Prayer to Get Your House In Order
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webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2

Do you long to get your house in order? Are you struggling with the intimidation factor, knowing that it’s going to be quite a task to work through the chaos, clutter, and mess? If so, we have a written prayer for you to pray today!
This prayer is an excerpt from Jamie’s book New Season: 12 Prayers That Launch You Forward–one of our favorite books of prayers we’ve ever produced. If you’d like to get the whole book, you can download the ebook here or get the paperback here.
First, why is it so important to get your house in order?
It’s vital to get your house in order because the Bible instructs us to honor the Lord with our possessions. AND, doing so is a gateway to financial and spiritual prosperity!

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Yes, you read that right: God is so good that He blesses us with financial and spiritual prosperity when we honor Him with our stuff!
Proverbs 3:9-10 says this:
“Honor the Lord with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your increase; so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine” (Proverbs 3:9-10 NKJV).
Honoring the Lord with your possessions AND giving Him the firstfruits offerings of all our increase carries a reward. That reward is that “your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine.”
What does it mean when that verse talks about barns and vats?
The Israelites lived in an agricultural society. Barns were where the Israelites kept their wealth; their livestock and provisions were kept in barns. The more livestock and provisions you had, the wealthier you were. And if you had more than one barn, you had even more wealth!
Over Not Under: Financial Prosperity God’s Way
Do you want God to empower you to get wealth, as He promised in Deuteronomy 8:18? Then this book is for you!
Over Not Under will help you gain deep insight about God’s financial principles—and about how to activate His provision, blessing, and abundance in your life!
Also, vats filled with wine represent the spiritual blessing of the fullness of God’s Holy Spirit.
Wine in the Bible, when it is referred to symbolically, represents Holy Spirit. In this passage, God is promising His people everything they need financially AND everything they need spiritually. It all comes to you when you honor the Lord with your possessions AND the firstfruits of all your increase.
We’ll talk about firstfruits in another article, but first let’s talk about honoring the Lord with our possessions.
What does it mean to honor the Lord with our possessions? It means to take care of what He has given you. After all, everything we have belongs to God. We actually do not own anything, not even ourselves. As it says in 1 Chronicles 29:
“Therefore David blessed the Lord before all the assembly; and David said:
‘Blessed are You, Lord God of Israel, our Father, forever and ever. Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power and the glory, the victory and the majesty; for all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and You are exalted as head over all.
Both riches and honor come from You, and You reign over all. In Your hand is power and might; in Your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all. Now therefore, our God, we thank You and praise Your glorious name'” (1 Chronicles 29:10-13 NKJV).
So since we don’t own anything ourselves, we are merely stewards of what the Father has entrusted to us.
And it is essentially required of a steward that a person be found faithful. Stewards must be faithful; otherwise, they get fired. 🙂 And we don’t want to be fired from stewarding anything the Lord has entrusted to us!
So we each, individually, need to get our own houses in order.
What does it look like to get your house in order? Well, it could look like any number of things. For example:
- Maybe the Lord has blessed you with a vehicle, but you rarely have the oil changed or rotate the tires. If that’s you, today is the day to take that vehicle to the mechanic and change the oil and have the tires rotated!
- Maybe you keep your vehicle up mechanically, but it’s always filled with junk on the inside. If so, it’s time to clean it out and vaccuum it!
- Hopefully, the Lord has blessed you with clothing. 🙂 But are your clothes all over the floor and furniture? If so, time to pick them up and hang them up!
- Do you own a bicycle or special garden tractor or some other fancy toy, but you just let it sit around outside? Time to get it in out of the weather!
- Do you own a climate-controlled home, but you never change your air conditioning filters? Time to get those old, nasty, gray filters out of your air ducts and put new ones in!
This list could go on and on. The point is that, when Father God entrusts things to us, He expects us to take care of them.
I know this is hard, but God will help you.
It is not easy for me, either. I am not a naturally enthusiastic housekeeper. It takes WORK and major emotional effort for me to set myself to cleaning the house.
His grace is sufficient, even for housecleaning. If you struggle with keeping things maintained and cleaned, remember 2 Corinthians 12:9 and make it your motto:
“And He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me” (2 Corinthians 12:9 NKJV).
God’s grace will help you get your house in order. His grace comes up under you and makes you strong in the area of your weakness. And if you’re a terrible housekeeper, God’s grace is sufficient for you. He will help you, and together you can do it because the power of Christ will rest upon you.
Isaiah 32:18 promises that you CAN get your house in order, so that your home is peaceful.
This passage says this:
“My people will dwell in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places” (Isaiah 32:18 NKJV).
You can do it with the Lord’s help. Your home should minister to your soul when you walk in the door. And it can become that way.
But beloved, if you expect God to move you to a better house or give you better belongings, you must take care of what you have first.
REST: You Need It
Encouragement from God for the Weary and Heavy-Laden
Are you weary, worn out, burned out, and exhausted? Then Jamie’s ebook of prophetic words from the Father’s heart is for you! Click here to read the chapter titles and download this comforting, empowering ebook of prophetic words instantly!
So are you ready to pray? Do not fear; God is with you!
Pray this prayer to get your house in order:
“Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You in Jesus’ name.
Father, thank You for my home. Even if it isn’t everything I ever dream of, thank You for putting a roof over my head. You have been good to me, and I thank You for taking care of me every day. Thank You for being so kind and loving toward me.
Abba Father, You have blessed me with many possessions. Some of them are more valuable or important than others, but every single one of them is a blessing. Many people in the world don’t have a single belonging to their name, but I do. Thank You for that.
Father God, I acknowledge that everything I have is actually Yours.
Your Word says that everything in Heaven and earth is Yours. So all the things that I have–my home and all that is in it–belongs to You.
Lord, Your Word says that I should honor You with my possessions. And in order to do that, I need to get my house in order.
But Father, I need Your help. You see the mess that surrounds me. You see how I struggle with balancing work and quiet time with You and the needs of my family. You see how tired I am, and what a mess the house (or car, etc.) is. And You and You alone can help me.
Oh Lord, I ask right now in Jesus’ name that You would help me to get my house in order so I can honor You with my possessions.
With all my heart, I implore You today:
- Please help me manage my time better, with adequate time alone with You, rest time, family time, and work time.
- Take away the intimidation factor. Let Your grace flow tangibly in my life, filling me with power and a willing attitude, for Your grace is sufficient for me. Your strength is made perfect in my weakness. And You know I cannot face this without You.
- Help me to be bold, strong, and very courageous as I work on getting my house in order.
- Send me the help I need. Give me creative ideas and witty inventions for getting the help I need. Give my family a grace and anointing to pitch in.
- And if we have to hire some help, please send us the right workers and the funds to pay them for their work. Deliver us from the wrong workers, I pray, in Jesus’ name.
- Give my whole family and I courage and motivation.
- Teach us how to organize our belongings, which are Your belongings anyway.
- Help us to get rid of the things we don’t use or need. Please help us not to hoard anything, but to keep only the things that serve us well.
O holy Father, Your Word says that I will dwell in a peaceful habitation, in a secure dwelling, and in quiet resting places (Isaiah 32:18).
Right now, I pray in Jesus’ name that You would anoint me to get my house in order so much that my home is totally transformed within a short period of time:
- Help me to work on these things fast.
- Anoint me to clean, to box things up, to donate and give to the poor from my possessions, and to throw the rubbish and trash away.
- Let my home become a peaceful habitation for me. Let its peace and calmness minister to me and my family when we walk in the door.
- Help me to make my home safe and secure. If it is insecure or unsafe in any way, reveal that to us and show us how to fix it. Help us to fix any safety or security issues in our whole home.
- Teach us how to maintain order in our home on an ongoing basis. Deliver us from chaos so that we can have a quiet resting place.
O Father, it starts in my mind and heart first.
Please bring me into peace about the house in my emotions, heart, mind, and spirit first. Help me to know that You are with me, and that You will help me. Let me have joy at the thought of doing all this work, and help me to actually enjoy the doing of it.
Your grace is sufficient for me, Father, for Your strength is made perfect in my weakness.
I have a lot of weakness in this area, Lord, and You know it. But in the name of Jesus, I ask today that I would be Your playground for Your grace. Let Your grace and strength fill me and my home to bring order where there was none before.
Father, please help me to honor You with my possessions.
You deserve all my allegiance, all my obedience, all my worship, and all my effort. And You deserve all those things in my daily life–even in the condition of my house and belongings–just like you deserve those things in my inner man.
So Father God, I pray that, by this time next week, the transformation in my home would be obvious. And even if I have to take small steps every day, I pray that, by this time next year, I would have a totally peaceful and neat home that reflects Your beauty and majesty.
Thank You, Abba Father. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen and amen.”
Beloved, did you pray this prayer to get your house in order?
If so, remember that intimidation is just fear with a situation on. And your Abba Father’s perfect love casts out all fear. Rest in His love today, but get started getting your house in order–even if you start with the very simplest of tasks. As you put your foot in the proverbial water and begin, the Lord’s grace will come up under you and help you.
Do you need to get your house in order? Will you covenant with the Lord to get started today, and continue slowly but surely (or even rapidly)? Did this prayer to get your house in order help you today? If so, leave a comment below!
Needed this prayer desperately !!
Thank you so much !
I’ve started and the Lord has been Amazing . But I really needed this , the whole prayer every part I need RIGHT NOW . I can’t thank you enough ❤️❤️ blessings to you
Thank you so much for this prayer. I have been trying to declutter my house since 2018 when I retired. There’s been so many distractions and each time I get started I get so overwhelmed. I was praying and asking God to send me some help, people who have integrity and who I can trust. I got started again today and asked the Lord to help me stay the course. So again, thank God for you and the fact I saw the post. May God continue to bless you as you continue to allow him to use you. Amen.
What a blessing this prayer is..right on time. A weight was lifted off me as I prayed . I can see clearly now what is needed keep my home in order.
Wow this was right on time, Gods been dealing with me about cleaning my room out and packing my stuff up in boxes. Thank you Lord for Confirmation🙌🏾🔥🙌🏾
Thank you i remains great full
I believe it’s the direction I needed to where I want to be. Thank you so much.
Thank you, Sister💝
I have been needing this prayer for sooooooo long……..THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have heard messages preached about having a clean house but nothing to encourage me and bring my weakness before God!!!!!! I’m soooooo grateful that I am on God’s mind!!!
This is the perfect prayer to pray when getting your house together! As I was praying it I was like Lord I needed this last year as I was purging my house but I still prayed and adjusted words and applied it to my spiritual house! I will remember this prayer because there is always work to be done in our physical houses. God be praised. God bless you for this awesome prayer. May all who pray it apply it to their heart, in the Name of Jesus!
Yes, I most definitely needed this! I have been struggling for years, being distracted by health issues in my life and caretaking other family members.
I need more physical strength and endurance to do what needs done, and as your prayer says, for God to bring people to help and the finances to pay them.
Thank you for your excellent prayer to follow!
Amen, I need this too- same issues, caretaking others and my own health issues; also needing good helpers and the finances to pay them. Thank you for a great prayer!
Wow! This is very true and powerful indeed! I am glad that you were obedient to put this out! This really helps me! Thank you for being a blessing!
Thanks Jamie, I prayed this wonderful prayer its very much needed in the home I am in currently, I pray God will assist me in achieving my goals to live in an orderly house
Dear Sister Jamie,
Thanks so much for this prayer.I really need it.Today I make a covenant with Our God that I’ll value his possessions which he has given me and my family.
Thank you, Pastor Jamie, for this BEAUTIFUL, HIGHLY RELEVANT prayer. Hallelujah! It is as if it had been customized for me, in all the most important ways. Glory to God! I look forward to seeing the answers to this prayer, including the changes in my life that it will involve. Thank you SO MUCH, with LOVE.
This brought my thoughts , efforts, and determination into a clear , focused reason based on the Word ,to get my house in order .I felt compelled over a week ago to do this . Living in a 5th camper for 3 yrs. , I easily forget that my space is limited . In cleaning and organizing , and letting go of things , I have felt the Lord wants the old out to make room for the new and useful as preparation for the coming days and how He will have me serve others from my tiny , obscure place in the country . Your message shows me that doing this cleaning will be a benefit to many , but most important will draw attention to the God who can help anyone with anything according to His will , love , mercy and grace .
This prayer was definitely what I needed. I have been meaning to get rid of clutter in my home but never have the time to do so. One of my new year resolutions for 2023 is to get rid of clutter even if I have to take several weeks. Thank you Pastor Jamie. God bless you.
I love it! I struggle with keeping the house clean. Last year 2022 I said ‘Lord I need Your grace to help me clean this house and keep it clean’. His grace is truly sufficient because I got most of it done only a few finishing touches here & there and He is helping me. So seeing this prayer here has really shown me that I am on the right track. Ahhhh ABBA loves me & cares about every detail of my life.
Jamie, I so needed this prayer!!! Thank you ❣️ I didn’t realize that our clutter was hindering God’s blessings so much. I see the tie between honoring God with what we have, and being able to gain wealth. I have been sabotaging my progress by going outward and neglecting the home. There have been so many struggles around this with me. I am ready to be a good steward. 🙏🙏🙏💗💗💗
I so needed this prayer! Thank you
Amen you have to get out of my prayer closet. I been praying this and asking strength in this.
This is God.My house is so out of order that I do not know where to start. Thank you, women, of God.
Thank you for this today it was so very needed. The Lord knows all of our needs and sends us help.
Your always on time Jammie thank you for this prayer
How timely! I started decluttering today and putting together what i dont need from my cupboards and wardrobe. God continue to bless you as you avail your vessel to be used to bless others. Shalom Shalom Jamie!
AMEN THANKU. Help me and my entire family to observe how essential this message is for divine order in our home environment to experience the full blessings to be a blessing unto others as well. to welcome Gods Grace beauty and majesty in our homes to minister and serve Gods people who enters therein. Help us and send the right anointed and appointed people to help my cousins to resolve long outstanding issues of a house to transform it into a Godly home of peace that glorifies God and to heal sibling relations. Thanku beloved Jamie for such a timely Prayer, much needed.
Praise God.He loves me and it is so confirmed through the wordi just read on TIME.I was struggling to get the cupboard n kitchen cabinets arranged ..n today I started on a small scale,I sat n lit a candle n prayed Lord Please give me creative mind and a WILL to keep the house in order..
And in a moment I read your mail..God bless you Sister Jamie.yiu r truly God’s chosen,may God bless you as you bring joy peace n encouragement in our lives..
Infact put your house inorder open my eyes to many areas of my weaknesses. I’m challenge and humbly submit to get rid of my ego.
Kim Hill says I prayed this prayer.It certainly is a on time prayer.I’ve been struggling with organizing & decluttering my home for a number of years.I to need the Lord to help me in this area & send help to help & also finding good reputable workers when I do repairs in my home.And to finance the work.
Thank you Jesus this prayer was right on time. This flesh was getting weary my house and car needed cleaning. My car needed an oil change. I know I woke up with the Holy Spirit all over me because I was reading this prayer while getting my oil changed. Then I told myself I was going to clean it up once I finished. Then I called my son and told him to get because when I get home we are going to clean. Thank God for the Holy Ghost‼️ This prayer was much needed and is confirmation‼️ Thanks
Thank you for this. Word-based. Anointed. Needed. Full of conviction. My wife and I were just discussing at breakfast this morning. Clutter. Home. House. Our lives. Family. We are small business people. Retired but working small business. Failures as examples. Stewards. Leaders. We want to reverse that. We want our home to minister to us again and all who enter. We pray for a blue print. Starters. This and the Word is the blue print. Oh for the Word to be revealed in us and guide us. We are setting our house in order.
Thank you. May God’s blessings and strength be upon you, and those here who have been honest and seek His help.
This really brought to mind what we are to do! Thank you.
Thank you for this prayer. I pray God reveals to me the root of the disorder in my space. Lord I crave your peace not only in me, but around me. Thank you
#Me, too! Wooo Jamie! Holy Spirit is w
Jamie, this is the prayer I needed! It’s the answer I’ve been seeking. Thank you so much! I’m looking forward to me and my whole family stewarding what we have for the Lord, and prospering because of Him🙌💗🌈!
I am heal with the encouragement and prayers
Spot on!!! I prayed that Father would send me some help and He did! He blessed me through a young lady I already knew who has her own cleaning business. She needed a place to stay for a few months so we worked out a plan. In addition God blessed us with a much needed financial blessing!
God answers when we trust Him to supply all of our need!
My prayer got answered! Thank you my Heavenly Father!! 💕💕💕