Do Not Fear, for You Will Not Be Ashamed
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webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2

Have you been taking huge leaps of faith recently, but you feel like you’re jumping off a cliff even though you know you’re simply obeying God’s Word? If so, I have a word from the Lord for you today: “Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed.”
This powerful message is found in Isaiah 54:4:
“Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed; neither be disgraced, for you will not be put to shame; for you will forget the shame of your youth, and will not remember the reproach of your widowhood anymore” (Isaiah 54:4).
I wanted to share this verse with you today because it really struck home for me personally.
Lately, the Lord has been piling opportunities on me to obey Him when it’s really uncomfortable. Do you know what I mean? The kind of opportunities that you know are Kingdom, and you know that you know that you know that you know what the right decision is, based on God’s Word …

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… but you sure don’t see in your natural flesh how on earth this is going to work out?
Yeah, those kinds of opportunities.
The fact is that our flesh loves to take advantage of opportunities that have visible, immediate results and benefits.
However, the flesh never loves a leap of faith. It never loves to step out so you can find out. That flesh wants to know exactly how everything will turn out; it wants to receive the harvest before we sow the seed; and to have everything guaranteed in such a way that faith is not required.
At least, my flesh does. Can you identify? (I suspect you can, so I’ll go on.) 🙂
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But that’s not how God works.
When big breakthrough is on the horizon, God always encourages us, challenges us, forces us to step out in faith if we’re going to receive that big breakthrough:
- He forces us to sow the breakthrough seed when we’re already scared of lack of harvest.
- He forces us to be Kingdom-level generous when we don’t have a clue where His provision will come from, or how it will come.
- He forces us to invest and labor in His Kingdom in ways that are self-sacrificing, even though our flesh would rather not. (The flesh always prefers to be spoon-fed.)
But you know what? Each of these opportunities to step out in faith is an opportunity to receive massive breakthrough.
And if we will step out in faith (always in wisdom, checking our decisions against Scripture to make sure that what we think is God really IS God), God will take care of us and we will not be ashamed.
Let’s look at today’s Scripture again:
“Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed; neither be disgraced, for you will not be put to shame; for you will forget the shame of your youth, and will not remember the reproach of your widowhood anymore” (Isaiah 54:4).
Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed.
The Lord also reiterates this in other Scripture passages, such as:
“Kings shall be your foster fathers, and their queens your nursing mothers; they shall bow down to you with their faces to the earth, and lick up the dust of your feet. Then you will know that I am the Lord, for they shall not be ashamed who wait for Me“ (Isaiah 49:23, emphasis mine).
And Joel 2:25-26:
“So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing locust, My great army which I sent among you.
You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you; and My people shall never be put to shame“ (Joel 2:25-26, emphasis mine).
As well as many other Scriptures.
Beloved, this hit home with me today because I’ve jumped so far off the cliff with my leaps of faith lately that right now I feel like I’m suspended in midair with NOTHING underneath me.
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It’s a very uncomfortable feeling. Honestly, it’s scary to my flesh. But, with every single leap of faith I’ve taken, I’ve known from Scripture + the heart of God + the inner witness of Holy Spirit that this was God.
And I am at peace.
On mornings when you wake up and you feel no solid ground beneath you whatsoever …
It helps to read amazing Scripture passages like:
“Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed; neither be disgraced, for you will not be put to shame; for you will forget the shame of your youth, and will not remember the reproach of your widowhood anymore” (Isaiah 54:4).
Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed. So when I read this verse today, I grabbed onto it with all my emotions and all my wonderings, and I lifted it up to God and prayed, “Father, help.”
Then, to match my seed to my need, I sowed a seed of $54.40 into good ground as a remembrance offering to the Lord, claiming His promise that I do not need to fear, for I will not be be ashamed. I will not be put to shame.
Glory to God.
And beloved, this word is for you today too.
If you feel like you have no solid ground beneath you, might I remind you today that Christ is the solid Rock on which you stand? Might I remind you that, in the words of the old hymn, all other ground is sinking sand? And might I also remind you today that Jesus is the Friend who sticks closer than a brother, and He is with you right now, perfecting all things that concern you?
May I also point out and remind you that He is faithful, and He watches over His Word to perform it?
Beloved, you may have been sticking your neck out in faith lately–but do not fear. You shall not be put to shame.
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As long as your decisions have aligned with the Word of God, you do not need to be afraid. Let Father God’s perfect love cast out all fear from you right now. The leaps of faith you have been taking have been Kingdom, and our God has a way of working things out in the end rather unexpectedly.
God is with you; He’s for you; and He’s in you. He is working on your behalf right now. Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed. Those who wait on the Lord shall not be put to shame.
Does this word speak to your need right now? If so, leave a comment below and share this message with your friends as well!
This is so on point for me. The Holy Spirit has been helping me to release the shame of my childhood, bad decisions, and regrets. Truly God is peaking to me and releasing me to be able to walk in the destiny he designed me for. Praise God. He is the God of wonders and miracles. He is the God who never has and never will fail. All praise, glory, and honor belong to him and him alone. Glory to God!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank You, Jamie, for your transparency ! Keeping it real, while growing in faith and obedience to the One you Love and Long to Please. Your words brought Life to me. Hope to my …stepping out in faith. Thank You for Blessing me and encouraging my faith, my walk with the Lord. The Lord Bless You, for Blessing me !!! Receive a Hug, My Sweet Sister in Christ.
Hi Jamie what a timely message I have prayed for so long to God in the only way that I know. at the moment I am struggling really badly and for so long things have been getting worse. I am as far as I can go with myself and am full of fear for my future. I have ask god to help me but I do not see any answers. I was just about to throw the head up because I did not see any help from God. I am really been pushed so hard with nothing to go on. I was about to tell you all this when I read your message push out further in Gods trust and do not be afraid .
This word makes you feel at peace when you know God will never forsake you or leave you.
Amen. I tap into this message.
Amen definitely needed this message today. I’ve been praying to God faithful and believing for my breakthrough but still in the waiting. Thank you Father for not forsaking me and I will not be ashamed for waiting on you 🙏🏾🙌🏾😭
I was able to exhale and find peace from this Word!!
Thank you for sharing it
Amen…I am receiving this word in faith that this week all will turn around for the saving of our business and family. We will triumph over our business enemies. They will be our footstools. God has laid up this inheritance for such a time as this for the benefit of several souls!
Thank you Jamie. This has really spoken to my heart. I decree by the power and authority of his name that I will not be ashamed. I will not be disgraced. I will not be put to shame. Christ is the solid rock on which I stand. I will not fear!
Amen thank you God, Thak you Ps Jamie, no more shame and defamation for me and my entire family, our children. Restoration and renewal in faith courage joy peace and trusting in the Lord is our heritage. Lift up our heads, Sustain and comfort us in Your grace and mercy. Beloveds
Be blessed Ps Jamie for this encouraging message. Pruim, and therefore the timing for divine reversals is at hand.
Let us weep for the world and pray and intercede for our siblings who are bound in deception. Let us be thankful – even in trials and testing, although our flesh is shaking. Because in Christ, we are enabled to walk the kingdom walk: A kingdom that cannot be shaken! We know the TRUTH, we breath in His eternal lovingkindness in and we breath it out as songs of praises and songs of victories – no matter what – holding fast His anointing. For we know His goodness and we respect His sovereignty. What the enemy meant for evil, He turns it out for good! Gom zu le tovah!
Thank you Lord for reminding me that źI should not fear, you are with me.nyou will never forsake me. I believe and claim it in Jesus name.
Amen to the word of God
This post touches home and speaks to my exact situation right now. I’m so out my comfort zone, but once I stopped worrying (and I worried and fretted a lot) and started leaning on him my peace increased. My situation hasn’t 100% changed but I see Gods hand constructing Me, My Situation, and my future.
And, as you stated it’s challenging because I Want To Know the details – the when, the how, the who, the where. But God… But God says wait and in my time.
He’s teaching me to operate in faith, not myself. The entire message is CONFIRMATION of everything I’ve been going through, my prayers, as well as my PEACE.
I thank God for keeping and carrying me.
Hi Jamie,
I have wanted to write for years. But all the money for publishing etc. I couldn’t You come along and make it possible. I believe the Lord wants me to blog to encourage and minister to people through His word.
I was afraid. Because I made and use to sell jewelry for about 3 years tried 4 different websites couldn’t sell anything couldn’t set the website up right. Sometimes it wouldn’t work or I didn’t understand it.
But this word from our Lord made the difference. Oh and yah My hubby always blames me for spending the money. I get so much from social security. Not much. He gets a lot. But if I spend some of mine I hear about it. I am not going to worry about it. God will work it out. I am not going to fear. Let go and let God!
Thank you Papa!
Thank You Jamie. God is great in all circumstances. God is really speaking these words to me through. may God carry on giving you wisdom. I reall appreciate what you are doing.
When I was in my early 30’s, Father spoke the Isaiah scripture to me. I will turn 65 in September. I’ve waited a long time for it to manifest.
Thank you Jamie.
Amen! I receive God’s word to me. Thank you Jamie!