Miracles at London Inner Healing Retreat!
webinars December 16-18: Divine alignment in 2025
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1
Hi, beloved,
We just returned from our London Inner Healing and FIRE Retreat last week, and boy was it amazing. I wanted to take a few moments to share a few testimonies with you today, so you can see what the Lord has done!
Before I share the testimonies that our attendees sent me, let me add a few observations:
- We had at least one first-time salvation–and one sister was so filled with boldness that she led another man to saving faith in Jesus Christ on the TRAIN back to her home after the retreat. PRAISE GOD!!!!
- This was the hungriest group of people I think I have ever ministered to. They wanted God and were willing to go after Him with all they had, laying everything else down in surrender to Jesus. God ANSWERS that hunger.
- These amazing people were WORSHIPPERS. Much of the time, when you go into a place to minister, you have to encourage the people to warm up to God and worship. Not these people! They were worshippers on fire from the very first moment.
- People SACRIFICED to get there. We had people attending from all over – from all parts of the UK, from Wales, from Greece, from the Netherlands. Obviously, they had to sacrifice to travel in. Additionally, London is such a huge place that even people who lived in or near London had over a 2-hour train/tube ride to and from their homes every day. WOW! God HONORS sacrifice.
- This group of people was the sweetest group of people I could have imagined. They were so nice and welcoming and just SWEET. Our whole team was overwhelmed at how sweet they were!
- We had tremendous warfare to get our team there. Delayed flights, lost suitcases, our team getting sick or injured, etc. We could tell that the Lord had something tremendous in store, and that the enemy didn’t like it.
- Even our attendees told us they had terrible struggles getting there. But, they persevered and showed up anyway!
That said, for 2.5 days, with the Lord’s help, we walked our amazing retreatants through:
- The healing process, keeping your healing, and spiritual warfare
- How to get what you’re believing God for
- How to forgive and make it stick
- Difference between Holy Spirit’s conviction and the enemy’s condemnation
- How to follow the leading of Holy Spirit in inner healing
- Healing from bitterness
- Breaking and healing from generational curses
- Breaking inner vows
- Breaking word curses
- Breaking soul ties
- Breaking off occultism
- Breaking off masonic curses
- Healing from unholy sexual encounters
- Healing from father wounds
- The Father’s blessing
- Healing from mother wounds
- Healing from conditional love
- Getting free from the spirit of control in churches
- Healing from church wounds, toxic churches, toxic pastors
- Breaking off generational iniquity
- Healing from the poverty spirit and mindset
- The fivefold ministry
- How to identify proper church leadership and structure
The Lord moved in so much power, setting people free from innumerable things. He even healed people physically!
Please read these testimonies that people have already sent me about their healings:
“I came hungry, very hungry for every single crumb due to my situation of my husband’s infidelity and adulterous affair …. The difference after the retreat is profound. I feel like I have a lion inside of me. I am walking taller. I have my power back. I feel inner calmness. People are commenting on how different I look. I am so in love with my Father. I have an increased sensitivity of the Holy Spirit.
“Thank you so very much for this Inner healing and Fire conference. I was in a place of spiritual fogginess and was almost feeling hopeless to move forward, but after the teaching and prayers from church wounds and mother wounds especially, l felt (and still do) a release–like a heavy weight was taken off me. I am beginning to get clarity in my life. Continue the good work.”
Sister D.
“I arrived beaten, heavy, lost. I left with heart emotions healed, a new and stronger connection to God, and a greater sense of peace and identity.”
Brother S.
“Dear Jamie, [I] very briefly want to thank you and Bruce, Elijah, Michael and his wife and daughter, pastor Joe, Diane, Wil, and Mamie and anyone else who made the UK trip happen. I will email you a testimonial when the dust has settled, but God has healed BIG stuff for me spiritually and emotionally which has done a miracle in my marriage already. For the first time I actually felt free and happy. I also had a physical healing, my knee has been healed! I couldn’t put weight on it for months and now I can and I had a referral yesterday, the specialist couldn’t find anything wrong except weak muscles from lack of use. Praise God and thank you sister and team.”
Sister N.
“I felt a great strength and awe for Jesus as my eternal King, and me as one of His Royal subjects in His Kingdom. I cried as I felt the comforting love of Daddy God and I felt a holy roar stirring within as He strengthened me.
As I left and reflected on how far God had brought me through the weekend. I felt a reawakening to my sense of destiny, calling, and purpose. I’m now walking with a continued sense of expectation that my miracle breakthrough is coming any day now. It’s already unfolding since last weekend.
Looking forward to seeing you and all the team again one day soon, Jamie.”
Brother G
“[I was] Delivered from [un]forgiveness of a past relationship I didn’t know I was still carrying! Feeling free.”
Sister M.
“The retreat was life-changing. I was deeply healed in heart and had such an amazing encounter in God’s love. I was also delivered from a spirit that I didn’t know was there, which was so revealing. I learned so much.
Jesus died for me; but because you have suffered and knocked doors down in your walk, it allowed us to be free through your personal knowledge and love of Jesus. It was truly life-changing to know deeply our Father’s far-reaching love for us. God bless.”
Sister L.
“Thank you so much for coming to London. The Lord healed my right ear that has been in discomfort now for two years during the retreat. The Lord also delivered me from the spirit of poverty. I woke up at 3 AM on Monday morning and I started rebuking the spirit of poverty. I believe I have been made whole. Praise God.”
Sister F.
“I booked my hotel for as soon as the first announcement was made in May. I was going through pain in my heart after being separated from my wife and children in October 2017. When the date of the retreat was getting closer, I was very complacent and lost interest to attend the retreat. But I pushed myself to Stratford. I checked into my hotel and left my bags there in the hotel and went out to find [the retreat location], and found it was about 15 minutes’ walk from where I stayed.
The first day, I was so excited to see the team from the United States, and got myself introduced to you. From the very first day, in the worship, my heart broke and I don’t know for what reason. I was crying and worshipping God. I felt perfect peace and forgot this world. During all three days during worship and during the “renouncing prayer,” I was crying, tears flowing down my cheeks and there was a great peace in my heart.
This is a kiss of the Lord for all of us who gathered there during those three days – a feast from our Lord. I thank God for His love.
Thank you for all your efforts…”
Brother J.
“Thank you so much for last weekend’s healing retreat. I was broken when I arrived, but by the end of the weekend I felt that God had restored me in a really beautiful way.
I will explain. After my son’s death three years ago, I gradually closed myself up. I mean, I shut people out and only opened up to my family and close friends. Even at church, I only spoke to a few people and couldn’t get myself out of the silo of my own pain. I even felt like not attending the retreat, and only forced myself at the last minute.
I realise now that this was Father God bringing me to a place of healing. After we did the healing of the father [wounds], I understood that my pain was rooted in the feeling of being let down by God for letting my son die. I was consumed by that grief. I felt an enormous sense of release as we walked through the prayers, and I know that something changed–which changed the way I now see myself, as not rejected or being punished. I can now accept love because the door that was closed shut is now open. … Thank you so very, very much, and God bless you and your ministry.”
Sister J.
“I needed to feel God’s presence, to KNOW that He loves me no matter what. I came in feeling hopeful and expectant, but worn down. I left feeling lighter and with a greater sense of value. The Lord showed me that He is calling me home to Him … and that He has opened a new door to me.
I so appreciated the sacrifice of your journey out to the UK, and of all the prayer time and study time behind the scenes. Thank you so much for blessing us with your wisdom and prophetic insight.”
Sister J.
“Hi Jamie,
This might be too long for you to use but I wanted you to hear it anyway in the hope that it blesses and encourages you!
I arrived at the London retreat feeling isolated, unloved, and exhausted. There I was healed of generational trauma, father wounds, and fear that I had been carrying my whole life.
Things were really tough for me growing up. When I was little, the only time I remember feeling really special was at a Christmas play when they chose me out of all the other kids to stand up and receive a prize. Although I have been saved for almost 20 years, I have never really felt like God loves me. I told Him at the start of the weekend that if He really did, I wanted Him to call me up like He did at that play all those years ago.
I had so many amazing encounters with the Holy Spirit at the retreat, including a vision that lasted the entire weekend. Every time I entered the conference room, I could see and even feel a huge broadsword in my hands! God made me laugh, He made me cry, and even made me dance! I used to love to sing but I haven’t really been able to do so in public since a traumatic event took my voice away. By the end of the retreat, I was praising God at the top of my lungs with all my heart.
Despite all that, the end of the retreat came and God still hadn’t called me up. I resigned myself to the fact that I had been passed over again, that God had forgotten me. Five minutes before I was due to leave, Jamie asked me to stand to help her illustrate a point. It was only when I walked out of the room that I realised what God had done! He will never let me down.
Thank you so much for everything that you do. God bless you!”
Sister L.
“I felt enormously comforted by the experience but it was challenging. But we are all on a journey in the Christian faith and sometimes truly forgiving others is an ongoing process.”
Sister C.
My friends, these precious brothers and sisters–and many more–were healed, comforted, delivered, encouraged, empowered, and in some cases, SAVED.
All because Jesus moved and did an amazing thing … and because YOU helped.
Would you help me give God glory? And if there’s a testimony on this page that describes a need you also have, would you also stop right now and ask the Lord to heal YOU in the same way? He will.
Jesus saves. He heals. He delivers. He raises you up in newness of life by His Spirit … and it’s easy.
Thank God for all these wonderful testimonies. God is great, loving and too awesome for words. I rejoice with my brothers and sisters for their healing and restoration. I pray for complete healing for my brother’s ear. Also all generational curses, occultism, bitterness, mother and father wounds, masonic curses, word curses, witchcraft, toxic wounds, unholy sexual encounters, soul ties is broken off me, my husband, my children, my siblings, and my parents in Jesus name, Amen. I release the supernatural healing, anointing, peace, and power of the Holy Spirit to fill and cover all of us, in Jesus name, Amen. We are free to live the life Jesus Christ bought for us with His body and blood, Amen. God bless you Jamie. And I pray the complete wholeness and healing of Jesus upon your son. I bind off sickness from you and your family and decree that you all prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers in Jesus name, Amen.
I am so blessed to read these, Jamie! Very encouraged that God’s love for us is thorough, and He wants us all healed and whole in every way. God bless you and your team for persevering and completing the assignment that He had for you there!
Jamie you are awesome God always speaks.to us through you Lola.you.took words.from my heart i agree with you binding all thos curses is one thong we.all need to do we.need a.fired retreat in our states and nations all over the world. I pray that God give me.the desire and strength to pray and seek him deep deep insight of our souls hunger and thirst to do everything he.has created us to do. Just by reading all this testimonies it encourages and up lifts my spirit to do what Papa want a us to.do.. My prayer is to bring more.souls to his kingdom and by evangelizing having fellowship in our Life.groups but for.the Lord use us and fire us up that those.who receive him as. Lord.and.Savior het the power and love in them to stay.and.serve him love him the way we were thought. It all has to do with their heart for us to plant thw seed and Papa will do the rest. My prayers are with you and your family also. The continue using you giving the strength wiadom and knowledge to do his work and will. God bless you.more and more increase and multiply.
Praise God for the work of LOVE He is pouring into to those who hunger for more of Him! Hallelujah!
Absolutely! Jamie you are awesome! Yes you are awesome! Anytime I read anything about your ministry I forget that I am a struggling,I feel really really LOVE and I am grateful to God for using you! Praise God! A brother’s testimony to the effect that he came to retreat feeling heavy, lost etc etc resonated with me and I stole the miracle he received, poor me 😁. I have tap into many of the testimonies the people of God received at the retreat! And oh did I hear you say suitcases were lost, injuries etc etc, the devil has no shame being called a LIAR! I pray this ministry catches 🔥🔥 🔥🔥 🔥 fire around the World! God bless you Jamie! Can’t wait to see our little boy Heald soon. John
Praise be to God for the marvelous work He has done. Thank God that the journey was successful. Glory to His name. As a friend has been healed from bitterness, unforgiving heart, generation curses, hardships in finances, so have I been healed in Jesus name. Amen !!. Bless you all for allowing the Holy Spirit to use you to the glory of the LORD.
Jamie! I wasn’t sure about attending this event because I come from a conservative church background, so wasn’t sure this was for me, but I can see from the testimonies that this conference would have been exactly what I needed and I wish I had signed up. I think Satan wanted to stop me from attending to receive healing. Please do make sure there will be another conference like this again!
Hi Judith. I sure wish you had been there with us, then … we had a number of people who came from Church of England background, etc. I am praying for the Lord to allow us to come back somehow, but please do pray with me!
I thank God for you and your husband and the team that went to England. Thank you for your love and obedience. Awesome testimonies. God is faithful and gracious.
God bless you and continue to use you mightily. May your ministry have more than enough resources to get the work done. In Jesus’ Name I pray with expectancy and Thanksgiving.
Shalom shalom.