Beloved Readers, I’m Taking the Plunge
1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2
Beloved readers,
After discussing this in detail with my pastor and spiritual father, and after many years of prayer and discussion with my husband, I’m taking the plunge.
I’m becoming a full-time domestic missionary.
What does that mean? It means I will dedicate my time entirely to the work of the Gospel (after my husband, of course), instead of splitting my work time between my full-time job in the corporate world and my two other part-time job-equivalents (which are writing this blog and volunteering at my local church). (I call them job-equivalents because currently, they require the time of a part-time job, but I am not paid to volunteer at my church, and the income from this blog is now covering monthly hosting expenses, but does not compensate me for my time.)
So I’m asking the Lord, my Father and the Redeemer of all things, to redeem and buy back my time.
The Lord has blessed me in my corporate job. I’ve been there almost 14 years, and my years have been blessed. I work for a wonderful, Fortune 500 company with integrity and a noble mission. I have a great boss and I work with the best team one could ask for. My job is simply fabulous. I want you to know that because I never want you to think I’m leaving my job because it has soured or gone downhill. My job is going awesomely well, and I’m more blessed than I’ve ever been.
But my job is doing math all day, and I’m not called to do math.
I’m called to minister the love of God to hurting and broken people who need to know that they have a Daddy who loves them. I’m called to equip the saints for the work of the ministry.
Simply put, I’m called to the ministry of God’s Word–that Word which renews, restores, heals, saves, delivers, and changes the hearts of men and women everywhere, just like it has changed mine.
This is an emotional thing for me, but I hesitate to share all the emotions because I refuse to try to manipulate your emotions.
So I’m going to skip the stories for now. If you decide to partner with me, I’ll share the stories in partner emails later.
But I want you to know that I take the work of God very seriously. He has blessed me thus far in being able to reach you and tens of thousands of readers around the world every single month. He has blessed me with a voice, and taught me how to use it, and I’m so grateful.
But I desire to use it more. Through the written word, with modern technology, I can reach the world. For example, I actually just got an email two days ago from the editor of the Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) Press, saying that they are going to include my essay Dear Beauty With the Orphan Heart in a new book they are printing for college-age and young adult women.
That’s huge, and I give God all the glory. He did this. He’s turning the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers. He’s pouring out the Spirit of Elijah and healing hurting people everywhere. And I’m so thankful for His allowing me to have any part in that at all.
But there is so much more work to be done, and He has called me to help do it.
Jesus’ prayer request in Matthew 9:38 was that we should beseech the Father, the Lord of the harvest, to thrust out laborers into His harvest. I was gripped by that prayer a year ago and have been praying it ever since. And I’m offering myself up on His altar to be a worker in His harvest field.
But I can’t do it alone. I need your help.
The fact of the matter is that the electric bill still has to be paid, gas has to be put in the car, and food on the table. Life requires income. And don’t worry: I know that you are not my source; God is my Source and He will provide.
Clarification since I first posted this: I realized after I started receiving your comments that it sounded like I had already left my job. To clarify, I am leaving my corporate job; however, I intended for the emphasis to be on “am leaving,” as in, I’m in the process. I can’t actually leave without giving them two weeks’ notice. However, my manager is aware that I will be leaving. Also, my husband has asked me not to quit until we have enough in partnerships to make sure the bills are paid. My husband is my covering and he takes care of me when my head is in the clouds, so I do what he says. 🙂 So, to clarify, in my mind it’s a finished thing because God said, and the process has been initiated, and I’m walking in faith, under authority, and with accountability etc. But I can’t turn in my two weeks’ notice until I have several hundred partners. Which I believe God will provide ASAP.
Anyway. God is my Source. He will provide. But He does use people to do it.
So I’m asking if you will prayerfully consider partnering with me financially, in the amount of $8 per month.
There’s a missionary aviation ministry here in Tennessee that flies mission teams to and from Latin America for absolutely free. God gave them the plan to ask for partnerships in the amount of $8 per month–a tiny amount–but He provided so many partners that they are able to fund the jet, the fuel, and the pilot’s wages and travel expenses out of those $8-per-month partnerships.
My husband, my pastor/spiritual dad, and I talked and prayed about it, and we feel led that I should do the same thing. So that’s what we’re asking for.
Would you partner with me financially in the amount of $8 per month?
I’ve placed all the information about how I will spend my time, how I will be accountable, and what you will receive in return over on the product description in Gumroad.
You can click here to read it. If you decide to partner with me, you can sign up there and my Gumroad shopping cart will simply apply the partnership amount to your credit/debit card every month.
And yes, you can cancel at any time (although I hope you won’t). 🙂
Sisters and brothers in Christ, thank you.
Thank you for your continual encouragement, support, social media repins, tweets, and shares, your comments, your emails, and your financial support. Together, we are reaching so many people with the love of the Jesus Christ, our Bridegroom. It truly does take a village, and I couldn’t do it without you.
May you be blessed abundantly in all that you do.
Much love in Christ,
Well done Jamie! I’m sure the Lord will use you even more mightily now that you’ve prayerfully gone this route.
Thank you, Andre!
Yay Jamie!! Glad you’re going for it! Praise the Lord!! We will go today and both my husband and I will sign up as we have both been so blessed by your blog and Godly teaching. May He bless you richly and quickly with all abundance!
Heidi, thank you so much. I got your email by the way and have been trying to reply all week, but I’ve been putting in 14-hour days at this conference and haven’t gotten my email reply finished. I’m emailing you back though. 🙂 Just so you know.
Oh yay!!!! I want to jump up and down and squeal with joy and excitement! This is such great news! The Lord just lead me to you, a couple of months ago, everything you have shared and your essence have been and is a nectar to my life. I would be thrilled to be a monthly prayer and $ gift partner, with a great willingness to increase the amount as He gives me the ability. With love & thanks, Suzanne in Northern Ca
Suzanne, thank you so much. I’m thrilled to have you along on the journey Papa’s taking us all on!
Heya Jamie, we chatted about your awesome work yesterday, my mum stated that you are ordained for this type of work – it’s your calling.
WELL DONE! God is with you.
Wow, praise God. Thank you so much for that, Clarissa. He is Jehovah Jireh!
That’s great to hear and about Orphan Heart being included. It was a blessing to me.
Yes, I’m so grateful for that. The message of Abba Father and healing the orphan spirit is something that I’m soooo passionate about. I’d rather see people receive Father’s love than about anything (after salvation of course… which is love also). 🙂
Hi Jamie!
My name’s Francie coming to you all the way from the deep south of the globe – New Zealand. March 10 2016 also was a gut wrenching decision time whether to take the same plunge. Then I came across your site and appeal & knew what was the right thing to do first. Praise Jesus!!!
Kia Ora (Hi !) from the deep south of the globe – New Zealand. Lord led me here & I was persuaded to support your “plunge.” I too this same date (yesterday down here) have sought the Lord to see if now was the time to take the plunge also. So your post was timely indeed. Praise God!
Francie, I praise God for thrusting you out into His harvest field as well. May He bless the work of your hands and provide ABUNDANTLY for your every need!
Papa’s awesome!! And by the way, thank you so much for your support!
Hi, Jamie, I felt the Lord speak to my heart to partner with you. I commit to pray for you, your family and your ministry every day as well as support you financially. I am believing for beautiful things to happen in this ministry!
Stephanie, thank you so much. I prayed for you and my other partners this morning as well. Thank you so much for your love, prayers, and support!
Hi Jamie!
Soon as I read your Praise Report update (What Papa is doing with this partnership thing – btw today was not all good news for me & family but your current financial faith struggle humbled me so much so I’m back up again & believing 4 u instead. And this is what He gave me…
“May the Lord, the God of your ancestors, increase you a thousand times and bless you as He has promised!” Deut 1:11
‘Nuff said”
Wow! That’s awesome! Praise the Lord! Yes, let’s believe Him for everything He promised. Every word in His Book is true, and if it’s not, then we are not saved and there is no Gospel. But I know there is and we are and so let’s GO FOR IT!!! 🙂
Thanks for letting me know. I agree with you for financial breakthrough for you and your family!!!
Oh by the way, I have been seeing the numbers 111 everywhere but hadn’t seen a Scripture that matches it other than Mark 1:11. But that Scripture He gave you TOTALLY resonates with me too! Praise God! Thanks for sharing! I’m going to share it with our spiritual son who’s standing in faith with us for 1,000 partners, also. 🙂
I have just begun striving to walk with our Lord Jesus in the last several weeks.. Where have I been all of this time?? I am learning to pray, ongoing repenting and have not heard from our Lord but I pray that I will when it is right. For now, coming upon your web site giving me clarity that I was seeking about the Holy Spirit is two fold wonderful as I am so beautifully pleased to have the opportunity to support you. God Bless and look forward to any future emails that you may find the time to do. So excited to also come upon someone who is stepping into their dream of being called. I admire you deeply.