Urgent Prophetic Bulletin: Your HOUSE and LAND
1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2
Beloved, I have an urgent prophetic prayer directive from the Lord for you today regarding YOUR house and land–the land and home that FATHER wants to give you.
Read on for more!
As I was praying and speaking the Word this morning (I was speaking these 250 confessions over finances), I began dreaming about land.
The Lord put it in my heart recently how wonderful it would be to develop a parcel of land into a “tiny home” subdivision, so that young people (especially pastors and ministry workers, which are my particular intercessory passion) can purchase a home of their own for cheap without going into debt.

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Young people in the ministry often don’t earn enough money to live on their own, so they still live with their parents.
Yes, renting and roommates are all good options as well; but wouldn’t it be SO in line with the Father’s heart to bless these people …
… who are pouring out everything for the Kingdom, and are often exhausted, with no real refuge or space of their own …
… and are often saddled with debt from going through Christian college so they could become church pastors in the first place …
… Wouldn’t it be SO like Father to bless these beloved ones with the opportunity to purchase a tiny home–a refuge of their own, on a real foundation with real land attached to it, even if it’s a tiny bit of land–for cash?
Yes, it would.
I’ve also been sensing that 2022 may be the year in which Father makes a way for us to purchase a refuge cabin.
One of our biggest, yet most unseen, ministries is providing refuge space for pastors and their spouses. Unless you’re in the ministry yourself, people have no idea how often your pastors write their resignation letters and want to walk away from the ministry, just because of the hell they go through.
Ministry is often brutal, and people often treat church pastors as their personal punching bags. It’s bad. And few pastors can afford to get away to a place alone to rest, pray, study, and cry.
I’ve been praying for The Sanctuary for a long time, and I sense it may be the case that Father may want us to start small, with one retreat cabin paid for in cash for pastors and ministers to retreat with their spouse, here in the Appalachian mountains. We’ll see.
Anyway, as I was daydreaming about developing land for young pastors and lay workers in a tiny home community, the Lord told me urgently to go to the book of Amos.
When I turned to the book of Amos, my eye immediately fell on this passage:
“‘I will plant them in their land, and no longer shall they be pulled up from the land I have given them,’ says the Lord your God” (Amos 9:15).
While this passage has many applications, I distinctly felt from a prophetic perspective that the Lord was saying He WILL give these people I care about LAND. I also distinctly felt the Lord telling me to release this bulletin to you as an urgent prayer directive TO PRAY FOR YOURSELF.
I honestly hesitated to write this out because it’s too precious to me. But Holy Spirit was insistent.
This word is for you. And today, God wants you to know:
Beloved, God wants to give YOU land TOO!
And I strongly feel these three things today:
- If you haven’t already, please pray this free prayer for land inheritances here. Print it off if needed and pray it often!
- Start claiming Amos 9:15 in prayer for yourself!
- If you also haven’t already, please grab a copy (either ebook or paperback) of my book Your Prophetic House: Encourage Your Heart and Build Your Supernatural Home here. Start praying the prayers and claiming the Bible promises for a home immediately.
- BE SURE you are speaking the Word about land, finances, and homes. I am using my own resource–these 250 confessions over your finances, and I’ve been speaking 50-100 or more of them each day recently. Why? Because I’m hungry. I want EVERYTHING God has for me, and I want it now. You do you; you don’t have to use my specific confessions if you don’t want to; the Word is freely available for you to study and find your own if you prefer. Either way, be SURE you’re speaking the Word out loud over your land, houses/home, and finances. (You can listen to these 250 confessions as I speak them over YOU on YouTube here.)
- And start saving money.
Beloved, it’s time to start saving money for your home by faith.
I don’t care if all you can save is $5 a month. Start saving for your land and home. Do it by faith; do it as a prophetic act. And while you’re saving, speak the Word of God over your land and home.
Remember that JESUS said, in Mark 11:22-24:
“So Jesus answered and said to them, ‘Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.
Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them'” (Mark 11:22-24).
JESUS said you can have whatever you PRAY AND SAY.
That’s straight out of Jesus’ mouth, not mine. I’m not making something up to help you feel good. THIS IS THE WORD OF GOD, beloved; and God’s Word says you can have LAND and a peaceful, beautiful home OF YOUR OWN.
As it says in Isaiah 32:18:
“My people will dwell in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places” (Isaiah 32:18).
But beloved, you have to start moving by faith if you want land and a peaceful home of your own.
You’ve got to do the work of speaking the Word over your life. You have to believe and SAY, because Jesus said that you will have whatever you SAY. And you have to put shoe leather to your faith by showing God you really mean it.
So speak God’s Word over your land and house today. Claim His promises in prayer. Begin saving, even if you never use any of your savings; open a special account and start putting $1, $5, $100 in there.
Do it by faith.
And start packing, minimizing, decluttering, and getting ready to move.
I don’t know when He will do it, but I do know that God is not a man, that He should lie. He spoke the Word, and He meant it. HE will make it good as you co-labor with Him to release His will–His will of YOUR land and house–on the earth.
Will you do it today?
Yes, I need a new home, help me pray for a new home………thanks Jamie…….thank you Lord
Yes I want what God has for me & I want it now, land & home,I claim it & believe it in Jesus name Amen…….thank you Lord……..thanks Jamie
Wow, this is so timely for me and our ministry as well. I literally have been looking for land recently and just LAST NIGHT, I walked a property admiring it and asking God to bless me with my own land. And this came this morning. Our ministry has longed to have a tiny home community for young women and mentor them and grow & teach them into their callings. Thank you Jamie!! This is HUGE and prophetic for me!!
Been praying for a way to build Mom and Dad a home to retire in here on my land. I don’t have the money… yet. Please help me pray! The house they are in now is not good for two older people- lots of stairs, bathroom on the second floor and Dad can not walk up there, etc. The need is desperate! Both of them need to refocus on Jesus and never tear their eyes from His lovely face too. <3
Dear Jamie,
You haven’t heard from me for a while. I have had to back-burner my central mission while caring for sick and dying family members. Meanwhile, a prophecy you spoke years ago that I never forgot has come to fruition. One of our pets had puppies, mixed breed but exceptionally lovely, and I have been selling them for over $1000 each, which is helping us to get by in very tight financial circumstances. I’m not sure I can continue doing this (I am 80) but you need to know that a Word you had years ago has come to fruition here in southern Ontario, Canada.
Last night, I learned that property values in our area have skyrocketed. God led us through scriptures, visions, and prophecies to this land in 1983 and it has been expanded twice and diminished slightly twice. Your Word today reaffirms to me that God wants us to keep this land, not take advantage of the market to make quick money, although we are desperately short of money at the moment.
Thank you for your faithfulness, Jamie. May God continue to bless you.
Thank you Jamie for this word. I receive it in Jesus name. It’s a confirmation of what the Lord has been talking about in my life, in this season.
May God bless you and keep you Laurna, stay strong in your faith! Our God is an awesome God, He reigns and soon, very soon His children will walk in peace.
When I get my land if you still have those puppies, I am coming for one. 🤓
You are young, your strength is in the Father!
I claim this word and am sowing a seed toward it! My land claim is a little different- praise God, I DO already have a paid for house on paid for land!! However, there is a possibility that property right next to me could build very close to me and to the next neighbor over, destroying a “quiet resting place” of lovely woods we both enjoy in the process. BUT, in our area there is a group that buys such parcels and preserves them as greenspace- and I am claiming this land for that program, at a fair price for the actual owners of it. When you sent out the 1st word about land and homes, I claimed part of this land, and to be shown a way to annex it to my own, and through research I discovered the greenspace option. The greenspace route would benefit 3 or 4 other neighbors as well as myself. Pray for favor with everyone involved, and for this to happen quickly and smoothly, in Jesus’s name!
God’s word says that you also have a Christian’s heavenly “bank account” Amen, I believe God can multiply the little that you have, just like he did with five loaves of bread and two fishes. God spoke to me years ago and told me that I’m bigger than your circumstances. I believe the word and I trust HIm. I Look to the hills where my help shall come and that’s speaking the word and leaning on the word of God.
Confirmation on what God is speaking & directing for my family also! Thank you for this word- especially concerning ministers, tiny houses, & communities… it’s right on point!
You rock, Jamie! You’re loved & appreciated for all your hard work & dedication to His kingdom & His initiatives. Much love from our house to yours… believing with you and praying for your dreams & His… 🔑
Yeshua said it, and it is so! I claim all the Father has for me in Yeshua’s name.
Ask, seek, knock. Abba. Father, give me wisdom to move as you would have me to move. Amen & Omayn
Hi Jamie….this is the first time I’m writing to you…I am being so blessed with your prophetic words …..I’m writing this to you to confirm that God is talking to me especially with this prophetic word…I believe that God insisted u to upload this message for me…May God bless you and use you abundantly
Jamie thank you such an awesome Word Believing for it..Love your Ministry …love your heart..Learnt so Much…I am out of work and I will definitely support your work and send you an offering -Small seed but I believe I will be able to sow more…May ABBA Mighty JESUS/Yeshua Bless your Heart and you family and Ministry…I am still living with my parents..My dad has not willed the house to me but my sister….My Heavenly ABBA will provide me with one for fiance Jamie too so that we can get married..cos rent is so high here…and we have lost everything…to unscrupulous Landlords who never gave the deposits back etc..
Love you
Thank you so much Jamie for the word concerning LAND.
It is so much on point. I have been cheated on so many instances regarding the land I purchased and never getting because of disputes and other issues.
I believe God is coming to my rescue and restoring all that the enemy has stolen. To GOD be all the glory!!!
Blessed is he who has not seen and has faith
Today of all days, I really needed to read this.
Good timely word. Thank you God for confirmation. It’s time to move. Seek God and All these things will be added. Relationship, obedience, and confession is extremely important to receive all God has for you.