Look NOW for Seven-fold Restoration of Financial Losses

1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2

31 Days of Supernatural Encounters | by Jamie Rohrbaugh | free devotional series on FromHisPresence.comHave you experienced dreadful financial losses over the last few years? If so, the Lord told me today that your setbacks are becoming paybacks.

(Today is Day 18 of our 31 days of supernatural encounters. Click here to access the series index.)

Read: Proverbs 6:30-31 and Joel 2:25-27

These Scriptures say:

People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy himself when he is starving. Yet when he is found, he must restore sevenfold; He may have to give up all the substance of his house” (Proverbs 6:30-31).


“So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing locust, My great army which I sent among you.

You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, who has dealt wondrously with you; and My people shall never be put to shame.

Then you shall know that I am in the midst of Israel: I am the Lord your God aAnd there is no other. My people shall never be put to shame” (Joel 2:25-27).


The strangest thing happened to me this morning.

I was praying and reading my Bible. I was praying about a great number of things, and not specifically about my family’s finances–although I had prayed about our finances a few minutes before.

Suddenly, I was struck by the idea that we need to list a tiny piece of land we own–an empty house lot–for sale with a particular real estate agent.

Now, I realize that this may not seem strange to you, but it was very strange to me.

Here’s why:

  • We’ve owned this land since 2007. We were originally going to build a house on it, but changed our minds a few months later when we got a better deal on the house we currently live in.
  • We’ve tried to sell that land multiple times without success.
  • We’ve tried to sell it “for sale by owner” AND with various real estate agents. No one has been able to sell it so far.
  • The most recent real estate agent who listed it, awhile back, said he thought it might bring in maybe 50% to 75% of what we paid. The real estate market has just been baaaaaad. 🙁 But we couldn’t afford to take that much loss on it, so we said no.
  • Since that time, we’ve tried to sell it ourselves. We haven’t had any serious bites, but we have not been willing to list it with another real estate agent because of the terrible price the last one predicted.
  • And it’s been a couple of months since we have done much of anything about it.

But the Lord has been telling me that, when difficult circumstances persist and there’s no breakthrough despite prayer, it’s because we have not taken the appropriate action yet.

He’s been telling me this since this summer.

So this morning, all of a sudden, I have this sudden knowing that we’re supposed to list that piece of land with a real estate agent. That knowing came with a sudden willingness to do it, too–and not only a willingness, but also a joy and peace and a certainty that it was the right thing to do.

Startled, I then wondered which real estate agent we should list the property with. And suddenly again, I heard a name whispered into my spirit.

It was the name of a man we’ve never done business with before. Certainly not one we would have thought of first. But again, I had a sudden knowing that it was the right thing.

So I called my husband, knowing that he would put a stop to this if it wasn’t the right thing.

My husband is typically a slower decision-maker, while I’m the free spirit who just leaps and goes with things on the spur of the moment. If it wasn’t God, I knew Bruce would put a stop to it right away.

But oddly enough, my husband was like, “Yeah, that’s the perfect thing to do.” And not only that, but he agreed to call that real estate agent and take care of it!

There’s no other explanation for this other than that it was a whirlwind.

It was a moment in which God intersected our current trajectory and changed it to bring breakthrough. I can smell the breakthrough.

But it got stranger after that.

I was looking over some Facebook headlines, and I saw one that said something about setbacks. But as I read the headline, I heard Holy Spirit read that headline to me with different words than it actually said. Holy Spirit said: “Your setbacks are becoming paybacks.”

The headline didn’t say that at all. But Holy Spirit did! “Your setbacks are becoming paybacks.”

And suddenly I realized I was in a kairos (supernaturally-timed) moment. Because, you see, we’ve experienced many financial losses over the last few years. Crazy stuff, like:

  • unanticipated house maintenance costs;
  • unexpected family expenses;
  • unexpected medical bills;
  • car accidents where people have crashed into our cars (and even crashed into our house!) without insurance, forcing us to pay the bill, etc.

I  know these things are just the enemy. They are warfare–spiritual attack against our finances.

But the Lord told me this morning that our setbacks are becoming paybacks.

The first 15 days of this series are now available as a 15-day devotional ebook! Click the image to check it out on my Gumroad store.

Then I asked Him about how much we should expect, and I sensed He wanted me to believe for seven-fold restoration of all the money that’s been stolen from us. I told Him I needed Scripture to support something that big, and I Googled it up to see if there was a Scripture about it.

Sure enough, I found Proverbs 6:30-31 above. There it is. Scriptural evidence that the enemy must pay back seven times what he has stolen, even if it plunders his whole house (which I hope it does).

This word about restoration of financial losses is for you too.

Second Corinthians 1:4 tells us that the same comfort God gives one person in tribulation is also to be comfort for all. That’s how we know that any prophetic word the Lord gives one person applies to the whole Body.

So YOU are also in this whirlwind. YOU can look NOW for seven-fold restoration of financial losses too.

This word is for you. I pray you will grab hold of it!

And also …

As I continued to pray into this word, the Lord gave me some additional tips on what to expect.

Here are some keys to receiving seven-fold restoration of your financial losses in this season:

  1. God is moving in a whirlwind NOW. You MUST take immediate action.
  2. It IS going to take action on your part. Ask God what He needs you to do, and do it.
  3. It’s going to take aggressive prayer, claiming the promises above, on your part.
  4. It’s going to require your speaking God’s Word over your situation.

But if you will do these things, I believe we are in a whirlwind of time right now–a supernaturally-ordained moment–in which GOD will bring seven-fold restoration of everything that has been stolen from you.

Do you believe it?

Related: Pray this Prayer to Find a New Job if you’re unemployed, under-employed, or toxically-employed.

Pray this:

“Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name, I receive this word spoken to me this morning. I believe that You are the Great Restorer of Losses, and that You are greater than he who is in the world.

Jesus, You came that I might have life, and have it more abundantly. You are more than able to do exceedingly abundantly above all I can ask or think.

So right now, Father God, Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit, I ask You to lead me. Restore everything that has been stolen from me. Make the thief restore it seven-fold.

I command unpaid debts to be paid. I command money stolen to be returned. I command money devoured by the enemy and his forces to be returned, and I command it all to be done seven-fold, in Jesus’ name.

Holy Spirit, please show me what steps to take. Give me sudden knowings about what to do, along with courage, willingness, inspiration, and motivation to do it. Hedge me in behind and before, Lord, and don’t let me miss following You on anything.

Father, thank You for restoring all my losses seven-fold. I give You all the praise and glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.”


Listen to Lindell Cooley and the choir of the Brownsville Revival as they sing “Great Is He.”

I listened to this song over and over this morning, praising God for this word–and I cried like a baby. Join me in praising God for restoring your losses as you listen!

(By the way, if you like this song, you can get the professional copy here on Amazon.) (Affiliate link.)

Does this message speak to your heart today? If so, please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you!

Would you help me with my work of reaching people for Jesus as a domestic missionary? I need you; we are in this together!

This blog, and all of the Kingdom work we do in this community together, are made possible through your partnerships, donations, and product purchases. If you’d like to help, please check out the partnership details and products available for sale here. And, thank you in advance for helping make this blog and everything we do together for the Kingdom possible!


  1. I have had much financial loss. A lot like your description. I welcome the payback from money stolen and through enemy attack on my personal belongings, home etc. Thank you for the word, praise you Father God.

    1. Really powerful indeed am playing the song as i write this message. I needed this kind of message as i am going through the storm. Thank you Father.

      Barb in Australia

    2. Awesome word! Thanks for the prayer to pray. I know God is working on my behalf. Your word is confirmation. May God continue to bless you.

  2. I was led by Holy Spirit to pray this exact thing, scripture and 7 fold return last night. This is just confirmation of what he’s showing me. Awesome.

    1. That is soooo cool, Sean! Thanks for letting me know! You and your family have been on my mind a lot lately; been praying for you. Hope you are well!

  3. Thank you this is conformation I was prophesied on Saturday that God was eliminating my debt and God is restoring what was stolen I was given an amount thank you Jesus. Thank you Jaime

  4. Thank you for sharing God’s word.

  5. Bless you Jamie. Your word has spoken to my heart and I am trusting the Lord to bless my needs today and my tomorrows. Your words speak to my heart and I so thankful for your prayers and the words you speak to us.

  6. Florence Moore says:

    I receive this well awaited word from the Lord, I have been done out of a lot of money due to my Mother being bullied to change her will, she passed in Feb ’16 & my Fiancé passed away April ’17 and died suddenly & unexpectantly with no will, I supported him through bankruptcy, helped build his business back up, gave him everything I had and now his family inherit everything and I am entitled to nothing. I had to leave work as I am suffering severe depression and have not one single penny coming in. So I claim this word for me in the precious mighty name of Jesus. Thank you so much Jamie for your wonderful ministry and I pray the Lord blesses you in every way possible. When I receive money from benefits or whatever source I endeavour to make a donation to your ministry as you have no idea how much you bless me through the Lord our wonderful saviour. Love & prayers Florence, Northern Ireland xo ??

  7. I was blessed to read and understand your message. The situation I am in is a lot like the one you described. I love the Lord and I am a believer and a follower for many years. I believe Jesus will supply our needs and return what was stolen seven times over, Jesus has already defeated our enemy.

  8. April McCullough says:

    Thank you for ministering this word today! I needed it! I left my job 2 years ago and my SUV was repossessed because I was determined to keep giving God my tenth! I know I will not disappointed! God is PROVIDER and and He is FAITHFUL! I am expecting great things! Miracles, signs, and wonders are chasing me down! Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

  9. Thanx Jamie the word is strongly meant for me.it’s time for my payback. May i have that job in Jesus’s name. May the good Lord keep on blessings you

  10. Hi Jamie I just want to say thank you for this word I decree and declare it in Jesus name amen

  11. Jamie,

    Two weeks ago, I got a “knowing” to tally up – down to the penny – what’s been stolen from both of us, and multiply it by seven. I’ve known about Proverbs 6:30-31 for a long time. Holy Spirit said, “Up until today, the thief had not been caught. When you tallied up that number, he was caught.”

    I tallied up a monetary figure, AND I tallied up peace, joy and health that’s been stolen, too.

    $65,657,123.08, and 126 years’ worth of peace, joy and health is what the enemy owes us. I made a meme with this figure, and I look at it every day. I’m making a vision board based on it.

    This prophecy is confirmation of the Word I got two weeks ago.

    I encourage everyone to calculate the actual amounts stolen, write it down, memorize it, look at it every day and call for it from the invisible realm to the visible realm.

    TAKE BACK what’s been stolen. Occupy!


  12. Debra St Louis says:

    Thanks for this word I need it and I know God will deliver.

    I have a friend also in a eviction I hope I am able to pass this to her because her internet is off!

    Thanks I love your spirit and everything that you post!

  13. Within the last week the LORD brought you to mind and had me pray specifically for the sale of your property and replacement of Bruce’s vehicle. So thankful that He lets us intervene for one another. I am definitely claiming this Word with regard to the debts incurred as a result of being rear-ended at a stop light.

  14. Nochickenhead says:

    Glory to God. This morning I prayed a similar prayer of restoration of everything Satan has stolen from me and my family going back to Adam and Eve. I told God that satan had been caught because he is the one who kills, steals and destroys. I pray that Holy Spirit gives me instructions for this restoration. Stolen things include my diamond from my engagement ring when I got it sized before our wedding; one year I got an annual raise of less than £1 a day; and things being stolen from my home. God get the glory in this restoration in Jesus name. And I stand with everyone else to see this season of restoration. God bless you so much Jamie.

  15. Christina Harley says:

    Praise the Lord!
    Thank you Prophetess for being obedient to the calling that God has placed on your life. I have experienced much financial loss this year, however some from my own mis managing. I have been asking the Father to help me be a good steward with what he has entrusted me with. So much has been taking from me in so many ways. I thank God that I am able to lean on him and that I belong to him. JAMIE, I pray a blessing from the Lord on your behalf! Your ministry has been a blessing to me. Christina

  16. Caethy Tuvalu says:

    This is my prophecy! !!Hallelujah! !!I receive it in the mighty name of Jesus! AMEN

  17. I receive it in Jesus’ name amen..left the city I was living and making a living in and had to move back in with my mum 4 years ago.it’s been the most humiliating and most embarrassing period of my life but a early this year I totally rested in the arms of God and let go and let God and he lead me to this site that has been building my faith..thank you jamie and all glory be to Jesus Christ

  18. We have also suffered much financial loss where satan and his demons have taken away 9 years of rent from us, we own 6 retirement village units, we’ve been praying every single day ever since, proclaiming The beautiful Word of God over the entire destruction… joyful and thankful to testify that God is in the process of shutting the village down due to lack of care in terms of residents, building and robbing elderly families of their in going contributions. A very long scenario, the enemy has destroyed the livelihoods of many innocent people. Could you please Jamie pray for all including landowners. Retirement village in Patterson Lakes, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. God bless you Jamie xxx

  19. Jamie , Thank You for this prophetic word. Lord knows I needed it. There has been so much stolen from us. It was looking as if we were stuck with in situation. But, PRAISE GOD FOR YOU !!!! We all need to be encouraged sometimes. This is one time that I needed it. Thank You so much for allowing God to speak through you. Thank You Father !!!!

  20. Such an in time word. Thank God and Thank God for you.

  21. Tamie Tyra says:

    I’ve been in this season of reclaiming what had been stolen by the enemy and eaten by the locust. No more! I have been provided for by noon other than Abba Father for the past 9 years resting in Him, trusting in Him and walking deeper in His love and instruction.
    2 weeks before I found your page, I had undergone the worst spiritual attack I’ve ever seen! Taking my peace, my joy, my very essence of safely leaning in the arms of my Heavenly Daddy. I forgot about His promises to shield me from everything the enemy tried to hurt me with. No more!
    I give Him all the glory! A car was delivered to my home last week. Mine had been taken by the enemy but God brought this one to me, I hadn’t even asked Him for one.
    This morning I prayed about the need for increased finances, He showed me 2 local business that are for rent close to my home that could house my cake business. Tonight I am standing on His promises to open doors no man can close.
    I receive this perfect blessing of 7 fold restoration in my finances. In the name of Jesus, Father I give all the glory to You.

  22. Rebecca L Jones says:

    I like restoration, including things that are not financial. Though i could use that too.

  23. I receive my sevenfold restoration in Jesus name amen

  24. Jamie, this posting was meant for me as I am at the tail end of a 29-year land grab battle.

    In 1988, the enemy, beginning in the form of my brother, who through his own insecurities, was duped by three people who claimed to be his friends. From their influence, my brother induced my mother so sign away her prime piece of land to them. An adjoining second smaller piece of land was also sold by my brother. In actuality, my mother had effectively signed away the land that she had worked hard for all her life. She was 71 when she signed the papers. This land, all of it, was to be the inheritance for me and my sister. My mother wanted to the land to stay in the family and passed down to future generations

    When she realized her mistake, it was already too late. But my brother did go back to his “friends” and told them his mother did not want to sell her land. The two men in the deal agreed to take back the money paid and restore the land to my mother, but the woman, fueled and enraged by the enemy, refused and persuaded the men to sue my mother and brother. The court case dragged on for 18 years with her and her lawyers impugning the character of my mother and brother. I made several attempts to settle with them, but their demands were always extreme. They wanted a lot of money, much more than the land was actually worth. They prevailed in court and the title was transferred to them in 2006. My mother was now 89 years old. The new “owners” wanted to evict her from her own land. They insisted that, in order to escape eviction, that my mother had to pay rent on the house that she built with her own money. We paid thousands of dollars in “rent” from 2009 to 2017.

    My mother passed away this January at the age of 99, never fully understanding what happened because of increasing dementia. Yet, she was always aware of her land and my brother’s involvement and cried every night about it.

    Now, the new “owners” and their lawyer are demolishing the house my mother loved with all her heart, and evicting me from the second house she built. In effect, my inheritance was stolen from me. I learned, just today, that every lawyer we depended upon did not work in our best interest, even though we were using “top notch” attorneys. I feel so betrayed and helpless.

    This prayer came at the right time. This lawsuit cost many thousands of dollars. A lot of money was also stolen by the lawyers. One even went to jail for fraud for other real estate land grabs. Another had to flee the country to escape prison. I prayed Jamie’s prayer for reversal of unjust situations, and many secrets concerning this deal were revealed to me over the past several months. Thank you Jamie for that prayer!

    Now. that I have to leave my mother’s land and house to these usurpers, I pray that Papa God put all involved to shame for what they did. I pray that their misdeeds be made known publicly so that they can no longer put up false fronts to others and exploit them in the same way.

    And for myself and my family, I claim divine restoration of this land for the sake of my mother’s legacy and my inheritance. I command the enemy to be thwarted and depart from my family and me forever. And I claim a seven-fold increase in all that has been stolen, spent, and lost. Please pray with me that this happens quickly as I have only days before I am evicted.

    Thank you Jamie for your inspiring posts; they always seem to echo and address what I am going through. Thank you also to the community of believers. I am praying for you too. Sorry that this was so long, but I wanted the story to be told.

  25. Adeola Adenuga says:

    The word is so timely, am so blessed and i claim back and take back all that the enemy, government, business partners is owning me in seven times in Jesus name amen.

  26. I have lost a lot of time because of injury and a minor but aggravating skin condition that was remedied a year or more ago, but took about a year to be remedied running to several doctors until I found one that was knowledgable on how to remedy it. It was caused by using the wrong medication from a wrong diagnosis and created a lot of problems for me during that time. Both of these incidents were from initial misdiagnosis of doctors and a lot of wasted money and time until I found good people in the field to help remedy these things. I chose to leave a very good job in 2016 and to work part time throughout these things to not add stress and for a time, I was not able to work for about two months because of the injury. So a lot of money went out and not a lot was coming in, but God has supplied my needs throughout this time through His riches and glory and I am grateful for that.

    Still healing up from the last remnant of the injury and I claim what God has revealed to you about a seven fold return. For me, the money thrown at these things concerning the false starts has been aggravating and the time invested when both could have been easily diagnosed had I chosen the right people to see in the medical field. I claim the time lost also to be restored in the way it can be by God. For me, the time lost is more important than money lost, but God is more than able to restore both.

    I am thankful for God’s healing in both situations and I pray for greater discernment when choosing medical practitioners if needed from time to time, but God is the ultimate Physician and Healer and I am thankful that I have not had to face these situations alone without the knowledge and belief of His wonderful mercy toward us and loving and supportive people in my life.

  27. Kahn Johnson says:

    Thank You, Jesus!!! Thank You Lord!!! Thank You , Holy Spirit!!! Thank You, Father God!!!! To God be the glory !!!!!!! Thank you, Jamie, you mighty, Holy Spirit – filled warrior in Christ!!!! I am so filled with joy, excitement and faith that I will receive my seven-fold blessing and I am standing on His Word and trusting with my whole heart, mind , soul and spirit!! I’ve been seeing the Lord bless tremendously while I’ve been partaking in this 31 days of Supernatural power and miracles(encounters)!! I speak it in the atmosphere that more supernatural encounters will occur and that I will have more testimonies to speak about!!!

    Safe in His Arms,

  28. Thato Tsautse says:

    Father God we thank you for this Word. You know Lord how much we lost over the years and yes our hope was in you Lord alone that one day we shall see our hand in our lives.

    Yes Father God we thank you that it now time for our payback for our setbacks. We are grateful Father God that you are perfecting us as we receive the sevenfold restoration.

    We thank you Father God for revealing this word to Jamie and allowing her to bring back hope in our lives. You are indeed a God of restoration and we thank you Father God through your only Son our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

  29. Thank you Jamie. I receive this word in Jesus’ name!

  30. Millicent says:

    Thank you for this timely word. We are undergoing great financial losses as a result of bad business decisions made by my spouse. This message affirms to me that all I need to do is put my trust in Papa God the great restorer who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all I could ever ask or think! I now more than ever claim his power over our situation right now in the name of Jesus. I claim breakthroughs right now and trust him to restore sevenfold all that the enemy has stolen from us. I receive it in Jesus name!

  31. Thank you Jamie,IHave been going through a time if debt, losses, but I know this prophetic word is also for me.Im presenly mediateing on the scriptures.God Bless u Jamie. Joyce

  32. I need this so desparately. I am way behind on bills and had some medical struggles this summer. I am behind on so much. 🙁 I am about to be behind on my house payment and other bills. I truly need some miracles to happen, and quickly. I am back to work but I just cant seem to get caught up.

  33. Your article is so timely…I’m so very happy that Papa God has led me to your ministry!

  34. YES…. I had financial losses my whole life… Thank you God for Jamie, giving me keys to recover. Will use this info and draw a petition to God in His courts; for seed for this sower and for bread. I need to buy my son a car as he is moving out into a new life for himself, and opportunity for my (prophesied) business.
    Thank you God, and Jamie!

  35. Poor Orphan says:

    I lost decades keeping my aged mother company, because she didn’t want me to leave her, and have a life of my own. Even her church friends told her to let me go and have a life, she claimed I couldn’t live without her. When I wanted to be a doctor or a vet, she said I didn’t have what it takes. So I never finished school, despite excellent marks. Been on Disability for decades and so didn’t have friends.

    Buy the time the doctor told me, my mother had terminal cancer and as little as a few weeks to live, my brother had already cleaned out over $100,000 from bank accounts that were to be my inheritance, he told the lawyer I was too mentally incompetent to own the house, and that it should go to his daughter instead. The lawyer who said it was my fault he never talked to me, as he remembered I had been to his office, later lied, and claimed he had never met me, and so had no idea my brother was lying to him, my mother knew he was lying and said nothing.

    My brother and his daughter changed the Power of Attorney to remove me, and just make it the two of them, my mother had no idea, until the grand daughter threatened to have me arrested if I didn’t do what she said. I was slandered and libeled as they attempted to get away, and even tried to have the police remove me from the house so they could sell it. My brother later claimed I had no Disability, and that I was a criminal making so much money that I had no need of an inheritance. He even took my Disability money that I had put to pay the bills, then told the lawyer , HE was paying the bills, then the lawyer tried to convince my mother. At one point my mother asked me to destroy all the evidence against them and to let them get away with it. My brother even took her credit card and charged thousands, and at one point when it was discovered he hadn’t paid the funeral, he told me, I should pay for it, and he would pay me back later, eventually he put most on his credit card, the $1,200 or so remaining came from the government death benefit, but I had to pay $300 tax on it, my entire money for the month, because it was easier than trying to get him or his daughter to pay.

    My mother spent her dying days and what she could have saved for me, she spent on a lawyer, (he eventually claimed he made a deal to get over $100,000 back plus thousands in legal fees, haven’t received a dime, and no one went to jail) because apparently she didn’t want them to go to jail just give the money back, (it was gone by then) it destroyed our relationship and she forgave them. My brother had told her, that I was going to have so much money I wasn’t going to know what to do, instead I have only $15 a day for food, and everything else after the bills are paid. I no longer have a car and have to wait up to 7 weeks for a car ride. Needed several root canals, now they are rotted to the gum line.

    Just before she died my mother told me not to worry that money was coming. In over 5 years, (8 since the money was taken). The house like myself is falling apart, I would even need a new name for the one they destroyed. I asked a lady to adopt me, just so I wouldn’t be related to them anymore, she said just to change my name, but she did want me to write a Will leaving her everything, and even to get a life insurance policy that she would pay for, if I made it payable to her. The grand daughter got the police to threaten that if I tried to contact anyone in the family, that I would be arrested and sent to jail, so they don’t want anything to do with me ever again.

    I’m still waiting for my restoration, because punishing them, doesn’t actually Help Me, the police had the case over 7 years after telling me it would only take a year or two.

    The lady who takes me shopping told me, God was testing me, and that I failed the test, so God isn’t going to help me.

    I would love for God to prove her wrong.

  36. I’m reading this for the second time this morning. God started speaking to me through this devotional and about stewardship this morning through the book Beyond Blessed by Robert Morris. God often reminds me of the parable of the three servants and has impressed me to work to multiply that which he has placed in my hands. I’m an artist and I feel called to teach art. I’ve struggled through that process because of setbacks. My studio is set up in my home. Over the last 10 years our home has suffered major tree damage, a lightning strike, and flooding. These setbacks have made it challenging financially as well as physically in restoration but I believe God is bringing that return 7 fold. I believe our home has been attacked because God has plans to use the space to disciple others.
    The process of restoration is slowly moving forward.
    An opportunity to invest in a course to help grow my teaching and art has presented itself just this week. I’ve been debating this opportunity, as it arises yearly, for a few years now and feel like this is the time to act. I also believe even if I step out in faith and get it wrong that I did not bury my talent in the ground.
    Thank you for this word of encouragement, I believe it applies today for me and for my family at this very moment.
    May God get all the Glory as restoration begins.

  37. Thank you for your words of encouragement they definitely help me in my faith.. please keep me posted

  38. christle H, says:

    I took hold of this word and Believe he is going to restore my finances and other things 7 fold starting today! I am so excited and cant wait to share testimony! I love the song too by the way!

  39. hello I want say that you devotions have me wanting more and the holy spirit has been speaking to me every day that I have read so far.I must say that today’s devotion has been one that I totally identify with it I pray that God bless you and keep you always.

  40. Merla Molina says:

    Hallelujah! Thank you for sharing this Word. I take hold of it for our family in Jesus’ name and I thank our Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for the seven fold return of everything the enemy has stolen in Jesus’ name, amen!

  41. Angela Perdue says:

    Well Hallelujah! Recently I have enter into intercession prayer with our wonderful Father for a friend of mine that has suffered loss of finances. As I was praying in the Spirit, I felt lead to speak out Proverbs 6:30-31. After prayer I walked to my desk and on my desk was a chapter that I copied from a book I had bought many years ago. The title of this chapter was “Dealing with the Thief”. It is a conversation between God and the man and woman that wrote the book (Daniel and Rebecca) concerning what to do about the thief in Proverbs 6:30-31. I knew it was no coincidence that it was laying on my desk nor is finding this wonderful article of yours. Confirmation from the Lord is always a great thing. So ever grateful. Thank you Jamie and Bruce!

  42. I am blessed. More grace to know more sir/ma….

  43. Thank you for this powerful word and your testimony on the 7 fold return …. I stumbled across your site I know it’s not an accident.. I receive In Jesus Name!!!

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