Prophetic Word: Don’t Be Afraid to Reboot

LIVE webinar: How to Hear God Prophetically For Yourself | May 10, 2024

LIVE webinar: What It Takes to Develop a $100,000 – $1,000,000 Income Blogging|May 18, 2024

Beloved, have you been feeling stressed to the limit? Have you been swimming so hard against the current, trying to meet deadlines, finish projects, handle responsibilities, and still (somehow) thrive survive?

If so, I wanted to encourage you with a word from the Lord today.

This is what I heard the Lord say:

“Beloved child, you are the apple of My eye. When you hurt, I know it. When you feel like you can barely breathe, I know it. When you feel like you are going to keel over from the stress, I know it.

But beloved, there is rest in Me. 

I need you to understand from now on that stress is not from Me. I am a God of rest and peace. I lead you beside still waters; I restore your soul (Psalm 23). I am not a God who tortures you or puts stress on you.

Everything you do and need to do can be done from a state of rest.

Related: Rest In God, Reach Your Destiny FREE blog series table of contents

The stress you face is an attack of the enemy. Combat it by asking Me aggressively to help you rest. Combat it by abiding in Me. Combat it by knowing that worrying about a thing never got you anywhere before, and it never will.

When the enemy comes against you with stress, pray about it. Confess to Me that you can’t handle it, and lift up your shield of faith. Ask Me to combat the stress for you, and I will. Let Me stand between you and the onslaught, for I am the God who keeps you.

Stress is a killer, and I want you to abandon it from this point on.

“But how?” you ask? Well, the key is using My wisdom to make a plan, plan your work, and do not get distracted. You do too many things when only one is necessary. Abiding in Me in the instant is the only thing that matters.

Distraction is not a good thing. You could have done all the things you needed to do last week a lot easier if you had not been so distracted.

The problem is that distraction comes with the fear of man. If you think someone will think badly of you for not getting distracted; if you believe it will look bad for you to focus; if you even fear the task itself, you will fail at keeping stress off.

Related: How to Overcome the Spirit of Intimidation

You need to know that I am your Keeper, and I and only I can keep the stress off.

The only thing that matters is what I think of you. The only tasks that matter are what I tell you to do. I know things come at you from the people around you, but I will tell you how and when to handle those requests.

It’s time for you to reboot today.

I have already given you a routine that protects your health, preserves your relationships, and helps you to thrive as the person I have created you to be. Get back to it today, please. There is wisdom in the routine I have given you, and I need you to walk in that wisdom every day. It is My prescription for what ails you.

Also, get back to your highest priorities today; reboot your priorities and write them down.

In many cases, you have forgotten who you are. Remember! You need to be who you are in order to be happy, and you need to be who you are in order to be effective. You are not a robot; you are a person whom I made to live in living color!

You are not a person who likes bland things. You are a person who loves to be fully engaged; who laughs and has fun. You are a person for whom the world I created is a place of joy. 

Get back to that. Get back to the person you are.

I need you to halt; halt everything, and remember. Remember who you are and who I have made you to be. Redeem the time and go back to what I have called you to do.

Many are called, but few are chosen.

The people who are chosen are the ones who have prepared for and executed My call. Will you be one of the worthy ones for whom I can redeem the time? Will you be one of the ones who chooses to be chosen?

It’s time to reboot your life. Don’t be afraid to reboot!

Don’t be afraid to be who you are. Live large; live in Me; live as I have called you to live. Be ruthless in rooting everything out of your life that is not from Me. Be willing to take calculated risks in this area, and trust Me as I lead you.

I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.



Oh beloved Father, thank You for these comforting and encouraging words. Thank You for challenging us to live in You, rejecting the pressures and stresses of the world and abiding in Your rest. Please help us all, Father, to obey You in this area.

My friend, did the Lord speak to you through this word? If so, please leave a comment below! I’d love to hear what Father is saying to YOU!


  1. Ann Mayne says:

    Hi Jamie it was for me today I wanted to cry thank you so much. I’m in the process of booting things in life that must go. Thanks again have a blessed evening.

  2. Thank you Lord! Thank you Jaime for being obedient. This Word was for me today! God has been doing amazing things in my life. My life has been on an accelerated upward trajectory, and every day I am literally walking by faith. I am starting to feel overwhelmed and anxious, afraid that I might fail at what He has given me, in the way of opportunities. I am definitely learning to rest in Him.

    1. I can’t believe how specifically God is speaking to you about my situations . I canbut it’s Astounding ! I guess that’s a good word . The rebooting every word was for me specifically !!! !
      I went from overwhelmed to excited and couldn’t hardly write fast enough as I do on all you send that’s for me .
      I’m super hungry for God and want His power to be known in my life thank you so much and blessings abound to you

  3. Rebecca Jones says:

    I thought stress would not kill you because it hasn’t yet. But it has to be a spirit that causes trouble for sure.

  4. Helen-Naomi says:

    Thank you so much for your obedience to the voice of Abba Father. I am so overwhelmed. 😭

  5. Rebecca Allen says:

    Happy New year Jamie Rohrbaugh and team. Just wondering if you guys can touch and agree with me about my son Patrick who is 35 years old and on drugs in Venice California. He was raised in church. I know God is with him.

    I prayed about it with other prayer partners as well. I believe God. I will be sending money really soon. Pray for me.

    Rebecca Allen

  6. Gwynne Nation says:

    Thank you Jaime for this timely word. I was weeping as I read these words. They were exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you for your sensitivity to the spirit and for this offering of living water to refresh my soul and to realign my heart.

  7. Thank you for sharing His word with me.

  8. Thankyou Jamie. God is growing me in this winter season. Thankyou for reminding me not to settle for bland but to live in color!

  9. Melinda Davis says:

    I know this word is for me because I feel God is telling me to get things in order. Thank you for this confirmation and I pray God will continue to bless you, family, your ministry in Jesus Name, Amen

  10. Thank you Father for rebooting my life and for reminding me of whom you called me to be in this world. Father. Thank you Father for this word and thank you Jamie as always your a blessing to all of us 🙏🏾🙌🏾❤

  11. Praise be to God! This has come at a perfect time in my life where I have felt abandoned by God. Where I have argued with Him, as to why He has allowed certain things to happen. Yelling to Him for help because I don’t know what to do anymore. I have felt discouraged and down-trodden, ready to give up on life or seeing any light. This message has given me the seed to have hope and to share this with my children who have to sadly take this hard journey with me. God help us. I plead you Father!

  12. Wow!! This is the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in my eyes! God continues to show me the path He has set before me and I had been choosing to go in my own strength instead of His. Lately, I’ve chosen to abide in Him, written out a schedule He led me to compose and now it’s about being obedient in following through. “I am not a robot” is a reminder He keeps sending me. Thank You, JESUS! Thank you, Jamie! Bless you!

  13. Wayne Price says:

    I just wrote a comment, but then I hit ctrl instead of shift and it was gone–talk about distractions! Well, Jamie, I have heard several words recently about lengthening my cords and placing new stakes of expansion and growth. This word was the best. I’ve also heard (apparently from our enemy) just to back up and play it safe. I did for a little bit, but then I re-booted and fully remembered the hope of my specific calling. VICTORY, HERE I COME! I am again so full of faith and direction! Tomorrow Jesus and I shall reign!!!! And now I say, “Don’t stop, Jamie, you will win–I prophesy that over you now with certainty and love.” Wayne

  14. Lorenza Passarella says:

    Yes this Word from my Lord is for me today!
    Thank you Lord for reminding me who I am in Christ Jesus!
    Yes Lord take away the stress in my life!!
    Help to get things organized in my home! Help the other members in the family to be a team player to keep the home in order and clean every day what is necessary and the back yard too!!
    Father you see and know all things!!

  15. This was beautiful and on time for me! In our women’s group this past week, we went over focusing on 3 things in your life and narrowing down the list in our lives that can seem never-ending. This is an echo of that and so beautiful. My little family has stepped into a beautiful new season, a reboot as you say, and there has been nothing but God’s peace, after years of tiring stressful situations. Thank you beautiful woman of God! Praise Jesus!

  16. I am always stressed about my marriage of my cheating husband and always stressed about debts i owe people, stressed about how to get money for shop rental but today you gave me trust, faith in God. I am so encouraged and now know who to surrender my troubles to.

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