Falling In Love with a Man
For Day 19 of our 31 days of supernatural encounters (series index here), we are talking about falling in love with Jesus in a new, more real way.
Read: Philippians 3:7-11
Many times, we think of Jesus in a way that is different than He really is. We think of Him as a power or force; as a concept; or as someone very far away.
But the reality is that Jesus is a Person. A Person with a body, mind, soul, and spirit; and He’s alive right now.
In fact, He’s so alive that He could show up in your office, car, bedroom, bathroom, living room, or kitchen right now.
Seriously. You could look to your left right now, and Jesus could be there. Jesus–the only Jesus. The only one in the whole universe. The Savior of the world.
Jesus could come and sit next to you right now.
Do you want that?
I know I do.
But do you know Him that way?
I don’t mean “Have you ever seen Him sit next to you?”; that’s not relevant to today’s blog post. What I do mean is: “Do you know Him as a real Person; a real Man; THE God-Man; living and breathing and walking and talking and loving and doing things right now?
Or, if you were really to examine the picture of Jesus you have in your mind, would you find that you know Him more as a concept than a Person?
I have often caught myself thinking of Jesus more as a concept than as a Person.
It can happen to anybody … and this change in our perception / awareness / understanding can happen for any number of reasons. For example:
- Maybe we spend so much time asking for things from God that we forget to just gaze at Him sometimes too.
- Maybe we get in the habit of collectively referring to Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit as “God”–and there’s nothing wrong with that–but maybe we do it so much that we forget to get acquainted with each Person individually.
- Maybe we simply haven’t spent enough time getting to know Jesus in the Gospels–learning His ways, what He likes, what He hates, and how He did things.
We can get in the habit of thinking of Jesus as a “concept” instead of as a Person all sorts of ways.
But today, I believe that Jesus wants us to get acquainted with Him–whether again or for the first time–in person.
As who He is.
As a Man, the Son of God, very God of very God, who might come and sit with you in person, visible to your eye, right now.
How can you get acquainted with Jesus in person?
My favorite way to start off is to invoke your holy imagination. Practice this, and you’ll see why right away.
Start falling in love with Jesus by sitting alone in His presence.
Invite Him to manifest Himself to you. Then, imagine Jesus standing right in front of you.
Picture what He looks like! His hair is white; his eyes blaze with fire; His feet shine like brass (Revelation 1:9-20). Imagine what He is wearing. Notice how powerful He is.
As you look at Him, meditate on what He has done and can do. For example, meditate on how He set the entire world into motion. Yes, Jesus–the Man standing in front of you. All that power wrapped up in one package!
Then, look in His eyes. Talk to Him. Listen and hear Him talk back. Meditate on the fact that He is very, very real. He is a real Person, and He wants to spend time with you right now!
Related: Click here to listen to my short, free podcast about how to invoke your holy imagination.
Next, get to know Him by reading the Gospels.
The four Gospels–Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John–are a textbook on Jesus. Read them (whether again or for the first time) with the sole purpose of getting to know Jesus. Look for:
- What makes Jesus smile?
- What makes Him angry?
- How did He spend His time? What did He enjoy doing?
- How does He treat people?
- What kind of attitudes or moods did He display, and why/when did He display each one?
As you do these things, you can get to know Jesus even better than you know your husband, wife, family, or best friend.
Third, get to know Him by asking the Father and Holy Spirit to reveal Him to you.
If you will ask, Father will tell you all about Jesus. Holy Spirit will also help you encounter Him. Promoting Jesus in our hearts is Holy Spirit’s favorite thing to do.
Are you willing to fall more in love with the Person of JESUS than you ever have before?
He’s not a force, concept, or power. He is a Man, and He’s real.
Pray this:
“Heavenly Father, I come before You in Jesus’ name. Father God, thank You for loving me and taking care of me. Thank You for sending Your Son Jesus to live and die for me, and thank You that now He’s alive and doing well.
Father God, I want to know Jesus more. I want to know Him as He is. I want to know Him as being real, rather than thinking of Him as an abstract concept.
Papa God, would You help me?
Would You please reveal Jesus to me by Your Holy Spirit? Would You help me to see Jesus through the pages of Your Word as He really is, and would You help me to know He is with me at all times?
Thank You, Father. I know You are answering my prayer right now, for it is Your will to glorify Jesus in my life. Thank You, Father.
And Lord Jesus, I invite You to manifest Yourself to me right now and always. I want to know You, and I thank You for wanting to know me too.
I give You all the praise, Father God. Thank You. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
Listen to Kurt Carr sing this marvelous song about Jesus, “Something Happens.” As you listen, focus your attention on the Person of Jesus. Imagine Him standing right in front of you, and stare at His face. Allow yourself to fall in love with this Man more than ever before!
Does this message speak to your heart today? If so, please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you!
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I had to get past that mentality in my 20’s, I couldn’t imagine a man doing that so I thought of of Him as God and that way He was some sort of Superman and the blows glanced off. But that was wrong, He was both and He took the pain.
JESUS CHRIST!!!!!! hAve mercy on me!
As I worshipped to this song I imagined Jesus standing in front if me and I asked Him to manifest himself to me and He started cleansing me wow powerful.
Thank you Jesus and Jaime
How can imagine someone that I haven’t actually seen
Great question. There’s no need to see Him to imagine Him, since the book of Revelation tells us what He looks like. Revelation chapter 1.
Wow, the song by Kurt Carr was POWERFUL!
Thanks for all you are sharing in this series.
Before the world can take note that we have been with Jesus (Acts 4:13) – WE MUST BE WITH JESUS!
My Jesus!!!! Take me deeper, deeper in love with you….
Thank you Lord for this wonderful gift!!
God bless you Jamie
Thank you for sharing. What a special gift.
Lord show yourself to me and talk to me in Jesus name amen
Hi Jaimie,
I have to share this with all,
I have always been fascinated with Talits. Since you had shared a post about it I had been praying for one and recently my parents made a trip to Israel and brought me one and on the wrapping on the tallit it said “The prayer shawl you prayed for” couldn’t be more clear ! Well I have been sick and put on the talit to pray the prayer in this post and listened to the song you left and during the song the Lord Jesus healed me!!! Praise God praise God thank God !!!
I love you Jaimie God bless you
Praise You Jesus!!! Amen ❤❤❤