How To Get Your Joy Back

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How To Get Your Joy Back: My Story | by Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.comCan you remember when you used to smile and be happy–but it’s been a long time? Do you want to get your joy back? If so, I’ll share with you today the KEY to exactly how YOU, yes you, can get your joy back.

I can share this because, unfortunately, I lost my joy recently too … so I’m going to be very transparent in this post. However, you don’t make a life talking about what gets you down. You build a life by getting back up–and the faster, the better! So, I’m learning, again, how to get my joy back; and I hope that what I share will encourage you also.

Here’s the backstory:

As you may already know, I’ve been through some rough times this year. I used to have a lot of joy. Sometimes, though, when things happen, joy can be hard to find.

And sometimes joy gets laid down in favor of idols. In those times, we have to let the Holy Spirit speak to us behind the scenes so He can show us if an idol is involved, and teach us how not to worship that idol if there is.

As I wrote about here, I used to worship at the idol of Good News. I wasn’t happy if I didn’t get some kind of good news, I couldn’t be happy.

Well, the Lord delivered me from the idol of Good News through a lot of repentance–and also by helping me take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. I can honestly say I am no longer worried about good news, and my happiness no longer depends on getting good news.

But sometimes there are other things.

We’re like onions; as life moves along, the Lord often shows us another layer.

There are other idols in life which a person can embrace. We don’t embrace these idols on purpose. We don’t worship them on purpose. We don’t even think we’re worshipping anything but God.

However, the truth is, if I can’t do what God says and rejoice always, be happy, be thankful, etc, because of _____(insert anything here)____, then I’m worshipping at the altar of that THING instead of worshipping God.

Because when we worship God, we obey Him anyway.

Even if we don’t feel like it … we still rejoice.

Even if we don’t feel like it … we still trust.

Even if we don’t feel like it … we still believe. We still stand. We still cling.

Because Papa said to.

And somewhere along the way this year, I lost my joy.

Joy used to be one of the biggest forces in my life. Nevertheless, if you get knocked down enough times, sometimes your joy leaves.

And I lost my joy.

I got it back a couple of times here and there throughout the year … only to lose it again.

Yeah. It’s been a rough year. 🙁

But I’ve been praying about it, and asking the Lord to restore my joy. I want more joy than ever before.

And as I prayed about how to get my joy back, the Holy Spirit said two things to me:

1. He asked me if I was willing to be happy even if ______(insert anything bad)_____.

That was a hard question; because honestly, although I was willing, I didn’t know if it was possible. How could I be happy when horrible things happen?

So I asked Him for the key. As in:

  • What’s the key to being happy and filled with joy even if the shadows loom?
  • How can I be joyful if I’m hurting?
  • How can I be happy if bad things are happening around me, to me, or anything else bad?

And, true to form (His name is The Word, so He always has something to say), 🙂 He answered. Actually, He reminded me. It’s a secret I have known a long time, but I let myself forget.

Want to know the secret? Here it is–the second thing He said to me:

2. In His presence is fullness of joy.

I know this. I’ve known this. I’ve experienced it countless times. I’ve even taught about it.

But somewhere along the way, I let myself forget. Have you ever done that? Let yourself forget? Yeah, me too.

In His presence is fullness of joy.

He showed me this on a plane. I had a couple hours of flying time in front of me, so I decided to make good use of it and pursue Him. I put my earbuds in and turned on Clint Brown’s album In His Presence.

And after the first couple of songs, I smiled.

I mean, really smiled. When no one was around. When I wasn’t talking to anyone. When no one was looking, and I wasn’t required to smile at all.

Just between me and God … I smiled.

That may sound like nothing to you, but I’m crying just typing it. Because things have been tough, and I just wanted to stop hurting and have my joy back again.

Help me, Jesus.

So I listened as Clint Brown sang about “Breathe on me, breath of God,” and “Surround me, O Lord,” and how “Zion is calling me to a higher place of praise,” and I ‘worshipped the King,’ and then he sang about those “Gentle Hands, holding onto me,” and I worshipped and stared at the healing beauty of Jesus …

and then found myself overwhelmed by the words of the old hymn:

Peace, peace, wonderful peace
Coming down from the Father above
Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray
In fathomless billows of love …

I was overwhelmed because I truly had peace. For the first time in a long time.

Peace despite hard times. Peace despite heartache. Peace despite ____insert all the yucky stuff here)___.

Peace, sweet peace.

Clint Brown’s album In His Presence is the one that ministered to me so much in this story. I have continued to listen to it over and over, and it’s still helping me. You can check out the whole album on Amazon here if you’re interested.

And I learned how to get my joy back:

All we have to do to get our joy back is to withdraw from the world and lay alone at the feet of Jesus. Alone but not alone—just being in the company of the One who made us.

Who loves us.

Who makes all things new.

Because in His presence is fullness of joy.

I’ve known this. I know this. So do you. But sometimes we forget.

So I’m sharing my story with you today because, if you’ve lost your joy too, I wanted to help you remember how to get YOUR joy back.

Remember that in the presence of the Lover of your soul, there is peace, peace—wonderful peace. And love.

And joy, boundless joy. Matchless joy. Precious, irreplaceable joy.

Remember the words of Psalm 16:11:

Start-quoteYou will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

Has life gotten you down? Do you long to get your joy back?

If so, do you need to get alone with Jesus and bask in His presence again? Please, please, don’t wait another minute. Please, do it today, so He can give you His fullness of joy unspeakable and full of glory again.

Is the Holy Spirit speaking this message to your spirit right now? If so, please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you!

I’m praying earnestly for 1,000 partners who will help me in my work of being a domestic missionary. Is Papa calling you? Find out why, how, and what’s in it for you here.

Related: Read the whole “If You Feel Like You’re Going to Die” series for serious encouragement and heart-healing help:


  1. Rebecca L Jones says:

    I have realized this myself and looked to Nehemiah 8:10, ” the joy of the Lord is my strength. ” But so often, the first part says not to grieve, I never thought I could be doing that, but I guess I was. I’m looking forward to ” joy unspeakable ” and I know it’s something the enemy wants to steal so bad. It can even make you lose the joy of helping people. Jesus warned us about not letting anyone steal it. Thanks for the good reminder!

    1. I think we grieve a lot more than we realize we do. I read once where either Bill Johnson or Wendy Backlund (can’t remember which) wrote that any area of our life that is not glistening with hope is an area in which we are not receiving truth. If we’re fully abiding in Jesus and His Word, we’ll have constant joy and hope. Something for all of us to work on always, I guess! 🙂

  2. Amen Jamie. So on time. I feel ya Big Sis. Lifting you on repeat (like a great song – hee hee). Joy in the midst. Another thing is gratitude. Was in tears recently…and in a sigh began to mumble a few things i’m thankful for. That mumble cracked open the door and shed light on more that i’m thankful for and as i continued, that mumble cleared into speaking…speaking to declaring His goodness…declaring burst into a song of praise… then laughter and tears of joy at His presence. Heaviness lifted. He’s SOOOO GOOD! He SOOOO loves us (John 3:16) and He is FOR us. (insert Kari Jobe’s “I Know That You Are For Me”. We know Him, We know His name, He reveals His heart. We run to Him. We trust Him completely.

    Love & HUGS

    1. Amen and amen and amen. I love how you think musically. As a musician, it totally floats my boat and makes me smile every time. 🙂

  3. Ann Johnstone says:

    Thank you for that timely ‘heart sharing’, Jamie. It took me back to when I was a teenager, having recently given my life to Christ, with not a single fellow believer among my relatives, and living with a stepmother who didn’t understand me at all. Peace was hard to come by.

    And then, right out of the blue, we ‘house minded’ for a middle-aged doctor who was on leave. I discovered an old pedal organ in her house, and a hymn book with musical scores. Because I’d learnt piano for several years at boarding school, I was able to play those beautiful old hymns we used to sing during school assembly.

    So I played “When peace like a river …” and “Breathe on me Breath of God” and many other worshipful hymns – and drove my stepmother mad! But God’s peace flooded my being, and has been my refuge from the storms of life ever since. As Jesus said to his disciples the evening before his death, “My peace I give to you.” And we have only to ask, and it is ours.

    1. I love those old hymns, Ann. They’re so full of faith and truth. You’re so right… His mercy and comfort and peace are all ours for the asking. And ours for the trusting. Help us, Lord, to trust and rest.

  4. Angela Bley says:

    Thanks Jamie! I needed this reminder today. It’s been a difficult day. I know this too shall pass however I don’t want wait to get my joy back when it’s over but want my joy back now. I want that “peace that passes all understanding”. And yes, it comes from being in Abba Father’s presence. Thank you again for being real and allowing the Holy Spirit to flow through you to bless us, your readers. Blessings to you!

    1. Amen and amen. Thank you for sharing also, sister. Some days are tougher than others, but I’m so thankful Papa doesn’t give up on us even when we forget about some of our basics! May we all get our joy back in greater measure TODAY. And I pray Papa would bless your and your hubby’s socks off. TODAY. 🙂 In Jesus’ name. <3

  5. CHERYL GROMIS says:

    Dear Jamie,

    This truly ministered to my heart. I recently suffered 2 traumatic experiences that has left me suffering from severe anxiety and panic attacks for months. I have been in counseling and taking medication for physical ailments and the anxiety. I have thrown myself into the word and in prayer. The shaking makes it very hard to find peace and joy but I realize that even if this never leaves, I still can have joy and peace. I am going to practice being in the presence of Jesus. And also i realize that being consumed by my ailments has become an idol. Thank you for this wonderful ministry. I am very encouraged by it today.

    1. Hi Cheryl, wow, your statement was pretty profound too! About ailments becoming our idol. Mine haven’t been physical ailments, but rather ailments of the heart–but that’s the same thing I’ve been struggling with too! So you are definitely not alone. I’m sorry you’ve been through traumatic experiences, but I pray that the healing Balm of Gilead, Jesus Christ, would wash over your spirit, soul, and body right now and soothe your soul, bringing comfort and renewal in all things. In Jesus’ name.

  6. Thank you Jamie for being real and for giving us the key to real joy. God told me to seek out joy this year, but I haven’t always been able to find it. I will know better now. Still praying Ps. 5:11-12 for you. I have just fallen for this verse and pray and claim it often for myself and my family too. “Let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy.” and “you surround them with your favor as with a shield.” God is so good, and patient, and He wants so much for us. May He bless you Jamie!

    1. Hi Heidi, I owe you about 3 emails, and I’m working on that… so sorry. 🙁 But. Yes. Joy. How we need it! Not only is it our strength, but joy gives us the courage to go on and actually enJOY life, instead of dreading it. Praise God for that! Thank you so much for your prayers. Papa is answering. He’s amazing. And YOU’re amazing, sister. Thank you for just being you.

  7. Pat Lunsford says:

    Thanks for sharing and being so transparent! I know the joy of the Lord is my strength! Thanks for reminding us we just have to spend time in prayer with our Heavenly Father He will bring us through every situation. Holy Spirit is always with us ❤️️


    Be of good 😀 cheer I have overcome the world 🌎 says the Lord.

  9. Thank you Jaime for once again hearing the heart of ABBA and sending it straight to me. Needless to say these past 3 years as a caregiver for my parents and (over a total of almost 30 years (almost half my life) have been very challenging as their conditions deteriorated and within these past 3 months they have now passed away, my Dad’s service will be next weekend. I have totally found myself in the place of lost hope and joy because all my focus has been on caring for them. So this message today is one that I know if pushing me to rise up and know that there is still so much more ahead. Of course I miss them both, but there is joy even in my heartache, even in my disappointment, even in my fog, even in my void, even when it hurts, but JOY is my portion. Thank you also for taking me back to the Clint Brown In His Presence, I’ve always loved this cd and I’m playing it on Spotify as I’m typing and being refreshed renewed and rejoicing. Thank you for burdens being lifted and yokes being broken in Jesus Name. Blessings!!

  10. I enjoyed this article on joy and getting your joy back. I haven’t lost my joy but this article is a great reminder of joy and how to keep it. Thank you for sharing.

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