Notes from the Trenches: Ministry Recap for August 2016

webinars December 16-18: Divine alignment in 2025
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1

Notes from the Trenches by Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.comThe Lion of Judah is on the move in His Church, beloveds. He’s amazing and powerful, and He’s working on behalf of His people. I wanted to provide you with an update today on some of the things I saw Him do in August 2016–things that would not have been possible without your support and partnership.

Here’s what our Jesus did in August 2016 alone, using this ministry which YOU sponsor as His hands and feet:

  • He saved a marriage through the power of forgiveness.
  • He saved another marriage through the power of the conviction of the Holy Spirit, which brings repentance.
  • He turned a wayward child back to her family through the power of prayer.
  • He healed a son from life-controlling anger, rage, and resentment when He helped that son forgive someone who had hurt him.
  • He encouraged a daughter who had not previously had a revelation of Papa’s love for her.
  • He launched a pastor into the ministry of writing.
  • He made it possible for a worn-out Gospel worker and his wife to get some R&R away from ministry.

In addition to seeing these results, through your support, I was able to:

  • Prepare and teach 3 Bible studies;
  • Lead 4 prayer meetings;
  • Lead multiple deliverance/inner-healing sessions;
  • Help throw a going-away reception for a Gospel worker who was moving away;
  • Volunteer and serve as an altar worker at a 4-day conference at my church;
  • Volunteer at a local Christian bookstore, helping with organizational work for it to be used as an outreach center for evangelism and discipleship;
  • Write 18 blog posts to encourage you 🙂 (my favorite thing);
  • Send out 6 extra encouraging and equipping words to Presence Seekers University members;
  • Mentor Christian writers who needed help getting their message out, helping teach them about blogging;
  • Study into, record, and release this Harvestology teaching, about how to bring in the harvest from the seeds you have sown; and
  • Release 4 teaching/encouraging words on Facebook video.

In August, this blog also saw 57,016 pageviews. That’s 57,016 times that people were encouraged by the love of Jesus, and equipped to do His work, through YOUR support.

Also, over 60 people have mobilized to join a corporate, 21-day Presence-seeking fast–a fast that starts today and goes through Rosh Hashanah, the beginning of the new year on God’s Biblical calendar.

Thank you.

Thank you for your support. Thank you for sharing posts on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and any other social media. None of these things would be possible without you, because I wouldn’t have the time to do the work without you.

Also, you are reaching people through your social media shares that I could never reach. One social media share–especially on Facebook, which is such a huge platform–can result in HUNDREDS of additional people reading a post. You read that right: hundreds. So you can see what a difference you make! Please, keep it up!

And a few HUGE answers to prayer:

I asked you to pray about a few things last month, and have asked a couple of intercessors to pray about some things previously. Here’s some good news:

1. I received an approved US Trademark on From His Presence.

This means that no one can force me away from this domain name if anyone else should decide they like it more. (Therefore, all the links and Google search juice that are out there can’t be destroyed or stolen.) Also, no one can infringe on the name. You’ll be seeing me using the (R) symbol with the name going forward.

2. Something huge and good has happened with my book.

As you know, the book is about healing from rejection through the Father’s love, and how to become a spiritual father/mother yourself. (Check out the short YouTube video of me talking about it here.)

I’ll share the details of what happened in a couple of weeks, because it belongs in September’s update. Also, I’m not quite ready to unveil it yet. But, just so you know … Papa has heard your prayers! 🙂 🙂 🙂

3. We came very close to my goal of 60,000 pageviews in August.

57,016 is sooo close! And it’s huge; 57,016 is an awesome number. That is a HUGE answer to prayer.

This month, I’d love to exceed the 57,016 and even cross 60,000. However, I need your help to do it; I can’t do it alone. So please, share share and share some more–especially on Facebook and Pinterest. (Or on Twitter, if you’re on Twitter.) I SO appreciate your help with that.

4. Several new partners and donors signed on to help with this ministry.

Even if you are only able to partner for a brief time, your partnerships and donations (and product purchases, too!) make the difference. Without your financial support, I would have had to have stopped doing most of the ministry that I do long ago.

So, thank you. Whether you’ve partnered with me since I launched the program in March, or whether you’ve made a one-time donation, or several one-time donations, or were able to partner with me for just one month–thank you. Every dollar counts. Every dollar reaches people. And every dollar brings healing, deliverance, and encouragement to someone.

Thank you, again.

The words “Thank you” could never adequately express my gratitude to you, but I want you to know how very MUCH you mean to me. I pray for you daily. I love you very much, and I am SO grateful for you for your partnership, support, encouragement, reading, sharing, comments, emails, hugs, and more.

Together with you in His harvest field,


Would you be willing to help me by sponsoring this Gospel work? I would love to see 10 more partners this month who can join with a donation of $8 per month or more. Is God calling you? If so, please click here to read the details. And partners: THANK YOU. I am more thankful for you than words could ever express, and I pray for you daily.


  1. Rafael Somma says:

    Hi Jamie,

    Good to know that you registered your domain name! Keep on the good work! Are you still on with the project we talked about?

    1. Hey Rafael, yes we are. I haven’t decided which way to go with that yet, though–which post to work on. I’m trying to figure it out and will let you know as soon as I can. I apologize for the delay. I hope you are doing well, though?

      1. Rafael Somma says:

        Yes I’m okay and I hope you are okay also. Take your time, I understand that it’s not a simple task that you have to do.

  2. Hi Jamie,

    My husband and I have joined in the 21 day fast. It has been a blessed first day. Thank you for spiritual vision…

    1. Amen. It’s been a blessed time for me also. Praying for strength and endurance for all; that our hunger for God would outweigh our hunger for earthly things.

  3. Clement Amoah says:

    Glory be to God for His marvelous work He is using you to do for His kingdom.
    May the Holy Spirit inspire you to do great works in this month of September.

    God bless you Jamie

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