Resting In God Makes Your Destiny Easy!

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webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2

How to tell the difference between holy hustle and ungodly striving. Post 4 of 5 of "Rest In God, Reach Your Destiny" by Jamie Rohrbaugh |

In the prior part of this series about resting in God, I talked about how you don’t have to work for your destiny. This may have raised some eyebrows, so today I want to answer these questions:

Do you still have to be practical, and obey Him when He opens practical doors? Do you have to be courageous and hustle?

The answer to both of these questions is a resounding yes.

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    You absolutely do have to do the work required to reach your destiny. As fun as resting in God is, the entirety of Bible truth tells us that we cannot sit around on our duff and still become successful. (Read Proverbs for more about this.) Sitting on your duff is laziness and disobedience.

    But, you ask, how can I say yesterday that you DON’T have to work, and then say today that you DO have to work?

    Because I am using two different definitions for the word “work.”

    When I talked about our not having to work yesterday, I meant we don’t have to worry and strive and try to make anything happen. We don’t have to muscle our destiny into existence.

    Today, when I talk about work, I mean that when you are prompted by the Holy Spirit to do a particular thing, you do it.

    His prompting might be so subtle that you aren’t even sure it’s Him. But, you feel a special inspiration to try to do a thing anyway; so you do. And when you get started, all of a sudden, it FLOWS. The work doesn’t feel hard. Even though it takes commitment, it doesn’t feel like work. The wind of the Holy Spirit fills your sails, and you accomplish what God has asked you to do with ease.

    This is the difference between doing the work while resting in God and doing the work while striving:

    Doing the work while striving means:

    • You work on a lot of ideas that are just your ideas, not God’s ideas.
    • You’re trying to use your own natural abilities to get breakthrough.
    • You’re not waiting for God’s anointing or His timing.

    Unfortunately, doing the work while striving is usually a waste of time. For example, if you are doing the work while striving:

    • You run into obstacle after obstacle, and it is easy for the obstacles to derail you.
    • Doors seem to close for you more often than not.
    • Doing the work will be draining and tiring.
    • You feel no inspiration that makes things easy. Instead, you feel frustration and a driving compulsion to make things happen, no matter the cost.

    On the other hand, if you are doing the work while resting in God, the opposite is true. Doing the works God has already completed for you will ENERGIZE you, not tire you out. {Tweet this!} It will not feel like work. Why? This is key:

    When you rest and only do the work God has called you to do, you are simply letting God manifest THROUGH you what He has already completed FOR you.

    You’re letting His finished work flow through you, and you can tell the difference:

    • You will experience a divine flow while you are doing what God has called you to do.
    • Things will just work. You experience miracles and unexpected favor.
    • You will feel a holy unction and inspiration to do what you need to do.
    • If you will ask Him to, the Holy Spirit will do the work through you.

    For example, I get up at 4:00 every morning to blog. Getting up at 4 AM does not sound fun to most people, but I enjoy it because God has anointed me to write this blog. Therefore, when my alarm goes off at 4:00, I am raring to go—even if my body is tired. I feel a holy unction to write, and I can feel the Holy Spirit writing through me when I sit down at the computer. Writing under God’s inspiration energizes me, and I feel pumped when I’m done.

    This is the difference between resting in God and striving in your flesh. Resting in God is fun and productive. It puts you on miracle territory. {Tweet this!}

    But striving in your flesh is the opposite of miracle territory.

    Striving in your flesh is a recipe for frustration, burnout, and disaster, every time. So are you ready to abandon striving in your own flesh, trying to reach your destiny on your own? Are you ready to rest in God, follow His leading, and do the work He guides you to do each day?

    If you answered “yes” to the second question, then stay tuned in the next post as we talk about what doing the work under God’s anointing looks like from a practical, hands-on perspective.

    Have you ever experienced a sudden inspiration to do a particular task, and felt God flowing through you to do it? Have you felt the difference between anointed hustle and striving in your flesh? If so, please tell me about it in the comments below!

    Image courtesy of Port of San Diego on Flickr via Creative Commons license. Image has been cropped and graphics added.


    1. Hi Jamie,
      I found your blog when I asked a question about God vindicating for you and can you tell Him what you are asking him to do.
      But I found a lot more when I came on your site.
      I look forward to reading more about my intimate relationship with God

      1. He Megon, it’s great to meet you. I pray the beautiful Holy Spirit would continue to minister to you as you read, and may He encourage you and lift you up in all things, and draw you closer to Jesus!
        Have a great day! Happy New Year! 🙂

      2. Judith Makunga says:

        Thank you Jamie for sharing this with me.This is an eye opener,it explains why I have not reached my Canaan. I am praying that I should stop striving and do the good works the Lord has prepared for me.

    2. Hi Jamie, This is wonderful for someone like me… I find it very helpful and inspiring. I learned how to handle situations by resting and leaving all that are bothering me to God. Thank you.

    3. Charlotte says:

      Hi Jamie!

      I definitely believe God led me here to your blog. It was just too perfect and too timely. Thank you so much for your obedience and your sensitivity to the holy spirit. I’ve been hearing from God that I need to rest and your words just spelled out what I’ve been experiencing and feeling. God bless you and keep up the great work!

    4. Hello Jamie,
      This post was truly on time and Holy Spirit led. This is speaking to my situatio right now. I feel as if I have been striving in my flesh and not getting much accomplished. The word that I have been hearing lately is REST, so this is confirmation. Thank you and may God continue to bless you, your family and ministry!

    5. Hi Jamie this was so good, thankyou God bless your hands

    6. Hi Jamie,
      I thank God for leading me here, you’re a voice to many🔥🔥


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