Promise 6: Delivered in Time of Trouble!

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webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2
60 Promises to Cling to In Your Time of Need | by Jamie Rohrbaugh |

“Blessed is he who considers the poor; the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. The Lord will preserve him and keep him alive, and he will be blessed on the earth; You will not deliver him to the will of his enemies. The Lord will strengthen him on his bed of illness; You will sustain him on his sickbed” (Psalm 41:1-3 NKJV).

Friend, do you do nice things for people who have needs? For example:

  • Have you taken someone a meal when they are sick or stressed out?
  • Have you helped support a missionary who depends on the Lord for basic provision?
  • Have you stopped to comfort and encourage someone who is crying?

Whether someone simply has a need in that moment, or whether they are in a difficult life situation that makes them have needs–do you love to just be a blessing?

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    If so, then you qualify for the blessings the Lord promises in Psalm 41–including the blessing of being delivered in time of trouble!

    Let’s take a look at this amazing promise, one section at a time, shall we?

    First, “Blessed is he who considers the poor.” Who is “the poor”?

    According to Strong’s Concordance, the meaning of this word “poor” that is used in Psalm 41:1 is that the “poor person” is one who is weaker than oneself, or “low, poor, weak, thin, one who is low.” The literal meaning is “one who is dangling”; in other words, a person whose stability has been taken out from under him or her.

    In other words, you could say that “the poor” is anyone who has a need in that moment that impacts their health and stability–whether physically, financially, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or in any other way.


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    Basically, “the poor” is anyone who has a need in that moment.

    So, “Blessed is he who considers the poor.” “Considers,” also in the Strong’s Concordance, has several meanings; but the application here seems to be to give attention to the poor and to act prudently and wisely toward the poor. This means:

    • you pay attention when someone has a need;
    • you carefully ask for the Lord’s leading; and
    • you do what the Lord leads you to do in each individual situation, as wisdom, prudence, and love dictate, and of course according to the instructions in God’s Word.

    Anyone could be “the poor” in any moment. For example:

    • A wealthy person could be crying from a broken heart. In that moment, they are “the poor”–even though they are poor in spirit, not poor in pocketbook. And if you spend time comforting them and encouraging them, you are “considering the poor.”
    • A person in a poor nation could be without food and basic sustenance. (For example, the people this ministry serves in Guatemala.) By making a donation to help equip a family with chickens so they can start chicken farming, or by donating/sponsoring the gift of clothing, you are “considering the poor.”
    • A person with no money could need a ride to work, because they have no vehicle of their own, or no way to ride public transportation. In that moment, you are “considering the poor” by offering them a ride, or by blessing them with bus fare or train fare to get where they need to go.
    • A single parent who lives next door could be exhausted from constantly taking care of their children with no respite. If you take pity on them and offer to watch the children for a few hours so the parent can take a nap, you are “considering the poor.”

    “Considering the poor” means being a blessing to help strengthen someone who has a need in that moment. And that action of “considering the poor” can look like a lot of different things.

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    So let’s look at our Scripture again:

    “Blessed is he who considers the poor; the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. The Lord will preserve him and keep him alive, and he will be blessed on the earth; You will not deliver him to the will of his enemies. The Lord will strengthen him on his bed of illness; You will sustain him on his sickbed” (Psalm 41:1-3 NKJV).

    When you “consider the poor,” the Lord promises you several incredible, amazing things:

    1. He will deliver you in time of trouble.

    Whatever trouble you’re in, the Lord sees that you are weak in that moment, and that you need Him to “consider” you and help YOU. And since you “considered” the poor–those less fortunate than yourself in any given moment–then the Lord will help you.

    Basically, because you gave of yourself to the poor, you qualify to receive help from the Lord in your own need. You truly do reap what you sow, as it says in Galatians 6:7-10:

    “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith” (Galatians 6:7-10 NKJV).

    So what kind of trouble are you in today? The Lord guarantees that He will deliver you, and all because you considered the poor!

    2. He will preserve you and keep you alive.

    Do you need to be kept alive? For example:

    • Do you want to live a long life, and enjoy your family and all of God’s plans for you?
    • Do you worry about getting sick or being in an accident, and having your life cut short?
    • Do you worry about your spouse or child getting sick or passing away? (You can pray this promise for someone else who has considered the poor, too!)
    • Have you received a bad diagnosis, and you’re concerned about your own health and longevity?

    If so, beloved, the Bible says that “considering the poor” is a key to overcoming all these things and living a LONG life! Remember our key passage:

    “Blessed is he who considers the poor; the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. The Lord will preserve him and keep him alive, and he will be blessed on the earth; You will not deliver him to the will of his enemies. The Lord will strengthen him on his bed of illness; You will sustain him on his sickbed” (Psalm 41:1-3 NKJV).

    Yes indeed: if you consider the poor, the Lord will not only deliver you in time of trouble, but He will preserve you and keep you alive! You could even say that preserving you and keeping you alive is just another way of delivering you in time of trouble, for that sudden diagnosis certainly qualifies as initiating a time of trouble.

    But, even in that, beloved, if you have been a blessing to the poor, the Lord will deliver YOU!

    3. You will be blessed on the earth!

    “Being blessed” could look like a lot of different things. But, no matter what kind of blessing you need today, I highly encourage you to pray this passage back to the Lord and ask Him for it.

    If you have been a blessing to the poor …

    … which you have, by the way, if you are a supporter of this ministry, as we help 11-14 missionaries every month, plus ministering to the poor in the third world, plus helping local pastors in need with basic necessities, PLUS helping readers around the world who are poor in spirit, by encouraging them and strengthening them in the Lord …

    If you have been a blessing to the poor, then you have the Scriptural right to ask God to bless you, and to receive His blessings, every single day, in whatever way you need. Isn’t that beautiful? Thank You, Abba Father, Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit!

    4. God will not deliver you to the will of your enemies.

    Do you have enemies? Most people do. But the better question is, what evil things do your enemies wish on you? For example:

    • Do they wish that your job would be cut and you’d be removed from your workplace?
    • Do they want to steal that promotion from you and take it for themselves?
    • Do they wish that your funding would dry up or your staff would quit?
    • Do they want everyone to think badly of you and gossip about you?
    • Do they want other people to join with them to call you names and insult you?

    Whatever the “will” of your enemies is, the Lord will deliver you from it when you consider the poor. Beloved, that’s good news today. And it means, if you consider the poor:

    • Your career won’t be sabotaged.
    • The promotion won’t get stolen. You’ll have favor instead.
    • Your funding won’t dry up, your staff won’t quit, and your ministry or business will prosper.
    • The Lord will deliver you and make your integrity obvious to everyone.
    • He can even put a holy fear of His Word and of you into people, so that they don’t dare lift up their tongues against you!

    Hallelujah! He will not deliver you to the will of your enemies!

    5. The Lord will strengthen you on your bed of illness; He will sustain you on your sickbed.

    If you consider the poor and you get sick, that sickness is not unto death. The Lord will strengthen you on your bed of illness. He will sustain you on your sickbed.

    Even if you’re the “walking ill,” still being able to function but with a life-threatening medical condition that you are concerned about, you can pray this Scripture back to God and remind Him that you HAVE considered the poor, and that you still are considering the poor. Then, ask Him to keep His promise to strengthen you on your bed of illness and sustain you on your sickbed.

    “Blessed is he who considers the poor.” What an incredible promise.

    Let’s look again at the whole thing:

    “Blessed is he who considers the poor; the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. The Lord will preserve him and keep him alive, and he will be blessed on the earth; You will not deliver him to the will of his enemies. The Lord will strengthen him on his bed of illness; You will sustain him on his sickbed” (Psalm 41:1-3 NKJV).

    Beloved, if you love being a blessing to people in need–whether those people are poor in spirit, poor in pocketbook, or poor in strength at any given moment–the Lord will reward you for it.

    Those people don’t even have to be chronically needy. Maybe someone just has a need at that moment, and you step in to help, encourage, or to sow a seed into their well-being and prosperity! Either way, if you consider the poor, the Lord will:

    • deliver you in time of trouble;
    • preserve you and keep you alive;
    • bless you on the earth;
    • NOT deliver you to the will of your enemies;
    • strengthen you when you are sick;
    • sustain you on your sickbed.

    And that, my friend, is good news. God’s promises are amazing.

    Of course, we do have to meet the conditions. Have you “considered the poor” today?

    If not, why not take a moment and do so right now? Is the Lord putting someone on your heart that needs a blessing of some kind today? If not, we always welcome you to sow purposefully into this ministry; for by doing so, you become part of serving the poor around the world by:

    • feeding every person the Word of God, which encourages and strengthens the poor in spirit–those who need encouragement in that moment (which is all of us, frankly);
    • feeding and supporting missionaries in Israel, Guatemala, the USA, and southeast Asia in the persecuted church;
    • feeding people in the third world who lack food and clothing; and
    • feeding even local ministers who feed the people–but who are in lack themselves.

    But regardless of where the Lord leads you to “consider the poor,” just do it today. Go ahead and consider the someone in need around you, and be a blessing to them. And when you do, pray the marvelous promises of Psalm 41:1-3 back to God. Point out to Him that you have considered the poor, and ask Him to do all the things that He Himself has promised. Make this a Scripture that you pray back to God all your life, and you will see that God’s Word is true.

    Does this message about how “Blessed is he who considers the poor” encourage your heart today? If so, leave a comment below!


    1. Sophia Bates says:

      Thank you Jamie for reminding us to pray Gods word. I always forget how powerful that is. I love to give even though I have been in lack my self. This has blessed me and reminded me how important and powerful it is to pray Gods word, not only to pray it but obey it.

    2. Amen thank You Jamie ,

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