Prophetic Word: You Are Becoming a Spiritual Swan
1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2

Beloved Presence seeker, if you find yourself acutely aware of the Lord’s molding and shaping hand on you today, I have an encouraging word for you.
I heard the Lord say:
“I am carving the swan out of you.
The same way a sculptor takes a mighty piece of granite and carves a sculpture out of it–seeing what is on the inside of a huge block of stone, before anyone else sees what is within–so I am sculpting you.

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When I look inside you, I see beauty similar to that of a swan. The swan is beautiful on land or on water. She is renowned for her elegance and grace. She is a proud mother, a lifelong mate, a cheerful trumpeter.
You are becoming like a spiritual swan.
I am right now endowing you with so much grace, beauty, and poise. I am perfecting all things that concern you. Like the swan, you also will become a fearless trumpeter of My Gospel.
Your children are coming from the north, south, east, and west.
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They are coming over a rough road, so be patient with them. I am endowing you with grace for a reason!
You will take great delight in your spiritual children, even as they come from their rough roads. I am making smooth their path before them, so have no fear. Your job is to love them and lead them as I lead them through you.
You thought your road was broken, but I have taped it back together.
I have taped your path back together with the sure and strong tape of My power. Now, the slippery is gone. Even things people say will trip you up will not trip you up.
I say to you again, the slippery is gone! You are now firm. You will remain firm, for you have passed the test of the struggle.
My road will be straight before you. I will show you one step at a time which path to take. Doubt not when things come together slower than you hoped they would. Doubt not when you must travail, for the travail will be easy in the grand scheme of things.
I have given you a ministry to My own Person.
Just yesterday, you remembered who you are. It was real to you. It is a remembering of My purpose that I placed in you in eternity past, and the angels danced when you remembered.
Your identity in Me is a ministry to Me. You warm My heart when you rise, sure and strong, into who I have made you to be. My delight is in you, and I have longed for You to realize this.
I have created you to be with Me and to warm My heart as I warm yours. That is what love is: a ministry to each other, and LOVE is who you and I are together.
I love you with an everlasting love.
Never forget this. I formed you; I made you; I ordained you from before the foundations of the earth. I have always known you, and you are My beloved.
I am carving the swan out of you. You are My masterpiece; My work of art. Trust Me as I mold, shape, and care for your life. Seek Me with all your heart, and you will find me. And we will be together in love, ministering to one another.
Love, Dad.”
Thank You, Papa God, Abba Father. I love you and give You praise.
Did Holy Spirit use this word to confirm something in your life? If so, please leave a comment below!
Yes thank you…. I have been told that God is transforming my life into the beautiful butterfly so I enjoy the analogy of the swan too.Be blessed in your ministry…
Heool Woman of God. This was a timely word because April 8th of this month I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had , had cancer for 7 yrs and didn’t even know it. And they said I had two choices a partial mastectomy of a full mastectomy. Through Gods grace He had help me choose a full and Papa said He will sustain m e through it. I am the Swan. Thabk God for you and your ministry
Praying for you, Sandra. Be HEALED in Jesus’ mighty name!
Thank you Jesus for your words am greatful of your love for me
I touch and agree with you, Jamie, for Sandra’s healing. Renewed health and strength in Jesus’ name.
I claim this in Jesus name
Thank you Abba Father, I claim it all in Jesus Name Amen 🙏
God bless you my beloved in Christ Jamie
Yes! I have seen a swan two times recently as I walk the dog . I have never seen one up to this point. God is speaking through you to me. Thank you!
Yes thank you so much, I wrote a book and this morning I was asked what my logo would be on the cover and I said two swans facing each other and I couldn’t understand why I love swans so much and the title of my book is By Way Of Heaven so I decided to look up what was the significance of swans and God other then the fact that he created them and what I read here confirmed so very much so again Thank you for another blessing this morning. Be Blessed.
Hi, I keep on seeing Swans flying recently so thought I’d look up if there is biblical significance and came across your website. It sure does resonate, thank you will now subscribe to your YouTube channel
This has been an amazing reality to a dream about swans that i had years ago. I wondered what it meant. I thank God for His great revelation of my purpose as it relates to the swan and my dream. Thank God for you.
I have been following you and your prophetic utterances for a short time but must say that they have and continue to be a blessing to me so much that i have been sharing them with loved ones and friends. I really feel the urge and the need to sow back into this Prophetic ministry, as I have been seeking a place and good soil to do so. I urgently believe that in spite of all that is going on in the world, this is the time of “acceleration and no more delay”. This is the time that ” the wealth of the wicked is not only laid up for the righteous and the just” but is now being released from the clutches and grasps of him that the word of God speaks of in Job 20:15! 🙏 Thank you for continuing to be different and continuing to be a mouth piece and spokeswoman for the Lord!
Thank you for reading and sharing, Corey! May you be blessed going in and going out today in Jesus’ name!
Your prophetic words are always accurate in every season of my life. I have been feeling like I feel so far away from God lately and anxiety is creeping in. Thank you for the words of Hope. I truly believe God is shaping me. God bless
Hello Jamie
I thank God for you and your ministry. Your prophetic words and prayers have literally saved my life. This particular prophecy speaks deeply to my heart. My prayer is that as he molds me, may he deliver me from the bondage of a dangerous narcissistic relationship and lack of gainful employment.
Thank you so much and may God continue to bless you abundantly as you minister his holy word.
Warm regards
Beautiful, i read it as our Father was speaking to me. Blessings and love to you❤
Hi! I was watching out of my window and saw 2 swan with their baby in the middle walking on a path usually people walk through with their dogs. it lit up my heart, because I saw God sent me this. I googled swans to know the meaning of what He wanted to tell me and I came across your prophesy and it spoke to me as I’m coming out of a very rough time but can see God is molding me and showing me great things to come. PraiseGod! thank you and bless yoy
Amen, amen, amen.
Yes I have been going through so much and my desire is to have my children come back from the land of the enemy
I honor the Holy Spirit for His love for me . For sure this is a timely message for me
Hello 👋 please pray for me and my family 🙇🏽♀️❤️🦾
Just beautiful….Thank you!
Jamie, this Word came directly from the Father, thank you for your obedience. I see like never before. It is ironic I went and saw the optometrist today, now my spiritual vision is sharper than my natural vision.
I dream about 🦢 Swans All the time
Wow..I saw a swan a week or so ago while I was in prayer. And last night, I met with a young woman who is in the beginning stages of the journey I’ve been on in the last 18 month’s. It was like God was telling me that He placed her in my life to pray over her and for her. His reminder. Thank you Abba Father. I will walk in your ways and in your will as you continue to mold me and fix my brokenness.
Amen, this word is for me and I praise Him and His holiness. I couldn’t stop the tears as I read through this. The road has been so tough even though I knew what He is doing I still couldn’t help but feel discouraged at some points through the journey.
“Just yesterday, you remembered who you are. It was real to you. It is a remembering of My purpose that I placed in you in eternity past, and the angels danced when you remembered.” this was literally yesterday as I remembered who I am, who I am in Him, who He is to me and what He means to me. I remembered exactly the works he was placing and the glory he is trying to portray. Our father is nothing short of amazing!!!
Wow…. this was right on for me. To the point of revelation I just had last night remembering what I had previously known at a time but lost. This word is very encouraging to me ❤️ Thank you and God bless you!!!
Jamie, You are truly my ANGEL GOD send to keep me encouraged so I want give up. May God continually to bless you. When I read your email today I felt a lift in my heart . Be bless my ANGEL
Love Mrs. Millie
Beginning to end… this whole Word was confirmation of the VERY WORDS that He has been speaking to me. Praise the Lord I felt like I could storm the gates of hell with a water pistol this morning already, but now…. oh it’s on! Thank you Jamie!! <3
You have really been nailing it for my life lately, Jamie! There has been so much going on and this is another one of the messages which has been coming to me, also! It isn’t being made into a swan! Sometimes God has to take us to some un-swanlike places and graces before he brings us around again! In the end, it will be worthwhile, but it is oh so painful in the process! Thank you , Jamie, for your faithfulness!!!
Thank you, God, for yours!!!
This is so beautiful and encouraging and just for me!! Thank you Abba Father, you truly are an awesome Dad to me. “Love is you and me together” oh what a word.
I know I have been in a place of molding and shaping, my thoughts are truly becoming his thoughts as I seek to believe exactly what Father says about me. I can see transformation in my life and thoughts and I am just ecstatic about what else he has in store. Thank you Father from taking me of the place of ugliness and turning me into a beautiful swan. Thank you for turning my ashes into beauty and thank you that Jamie sits in a place to be used by you. I pray that you bless her family and her ministry immensely in this season and every season where she chooses to be obedient to you. I pray that everyone who is connected to her and her ministry prospers in all things, and thank you for sending me to her page because she has truly been a blessing in my life.
Jamie I thank you, for always being to honest and true and obedient to our Father!!!
Many years msybe decades ago i signed a blanc white sheet of paper with my Name saying Lord fill in what pleases you. I am crying now its been because yesterday HE reminded me of it again ! Honor Fame glory and thank to God alone forever
I’m wrecked. Yes, yesterday was a very important day between Him and I, where He reminded me of intimate moments that only He and I know. And yes, He spared no detail to use this word from top to bottom as confirmation of what He has already been saying, even the simple signature has a particular meaning today. Unbelievable! Praise be to God Almighty, and Jamie, you rock!
Yesterday, I had a quiet conversation with Papa where he reminded me he loves me and yearns for my love..this speaks to me.
Yes indeed this a working due season , I have had struggles with my health and.marriage and here lately my desire has increased in studying the word of God each time that I commit to studying more and.moring understanding comes forth., my spiritual battle has been rough-and-tumble now 🙏 thanks be given to the lord I am getting stronger in Jesus my name 🙏 AMIEN.
Yes It Did resonate❤️❤️💙💙💚💚
I receive this. It made me cry all the way through.
Awesome as usual!!!
Abba Father did give me a powerful memory yesterday and He has been teaching me of His love. I’ve been silently following your blog, receiving confirmation after confirmation for the past few months, receiving insight after insight, learning growing…
I have also been thanking God for you and your ministry, praying that He gives you a very special blessing, just for feeding me. May God continue to bless you indeed.
Yes & Amen! I tell you, God is truly confirming His word left and right! My spirit leaped while reading this. It was as if He was speaking to me directly. Thanks Sis, Jamie for using your platform to uplift and encourage so many. May God Bless you richly!
Thank You Father, Truine One, for reminding me of Your for me and encouraging me always. You’re so Amazing! My Strong Tower! My Every Breath and Everything in All Things! I give You the praise, honor, and glory…You deserve daily! Thank You for blessing Jamie to be a blessing to Your people…it is finished.
Alelluja!I receive this holly massage.This is for me!Thanks, Jamie!God bless you!
Love in Jesus.
I actually was thinking if moments yesterday when i knew He was using me and though the valley of darkness has been long in a situation, He gave me a dream all details to lengthy but at a certain point I was covered in Ashes after being saved from a totally destructive fire where nothings left except me and a board I was sleeping on. i commented to Father of shadrack etc etc . and said they were not covered in ash or smelling of smoke, He then lovingly told me He’s going to give me beauty for ashes. This word does speak to my heart. Thank God for your gift and obedience.
I have been praying for our eldest son since 2018. It felt like one trial after another. This word has spoken directly with me about my Son and the swan that Abba father is carving in me. The rough patches are over in our Son’s life. His calling and ministry is now manifesting in the spirit and inn the Flesh. He is living, respectful, delivered from the Rap culture of rebellion, alcohol, drugs and disrespect for us his parents. At the same time the prophetic ministry proclaimed in my life is clearly being confirmed by you Jamie. Thank you for hearing and imparting Papa God’s message to me directly. The scriptures you have posted are exactly the same ones that I’ve been receiving this week and last week. What a mighty God and our Lord Jesus Christ we love and serve.
Thank you, I felt that the Lord was telling me how proud He was fr my obedience.
God Bless,
Yesterday, I really struggled with where I am going in life, I found great comfort in your words, so kind and gentle and a reminder that I needed.
Wow! Praise God for another spot on word!!! Thank you again for being a vessel of encouragement from the Lord!!🙏💕
Dear Jamie,
I thank God for every remembrance of you! The Lord continue to bless you for your obedience in speaking His prophetic word to His people for the glory of His kingdom. I received one of your prayer cloths the other day. I have kept it with me since I received it. I truly feel God’s presence and know He is guiding my every step. My desire is to be that swan that boldly trumpets for God glorifying Him so that others will be drawn to Him. Knowing God and I have an intimate relationship where love abounds means everything to me! Thank you for this prophetic word!
I thank God for your obedience to His Voice. As I was reading this post I thought about the scripture: ; “there was nothing special or impressive about the way he looked, nothing we could see that would cause us to like him” ( Isa 53:2). This scripture reminds me of myself. I don’t see myself as particularly attractive physically or socially. In fact, many times in my life, especially within my family and social circle, I’ve mentally referred to myself as the “the ugly duckling”. The one who never fit in, odd, homely, abused, pushed to the back of the line. Since becoming a mature Christian, I’ve had people say to me ‘there’s something about you’ and I respond, “yes, it’s Jesus” –which is true but now I am believing it goes much, much deeper than that. I work with traumatized children and it is not an easy job. Most of the time my supervisor seems to give me the most difficult cases. I get angry–have wanted to quit many times. I never know when or how it will happen, but these difficult, rebellious, rude, disrespectful children (who have treated me like yesterday’s trash) somehow begin to change–they begin to want to talk to me, sad to see me go, start to tell me their secrets, tell me that I’m the only person they feel safe with, ask about me when I’m not around, and get upset when I am transferred to another case. I can never figure out what or when I’m doing the right thing with them. Co-workers ask ‘what did you do?’. I have no idea. I wish I could say something really spiritual or therapeutic but many times I wanted to walk away from some of these children–seriously. This post opened my eyes that ugly ducklings are not useless, or socially unfit. They’re pieces of granite on the Master’s Table. The Lord is working on me while working through me to the express His love to these children. The ugly duckling has a ‘future and a hope’ to be transformed into a beautiful swan
I did a Writer’s Challenge in February, one of the prompt words was swan. I had also been praying for a young mission who has since passed, his mother posted his picture with , you guessed it, a swan. I also have a Pinterest board and a picture of one swimming with babies on her back. Though the board is called Swan Song, I believe He is still the healing Lord.
Im gratefu to be carved by God it wont be easy but im waiting to see the finished me .
I trust God for the new me .Prase God for this encouraging word
This word just blessed me so much. It has tears in my eyes.
I want to thank God for having me to find your website.
May you continue to be blessed.
I believe and receive. In Jesus name.Amen
Thank you for this! I’m greatly encouraged because I’m aware that God is moulding me in this season of my life and at some point it’ll be painful for awhile.
Hello Jamie ,
Hallelujah! AMEN!
Thanks for sharing.
While reading it my feet started tingling and i felt something threw my body Amen i claim it and have received it,oh Papa thank you all my prayers are answered
No weapon formed against shall Prosper Amen Thank you Jamie
Dear Jaime beautiful and awesome
Thank you Sister Jamie for your obedience. This Word spoke to me. Glory be to God. May he bless you indeed.
Am deeply convinced that the message about the Swan is for me. What I find amazing is how your message has deeply reflected my spiritual situation. It’s really amazing. I thank God for his mercies for reaching out to his people.
Bless you Madam May God bless you.
This is my word. AMEN
Amen and Amen.
Faithfully believe that this word will come to pass in my life and all those who are more and more from our God.Amen
5 yes I have been struggling with trying to start a Ministry for broken women’s that do confirm what God want me to do God bless your ministry
The words spoke to me so clearly that I sat in tears on my way home on the bus. GOD couldn’t have been more clear about HIS LOVE for me as HE has told me and shown me so many times. My heart and soul felt so relieved to know that HIS message of LOVe that I speak to others about throught my trying times is real. I thank GOD for giving you this message and the ones after this of Restoration through JESUS CHRIST our Lord, amen!!!
For 3 weeks we have had 2 trumpeter swans on our pond before migrating south and I knew it was a sign from God. This prophetic word is exactly what has transpired in my life and brought clarity to my understanding of the sign and meaning from my Papa God. God Bless
Thank you Beloved Jamie
Truly, this Prophetic Word has Touched my heart, as also have many of the Beautiful Comments
Thank You and Praise You, my Father
All Blessing and Honour and Glory be unto You, our Magnificent Elohim
I just had a vision of a Swan. I tried looking up what it could mean biblically and suddenly my eye fell on this link. Powerfully accurate to my present circumstance. God bless you and keep you x Thank you God 🙌
This is a confirmation for Mr from last night. The Holy Spirit told me that I am like a swan spiritually and I guess mentally being that I desire a pure thought life through prayer and Scripture meditation.
Hi, and thank you for this amazing word.
I was out walking yesterday and there was a solitary swan swimming in the estuary. Two things struck me immediately, it was alone, when swans are usually in pairs and it was in an unusual place, far from the pond where they normally dwell.
I knew that God was speaking and so I resolved to Google ‘Swan biblical significance’ and found this word.
I have had to surrender much these past 7 years but God indeed promised to bring my children from the north, south, East and West. That process has begun.
I love the words, Just yesterday you remembered who you are. Just yesterday I looked at some photos, taken in recent years and remembered who I was and still am. Your words are so on point.
Thank you for being faithful to deliver this word and encouraging me,
Praise Our Lord Jesus Sister Jamie you are truly a Blessing to me a d many others and I’m very grateful for you I pray God continues to speak through and use you for His Glory as your obedience to Him grants you “Access” to Greater Dimensions in Him places you’ve Never chartered before as it is a passion for you. Yes this Word Today is confirmation since JUST YESTERDAY literally Tues 5/19/20 as I fasted and during my Worship to Him He revealed to me an answer I’ve been seeking Him for months “Lord what’s my purpose” as I exploded with Praise to Him I sensed All of heaven rejoiced with me”. So then as this Word came through Today He wants me to KNOW YES MY DAUGHTER IT WAS ME SPEAKING YESTERDAY. Hallelujah for His Glory Amen”. I have a prayer request my reason for being on a 3 day fast after almost 10 years of marriage my husband STILL won’t leave Father and cleave to me. His daddy controls him. I love you in Christ Sister Jamie and am praying for you and yours in Jesus Name! Thanks! Remain Blessed!
Thank you Holy Spirit for the Confirmation!! Praise GOD Thank You Jesus Glory HALLELUJAH
The word spoken through this message is whom God says I am. Our time together is ministry. We serve a good God. He first loved me!
Amen and Amen, God bless You Sister Jamie, thank you for the reminder in Jesus Name HALLELUJAH
Wow, this is total confirmation of what He’s been putting on my heart. Thank you for sharing this, Jamie. I stand on, believe and receive His beautiful word, and His promises. In Jesus Name!
Perfect and timely word Jamie..
Thank you so much..!🙏❤🤗🙌
I use to keep a picture of the ugly duckling in my Bible….now i need to find a picture of a swan because thst is who i am now.
Also my spiritual children will come from the north, south, east , & west and love and lead them as Lord leads then through me.
And…did not know i minster to the Lord with my gifting. Thank you Lord for that word.
Thank you Jamie for the confirmation. I am so touched by Abba’s heart and His Timing is perfect!
I was indeed reminded of my first calling, put aside but as years went by, I kind of laid them down, Now, I felt that tug, that feeling I had before when I recall this ministry I used to love but somehow never really came to fruition.
I received a similar word earlier this year, this serve as a confirmation for me as i was asking the lord to show me what calling I have from Him.
i am humbled!Now I can understand why I had to go through years of adversity, it is worth it.
Thank you Abba for Your faithfulness, Grace, Mercy and love for me.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
You wrote, “Just yesterday, you remembered who you are. It was real to you. It is a remembering of My purpose that I placed in you in eternity past, and the angels danced when you remembered.”
It is true. Yesterday, one of our pastors mentioned the words ‘Redemptive purposes’ during an online meeting and it rang a bell in me. I had been sensing the Lord lead me to put out a song about His love for the children who don’t know Him and those who are hurting. I have written and composed many songs over the years but the problem is I don’t play an instrument (yet) and don’t have music to accompany my songs so it has been with great trouble I could even manage to put out a few in the past.
There is one particular song, He laid on my heart titled ‘The Father’s Love’. Last night I was recording a song message for a friend, she started a thread on Facebook and asked me to continue it. After I finished recording for her, I felt a tug to record that song and I did. It was past midnight but when I finished that song, I felt led to do two more so I just sang and recorded them. The other two songs are also related to God’s heart, one is ‘Come Back – The Father’s Cry’ and the other is ‘God has a plan for me.’
For once I didn’t let anything stop me… I just felt that there were people who needed to hear it, God wanted to speak to them through these songs so I forgot about how my face looks, what people would think, music/no music and even posted it on YouTube right then at night!
Here are the links to those songs, in case you want to check…
The Father’s Love –
God has a plan for me –
Come Back – The Father’s Cry –
Yes, I am ready for whatever my ABBA’s plans are for me and I am glad to even have a part in it!
I am alive because of His love and goodness to me and it is my JOY to live the rest of my life for Him and doing works for His kingdom! Glory and honor and praise to the LORD GOD alone!!!!
Thank you Jamie for your faithfulness in putting out these messages. They really have blessed me! God bless you much more than you can ask or think!!!
Thank you so much!!!!
Love❤❤❤ and kisses!!!😂😂😂
You do not know how much i needed your response word today and those songs..thanks
❤🎶🎶🙌🎶🎶🎈… as i had a terrible meltdown in
front of Father God this morning.
….and cried and cried and repented and cried some more.
WOW is that it!
Lord Jesus be glorified.
Prophetess Jamie 1Cor15:58
Yes, thank you. I also think it’s meant for a friend of mine who collects swans!
Hi Jamie!
Wow amd wow!!!!!Mighty woman of our great and mighty God.
This is really my message from God.My clothes is far,he can see me through.Nothing is hidden from our God.Wow!!!!! Jamie,it happpened to me yesterday and today is the 26th of May.,6:18pm here and this is the Word of confirmation to me. I received it and i can truly say that it is mine.Yesterday was my day when the Lord revived me.It is mine and it’s mine.Praise God for HIS GREAT MESSAGE.Amen and Amen!!!!
Love you dear Jamie
In Christ with His Love
Elizabeth Tuinidau
“I’m perfecting all things that concern you” very true my Mum is in ICU,but she’s remarkably recovering from the disease-Hallelujah! And for sure God is doing amazing things in my life the way He does it I’m unable to explain.Praises and glory be to Abba father the most high God.Thanks and stay blessed
Thank You Jamie for this wonderful word!
I was praying in the Spirit and the Lord opened my eyes to see a swan. It was indeed very strange to me because I have never seen anything like that before. So after prayer I decided to look up the Biblical representation of a swan. Then I saw your blog and began to read this wonderful word. Every word you spoke ministered so much to me, It was as if you saw what I have been through. I’m so amazed right now. Lastly I checked the date you wrote this word and it was may 31st 2019, it’s not a coincidence that I’m reading this on may 31st 2020. This is just a double confirmation to me that this word is indeed timely. May God Bless You! Thanks.
This brought tears of joy. 🦢🦢.
Yes. I just had a dream about a Swan and this post was used to confirm parts of the dream’s meaning. Thank you!!!
Lord you have showed me who I am I’m a warrior and I believe you with all heart I love u and thank you again showing me my worth an strength thank you for sending me peace
Yes, thank you for this word. Lord, thank you for created me, and allowing me to be your own. Continue to show me the way, Most High. For the struggle ends today!!! Thank you for being with me at all times.
Blessings, Blessings, Blessings
Yes God did reveal not to fear the road that my Children are coming out of! Because just a few minutes before reading this my daughter ( 34 yrs old) is holding on too too much of her past hurts… and we hung up on a bad note… so I opened this prayer and it brought me peace! In Jesus name he said not to fear… so I will not fear! Amen!!🙏🏼
Wow THANK you for sharing this wonderful, great awesome,good news WOW.
Lots of love we love you Jamie.
Wow THANK you for sharing this wonderful, great awesome,good news WOW.
Lots of love we love you Jamie.
Amen! I receive the word this word minister to my heart the Holy Spirit begin to reveal the pictures of the Swan that I have hanging in my bedroom on the wall . God Bless You Jamie ! You are truly a blessings to me and I thank God for you .
Praise Abba Father and I thank Him for you and your timing through Holy Spirit a Rhema word for me what I just come through the pass three months I know this was confirmation I thank GOD for such a woman of GOD like you I pray you are blessed in every area of your life I so much enjoy reading mail from you but of course He’s an on time GOD and nothing happen by chance bless you and thank you I’ve always wanted a personal mentor and I know you’re appointed by Abba Father
Thank you your sister in CHRIST
Yes Jamie! This spoke to me and it’s exact What I needed to hear too! Yesterday I heard someone I was listening to preach say the verse Who the Son sets free is free indeed. I’ve heard that before but this time it was different. It sank in and I realized I am free and Jesus died to set me free from my sin and bondage and I don’t have to walk around listening the to the lies of the evil one feeling defeated. I’M FREE!!! And when satan tries to whisper those lies I’ll say, Who the Son sets free is free indeed!! I’m free!! So thank for the revelation. Many blessings,
This word blessed my life today ! 💓 God healed my back and neck pain recently so i been realign physically and i also feel like spiritual realignment coming through this word🙏💌Thank you woman of God Praise be to his name!🙌
A few days ago, I began contemplating God’s will or purpose for my life. I was puzzled as to what I was specifically called to do. The realization hit me that God was using me even when I had gone out of His love for many years. It’s dawning on me slowly and your prophecy is confirming this. Thank God.
Thank you so much ❤️ . I felt every word in this letter and I can’t thank you enough for writing this message. God bless
This is so cool! Yes, this encouraged me. God just reminded me of who I am in Him a few days ago while I listened to a testimony I gave, and forgot about. As I listened I remembered and was so blessed. Then I read your article and I feel like I have been in the dark and the lights finally came back on! Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jamie!
God bless you Jamie! Your ministry is vital to the Kingdom! Did you hear that? Vital! Your ministry is vital to the Kingdom! I am not saying that to flatter you. I am saying that your passion for God is needed at such a time as this because many have forgotten passion is even a thing. You show people what is possible with God.
Thank you forerunner Jamie,
With gratitude and thanks, Joelle.
I was looking up the symbolism of swan in the bible when I came accross this delight, this beautiful letter from Abba. I had a vision this morning of wings coming out of a statue in my hallway, I was frightened and went into my room but there the wings followed and turned into a swan flying gracefully…yesterday I had a beautiful encounter with the Lord of freedom after feeling sporitually dead for what feels like honestly endless at the moment. So when it said ” yesterday you remembered who you are and the angels danced” I cried like a baby. This letter is Papas heart for me and many others that He is molding. Wow I am left amazed truly
I don’t even know where to start on how much I feel like this word is for me! Even though it’s over a year since you wrote it. The fact that I even came across this is so cool!
Let’s start with the fact of how I saw two swans 17 days ago on the lake that I live on. Then today I saw only one of those swans. I’m not sure what happened to the other one. But it was a trumpeter swan; there are different types and the fact that these swans are even on our lake is extremely rare. My father in law has lived on this lake for over 70yrs and he has never seen a swan before. It’s not typical for swans to habitat here. So this non itself is God sending them to catch my attention! Bc it made me seek revelation in the meaning of it all. The first time I saw them I was having marital problems and I felt like God sent them both to speak to me that everything is in his hands and it will all be okay bc swans mate for life.
But the today I only saw one swan. So I looked into it and came across your prophetic word. And I apologize bc this is getting long, but everything you said described exactly what is happening in my life and in my heart.
Maybe I should skip all the details, but it was so divine of everything you said. God knew that I would come across this and that it would speak to me like it has. And the spiritual children-I have had a vision of helping children with a rough past and I have even had my young daughter ask what I would do if I had thousands of children; she said she felt like God is going to give me lots of children. At that time I had no idea what she even meant or what God was trying to say. This helps confirm that also. There are so many other things that you said that went straight to my heart as well so I thank you from the bottom of my heart speaking what God has told you to speak! It has impacted me!
I was journaling about my past painful experience that I feel Jesus is bringing through spiritually. He is renewing my spiritual senses again to feel and hear Him and see Him like I did before. The last thing I wrote that I heard from Him in my spirit was: “Focus in Me, My love, My swan.” I have never heard Him call me a swan before! I looked it up. In the Bible, it is an unclean bird. Thought about how Jesus made all unclean things clean. But in many metaphors, it is a bird of grace. Then I found this site. And literally the ENTIRE word was accurate of what I am currently going through!!! Even when it talks about seeing Him anew “yesterday,” yes YESTERSAY, December 2, 2020 is when Jesus DID show me His presence like He did before my trial I went through!! This word still is for me, even though I didn’t read it until a year and a half after it was written. I was amazed. Thank you for sharing this! Thank you for speaking Jesus, in mysterious and divinely appointed ways!!
Also, I do feel like He has been encouraging me and training me and preparing me specifically for an evangelistic ministry, to be like a trumpeter for the gospel, in a sense! I know that every Christ follower has that call, but I grew up very shy and afraid to voice my opinion especially with people who I fear my tear me down for it. He’s establishing me in my identity in Him so I don’t have to fear people’s opinions when I am confronted and must stand in truth!
Yes, this was something I needed to hear. Yesterday I saw two swans taking off from a local pond near where I live, and I instantly felt called to look up a biblical meaning of the swan. Nothing on google was sticking out to me until I came across this page. And, what you said simply makes sense to me. Just the week before last week I decided to take a new approach in my life to get to know God, build a deep connection, and relationship with him. This has spoke many volumes because before I gave it to God, I was lost. I was on a road of destruction of myself slowly. I was on this path with going along with the movement of the New Age of Christianity and I was deceiving myself as the Devil was deceiving me as well. Following with out a care, not realizing the cost of it all. I was on this type of god complex type of attitude, and I truly believe that God took things a way, moved certain people out of my life, and making me go through things to wake up and realize that I am not on that level. He made me realize that I have to humble myself, he wanted me to realize that he has been waiting for me along, and the void that hasn’t been filled for years has been longing to bring him near to me as he brings me near to him. I feel like this is a true sign that I have passed this stage and he is ready to move me on to the next phase/stage he has for me. It is a blessing to be in the presence of him because I have begun to see the changes in my life. I know it is a process on to this journey, but I am willing to continue. I am not going anywhere because I am starting to see the unconditional, unfailing, deep love he has for me. So thank you! This was a complete confirmation. So again thank you and thank you Lord!
Have it been here for awhile, but on February 1st, while praying in our vehicle about a ‘silence fast’, I heard what I thought were geese flying overhead. I was a bit surprised as I thought geese had long since travelled south. I was shocked to see 8 white swans flying low, about 40 feet, trumpeting as they flew from right to left. Instantly I knew this was a message from God concerning what I had laid before Him.
Just as I was about to get back into the car, 2 separate flocks of swans, with about 10 in each configuration, flew toward me and over our vehicle, this time even lower, again trumpeting as they flew.
I was absolutely in awe. I have never seen a single swan fly in my life, but to see so many. I wondered what God was saying, but ‘you’ dear Jamie, are the only person God spoke to about their significance. Your post is accurate to a T. I praise God for entrusting you with your gifts of discernment and hearing the Spirit speak. God bless you & thank you.
Thank you. My family and I live in a remote location where wildlife is a daily presence. We have had many geese through the years, and I have been blessed by them greatly. However I have secretly prayed that “someday” there would be swans. God sent them last fall as a prophetic sign of our transition into a new season. However, I knew I needed to know what they represent. When I read this word I could only smile in wonder. This is exactly what I have been praying and asking God to make me! Thank you for faithfully sharing God’s words.
This word gave me Holy Ghost chills. It was so timely. I needed that.
When we resist the familiar and embrace the Father, the world tries to make us a Christians feel like ugly ducklings. However, Father God who made us and only has good thoughts toward us and wants us to do well, sees us graceful swans.
I am a “grateful swan” who was saved by HIS grace. Thank you for your willingness to speak HIS words to encourage this weary woman.
Again, I needed that.
Thank you for this prophetic word today. It definitely resonate with me, on yesterday I was talking with one of my uncle, regarding know my identity in God, and also today praying for my daughter that she is coming through her rough road! Thanks for confirming through God, I need to be patient because God word is true of what He is doing in her!
Thank you
Amen Thank you Lord
This morning the Lord gave me an image of a swan as I scribbled a prophetic drawing. I was reacherching the symbolic meaning of a swan and found God affirming His love over me. Thank you for your faithfull words.
I just Monday morning had a vision of a beautiful angel in sparkly glittery white rising up to me holding a beautiful white swan, now I realize she was bringing her to me, I’ve been through a long struggle and had no idea about it or the angel carrying the swan. Two wonderful evangelists have spoken about I love your worship and get rid of the old and I will help more people that I’ll ever know… Thank you for giving God’s word on this matter, even tho I just found you I appreciate your posting the word given. What God is doing is getting closer, these words were for me and I just happened to be googling about the swan and lady and found these words and your site. Gods word never fades away.
Praise the Lord!!
This speaks directly to my inner man!!!
This word was confirmation x10! I have been through a very intense season of reshaping and rebirthing. Coming out of childhood trauma left me with some heavy soul wounds on top of the adult decisions that led me down a path of pain and hurt. As God renews my identity in Christ and my intimate walk with Him, I can see His hand leading me down a path of righteousness, abundance and joy. Thank you for these confirming words. All throughout there were nuggets of prophecy that I have head before for my life!
Thank you Lord, for carving away everything that is not the swan that You see in me.
Thank You for ministering to me and I will minister to You.
Jamie, thank you for this word. My husband and I traveled this weekend, and on Saturday morning, outside our waterfront hotel, was a single white swan floating on the water of the harbor. Somehow I thought there might be significance in this, but didn’t have much time to ponderbecause we were on the go. Then Sunday morning, as we were driving home from our trip, we passed a serene and beautiful small lake on which there floated another single white swan. Not being one to believe in coincidences, I sought the Lord, and did a little research on swans, finding the characteristics you have also mentioned in your post.
This morning, safely home and rested, the Lord again reminded me of what I had seen, and in researching on line, I came upon your post. I believe the Lord arranged all of these things ato speak directly to me and encourage and direct me in both my family life and in my ministry.
Thank you for sharing this word from the Lord, and may God bless your ministry!
This absolutely brought tears to my eyes that God loves us this way & wants to use us to minister to HIM-what an honor! Thank you Dad 😭🙌❤️
Wow! This word is timely…I just started a personal blog, hoping to encourage others and point them to our true hope, Jesus! I am writing from my own personal experience in pain and trauma, wanting to glorify God only, and be a light for others… pointing them toward the Healer and lover of our souls.
Yes, indeed! This confirms some very specific words from the Lord I received concerning my calling as a writer, artist, and musician. I have been questioning my purpose lately and the Lord launched into multiple points of why he shaped me this way and what my next steps are, along with scripture to back everything up (in many cases, multiple scriptures, including some of the ones you mention here.) He has called me back into music ministry a nearly 17-year absence and tumultuous events afterward.
Thank you so much for sharing these prophetic words. They go so well with what the Lord has given me. I’m keeping them together and will ready through them regularly for inspiration. God Bless!
The Lord has led me to your website and articles three times today. I needed every single word, all three times. Praise be to God that He has worked through you in powerful ways. Your work is valued, appreciated and makes a difference. Thank you for being faithful to God. Thank You for using His gifts well. Please pray that I will learn how to use His gifts well to serve the Kingdom of God. I need encouragement.
I have noticed how God has changed me inside and out this beautiful prophetic word was definitely for me it breaks me every time the Lord prophesies over my life swans
are most definitely beautiful and faithful
Thankyou Lord for remembering me and even noticing me I am blessed and highly favoured thankyou Lord for using Jamie in such a powerful way
Thank you Jamie. I am in a season when God is making a transformation in my life and this Word resonates exactly with what is happening in my life right now
PRAISE GOD 🙌🏽💖I have Believed & Received that Word By Faith According to GOD’s Will for My Life. Thanks & GOD BLESS🙏🙂❤️
I receive this word in the name of Jesus and thank you
Hello there from Cali., this morning I was in worship and prayer and suddenly I stated to get this imagine in my mind of this beautiful swan sitting on green pastures and she was just there peacefully, her neck was relaxed ans she was just there gracefully sitting. And suddenly I realized the Lord was speaking to me about how He sees me. I don’t know much about swans nor do I think of them haha. It occurred to me to ask Him what this meant and thought to look it up and instantly came across a bird considered unclean in the Bible ans went huh, then scrolled down a bit and saw your page and when I tell you I knew the Lord wanted me to read this post, I mean truly as I started to read I began to weep so deeply and was moved beyond anything and felt confirmation that this word was meant for me. Thank you for this! It was so beautiful, I needed this! God Bless You!
This is confirmation of what God has been speaking into my life. Every verse used here has spoken to me this week. Just yesterday, I came to the fresh realization of how loved and wanted I am by God. Thank you Jesus!!
I had a dream of a swan, but it was a drawing of a swan. I felt like it was significant so I decided to search what a swan symbolizes. I came across your article and it made me smile as I read it. I’ve prayed to God that He would renew me. Thank you for your article, it really spoke to me.
I saw swan, so I believe that God shows me something,
It is a great reminder of who I am in Christ.
Awesome! I receive it! While in prayer I was asking God to continue to keep me. He has walk me through some very rough and tough season in my life. I was hard then, but now I walk in the joy, peace and love of God. I was crying out to God thanking him for keeping me and not allowing me to turn to other things and people because of the painful situation I endure at that time. Although, I was broken, disappointed, heartbroken I just kept running to God crying out, praying, reading and fasting. Now years later, I see how God has brought me through the testing of time and upheld me with his righteous right hand. I was asking God to continue to keep me and guide me and don’t let me fall. I don’t want to disappoint him or hurt him. As I was this morning praying, this message came through. Thank you Abba for hearing my prayers. Thank you Jamie for being obedient. God has kept me and made me stronger in him and I’m totally grateful!!
Thank you Jamie for this great message.
Hi Jamie-
So much of this resonates in my life and what ABBA is speaking to me about.
Thank you for being obedient and releasing this word. Amen & Amen
As soon as I can I will sow into this ministry.
Shalom, I just heard the word SWAN in while in my sleep. So I thought I would look it up not having known what type of a swan bird it. Thanks, I think this prophecy has indeed ministered to my soul and feel encouraged. Godbless.
Amen. I just wrote a post about becoming a swan. I decided to look up what spiritual meaning it could have and found this. I needed this word. Thank you.
I praise God that you hearken to the voice of God and wrote this article. It felt as if I was reading this from God himself. This set me free and broke the chains that were binding me down. I am a new creature and all things are passed away and behold I am a new. This gave me peace that passes all understanding. We love him because he first loved us! May we praise God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, empathetically.
May you continue to be led by God to edify his people.
I’ve been going through my spiritual awakening for the past 3 years now. During the process I have learned to forgive myself and others. Recently, I was tempted by the darkness to go back to the place of low self worth that would have stolen the gifts God had given me. And then I remembered, I belong to God… He has given me the grace, mercy and His strength to never be defeated by the darkness again. During my spiritual awakening I was given a key and I did not know what it was for, I now see that the key was to the freedom that can only come from having a heart to love myself as much as God does. I’m walking through the door to the absolute freedom from the oppression of fear ❤️⭐️🦋♾️🙏
Thank you soo much for this prophetic word. God is very much moving in your life🤍 I am sitting by the water and here in from on me appears a white swan so I google biblical meaning of white swan. Your prophetic word was the first google search. I read it and I am in tears because this words was definitely for me! Thank you Father God. Your Sovereignty I am in awe of you.
AMEN Thank you God for your swan blessings on our family restoration
This so resonates! My life is going through a phase of restructurings. As if I am going back in time to take it back, and at the same time working on my life now and reaching out to work on my future. Thank you for sharing. It really blessed me.
This write up blessed me. For the past week I have been seeing a swan in the spirit until I decided to Google it. Little did I know that I would end up reading such an amazing love letter from Abba.
Thank you for your ministry – it’s my first time running in to it but I am blessed.
God bless you
Yes Thank you Father God your mighty hand has saved me and led me to my Promised Land. May my life be yours now and always. And may you use it to shape those around me.
Thank you for this, today my son came home from an afterschool program, and had 4 origami swans, and he said mom, I brought these just for us, 2 for you and 2 for me. So, I took them and placed them on a mantle. And today was a hard day, I cleaned up my home, after some time, of being under the weather. And finally getting ready to eat some food, I dropped my crockpot and it shattered. And I just went and sat for a moment, and said “I am not going to be upset, I am going to do something different.” I did, I watched some movies, and laughed, and cried. And it felt great. In this time, I was moved to look this up, what does a swan mean? And this almost was screaming my name. I fell into tears, I fell to my knees, my little one came out and said “Mommy are you okay?” And I told Him yes, mommy is okay. You never know what people are travailing, but I believe this. I do. And I pray that everyone not only becomes blessed from this word, but pray as well, and also for each other. We all need covering. As the word above said LOVE. That LOVE covers a multitude of sins. Love you all with the love of God to my brothers and sisters in Christ. May His, peace, love, mercy, and grace be with you all.
Amen thankU
Amen Hallelujah,I believe it You said it Lord,I receive it In Jesus Christ Name
A beautiful word. Thank you. About 10 days ago as I was walking back along a nearby beach. The locale is called Maroochydore – which means ‘place of the black swan’. They live in the river but a young swan was shaking out it’s wet wings from the sea surf. An unusual sight, people were taking photos and commenting that it belonged back in the river& wondering why it was on the beach. Continuing my walk the swan joined me and walked parallel to me for a short distance. I sensed the Lord was walking with me, but didn’t really understand at the time. I do now!
I painted a swan yesterday on a prophetic painting session:) This somehow made sense💗 Thank you have a wonderful day✨God bless you.
Thank you Papa God for moulding Me into a beautiful Swan, I I have been waiting for this, I thank you for accepting my love and for the transformation. It is true I was nobody up until now, I am ministering during watchful hours during the day, I could not do this before but because of His grace I am doing this with His help of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Jamie may God continue to use you and Bless you in Jesus Name
I seen a swan today by a waterfront, while I was with my son’s godmother him, and I praying and talking about the Lord and what he’s been doing for us in revelations and many other great things and during that time, I noticed a swan. I was so drawn to it. I was led to walk down to see what it was, when i arrived home as I searched images to confirm it was a swan I was then led to this. My father, I’m so happy to be loved by you🥺
Yes the Lord has been highlighting a toy swan and it is actually a female and just today I saw a title of the movie THE TRUMPET OF THE SWAN and actually the toy swan I have has a crown also thank you for this word it resonates in my heart
God gave me a picture of a swan in my prayers and an eye, the eye of the Lord is on (His children who He loves 🥹) them who fear Him, Upon them who hope in His mercy.
He led me here to understand the message of the swan, and I am so blessed by this word through you and the confirmation He guided to me in this moment of my walk with Him. He is so good like wow. Thank you for offering this message up here!!
Wow this is powerful praise the Lord Amen
Amen, I receive this prophetic word in Jesus name. Thank you sooooo much Daddy God, Precious Jesus and Sweet Holy Spirit for All of the changes that you have brought into my life. The best is yet to come 😊❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for this word. Uplifting May God bless you, Jamie
Every word resonated with my soul. I have been under spiritual attack and have been declaring in my home that I am a child of God and no demonic spirits are welcome in my home. I am so in love with Jesus and it is only because of him that I am alive today. I use to suffer from depression and always used the analogy that the ladder out of the pit was slippery and I’d slide back down…. This is confirmation that the spirit of depression is no longer part of my journey because I’m on the elevator with Jesus Christ…. We are going to the pent house together ❤️. Thank you 🗝️
I’m blessed to read this here tonight. Surely God purposed for me to find this truth. It’s kinda funny being here on this blog. I feel like I’m in a treasure hunt with the Most High and He’s guiding me to certain postings to encourage my soul.
Amen! 🦢
They are coming over a rough road, so be patient with them. I am endowing you with grace for a reason!
You will take great delight in your spiritual children, even as they come from their rough roads. I am making smooth their path before them, so have no fear. Your job is to love them and lead them as I lead them through you.
This is what brought me here. I am sure. But even as I clicked the link, I knew I was being guided to this. This had nothing to do with the search parameter I entered. Not a thing. But there it was, waiting for me. a comforting, nostalgic Divne nod to”You’ve got Mail”. Love it.