Personal Update, Prayer Requests, and Blog Update
1×1 mentoring phone calls with jamie
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1
webinars JANUARY 20-22: how to interpret dreams/visions
webinar JANUARY 29: how to cast out demons
Dear, beloved readers,
I wanted to provide you with a bit more of a personal update for this month’s blog/partner update. I was up in the middle of the night praying about many of these things, and I felt led to be transparent. A lot of the time, when you’re going through something on the inside, transparency brings breakthrough. 🙂
First, the blog update:
May brought a lot of progress and good things on the blog. Here are some examples:
Pageviews: We had 48,129 pageviews in May. This is the highest it’s been since January. Over 48,000 times that, together, we reached people with the good news of Jesus. With the good news that you have a Father who loves you. And with the good news that He has a plan for your life and will take care of you in all things.
Thank You, Father!
Pinterest, finally: My Pinterest traffic came back.
Pinterest has been one of my largest traffic sources for years, but Pinterest changed their algorithms a few months ago and bloggers everywhere took a huge hit. It seemed like traffic just evaporated in a day.
Recently, however, Pinterest changed again and now that traffic is coming back. This pin alone has almost 100,000 repins, and this one is suddenly (seemingly out of nowhere) gaining steam.
Most people who repin click through to read the post on my blog, so Pinterest is a HUGE way I can reach people for Jesus. (If you’re on Pinterest, feel free to follow me here.)
Teaching: May was a strong teaching month here on the blog. We finished our series about the Sevenfold Holy Spirit, and I taught on the baptism of the Holy Spirit as well. I’m about to get into a series on the spiritual gifts in June and July, because you can’t talk about the baptism of the Holy Spirit without talking about the power He brings into your life.
I’ve received many emails and comments from you stating that the encouraging words and teaching series have really helped. I added a testimonials page here, if you’d like to read some of the things folks have said. Thank you so much for every email and comment. I read them all, and they all mean so much to me. Thank you.
May also brought some other victories and challenges, too:
Missionary work: I finished some huge things that my pastors had asked me to help with at my church, which is my in-person ministry field.
Ya’ll know I love my local church. And I’m called to serve inside the church, building up and teaching and equipping and mentoring and serving in any way I can. So finishing things brings great fulfillment and a huge sense of relief. I always want to do my best, and to serve with my whole heart. It’s an honor to be asked to help with anything at all.
Thank You, Papa.
Now I’m kind of in a rebooting phase, getting my bearings again for the work this summer will hold.
Vacation: My husband and I went on vacation for about a week and a half right at the end of May–the vacation Papa provided for us almost a year ago.
We were in the middle of the woods and mountains of Wyoming, my favorite place on earth. (If I have any lovely Wyoming readers, just know–I dream of moving out there and being one of you someday. If it weren’t for my church and my friends, neither of which I could do without or replace, I’d move tomorrow.) 🙂
I got really sick the second day of vacation, though, and I was laid out for days. It was a real struggle because even after I could get out of bed and up and around, I was having a hard time breathing. The sickness impacted my lungs and sinuses, and I was unable to adjust to the altitude the entire vacation. (Chattanooga is 676 feet above sea level, so you can imagine how different it was at over 6,000 and 7,000 feet for nearly the whole vacation.)
I’m still struggling to recover from being so sick. But despite the illness, I feel full. My soul feels full. The mountains and animals and everything else about the American West heals my soul in a way that nothing else does. Even when I couldn’t walk, just laying in the hotel room or riding in the car filled me up as I gazed at the beauty of God’s creation.
Seriously, my soul needs the West like my body needs air.
So thank You, Papa. Thank You.
Partner program: Ya’ll, I need prayer about my partner program.
As of today, 65 of you precious souls have signed up to partner with me on a monthly basis. THANK YOU! The thing I need prayer for is: I need wisdom because I might have to switch the partner program to another shopping cart provider, other than Gumroad.
I have to use Gumroad for sales and products because it handles VAT for me. Without Gumroad, I would have to file tax returns in multiple countries across Europe. And I don’t have time for that. I’m called to preach, not handle international taxes.
But the thing is that Gumroad has cancelled 7 partnerships of varying amounts, saying that the credit card for each was expired–and I found out from a reader that the card was not expired at all. Gumroad just didn’t get the charge through after a certain number of attempts, so it cancelled those partnerships.
Obviously, that’s not good. I’ll be working with Gumroad about it, trying to get it resolved. But it’s still not good.
Can I be transparent here?
I’ve struggled with this. I’ve struggled with fear the last few weeks, and I haven’t struggled with fear in a long time. It’s not because Papa hasn’t provided; He has. You all bought a bunch of Spiritual Warlord 5-day devotional guides and also Kingdom Authority sets, and that made up for the missing partnership money.
But I’m struggling with this due to the randomness of it, and the fact that my income now requires faith.
As a very hard-working corporate professional, who has been in a Fortune 500 environment for almost 14 full years this month, I haven’t needed faith for income in many years. I’ve been very blessed.
But now, at part-time hours, the corporate income isn’t enough and Papa has to provide. He’s using this blog to do it, and He’s been so good. I have zero logical reason to worry or be afraid. All the money we need to make ends meet for June and July has already come in, because you have been so generous.
And a funny thing – after the yucky airplane incident I wrote about here, yesterday, the airline actually sent me and my husband (without our asking!) vouchers for free airfare that will pay half of my airfare to get to a writing conference I’ve been wanting to go to in Chicago in February 2017! (See? Papa is GOOD and He’s taking care of everything!)
But we’re like onions, you know?
There are always new layers of healing, new things Papa wants to deal with us about, and new levels of faith and love and strength and glory that He wants to bring us into.
And right now, He’s dealing with me about casting my cares on Him and receiving new levels of His love so that I won’t be afraid about money. It’s been challenging. I don’t want to be a bad witness. I’m just being honest.
But He’s helping me. I’ve been listening to my favorite song, Good Good Father, over and over; and He’s helping me receive more of His love. I’ve been spending extra time in the Word and prayer, and when I wake up in the middle of the night (which has been quite a bit lately), I’ve been going to Him about things that concern me. And He and I talk, and we listen to each other, and He gradually lulls me back to sleep. (Which is what happened this last night, and I overslept from being up so long in the middle of the night, which is why this blog post is being sent out late.)
Our Daddy is so good. I love Him.
But would you pray for me, please?
Pray that Papa would help me receive more of His love than ever before. Pray that He would help me cast my cares on Him, for He cares for me. Pray that He helps me sleep well, because sleep has been a struggle lately.
And I have a few other prayer requests, if you wouldn’t mind to lift me up to Father?
Nicaragua mission trip:
I am going to Nicaragua on a huge, week-long mission trip with my church and other ministries, in less than three weeks. I have so much to do to get ready.
It’s an evangelistic crusade, and I have to make or buy candy and a bunch of little crafty bracelets and things for children that we’ll use to throw fiestas–parties–during the day, to reach people for Jesus. Our team will also be preaching and ministering to large crowds in the crusade meetings at night.
Please pray that I’ll get everything done, get the immunizations I need for travel to that country (I’ve been having a hard time getting my immunizations scheduled with my local health department), and that Papa would keep all of our team safe and healthy there.
Also, this may seem like a small thing, but I’m a vegetarian and have been all my life. I don’t eat any kind of meat or fish or seafood, etc. Please pray that we won’t have any problems finding me food.
And most of all, please pray that Papa would use everyone on our team to reach thousands of people for Jesus and bring many souls into His Kingdom.
Trademark application:
Months ago, I filed a trademark application for the From His Presence brand with the US patent office. It takes months, and I haven’t heard anything yet. Please pray that my trademark application will be approved easily and quickly, so that all the work I’ve done here at this website can’t be interrupted or destroyed in the future.
Book agent:
I need a book agent. That’s how the publishing world works–the author finds an agent, who then deals with the publisher directly. Publishers rarely work with authors alone, without an agent.
I’m days away from sending my book proposal and sample chapters from Secrets of the Father’s Heart out to an agent or agents. Please pray that Papa would guide me to the right person. I really want someone who will believe strongly in my message of Abba Father, and in the work that I’m doing and the call on my life–not just someone who sees a book as a mere business deal.
I need wisdom. I need to know what ministry opportunities to take and which ones to say no to. I need to know how to balance my time between writing, mentoring, deliverance ministry at my church, sermon prep, sleep, teaching, and things like that.
I just need wisdom. There’s so much to do and the demands seem to grow every day. I love it and wouldn’t trade it for the world, but I need prayer.
And finally…
Being released from my corporate job.
I have a good job, but it has become increasingly difficult for me to stay there. Even working 4 hours a day is a struggle because I’m simply not called to corporate work.
The needs of the lost and dying and hurting and broken weigh on me heavily. The need to preach the Gospel burns like a fire in my bones, and every moment I spend at my corporate job–even though I’m doing my best and things are outwardly going well there–is very difficult.
Please pray that Papa would make a way for me to step out of that environment so I can minister, preach, and write full-time. Time is short and Jesus is coming soon. We have to get ready, and see the saints equipped and healed and taught so we can bring the lost and broken back to the Father’s table.
This consumes me.
Daddy, help.
This was a different kind of partner update. I’m kind of bleeding on the page here, sharing my heart. I hope you don’t mind.
I do want you to know that together, you and I were able to reach many people in May. The biggest thing for this month, since I was gone for days and then have been sick, was helping at my church. But I also completed many, many (sometimes up to 2-3 per day) mentoring sessions, deliverance sessions, and other types of service to Papa’s sons and daughters–as well as teaching and equipping people in the classroom, leading prayer meetings, and more.
So, thank you.
Thank you for reading my blog. Thank you for your encouragement and support. Thank you for being you. Thank you for your prayers, your partnership, and your love.
I love you dearly, even though I haven’t met many of you. I love you in the Spirit, and I’m so grateful for you.
What’s coming up in June:
I’m going to be writing on the gifts of the Spirit (prophecy, words of knowledge, speaking in tongues, etc), so stay tuned for that. Papa is also sitting on me really heavily about chasing our dreams.
Later this week, I’ll be sharing the prophetic dream I had a few days ago that told me next steps to take in my own ministry.
Also, yesterday, He dictated a prophetic word to me, literally word-for-word, and told me to release it next week. I also have a radical prayer about turning all your tears into joy that I’ll be releasing next week or the week after.
It’s going to be a jam-packed month, and I’m believing God to move powerfully. I pray for you continually, and I am asking Him to keep teaching you, encouraging you, strengthening you, and blessing you.
So please stay tuned, and I pray Papa would continue to minister to you as only He can.
Have a wonderful day! I love you all.
Together with you in His harvest field,
Jamie, I love you dearly and our Good Good Father adds His inexhaustible LOVE to it and stirs it all up every time I read anything from you. My spirit prays for you as I read and at random times when I’m not reading. It is an absolute honor and privilege to receive your sharing and to pray more specifically and pointedly for you. Thank you for giving me this precious opportunity. OOOOHHHH how ABBA LOVES YOU JAMIE. The Big Daddy Weave Overwhelmed song I’m hearing as His call to you….Delight yourself in Me, in the glory of My presence…run into My arms unashamed because of My mercy, you’ll be overwhelmed, there you’ll be overwhelmed by Me. All that I have done for you before has been great, but it is nothing compared to what I will do, what I am doing now; a new thing, and you do perceive it because I’m unveiling it before you. (Isaiah 43:16-21) Receive. Don’t be afraid, it’s Me overwhelming you.
Hey, that sounds like a great song. I’ll have to listen to it – I haven’t heard it before. Thank you so much for praying for me. I can feel it. Papa comforted me so much yesterday! I am so grateful for you and all our family here on this blog. Thank you. <3 <3 <3
Here’s a link to the song:
Jamie, thank you so much for providing a detailed prayer guide and for being so vulnerable and honest. I heard your big, beautiful heart and His in every word and it made me love you both even more. It inspired me to prayer for you, but it also made me feel loved, trusted and useful to the ministry and the kingdom. Maybe that sounds strange, but it is how I felt and I thank you for being so brave. I’m kind of in tears here, you really touched my heart. I know He is going to keep blessing you, we are going to pray those blessings in!
Heidi, thank you so much. You made me cry with your response! Ha! Funny. I’ll be emailing you back soon too. Thank you for the encouraging word and thank you for your continued prayers. I really did feel people praying for me yesterday, actually I still do. It feels like a warm blanket of comfort and safety wrapped all around me. It just brought me to tears, there was so much comfort. And I slept much better last night than I have in awhile. So, thank you. <3 <3 <3
I am certainly praying for you. I too, love Pinterest. It is a great way to share Jesus. I can hear the excitement and the sort of panic as well in your post. Getting sick and being hit with fear is not unusual, don’t let it throw you before a breakthrough. You will like what my Pinterest friends are talking about today, John 8:36, you are free indeed.
Thank you so much for that encouraging word, Rebecca. I receive that breakthrough!!! And Papa’s perfect love. I could feel people praying for me right away after I released this post. I received such a comfort from the Holy Spirit. It brought me to tears. Thank you for your prayers!
I have much more to comment about this blog but im in a time crunch. This past year has been a ride. I lost a lot. Husband left, no car, no money, no furniture, and I had 3 kids to take care of. Anyways for years I wanted a big stuffed chair….you know the kind you can sleep in…well the first piece of furniture that was given to me was one of those!
Forward a couple weeks and the place I was staying in was still pretty empty. I started getting whiney…and Gods sweet voice came to me saying I gave you what you wanted don’t you think I can give you what you need?
I’m not saying your whining or anything but just to see that God provided a way to the conference, something you wanted. I know God will provide the rest. This past year and had been a year of complete faith and now God is restoring me like nobody’s business. I know God will provide because that’s who He is. God bless you. Your words and blogs feed me.
He will definitely provide. I’m so thrilled you got your chair! Stuff like that is special. Only Papa knows how special. He loves to slobber all over us with kisses like that!
I simply want you to know that I love you, my friend. A good friend is a treasure and you are a diamond in the rough.
Thank you. I love you too. 🙂
Hi Jamie,
My prayers go out for you! You are there for so many people. I don’t know how you do it with so much going on in your busy schedule. Sending prayers for God to give you what you need as only the Father knows. And, if you have a moment, please send up a prayer for the woman in my office that lashes out slamming, stomping, and banging that she will find peace from the Lord and soften her rude ways.
Thank you again for all you do! God be with you and bless you always.
Hi Jamie,
I just want to thank you for your prayers for peace in my office. I can’t explain it other than God fixed it.
Hi Jaime,
I have a question and i am so happy that there is freedom on this blog to talk and share with you some of my heart’s concerns. I want to pursue the Lord with my life. Seek him get to know him intimately, i really want to go deeper in God and it seems that i have a hard time getting and reaching into his presence. Actually when people talk about the presence of God, i am always thinking to myself, how is it like, how does it feel like, to commune with him and have a face to face moment with him. And you know i am desperate and i really want to encounter God, but i don’t know how to posture myself, the only encounter i had was when i was baptized in the Holy Spirit and i spoke in tongues. I know that the presence of God is everywhere and he has never left me, but i really want to be in his manifest presence. Jaime, i really struggle to find the secret place, it’s a place inside of me where God’s reside fully and i really struggle to go there everyday i think i have never been able to enter my secret place.
I really appreciate your answer Jaimie 🙂
Hi Annelise. I’m sorry it has taken me so long to respond. I’ve been in Nicaragua and away from the blog for the last week or so.
I am so glad you asked about how to access that secret place with God. Please believe me when I say that Papa God is longing to spend intimate time with you in the secret place even more than you are longing for Him! Which is a beautiful thing. Have you gone through my 21 Days to the Manifest Presence of God series? If not, I encourage you to start there. 🙂 And I pray the Holy Spirit would teach you how to develop the intimate relationship with Him that you both desire, and that He would draw you to Himself. In Jesus’ name.
Thank you for reaching out, sister. All of Papa God’s blessings to you today.