Prayer for Blessing in 2022

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webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2

Beloved, was 2021 a difficult year for you? Are your heart and soul crying out to the Lord right now to heal and restore your life, and to BLESS YOU in 2022?

If so, pray this prayer for 2022 with me–a prayer for blessing in 2022:

Related: Prayer: Lord, Check Me Into Your Hospital

“Dear Heavenly Father, 

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    I come before You in Jesus’ name.

    Abba Father, I love You. Thank You for seeing me through 2021. Thank You for taking care of me, even when things were really hard. Thank You for loving me and keeping me safe, and thank You for working things out for my good–even if I don’t see the good turnarounds in their completeness yet.

    Father God, 2021 was really hard.

    You blessed me so much in so many areas, but it was a really hard year in other areas. And Father, I am thankful for all of Your blessings. I really am, and I don’t want to negate Your blessings at all. I don’t want to dishonor You or Your blessings on my life by failing to thank You for them. So Father God, I thank You right now for            insert all the good blessings you can think of from 2021          .

    But Father, 2021 had its hard parts too.

    I struggled in 2021 with my emotions. I struggled with my health. I fought burnout. And emotionally, it was one of the hardest years I can remember.

    In some of my relationships and alignments, it was one of the hardest years I can remember. Financially, I feel like I lost my path in 2021 also. So many things happened that were good, and I thank You for those–but so many things happened that were really, really hard, too, Lord.

    So Father, I ask right now in Jesus’ name that You would work all these things out for my good–and that You would make 2022 a better year.

    • For all the hits I took from the enemy in 2021, Father, repay me seven times and work things out for my good.
    • For all the darts and fiery arrows that were sent against me and my family, let 2022 be doubly blessed.
    • For all the accusations I endured and mean things people did to me, I ask that You would make my relationships so blessed in 2022 that it will be as if these things never occurred.

    Father, I ask that You would order my steps and light my way in 2022:

    • Teach me the way I should walk. 
    • Instruct me and teach me in the way I should go, and guide me with Your eye upon me.
    • Give me wisdom, and help me to exercise Your wisdom in every situation, every circumstance, and every decision.
    • Help me to be a good steward of all the many blessings you have entrusted to me.
    • Prosper me and bring me out of the valley of shadows into a bright and wide place.
    • Bless all the works of my hands, I ask, Father, in Jesus’ name.
    • Help me develop good habits in 2022, and not to mind the process that comes with seeing incremental improvement.
    • Remind me of what makes me happy in 2022. Help me to find fullness of joy in Your presence always, but also bring me back to things that bring me joy–like creativity, recreation, hobbies, artistic expression, and things that bring me motivation, enthusiasm, and excitement.
    • Bring me into right alignment with the posse of covenant friends–brothers and sisters in Christ–that You have for me in 2022.
    • Let my family become closer to You and to one another in 2022 than we have ever been.
    • Teach us to walk purposefully in 2022; to make the most of the time, buying up every opportunity, for the days are evil.
    helpful resources

    Are you going through a storm you don’t deserve?

    If so, Jamie’s book Stable In the Storm: Consecrated Living for Tumultuous Times will help you embrace God’s purposes for allowing your storm, so you can be done with the season of trial and testing sooner!

    Order the paperback or download this ebook today, and let the Lord speak to you about His purposes for YOUR storm!

    O holy Father, I need You. My family needs You. 

    Everything in my life depends on You; I can’t keep myself alive. And as we enter 2022, I ask that You would bless us indeed:

    • Enlarge our territories.
    • May Your hand be with us.
    • Keep us from evil, that we would not cause pain.
    • Open doors for us that no man can open or shut, and close doors for us that no man could ever close. 
    • Bring us the double-double blessing; the double portion; the exceeding abundantly ABOVE all we could dare to ask, hope, or think.
    • Pour out Your Spirit upon us, and teach us to seek You first in all things. When we do, all these things will be added to us. 
    • Make us hungry and thirsty for You, I pray, in Jesus’ name.
    • Make us people of Your Word; people of prayer; people of faith and belief and aggressive seeking You. 
    • Let us walk holy and pure; keep us from sinning against You.
    • Help us to stir up our most holy faith by praying in the Spirit at all times.
    • Help us to don Your armor–the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, the shoes of the preparation of the Gospel of peace, the shield of faith, and the sword of the Spirit, and pray always in the Spirit.

    Father, I ask You also for financial abundance and wisdom in 2022.

    I ask that You would help me and my family to get on track with Your prosperous plan for our lives:

    • Bless us in our work.
    • Prosper our businesses.
    • Teach us to budget, to save, to give, to spend only what You want us to spend, and to invest.
    • Show us Your divine strategies at all times, and help us to execute Your miracle strategies as we walk.

    I ask You to open RIVERS for me and my family this year:

    • Rivers of provision.
    • Rivers of anointing.
    • Rivers of joy and enthusiasm.
    • Rivers of relationships and divine connections.
    • Rivers of opportunities.
    • Rivers of focus, that we would no longer be distracted or sidelined by things that don’t matter.
    • Rivers of health and strength.

    Open Your rivers in the wilderness and in the desert, Father. Water us while we’re here, and bring us out of this desert and wilderness in 2022, I pray, in Jesus’ name.

    Father, please help me and my family not to remember the bad former things, nor to consider the things of old.

    Your Word says that “Behold, I do a new thing; now it springs forth; shall you not know it?” And I thank You for the new thing You are doing. Help us to know the new thing You are doing; help us to see it and acknowledge it at all times.

    Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us. Help us to cling to You every moment of every day, and we’ll give You all the praise.

    Thank You, Abba Father. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.”

    Beloved, was this prayer for you? If so, please leave a comment below!


    1. Amen & Amen! Thank You Jamie. This pray was on point and a true blessing.

      1. This was for me and my family . I thank you and Praise the Lord for his goodness and wonderful works to us .

      2. Tammie Atkins says:

        Amen thank you Lord for everything !!! Thank you Jamie for everything you do for all of us and thank you for all your prayers!! Jamie you are such a blessing to us all!!

        1. Jaime this prayer is exactly what I needed right now! 2021 was the toughest year I’ve ever had to traverse and I’m asking Christ for absolute transformation this year😉Thank you for sharing and thank you for opening your heart in Christ to the world! May our Lord and Savior bless you beyond your wildest imagination throughout 2022💕

      3. I can relate to this prayer due to I have experience some of the same issues.
        I believe and trust God for healing for my back, healing for my sister dealing with dementia, and about sister dealing with kidney tumor.
        Thank God for your ministry.

        1. Thank you so much for the prayer. It had my name written on it. It felt like you knew me and this prayer was for me. I receive, decree and claim it upon me, my children and family in the name of Jesus. Amen

      4. Marilyn Bucci says:

        Thank You yes this prayer was for me

        1. Bunki Pitsoane says:

          I’m so grateful and thankful that your words of prayer and wisdom are moving and a blessing to me and my family. May God keep you and continue to shower you with great wisdom

      5. Amen Amen Amen. Thank you what a powerful prayer. Bless you. Thank God for his mercies and for Jesus.

      6. SOLOMON BOGALE says:

        Dear Jammie,
        Thank you and God Blesse for the prayer article.

        The prayer is inclusive of many important blessings.

      7. Amen. Such a power prayer. I am in agreement and pray it for my life. Thank you.

    2. This is a powerful, on-time prayer for the new year. It has touched on many areas of my life and what I went through in 2021.
      I believe God will work all things for my good this year, in Jesus name.

    3. This was definitely for me! Thank you Jamie for your obedience. Abba, thank you for this prayer and your answers to this prayer for me. Thank you and I receive your great love for me!

    4. Priscilla Arroyos says:

      Thank you Jamie this prayer was definitely for me!! Father thank you for the answers to this prayer IN JESUS NAME!!

    5. Thank you, Jamie, for sharing your prayers with me and others, putting scripture into words that express what I also feel, but don’t know how to express adequately. I feel like you’re a good friend who I can pray with anytime I want. You’re a sweetheart/ warrior- the best of both. I prayed this prayer for myself, and join you in prayer for you and your family. You’re on the front lines, and taking the hits. I pray that God will give you refreshment. Here’s a virtual hug from a sister who loves and respects you!
      Bless you, Jamie!

    6. Renu Tupper says:

      Such a beautiful much needed prayer..Jesus have mercy on your children ..please..
      We need a miracle in every area..
      Jamie pls pray for my financial situation.
      God bless u

    7. April McCullough says:

      Thank You God for the increase this year! Thank You that You are a man of Your Word, and every promise in You is YES and Amen! I believe the report of the Lord this year and that this year will be greater! I believe I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! I believe God wants me to prosper and be in health, EVEN as my soul prospers! I pray for those relationships that are divinely being prepared right now. I thank God for all He has in store and I am walking in my blessed place! I will excel in every good work according to 2 Corinthians 9:8! Thank You for this encouraging prayer today!

      1. Thank you Jamie for this prayer. There were many things mentioned that I have been praying about and things I need to focus on.
        May God continue to bless you in 2022.

    8. God bless you and your family this pray was definitely for speaks what I want to say to our father.

    9. Thank you so much. Jamie!! These prayer points right here are so timely. this prayers are exactly what we need for our families for 2022.! Coming in to Agreement and receiving this for my family and I In Jesus Christ mighty name amen!!

    10. Amen. Happy New year Jamie.
      Be blessed

    11. Amen to this prophetic prayer! I decree that all these things will come to pass for all who pray this prayer in faith. Remember to pray it over others as seed in their lives. Be blessed dear Jamie… you are highly favored. Love you and thank you so much!!!!

    12. Thanks and God’s blessings for us all. Happy New Year.

    13. Amen and Amen! I stand in total agreement with this prayer as it was me at for me. May The Lord continue to Bless you this year!

    14. JUAN CARLOS says:


    15. Amen! Thank you again Jamie! Just what I needed when I needed it! Praise God🙌.
      Love to you and your family 💕

    16. Karen Gray says:

      I Will always be a follower, GOD sent you into my life and my family life’s I am so grateful for you,I THANK YOU for THE JESUS IN YOU,Because I KNOW DADDY JESUS CHRIST, put it in you …THANKS FOR THAT PRAYER, GOD TOLD YOU TO DO THAT PRAYER THANKS…..

    17. Amen and Amen 🙏🏼 ♥️

    18. Jessica F. says:

      So good! Thank you! 2021 was wicked bad -the worst for me but I know GOD IS STILL GREAT and in tune to me when I get your wonderful emails. Happy New Year to you and family Jamie! ❤️ Much love.

    19. Praise Emmanuel says:

      Amen!!! This prayer is so timely and powerful. Thank you for being a great blessing to me through your ministry. Happy New Year!!!

    20. Dorothea Aldred says:

      Yes, let it be so Lord

    21. Lucretia Wingate says:

      In JESUS Name I Pray 🙇🏾‍♀️ 🙌🏾 ❤ Amen 🙇🏾‍♀️. Happy 😊 New Year 🎉🎉🎉🧨🧨🧨.

    22. Gladys Mutungu says:

      Thank you Jamie. This prayer is for me. Thank for praying. May the Lord bless you and answer all your prayers beyond expectations.
      Happy New Year to you and your family and ministry.
      Deeply appreciated.

    23. Nontuthuko says:

      Thank you Jamie for this prayer that resonates and talk to my life situation. I had a very emotionally draining 2021 because of a toxic relationship I found myself in. I have been broken 💔 😢 and shattered and faced abandonment and rejection repeatedly. I have made wrong financial decisions that will cost and haunt me for life. I pray that God heaks me emotionally, relationship wise, financially and spiritually. Thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through you. I pray, declare upon my life too double recompense, restoration and sevenfold restoration emotionally, financially and spiritually in Jesus name.

    24. Amen and thank you Jamie, prayer was on point. Thank you for sharing .
      Happy new year and may the good Lord bless you always and ministry.

    25. Happy New Year! What a blessing of a prayer!

    26. Carolyn D Barnes says:

      Thank you Jamie for this beautiful prayer. I asked that you pray that my situation with my family trying to take me to court to remove me as executor of my Father’s will and estate because they don’t want the house to be sold which is in my Father’s will to be sold to be resolved with out going to court and peacefully. Thank you so much.

    27. Thank you for this prayer, Jaime.

    28. Thank you God and Jamie for this prayer for the New Year 2022. May God continue to bless you and your family and your ministry. 🙌🏾🙏🏾🙌🏾🙏🏾

    29. Jamie, Thank you for such a beautiful prayer to begin 2022! You are a precious gem always giving us “nuggets” to live by! Thank you! thank you!!! Happy New year to you and your family! Live, Sheri from Michigan

    30. Nadia Slater says:

      Amen Amen,Thank you for this prayer 🙏,
      Thanks for the encouragement and support you have given me and my family in 2021.
      I pray 🙏 that God will continue to bless you and your family and your ministry for all the hard work you have done last year.Love and blessings❤️💵

    31. Ann Butler says:

      Amen, Amen, Amen!!!! I receive this prayer in Jesus’ Name!!! I pray that the doctors will do something about my chronic pain. and reverse the damage that has been done to me and my reputation. I forgive B Turner for hating me and discrediting me, and I will move on with my life with new doctors that will have complete trust and honesty with me and my health. Thank you, Father,

    32. christine says:

      AMEN AMEN . THANK YOU dear Jamie, so so much for this prayer. exactly what i needed. awesome !

    33. Thank you Jamie…again. The prayer spoke directly to the issues, difficulties and concerns I experienced. I felt healing & release come as I prayed.
      Blessings in dunimas power to you and the ministry.
      Joy, fulfillment and prosperity be unto you in 2022.
      Solo from Gloria!! Forevermore

    34. Happy New Year Jamie,
      The prayer points were exactly what so needed to pray for this new year. Thank You!

    35. Maria Guadagno says:

      Thank you little sister in Christ.
      I pray this prayer will help you with all you need every day.

      Life is hard,very hard,God is with us..

      I love this prayer and prayed it with all my heart because God knows what’s happening to me…

      Happy New Year full of miracles from God !

    36. Oladimeji says:

      All of these prayers really resonate with my life, I beleive God has answered my prayers in Jesus name.

      Thank you so much for sharing

    37. Yes my friend this year and beyond all targets aimed will be mine. I’ve gone through more than anyone could imagine. My siblings said I would never make it. BUT THEY ARE WRONG AGAIN!! I made it because I had you Hasheem! I thank you Father God for my new family and got Jamie, (my new friend). AMEN!

    38. Amen. Many blessings.

    39. Amen and amen
      Thank you so much, this prayer was for me.

    40. Kimberly D Walker says:

      I wrote and spoke every word of this prayer! Thank you so much Jamie your prayers are always right on time! And I thank God that He allowed you to be one of my Spiritual leaders and advisors! God bless you!!!!

    41. Beauty Phele says:

      I am thankful for the 2022 prayer of blessings. May the good God and our Father answer all the prayers we have prayed for 2022 in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ Amen . Be blessed abundantly Jamie you and your whole family in Jesus Mighty Name, May the Lord God continually bless you and inspire you according to His will and purpose for His Kingdom.

    42. Beauty Phele says:

      I am thankful for the 2022 prayer of blessings. May the good God and our Father answer all the prayers we have prayed for 2022 in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ Amen . Be blessed abundantly Jamie you and your whole family in Jesus Mighty Name, May the Lord God continually bless you and inspire you according to His will and purpose for His Kingdom.

    43. Carla Y Lane says:

      Beautiful Prayer for 2022. I am fasting today, and will be meditating on this Prayer today. Amen and Amen! Blessings to you Jamie and your family for 2022, and your Ministry and Staff as well.

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