discouraging for me sometimes, especially. I struggle with suddenly being a mama, because his needs feel all-consuming. I feel like I have lost a good bit of who I am because I can’t do or be the other things I love to do or be.

I go to the Lord and cry out for help, grace, and strength every single day, sometimes multiple times a day. Elijah is the best gift we’ve ever been given, after salvation, Holy Spirit, and marriage–but I feel very ill-equipped. And I don’t want my incompetence to hurt him. Not that he’s hurt; he’s not. But I just don’t know how to navigate these waters, and it’s very hard.

I know that probably every mama goes through this. I honestly don’t know how you other parents do it–let alone those of you with two or more children. Yes, they’re worth it. I’d do anything for this boy. He’s so amazing. But I am struggling to adjust and figure this mama thing out.

But, by the grace of God, I am winning.

I’ve adopted that as my motto–“I am winning today.” It inspires me to get up and overcome, instead of letting discouragement get me down. And Papa gives me grace. Even on days when I feel like I’m clawing my way through the day, His grace is still sufficient.

Say it with me: “I am winning today!”

Powerful, huh? 🙂

Dear friends, thank you for praying for us.

As you can tell, we need your prayers and Papa is answering them.

Beloveds, I am so grateful for you all. Many of you I know, but many more of you I have never met. But whether I know you personally or not, I want you to know I love you in the Lord and pray for you daily. And I’m so glad that your prayers for me, and my prayers for you, reach our Father’s ears and heart–and He answers, whether we ever meet on this earth or not.

So, to sum it all up, next week I’ll be taking a sabbatical. I may or may not have posts pre-scheduled. But either way, Papa is moving. Would you please pray for me as I also pray for you?

Thank you. I honor you and bless you in Jesus’ name.

Love in Christ,




  1. hi,jamie!!!! a little time off is a great thing!!! even Jesus took a little time off…. it will be fine!!!! the mama thing……yeah, adjustments can and will be made…. just part of growing into your new role as a parent…… make sure dad helps out……. relax and let BIG DADDY minister and speak into your spirit. let HIM deal with the hard stuff……. that is the difficult thing….. stuff you thought was done and dealt with and HE says… ummmm not yet. let me deal with this…… hoo boy!!! take care and see ya when ya get back!!!

  2. oh, by the way…LOVE ALL THE PICTURES!!!

  3. Brenda Payton says:

    Hello Dear Friend
    Please Do listen to Papa God and take the time off! It is absolutely necessary!!! Papa God is Still in Control and He will take care of everything. I will stand in prayer for you & your beautiful family!!! Holy Spirit lives inside each of us and He directs all our steps! God has told me I need deep healing from wrong views of my childhood and He will take care of it! I trust Him! You have to take a break so you can come back refreshed with Papa God’s New Word He is wanting you to share!
    God Bless you & enjoy a break!!
    Love & Prayers

  4. Jamie it’s ok to rest. You do need the rest so go ahead and do so. You will not only get refreshed but get the healing you need too. What a blessing! Don’t feel fearful trust Him to provide and take care of things for you! You deserve a break!

  5. I am so happy to hear that you are taking some time off. You need that. You are always ministering to others. You need to take time for yourself and let God minister to you. There is nothing wrong with that! Enjoy your time with Papa God and He will take care of all the little details.? God bless you, Sister Jamie

  6. Take the break and never feel guilty about it. It will make you better! And your son is precious, enjoy every minute even the difficult ones, it goes by so fast! Wrapping you and your family in prayer. Now rest and God Bless 🙂

  7. Linda Janssen says:

    Hey Jamie! So glad Papa God has given you the OK for rest & time off now! Just rest & watch what He will do during it. He is in control & will do great things!! Rest is a miracle even in itself, so enjoy! I will pray for you to totally relax & enter into the rest. ?

  8. Karen Anita James says:

    Hi Jamie, bless you precious woman of GOD. What a mighty handsome lil cutie pie son yall have. Continue to rest in the Presence of THE LORD and watch how HE continues to work awesome miracles in your life.

  9. Love and prayers are with you Jamie. xx

  10. Jamie, thank you for opening your heart ♥️ and letting us know your plans and how you feel as a human being and a mom. You CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens you and you WILL do this by His mandate. He will provide during your rest far more than you can begin to even imagine. I have prayed for you and will continue to do so as God breathes NEW life and NEW revelation and strength into you. Be BLESSES ??❤️

  11. Love and healing to you Jamie. I love Your honesty. When my nephew was born I struggled with connecting as I was so full of fear. When God would help me with my fear the baby would settle no problem as if the wee one sensed it. I think a break and space for healing is just what u need. Xx ❤️

  12. Oh Jamie, he is sooooo adorable. More blessings and grace for all the wonderful times ahead of you. Take the time to rest. Rest is sooo needed and you should never feel guilty or deny yourself this precious to soak yourself afresh in the Holy Spirit. We love you

  13. Rachel Castillo says:

    Thank you for sharing photos of your son with us he is adorable. Most boys seem to be handfuls ? (I have 2 boys a 2 1/2 and my eldest who turned 5 yesterday, boys seem to be extremely high energy.) Please don’t feel guilty about resting. We will keep you in our prayers as you take time to be renewed.

  14. Take your rest and enjoy it sister, feel no guilt. Love on your son, and allow God to love on you. See you when you get back, and my wife and I will continue to pray for you and yours. Be blessed!

  15. Thank you dearest Jamie, for sharing your precious family! Yes, I know how you feel about raising your son as I also went through the same feelings. It is truly not easy but holding onto the Lord as your rock and fortress and deliverer because as you know God is your real strength so holding onto His promises will get you through it all Psalm 18:2, and Isaiah 41:31 are a couple of my favs!! I can’t wait to hear from you after your sabbatical because I now that it will be EPIC!!!. You are so loved, respected, and needed as a Shepard so prayers for all that is needed for complete restoration, for all that is needed in every area of your life.

  16. Saint John says:

    Love the pictures. Thank you for sharing them. May you enter a week of deep rest, even the choice type spoken of in Exodus 33:14.

    Love and faith

  17. carol sferra says:

    Oh Jamie……He is SO adorable!!!

  18. Beth Stiver says:

    Rest is hard but God is good, and He will take care of you, your family and your ministry. Be at peace Sister.

  19. GMarchetti says:

    Rest. He’s got this. Look at how far He’s brought you. Hallelujah. Elijah is beautiful. You are in my prayers. Speaking peace over you and yours.

  20. Penelope ware says:

    Precious pics of a precious family?
    Honored to be your prayer partner ?
    Our minister shared recently about Sunday being a day of rest…one of our Fathers commandments…gosh, I got so convicted! As the mother of four fabulous children and grandmother of six awesome grands and getting older, not feeling like I can keep up…I really have to pay better attention to myself. I am not used to that. Keeping my eyes on Him+ so important!!!
    Your blogs have been so extra specially affirming to me…Giving me so much direction and affirmation!!! I am so very grateful to Jesus for you!!!
    Bless you with His rest!
    Bless you with refreshment from our Holy Spirit!
    Bless you with the knowledge that ” All is Well” in Him.
    May He deeply overwhelm you with His Love for you over all things concerning you
    May The wonder of His Love for you deepen His Peace within you.
    May you trust that it is He whose transforming you from the inside out.
    May you feel the love of so many who love and adore you and May that love assist, uplift and inspire with all Goodness, Mercies and Graces and Joy+
    Thank You Lord Jesus for Jaime and hers, in Jesus Holy Mighty name, amen.
    So happy to pray,

  21. Jamie, continue to receive Abba’s Wisdom and Rest. We live and operate best from the rest that Jesus provides. Continue to be renewed and restored in Jesus name…Amen???

  22. Jamie, let your mind be at peace, even God rested on the Sabbath day..Be restored and renewed in Christ Jesus.
    God bless you and your family and the cute little one. Amen

  23. Jamie, you are such a blessing! You have a wealth of good teachings on your site and I praise God that He is taking you deeper! It’s a privilege and I’m praying for you to receive all that He has for you and that includes provision for your week off. Paid employees get paid time off and I think your boss really delights in you and all you’ve shown of Him, so He might even give you a bonus! Love you sister! God bless you and yours!

  24. Sogr Ocholi says:

    Wow! Your Royal Cuteness, clean boy. Mama we love you more than words can say. I will be in great expectations until you return. Shalom. Thanks for the pictures.

  25. “Enter into His rest”. Sometimes we think WE need to keep everything moving that He has entrusted in us. The Spirit of Grace guides us into all Truth. We cannot do anything without Him and He does the work–doesn’t matter the vehicle He works through–whether it be us, another vessel, or through His hands. Your need for rest/sabbatical struck a cord in me. I’ve been trying to get some things done at home and at work and not accomplishing much at all. I know I need a rest as well. I have 5 a.m. appointment with Abba (thanks Elijah!) and I have been slothful/sleeping/slow-moving in my most important relationship. I will enter into His rest starting next week as well. Will be praying you, your family, baby Elijah and From His Presence ministries.

  26. Dear sister Jamie, I look up to you so much! Your love for the Lord and your faith are very encouraging! I pray your sabbatical time is very powerful and restful. I will be supporting your ministry this week, your baby is so adorable ? may the Lord bless you and family.

    Much love in the Lord ❤️❤️❤️

  27. Thank-you for all you do!! I will be praying for you. Get some rest!!!!

  28. Luiza Menezes says:

    Will miss you and the spiritual topics and messages. Have a good rest and you and your family be blessed.

  29. Dear Jamie, you are truly an amazing and precious woman of God struggling all these last 3 years and yet pouring out and pouring into vessels, labors of love unceasing. Personal health issues, new baby issues with one of the most difficult being to helplessly watch your precious little Elijah suffering. (He is beautiful with those big bright eyes of his.) So many challenges with a new baby to face. My heart goes out to you and prayers of compassion go up for you, grateful for the transparent example that you are. May your sabbatical be blessed with the Shalom of God and give you a time of refreshing, healing, and new strength to carry on in Jesus name. Amen.

  30. Hey …motherhood is the highest calling u can attain if u have my opinion…rest is critical for every Christian…God rested…and we should imitate Him. Too many of us have bought into the lie that we must push ourselves harder and further to advance the kingdom. Even earthly soldiers go on r and r. Your readers will still be here when you get back. We are happy u are getting to take some time for yourself and your family. Go….enjoy…have fun…relax….Gods got this!

  31. Emily Christine says:

    Bless you for your honesty and take the much deserved rest in the Lord , praying for your Family .

  32. Jamie you are Loved.


  33. Just enjoy your baby and be happy. Our Father will always see us through in each seasons of life.

  34. Rachael Keith says:

    Dear Jamie,
    I hope your rest is engerginzing you in all ways!! Thank you for sharing pictures of your precious angel!! Prayers always for you and your family.

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