Prophetic Word: You’re Facing Goliath; Promotion is Next
webinars December 16-18: Divine alignment in 2025
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1
Dear readers,
The Lord gave me a prophetic word a few days ago, and I felt that I was supposed to share it with you this morning. I also wanted to give you a quick update on my partnership initiative.
About the partnership initiative:
So far, 32 folks have responded and been called to partner with me. THANK YOU! I am beyond grateful for you all.
Get our free PDF Prayer to Reverse Unjust Situations when you sign up for our free email encouragement program!
So we’re 32% of the way to the first hundred. In order to leave my corporate job and serve full-time as a missionary, I need several hundred more partners; and I need 968 more in order to do everything I am called to do in ministry and missions. Would you prayerfully consider being one of them?
Jesus said that if we ask, we’ll receive; so I’m asking you to partner with me, and I’m going to keep on asking, because there are thousands of people out there who desperately need to know the love of Jesus and to be healed by the Holy Spirit. And I’m called to go and be His hands and feet, both through this blog and in person. But I can’t do it without your help. So. 🙂
Here’s the link where you can read what being a full-time missionary will look like for me, and where you can sign up to partner:
And thank you ever so very much in advance. 🙂
Now the background on the prophetic word:
Many of you know that, for about the last 8 weeks or so, I’ve been going through something awful. It was an enemy attack completely out of nowhere. God has vindicated me and fought for me, and He has won. I thank Him for that. But I will tell you, it’s been one of the hardest things I’ve ever been through in my life. It’s not the time for me to share details about it right now, but someday I’ll write about some of the things I’ve learned.
But today I wanted to share the prophetic word the Lord gave me a few days ago that so touched my heart. He spoke this to me while I was driving in my car on the way to church during a conference last week, and I cried and cried and sang and cried. It was that comforting to me.
And lest you think this is only for me, it’s not. Remember that 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 tells us that any comfort we receive from God is also intended to comfort the Body. This passage says:
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”
So any prophetic word the Lord gives me is also intended to comfort you, according to Scripture, ok?
And the prophetic word itself is:
1. The horrible thing you’re facing is your Goliath. Promotion comes next, and it’s going to be a Kingdom-sized promotion.
2. While Papa God shakes it all down for you, the thing that will keep your emotions stable is THANKSGIVING.
Begin thanking God for anything and everything. Thank Him for the clothes on your body. Thank Him for your parking spot. Thank Him for the food you eat. Thank Him for your cat or your dog. Thank Him for EVERYTHING you can think of. Be outlandish and outrageous in your thanksgiving.
And yes, thank Him for the trial you’re going through.
3. When He gave me this word, the Lord placed these lyrics on my heart, and the Holy Spirit sat on them so heavily that I could only sing this verse and chorus over and over. They are the third verse and the chorus of Andrae Crouch’s song Through It All:
I thank God for the mountains,
and I thank Him for the valleys,
I thank Him for the storms He brought me through.
For if I’d never had a problem,
I wouldn’t know God could solve them,
I’d never know what faith in His word could do.
Through it all,
through it all,
I’ve learned to trust in Jesus,
I’ve learned to trust in God
Through it all,
through it all,
I’ve learned to depend upon His Word. – Andrae Crouch
Listen to the late Andrae Crouch sing this song, which is his testimony:
Beloved, you’re going to make it. Keep your emotions stable through this time by giving thanks to God.
And remember Deuteronomy 8:2-3, which says:
And you shall remember that the Lord your God led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you and test you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not.
So He humbled you, allowed you to hunger, and fed you with manna which you did not know nor did your fathers know, that He might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.”
You can depend on His Word. He is going to fulfill every last promise He has made to you. And maybe, just maybe, some of those promises you’ve been waiting for aren’t so very far away after all.
Does this message encourage you as it did me? If so, please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you!
Amen to that Jamie,when we’re facing tough times it seems like we’re not gonna make it through but trusting in the Lord sees us through any situation. At the end of any test there’s a testimony…
Good morning,
Thanksgiving has been my theme in my morning prayers. Even this morning, your prophecy is exact confirmation to what the Holy Spirit had placed in my heart to pray earlier today. Bless the Lord. May God bless you. I would like to partner with you, but is there a way to donate by mail?
Praise God. Catherine, I’m so glad Papa blessed you and confirmed His word to you! and thank you so much for wanting to partner with me. Yes, you can send your partnership contribution to me via mail. My address is:
PO Box 25232
Chattanooga TN 37422
Thank you so much! May God bless you as you sow your seed, and bring you a hundredfold return!
I am blessed by this word today, especially as I have been in this wilderness experience for over 4 years…when I lost my parents. My Goliath seemed to have become even stronger during these years. I don’t understand my life, I wish I was dreaming. But it’s happening. I have prayed and fasted. I have seen my dreams changing dramatically from aweful to awesome, but no real manifestation. Just today, a native doctor challenged me in my dream, but I started speaking in tongues, and rebuking him in Jesus’ name, and he fled. I dream a lot these days, but no tangible manifestation in real life. I am now at the darkest moment, I have prayed, fasted, praised, and worshipped….but right now, it feels as though all hell has been opened on me. For the first time, I have not even a single penny, despite having rents and bills piling up. Why? I lost my job recently. I prayed and fasted for breakthrough, and the holy spirit directed me to bless someone in need, despite my need. I gave out 95percent of all my money to that person for their studies, whereas I have been praying to have tuition for my masters this year. I am believing God that shame and disgrace will not be my portion, for as I speak, it feels like I am at the crest of this predicament. I will just go on with the thanksgiving prayers, and see what Yahweh has in store for me. Thanks a lot.
I am sorry you’ve been going through this, and that you lost your parents. I would just encourage you to remember James 4:7: if you submit to God and resist the devil, he will flee from you. Jesus is always stronger. I will pray for you today, and may the Lord send you help from Zion.
Wow this is crazy cool! I just received a word from the Lord two days ago about fighting fear and temptation. He said, “Son fighting is a choice, winning is a result. It is up to you to choose whether you will stand and fight for your life. I will choose your outcome. I determine the winners and losers of every engagement, not you. I am the Lord, mighty in battle.”
Then I remembered this scripture: “What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?”
Romans 8:31 KJV
Amen! Thanks for the word Jamie. Now I see this is the big fight for me that I’ve been waiting for. Be blessed. In JESUS name. Amen.
Andrew, that is AWESOME. I pray the Lord would dump amazing blessings on you all throughout your battle, just for fun. Thank you for sharing! Your comment encouraged me!!!
Wow. Such a timely word and I can so very relate. It just confirms what God was speaking to me yesterday. I was meditating on the meaning of my name. It means “from the valley.” It also means, “vindicated”, and ” avenged “. It’s been such a painful season. God IS my victory. My Jehovah Nissi. Let us be the ones ‘who are coming up from the wilderness, leaning on our beloved’ (song of Solomon 8:5 paraphrased). Thank you for sharing. Bless you Jamie.
I’m so sorry you’ve been through such a painful time, Dena. I pray Papa would vindicate you in every way as you lean on Him. I love that verse too, by the way! Have you heard Jon Thurlow’s song “Strong Love”? I pasted the link below if not. He sings that verse in this song.
I am facing my Goliath now…. I have come to the Realization that I have a Shopping Addiction. I have signed up with DA yesterday but still waiting to be accepted. I am too scared to tell the Family as they have been supporting us since 2010. I have made this mistake before and that is why they are mad at me. They truly do not understand it. They think it is as easy as just stopping the spending but it is so much more than that. I am trying to fill a gaping hole in my heart left by various traumas that none of them have ever experienced.
I had a payment due yesterday and could not make and another the 28th and cannot make that one either as they require checking accounts and I cannot start one as we truly do not have the money. I have been using credit cards.
Very painful growing season on top of the fact I may also have Traumatic Brain injury that led to the Shopping episodes. Plus, being tested for Cancer. I was already very ill on top of that to begin with. I truly need a breakthrough in my health.
Please keep me in your prayers….
I prayed for you, Karen. I pray Papa would strengthen you as you face this thing that has plagued and tormented you, and that you would find the complete freedom that Jesus purchased for you with His blood, and that Jesus would be glorified. I will keep praying for you. Thank you for sharing, dear sister.
Thankyou for this word. My husband and I actually did this very thing today. We suffered a physical setback this week but we were able to thank God for all the good we could see in this situation and there is so much to be greatfull for…not sure what He is doing and it’s scary (leaving the old) and exciting (embracing the new) at the same time. We fall and get up and keep pressing on and looking for Him in all things…His love is so awesome just want to be able to carry it everywhere I go…and not get side tracked.
Of the increase of His government there will be no end…that’s what I keep hearing. Blessings and hugs from Texas!
Yes! Pressing on. That’s it exactly. And I love that verse about the increase of His government. Lord, let Your government increase in all of us today!
I’m sorry you’ve been through a setback, but I pray that setback would be a set-up for increased favor, anointing, and blessing as you set your face like flint to be faithful to Jesus during this time. He always rewards obedience and faithfulness!
Hugs right back! Thanks so much for sharing! Your thoughts encouraged me too!
Hi Jamie, how do you know for sure when you get a “prophetic message” that it’s really from God and not your own voice in your head you are hearing…or worse, the enemies voice?!
I am struggling with this one. Because when I think I hear God telling me to do something, it doesn’t seem like it’s HIM and things don’t seem to pan out when I listen to “him”. I need to know how to know the difference.
Lori, that’s a really great question. I could talk about that for a long time, but I’ve got some material about it in my “21 Days to the Manifest Presence of God” series. Check out this post and see if it helps:
And the biggest thing I would say right now, in addition to what’s at that link, is that what you hear must always line up with God’s Word in the Bible. Isaiah 8:20: “To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” If something you hear isn’t in accordance with God’s Word, it’s not from the Lord and you should command it to leave you in Jesus’ name. 🙂
A great word, and much confirmation which I love. It seems my entire Christian life has been fighting goliaths at times but it’s amazing how God will use everything for good and strengthen us. So this morning I was praying and dreaming kind of in and out talking with the Lord internally and I was getting about Caleb and the importance of looking at our challenges or goliaths as bread like Caleb did. It was Caleb and I believe Joshua who came back after spying and gave the good reports but all the others said they were only grasshoppers. Amazing how we do this often, so the Lord was reminding me, this is bread for you, I will use this time to strengthen you etc. He has me right now in what feels almost like a bubble with Him spending time seeking Him.
Do you have any teachings or know of any that you believe are trustworthy on dream interpretation? John Paul Jackson was so gifted in that. I have had seasons of dreams and had 2 this morning.
God bless you! Sybella
Hi Sybella, thanks so much for reading. John Paul Jackson’s material is, in my opinion, absolutely the best I know of. His material is how I learned, along with some other teachers. I will also mention that I have a 10-session dream interpretation workshop that I taught and recorded that I have not launched the audio for yet. That’s one of my old tasks I need to finish, that the Lord was (gently) chastising me about in this post: Hopefully soon. 🙂 But I definitely recommend anything John Paul Jackson produced. He was a gift to the Body of Christ, and his material is balanced in Spirit and Word.