Prophetic Word: It Is a Season of Intense Asking!

1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2

Presence Seekers University signupIs there something in your life that needs to be completed? Something that needs to be perfected? If so, I have a word for you today: Father needs you to double down right now and ASK–and ask for a lot–because He is going to answer what you ask for!

As I sat down to spend time with the Lord this morning, before I could even read my Bible or anything, I heard the Holy Spirit’s voice sound out like a trumpet. He said, “It is a season of intense asking!”

Immediately, I opened to Matthew 7:7-8, and read this promise:

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.”

I hear Father saying that the end–the culmination–of the past season requires a balancing of accounts. And in order for Him to balance your accounts for you, Father needs you to ask.

Here are a few ideas of things you could ask for (but don’t limit yourself to these things):

  • Repayment of old debts;
  • Restoration of double for things that have been stolen from you;
  • New and fresh ideas and concepts;
  • Energy to move forward with joy and vigor;
  • Help and wisdom to finally resolve difficult situations;

(Yes, I heard Him shouting that last one.)

I heard Him whisper about Luke 18, also, and the parable of the unjust judge. Even the unjust judge finally caved when the persistent widow harassed him for his help.

In many situations, Father has been waiting for the perfect time to bring to end the culmination of all things.

Now is that time, but He needs you to ask again in order to wrap things up for you.

It is a season of intense asking! According to your faith be it unto you. Will Father find faith in your life?

If this word resonates with you, please leave a comment below! I’d love to hear from you!


  1. Kara Raubenheimer says:

    Amen Jamie,
    I will drop down to my knees and ask for all the points you listed, and some more as the Holy Spirit promts me. This message is such an confirmation of what my spirit and soul has been crying out to Abba in the past few days.
    Ag you be blessed exceedingly!

      1. Jamie, this Word is what I needed to hear. I was at the point where I was starting to question everything and if God heard me, but I wouldn’t speak it out, I didn’t want to question God. This gave me Hope, to continue to hold on and believe.

      2. This is encouraging!And at the exact right time!

  2. Cindy Williams says:

    I am asking God for the gift of powerful prayers, and the right words to pray, especially for other people, like healing, etc. I hear other people (especially you) pray such wonderful, powerful, declarative prayers, that I want to be able do the same thing.

    1. YES!! Cindy, if you ever want me to pray for you in person about that, I would love to do so. It’s the Spirit of grace and supplication. Come find me on Sunday if you like. And I got your email; will reply this AM. ❤️

      1. Cindy Williams says:

        Thank you Jamie, I will! 🙂

  3. Kara Green says:

    What a powerful word! I just prayed the verse ‘ask, seek, knock’ yesterday so this is a confirmation! ❤️

  4. Just yesterday I wrote down the things I wanted to commit myself in asking The Father for each day . I started searching for Bible verses and reading and rereading them and praying over myself .Our God is a God who confirms, Glory be to Jesus.

    Thanks for posting , always so blessed by your posts .

  5. Oh Jamie, I have not been asking, seeking and knocking and believing for awhile now. I have been whimpering along the way of my prayer life. And now, I prayed to our Father believing that as I am asking, seeking and knocking- a vision of a new life for me is in the works. Especially the dignity stolen from me in a bad marriage and that I am productive again and reaping the rewards due me. Thank you Father! Thank you Jamie.

  6. Debra J Caine says:

    Yes Lord I’m asking for these things I pray about change in my life financial New home my business to grow health marriage my son to find the right girlfriend for him debt free no more bills we don’t need Thanks Jesus

  7. Kishemia Hill says:

    I thank you for being obedient to the Holy Spirit. Soon as I read the first couple of paragraphs, I immediately began to pray. Silently at first, but as I prayed I found myself asking aloud the things I’ve been waiting for Father God to do. This word was everything for me this morning. May God continue to bless and keep you. May He give you all of your heart’s desires according to His will and His way in Jesus’ name.

  8. Pauline Borgan says:

    Thank you Jamie. Praying God’s Promises back to Him. He can do abundantly more than I can ask or think. I continue to seek Him, my Jehovah-jireh, my Provider and Protector. God bless you my sweet sister in Christ

  9. Catherine says:

    Jamie, I just started reading your posts, I am finding my way as a new disciple of Christ. I have a son in jail for almost a year now accused of dui vehicular homicide. There are many, many reasons why his family, ex-wife, friends and others don’t believe any of the charges. We prayed your prayer to Reverse Unjust Situations and information that maybe helpful was turned over by an insurance company the NEXT DAY, while we were in court! Previous to that, the insurance company had been stonewalling the attorney and the prosecutors have even been caught lying by the judge. Thank you for listening to God and encouraging others to do the same. I attest that prayers do work-God is listening. Praise HIS NAME!

  10. Yes. I need a complete spirit of inner peace and joy, patience, forgiveness, boldness and to hear the voice of my Father. I have been praying and asking for these and I believe and trust that the Holy Spirit will help me.

  11. Joyce Chukwuemeka says:

    Heavenly Father i ask according to your word in Mathew 7:7-8 and also in John 14:13-14, Father you instructed me to ask anything in Your name that You will answer me, therefore Lord i ask in Your name that you will give me all round favour, wisdom, knowledge and understanding and also my utmost desire is that You Lord will restore back my relationship with my fiancee and heal all wounds, that have brought misunderstanding between us, I ask Oh God of heaven that You Father will give my fiancee a Spirit of forgiveness and melt away his stony heart and replace it with a heart of flesh and love according to your word in Jesus name Amen. Father i ask that You will by Your Holy Spirit bring unity, peace, understanding and reconcilliation between me and my fiancee Mr. David. I also ask that You will bless us and perfect all that concerns us, Father i ask that the reward which is due me at the company i have worked for over a month now should be remitted to me, Father Your word says that every worker is worthy of his wages, therefore I ask in Your name Oh God that my reward should be given me speedily in Jesus name Amen. Thank You Lord for answering me in Jesus name Amen.

  12. Those very words I prayed to God last night while I was getting ready for bed. I said God you said to ask and it shall be given, seek and ye shall find…etc. Then I read your blog today and you speak those very words I prayed last night. God has a beautiful way of confirming his promises and I know he has answered my prayers. God bless you and continue to be a light unto him.

  13. Thank you for this timely word. I’ve been following your blog for just a short time now and have found a genuine love for others, as well as a pure spirit of devotion shown through your writings. Thank you for sharing this word, I desperately needed this encouragement this morning. I pray for a double measure of anointing and blessing on your life.

  14. God bless you sis Jamie. I asked God for wisdom knowledge and understanding. And I know He will grant it to me according to His words, that I should ask. Bless you sis

  15. Rebecca L Jones says:

    Thankfully though He is not unjust, and He will turn it around. I like ask, seek and knock for a verse today. May I also suggest what I have been praying and speaking, ” peace to the body ” and ” life to the dry bones. ” God bless.

  16. Millie Williams says:

    Dear Jamie,

    This word I believe was from God this morning. This is what I have been praying for a long time now. You are such a blessing to me. God is really using you in a mighty way. Be bless My Angel Jamie.
    Love Millie

  17. Dear Jamie

    This word was for me.

    Thank You

  18. Yes. This is timely! My team and I are in desperate dire need of this right now. Of him! And all the things you listed, LITERALLY, where exactly what I needed to ask him. Spooky but so awesome!

    Thank you for listening to him and inspiring me to ask. Praise you Jesus and thank you sir for my friend Jamie!

    Love you my sister in the faith. Be blessed.

  19. Message is on time.. Conformation for me.Thank You Jaime. I will!!

  20. Thank you for this and all your posts! I first found you last Monday right after I got done praying for an answer to something I’m struggling with. It was your post about Rest and fasting and it really resonated with what I was looking for. I immediately begin a 21 day fast from a few things and your posts have been so inspiring and speaking so much to me these past 8 days! I have no doubt God brought me to you. Thank you for being His faithful vessel!! ?

  21. Dear Jamie! God bless you for the richly Spirit filled Word of Wisdom and enlightenment. I ask Lord in the name of Abba Father, to perfect the lovely blessing of our stay to completion and grant me a better job and favour in Jesus name. I seek for God’s wisdom and knowledge to the insight of His Word. Thank you for this forum, Remain Blessed.

    1. JOY! JOY! JOY! JOY! I RECEIVE IT! Jamie, you are God-sent….thank You Lord! I receive it!

  22. Dear Jamie, thank you very much and God blesses your heart for this one. I have been asking God for many things lately, and top on the list is about occupation. I work as a senior research scientist (sounds like a big title, isn’t it?) in what most people would call “successful” field of Biotechnology. I have been on the job for 7 years now. I am however continually displeased with this job. I am a writer and I am currently working on the manuscript of a fictional, mystery thriller novel. I started creative writing since I was like 10 or so, and I believe God put the gift of creative imagination in me. I don’t struggle to write. When you posted your article about waking up early in the morning to pursue our destiny, that message really got to me. At 4 AM, I was already at my desk, writing. And at times I would write for a whole day – taking short breaks every 2 hours of writing to stretch myself at the gym, or having some time to pray. I had a 3-day fasting at the very beginning of 2017 after I read your article about starting the year with fasting. I realised that I was even waking up early to write in those days of fasting and prayer. The characters and scenes appeared in my mind as I wrote the story. I have been praying that I don’t want to be in an occupation that I am not finding real fulfillment in or where my talents and calling are not being tasked, no matter how “successful” people think I am in the job. I love writing so much that I don’t think I will ever do it very well if I combine it with some other job – especially some other job that I am not fulfilled doing. I woke up this morning to check online how it is like to be a full-time writer – I have never considered it before, and the prospect seems a daunting one, but I sense the urgency to start pursuing this God-giving creative talent. Since I haven’t done this before, there is also a part of me that questions where my income would come from and how I would ever be financially successful becoming a full-time writer. Yet I hear Myles Monroe and Mike Muddock saying through their books, “Money is waiting for you in the place of your assignment.” and “Don’t do what people say would make you rich, do what you are talented at.” Then you also wrote in one of your articles about the “bottleneck” of God’s anointing that could cause the feeling of depression if we aren’t YET doing what God wants us to do. Dear Jamie, I think I am feeling this bottleneck. I am not yet doing what I have to do. Even though I haven’t published any book, I sense I could do it. I feel so confident that I KNOW I can do it. But my present routine and occupation just seem to obliterate my decisions. I would like to be a full-time writer (Novels). Please, do you have some words for me on this? I also need some mentoring. Thank you.

  23. Glory to God!! This is pretty much exactly to a tee what my pastor has been speaking prophetically to our church for the last month about the year 2017. Huge confirmation and assurance that the Lord is speaking the same thing to His people across the globe. Thanks for hearing from our Father and being obedient and bold in proclaiming it!

  24. Seriously Jamie, this is about the 10th time this exact same scripture has popped out in front of me within a week! (Matt 7:7-8) All different media, different blogs, my Sunday school class and even my YouVersion verse of the Day…. I hear you LORD, loud and clear!

    Thank you Jamie, for being obedient to His word and your calling because you minister to me and I know many others, because of your obedience. Be blessed!

    1. Very cool, Julie! Papa God definitely is saying the same thing to all of us! Ask and you shall receive!
      Thank you for reading, and for your encouragement! I appreciate you so much!

  25. Congratulations Jamie for your new bundle of Joy!

    This blog really bless me a lot, as I started to read and came accross the sample list to ask Papa, I became excited and ummediately grab my notebook and started to write down things. Such a wonderful exercise to build upnprayer life and faith as Papa answers ine by one all the list. Also as I write the verse Matthew 7:7 This is what I’ve saw
    Ask, Seek and Knock… this three words and the start of their letters gives as again the word “ASK” (A for Ask, S for seek and K for knock), Amazing!

    God bless and Happy New year!

  26. Annamerie says:

    Thank you Jamie your teachings and revelation is like mana to my soul. Fresh every morning. Thank yYou Abba Father.. Love.

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