Prophetic Word: The Lord Is Making A Way of Escape
1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2

I heard the Lord say:
“I am making a way of escape for you.
You have asked Me to show you the way, and I am showing it. I am leading you by a way you do not know, for that is the way into My promises.
I am showing you the path of life. At the same time, I am showing you what life is NOT.
You must discern and know the difference between life and death, and you must choose LIFE. I bring to your remembrance My Word from Deuteronomy 30:19-20:

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“I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;
that you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days; and that you may dwell in the land which the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them” (Deuteronomy 30:19-20 NKJV).
Life is always a choice.
Choosing life means you must discern the difference between death and life, and you must choose the better path. There are not many people on the better path of life; most of society and even My church runs toward destruction of various kinds with their poor choices. But I will help you discern between what brings you into death, even metaphorical death, and what brings you into life and life abundantly.”
“I am making a way of escape for you,” says the Lord.
If you will not be afraid to walk an unknown path with me, you will find the way of escape that I have made for you to be a path of adventure and abundant life. You will have to get out of your head and into the faith realm, but you will find that I have gone before you already.
All your days, including today and the day of your escape, were written in My book before any of those days existed. And I have ordained all of your days.
I am with you to keep you. I am with you to comfort you. I am with you to defend you. I am with you to protect your going out and your coming in. You are precious to Me,” says the Lord, “and I will be with you all of your days–even when you do not know where you are going.
Remember that I told Abraham to go out to a land he did not know.
Yet, I delivered it into his hand, and into the hands of his descendants forever. I have places for you to go that you will not know; things for you to do which you have never done before.
But through it all, if you will look at it as a great adventure with Me, and if you will follow Me with wisdom, you will find that I will deliver you into the land I have for you as well.
With love from your Abba Father.”
Beloved, is this word directly for you today? If so, please leave a comment below! We love to hear from you.
I received the words and I am thankful for your prayers.
Thank You!
Yes. I believe this word is for me. I receive it in Jesus name. I want to do for Abba what He has for me. I’m ready to move forward in YAH’S NAME. AMEN 🙏
Thank you so much Jaime
Whenever I read God’s word for me through your writings, the hope I get is so full and overflowing that I am translated into another world where there is so much light. Everything there is heavenly. I take time to digest it all . The Spirit of peace overwhelms me and I cry because I find a peaceful rest.
Thanks for the word
Wow I receive this powerful word from the Lord
Thank you for the word I believe it’s for me and I receive it in Jesus’ mighty name 🙏
Yes Gm Jamie the Lord is speaking directly to me and I know I haven’t always made the best choices in my life but I thank God He is a God of unconditional love guidance, understanding & a Father who wants the best for His Children.Thanks so much for heeding to the voice of the Lord to relay this timely word to His Beloved, Im looking forward to new adventures in Him & a life of longivity and blessing.
Dear Lord,who am I that u r mindful of me? I love u so much..thank you as I receive them all…God bless jamie
Praise God! I have been asking God for a way of escape out of a certain situation for a long time. Thank You Lord for making a way where there seems to be no way.
This word is definitely for me, I’ve been going through a lot and believing God for breakthrough in a Job or Favour in the business. He is a faithful father, Jehovah Yahweh
Hello and God Bless all who reads these words. Our Father is never boring and nomatter how often He answers me, Im just as amazed and lifted up as the first time He gave me the ears to hear His reply to my prayer. This word spoke directly to my heart, I have fallen back into the nightmare of the world caught up in the illusion of bodily senses living for death and dying to live… over the last month or so I have prayed for an escape and to be shown the way the truth the life we have in Christ Jesus, than this morning I open directly to this word, which I had no intention of doing, no thought beforehand, nor was this page open on my phone, yes it was Holy Spirit directing and establishing my path! Yes this is a merciful jester of love from Father to inspire and encourage me today for now I know once again He has heard my cry and He is my rescue my hope my joy my strength to keep pressing in to keep moving towards the prize… I could write a short novel describing all the ways this word has had an effect on my life, another day….
Thank you Jamie for your dedication and service to our Lord Jesus! You are mighty in the Kingdom, I praise God for you…..
Amen 🙏🏾 and To God be all the Glory‼️‼️
I did something yesterday in church that I have never done before and I give God all the praise, honor, and glory for the opportunity. So I receive this word as I move forward in the things Father has in store for me in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Amen and Amen❤️
I have been in many storms the last three months, but Jesus. I know now that He will take me to my place called THERE if I will follow Him in obedience. Love you, Jamie!
“places for you to go that you will not know; things for you to do which you have never done…a great adventure with Me.”
Yes, it’s familiar. I can’t wait!
Is that the dash of your red Corvette on the graphic for Don’t Be Afraid of Their Threats? Yahoo!!
Jamie, I want to thank you from my heart for this. I have been praying for months that God make a way for me to escape. If I am faithful God is faithful. It is now 3:50 am. I could not sleep. I checked my emails and found this from you. This is a sign for me. Thank you Lord.
Jamie thank you. Your word is definitely for me. Each time I get a chance to read your word it applies to me. Yes I need a way to escape. I have let things pile up one so bad I have turn my back on God, knowing that’s where my help comes from. I’m taking care of my elderly mother who just had a feeding tube put in and it’s like I’m going 24 24 trying to keep a schedule plus other daily living activities I had to help her with. I’m not complaining by no means I love my mother. I’m the only daughter left with 3 brothers. My middle brother has stage 4 cancer my older brother in remission with prostate cancer ..I lost my older sister to breast cancer 10 years ago but it seems like yesterday over and over again. So I question God, why He leaving me here to watch everyone die. I’m fighting depression and ask my husband why is God punishing me? I’m at that point I don’t want to turn away from God. He literally saved my life and taught me how to live a life lots more than I had lived. I’m 65 years old and believe me I could have been dead in my days God saved me so why can’t I trust Him in this? I’m tired all the time don’t get much sleep. My usual prayer life and bible studying has ceased almost completely. I am praying for God’s help. I need to escape from whatever is holding me so tight. I know God gives us a choice. I want to come back to Him wholeheartedly. I really do….I know this is long and I wasn’t intend to say all this but it just kept coming as I was texting. Maybe God’s will. I thank God for your ministry Pastor Jamie. Thank you for making it easy for me to talk to you. Plz keep me in your prayers to turn back to my Father in heaven. Also keep my mother and 2 brothers in your prayers. Be Bless
You have a servant’s heart, to be caring for many persons who you’re close to.
You are here for God’s purpose & you’re being used greatly to care for those who are ailing, hurting & struggling.
Holy Spirit strengthens you day by day & moment to moment.
Christian Love & Blessings to you!!
Thank you Lord for the way of escape. I receive this word Jamie by faith. I felt the Lord speak directly to me with this prophetic word. Bless you sister Jamie.
Grace and Peace
Yes, I received this word of God, I have been seeking for away of escape and deliverance from a pressing court case with my grandson. I need answers and closure quickly in Jesus’ Mighty Name
I receive this precious word in Jesus name
Papa help me to discern profoundly between all things pertaining between life and death.Give me a profound discernment Papa God.I choose the best version you have chosen for me to serve you by your holy spirit.In Jesus name I pray.Amen
Amen. i receive God’s word, in Jesus name.
Dearest and Precious Father
Your Logos and Rhema are Divine and always confirm Your Heart and Mind for us your people.
This day I pray in utmost humility, based upon your Word in Ps 25: 4-6; that:
4 Shew me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths.
5 Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.
6 Remember, O Lord, thy tender mercies and thy lovingkindnesses; for they have been ever of old.
Hello Jamie,
Thank you LORD and thank you Jamie.
I believe and I receive this powerful word from the LORD in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST. Amen.