Let These Testimonies Prophesy to You!

Notes from the Trenches by Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.comHey everybody, I wanted to share a few testimonies with you from September and October. I’ll also be sending out testimonies by email in the evenings for all of November.


Because when someone shares their testimony, that testimony actually becomes a prophecy into YOUR life (Revelation 19:10).

Hearing their story releases something in YOU. And if you will grab onto that and believe God for the same thing (if you need the same thing), Father will do it for you too. God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34).

So let these testimonies prophesy into your life right now, and pray into each word where their testimony came from if you need the same thing!

Testimony 1: If you are exhausted and walking through a dark night!

“There are no words to truly tell you how depleted, destroyed, and rock bottom my husband have been without our faith in God ever wavering … But the times have been dark and painful, terrors in the nights, loss of vision, lack of resources, mental exhaustion, physically spent, mentally worn out, spiritually: well we never stopped believing God’s Word …

Then your word came along and gave us another pump of heart beat … I sent your word to a friend whose life has changed and been lifted up as well … Thank you so very much. Blessings on you.

Lisa,” after reading Prophetic Word: You Are Leaving the Wilderness

Testimony 2: If you need hope!

“I just want to thank you and thanks to the Lord for the Word of HOPE that He gave you for the year 5778. I have been in the secret place for a long time and now with the Word the Lord gave you I feel full of hope!

I have been in the desert since my ex husband cheated in me, then He left me for another woman and he just got married to her. I Felt so much rejection [and] pain, but the Lord is healing me. GLORY TO GOD. GOD BLESS YOU!!!”

From Sister L, after reading 3 Prophetic Words for Jewish Year 5778

Testimony 3: If you want to go deeper with God:

“Thank you so much for this prayer. I grew up in a Christian church and it’s only now as an adult that I’m starting to have a relationship with Jesus. I got saved last year in April and I had no idea about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I have said your prayer and I felt such a warm presence after saying the prayer. All the glory be to God! I believe I will be able to effectively cast out any evil spirits that torment me at night.”

From P, after reading What Is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit (and How To Receive It)

Testimony 4: If you are fighting spiritual warfare:

(which we all are, by the way) 🙂

“Thank you Jamie, this has been very encouraging, through intercessory warfare prayer God has dismantle areas of stronghold, bondage I never knew existed in my family. And even what I knew I didn’t know how to deal with it in prayer.

I was overwhelmed with the enormity of the persistence of the satanic attack, and manipulation until I came across From His Presence. I learned to equip myself with the Word and to remain faithful in spite of fear. I understood the tactics of Satan and the authority of God’s word, the Blood of Jesus, His name and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you Jamie.”

From Olive, after reading How To Stay Safe from Demonic Retribution

Testimony 5: If you need to stabilize your emotions:

“This touched my heart so much. I cried so many times while reading this. So grateful that God spoke through you to help so many people.”

From Ray, after reading 7 Prayers That Will Stabilize Your Emotions and Bring You Peace

Testimony 6: If you need God to do a new thing or open doors to abundance:

“Word number 1 – I cannot believe it. I just finished reading Isaiah 43 and God spoke to me about doing a new thing in my prayer this morn. I had a dream about an open door … and on the other side was written abundance. Such a confirmation.”

From Sheetal, after reading 4 Prophetic Words about Your New Season

Testimony 7: If you’re getting discouraged about your troubled children:

“Dear Jamie,

Wow! What perfect timing. GOD is amazing! I am going through a difficult time with my son for quite sometime now and just this morning I told God I don’t know what to pray for anymore or what to do, and somehow He led me to your site. Your prayer is the words that I wanted to pray but just didn’t know how. I will be praying this prayer everyday for my son and will pray in his room in his absence.

This prayer has increased my faith and will give me the strength not to give up but to keep on praying.

I know the enemy is trying to steal my joy and mess up my family but I know that God has good plans for our lives according to His Word.

May God continue to richly bless you!”

From Shermaine, after reading Radical Prayer #7: God Himself Will Disciple Your Children

Testimony 8: If you’re discouraged about your slow progress:

“This was so encouraging to me. That’s exactly where I am right now. I have launched a website based on a download I received from God. Although I have had some success, it hasn’t ‘taken off’ yet. And now I’m helping take care of my elderly dad, so I don’t have as much time to work on the business.

This blog post confirmed that I’m right where God wants me and I just need to take good care of the clients I already have and continue reaching out to more prospects … and God will take care of the timing of the takeoff. Thank you!”

From Rhonda, after reading Prophetic Word: Eat the Buffet Where You Are

God has done so much more; these are only the beginning.

I want to keep sharing testimonies with you all through the month of November. Holy Spirit told me that November is a month of RECEIVING, and hearing testimonies will help you receive. So watch for additional testimonies and prayer suggestions in your email box each evening, ok?

Love in Christ,


  1. Rebecca L Jones says:

    Great testimonies. I think spiritual warfare had been on, I have seen it against prayer warriors, one even actually got snake bitten. But there have miraculous recoveries as well.

  2. Thank God for your life and thank you for your faithfulness, obedience and love to God, all He has called you to do is such a blessing for so many people. God bless you!

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