God’s Supernatural Move and Prayer Requests from September and October

Notes from the Trenches by Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.comDear Presence seekers,

It’s time for me to update you on what God did through this ministry in September and October. I’m covering two months at once in this post, since October was completely consumed with the 31 Days of Supernatural Encounters free devotional series.

First, let me just say. God has done so much. I’m OVERWHELMED.

I cry out to Him in intercession for you all the time. I receive your prayer requests and your testimonies, and my heart breaks for you when you are hurting–and rejoices for you when you rejoice. And so I ask Papa all the time to bless you, help you, encourage and strengthen you, lift you up, and minister to you as only He can.

And I have been receiving so many testimonies–especially through the 31 Days series–that He is doing just that.

I’m so grateful.

So I want to share some facts about what God has done, but please know:

Facts are only representations. The real work is what He has done in hearts–to encourage you and draw you to Himself.

THAT is the priceless thing. The thing that Jesus died for … because He died to reach YOU and redeem your life.

I shared a bunch of testimonies from September and October on yesterday’s blog post here. Please check those out if you have not already done so!

But in addition to those testimonies, here are some facts that will show you a little bit about how He is touching people through this community–all of us working together:

  • In September, we saw 132,490 pageviews on this blog alone. That’s God ministering to people 132,490 times using this site (not counting social media outreach).
  • In September, 51,785 individual people read about Jesus this blog at least once.
  • In October, we saw 182,805 pageviews. (October was our highest month EVER for pageviews on this blog.)
  • In October, 61,205 individual people read about Jesus this blog at least once.
  • We released 43 new blog posts between September and October. This was a MAMMOTH, gargantuan, huge effort. But the Lord told me to do it, and He anointed me for it. It was a labor of love, and I pray you were blessed.
  • Between these two months, I was able to send extra teaching and equipping to our Presence Seekers University crowd (my daily email list) 12 times.
  • We were also able to reach hundreds of thousands more people via our additional writing on Spirit Fuel, The Elijah List, and iBelieve.com.
  • In September, at the request of my literary agent, I got an entirely new book proposal PLUS sample chapters drafted for a book on 21 Kisses. She felt like 21 Kisses is a rhema word that needs to be published now, and she had deadlines for meetings to present it. So we completed that work in one week. THAT WAS A MIRACLE. 🙂

I was also blessed to be able to serve people in my local community in person:

  • On October 7, we hosted a live Saturday morning work session for a group of 5 pastors and teachers I’m mentoring in online ministry. It was a powerful time of praying and each one seeking vision from God for his/her own ministry. Each person then made a vision board for his/her own ministry.
  • I was also able to serve another local pastor by helping with her online ministry.
  • I was blessed to serve on October 21 at a fantastic medical outreach that my church organized. This outreach provided free medical care to 60 families from our local migrant community! It was such a blessing to be able to serve!
  • I completed 10 mentoring sessions with people I mentor in person.

Beloved, I tell you these things for two reasons:

One, I want you to know what God has done.

He is blessing SO much. I want you to see how He works, and to see how He is using all of us together–you plus me–to reach people and bring glory to Himself.

Two, I want to be accountable with my time.

I am a missionary, and this ministry is made possible because God provides for our financial needs through YOUR donations, partnerships, and product sales. I don’t ever want you to think I am sitting around twiddling my thumbs. No, this ministry is a huge endeavor and it takes me a massive amount of time–day in, day out, in the middle of the night. You name it.

But it is a privilege to be able to serve Jesus with all my time.

I wouldn’t want to do anything else. It’s all about Jesus. Everything is about Him. He is coming back for a pure and spotless Bride, and you and I are that Bride. I’m so thankful that He is using this blog to bring people closer to Himself.

So could I ask for your prayers?

Here are some personal things and some ministry things for which we really need prayer.

Ministry things:

1) Our board voted to approve holding another From His Presence conference in 2018. YEE-HAWWWW!!! YAYYY!

I’m SO excited. BEYOND excited. The Lord has been brooding over me about the topic, and I believe it’s going to be incredible.

Please pray that we will find the right dates and location for this event, and that we’ll have wisdom to know how to set it up. It’s in my heart to offer some sozo/inner healing sessions for attendees, plus even more personal ministry. We’ll see. Please help us pray. 🙂

2) Please continue to pray for us about publishing.

I now have two book manuscripts with my literary agent, and she is shopping them around to publishers. It can be a long process.

So, please pray for the right publishers, the right contracts, the right deadlines, the right book covers, and the right editors.

3) Please continue to pray for our finances.

God is providing, and we are not lacking for anything. We do live by faith, though, so we always need prayer in this area.

A special note:

You all have been so generous, sending donations of all sizes. And sometimes one donation is our entire paycheck for a week. So please know this: WHAT YOU DO MATTERS. Your giving is what keeps this ministry available. THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart.

We currently have 70 monthly partners, as well as other donors who give when they can. This is wonderful. But, I’m still believing God to double our partners by the end of the year. (Each month, we tend to get some new partners, and others roll off due to money troubles, etc.)

If you have been blessed by this ministry, and have not yet supported it, would you consider becoming a monthly partner with us?

You can partner with us for any amount. It’s all automated; you just tell my Gumroad shopping cart system how much you’d like to subscribe for each month, and the system will charge your card from there. You can cancel anytime (although, of course, I hope you won’t; but we do understand that sometimes people need to).

Here’s the link where you can sign up to become a monthly partner: https://www.gumroad.com/fromhispresence

4) Please pray that we will find the right solution for webinars.

Our webinar provider is changing their software as of November 18, and the new software doesn’t provide our needs. So unless they get their glitches fixed, I am not going to re-enroll in their software.

Some people don’t like webinars, but huge numbers of people do.

Just today, we had a FULL class of 100 people sitting live in How To Hear the Voice of God 101–with another 191 people waiting in the wings to watch the replay. That’s right; 291 people total. That is a lot of people that get equipped, and the numbers run like that about every time we have a free class. (The paid ones are smaller, but they are still very popular as well.)

So, for the people who like webinars, they are really helpful. And I LOVE teaching them. So please pray that we will know just how to proceed with the software change.

5) Please continue to pray for the American tax agency–the IRS–to approve our request for tax-exempt status, so that people’s donations can be tax-deductible in the USA.

And a few personal prayer requests, if you would be so kind:

  1. I’m over 8 months pregnant. I’m so thankful for that, but I’m also dealing with a few physical challenges. Baby is fine; it’s just Mama that’s been affected. Please pray for physical strength for me; continued health for our baby; and a fast, easy, supernatural delivery when the time comes.
  2. We still need to replace my husband’s vehicle. It’s a 2000-model car with over 240,000 miles on it. We cannot go into debt for this, so we are saving. Please pray for a new vehicle for him–one that’s safe for both him and baby.
  3. Please pray for our finances, due to all the extra expenses that come with having a baby, labor/delivery, etc. Please also pray that baby would come, and all medical expenses would be finished, before midnight on December 31, 2017. This will help us a lot due to insurance and tax issues.
  4. My mom has had some serious health challenges, with multiple surgeries. Please pray for her health, strength, and recovery.

That’s all for now, folks. I am so delighted to share these good reports with you, and I praise Jesus for all of it. But also …

… Thank YOU for helping make it all happen.

It really does take a village to reach people. Your social media shares, comments, donations, product purchases, and monthly partnerships make all the difference in the world. Together, we are a massive force of labor for the King.

May God bless you in every way for your dedicated service and seeking of Him.

Love in Christ,



  1. Stephanie Rust says:

    I would like to let you know that your posts have been such a help to me .

    1. Thank you so much, dear sister. I praise God for encouraging you! Thank you for reading!!!

  2. Hi Jamie.. I thank God so much for directing me to this site.. You and your writings inspire and encourage me so much.. Thank you.. I pray that u have a supernatural delivery when the time comes..i pray for continued health for you and your baby.. In Jesus name.. Amen..

  3. Kelly Tumlinson says:

    Praying for you Jamie! I didn’t know you were expecting a baby! Oh so happy for you and your husband! As you know (from my post to you) I am in between states – and I do not have a church home at this time, but I do feel as though God wants me to be a monthly support to your ministry. I will begin next week when I get paid. I praise God for what He is doing with your ministry and look forward to a continued relationship! God bless you Sis! Much love in Him,

    1. Thank you so much, Kelly! And thank you for helping us with this ministry!
      Yes, baby is almost here. He’s a miracle! We are really excited to meet him. Just have to get through the next few weeks! 🙂

  4. Your page has been confirmation after confirmation about what God has been speaking to me and you are one of the vessels that he uses to do so. However, I ask that you all pray that I get divine direction from Father and that I receive new spiritual organs to hear and see what he is doing. I share you material with my Sis in Christ and also have had a bible study with my boys as well. I pray that God answers everyone of you needs both for this site and you personal life and that he continues to bless you to bless us. I just want to walk the life he has mapped out and planned for my life and to be the supernatural GIANT he is calling for me to be. I feel a hunger and run in my spirit and I don’t know exactly what that means but I know it is Daddy talking through his spirit. I don’t want to miss anything he says or does. I don’t have internet at home due to money, and I am also praying for a new job(I got that prayer off of here also). So I am on my work’s computer trying to get as much as I can daily. But thank you so much for being obedient to Daddy and pray that I do also. I hope one of you events is in Georgia so I can come!!! Be blessed, love you all!!

    1. I praise God for making you hungry! YES – He HAS called you to be a giant! I just prayed for you also. Thank you so much for reading!

  5. My PhD research financial funds has been released after I received the email and moving my life with word of God.

    Please praise the Lord.
    GOD is love.

  6. Heidi Barbina says:

    Lifting you and your family up in prayer for healing and all needs ! You have such a heart for God and your ministry is impacting lives !!! Your blog has done amazing things for me in my personal walk with Christ !! Thank you, thank you so much !!

  7. Robin Rush says:

    Praying for your needs and your mom. I was going to a car situation recently, sold an older van, then was driving a leased car, and the lease was up last month. Didn’t know what I was going to do. Well, my mom gave me my dad’s car that had been sitting for two years. Only 20,000 miles on it. She paid for the work it needed and pays the insurance. What a blessing! I pray the same miracle for you–that someone would bless you with ***great*** transportation — like new! His blessings add no sorrow–Amen.

  8. May the Great Lord always bless you Jamie and your family. You are a humbled obedient servant of God!! All of your needs will be met in Jesus Name!! A special blessing to you and your little one! Amen…

  9. God bless you Jamie..
    I see His work through you. I dont know how I found your blog, but whatever that lead me here has brought back my faith in God and am renewed.

  10. Please pray for me… im fighting for my marriage… and i cannot be steadfast in my prayerlife. I am down and negative abd lack self confidence.

  11. Amber lomas says:

    I would ask God sends me a husband, but my request is for my friend

    My friend Shannin Wyatt, has had words from God that he would be might man of God,but walked back into his old life and seemed to turn away from the lord…

    So I ask that the lord would move on him and send his messengers and ministers across his path, to give him words and lead him on the right paths, I pray for healing of heart and to remove the lies the enemy has put into his mind, I ask that the lord would speak to him in such a way that his life be changed for ever, Jesus name,amen

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