You Can Come Back To The Father’s Embrace

You can come back to the Father's embrace! An encouraging word from Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.comBeloved reader who’s in hiding,

You’re hurting. You’re lonely. You feel emotionally fragile right now. And I’m so very, very sorry.

But, precious one… it’s time to come out of hiding, and come back to the Father’s embrace.

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    Father knows, you see.

    He knows all about what got you to this place. All things are naked and exposed to His sight (Hebrews 4:13) …

    … and He loves you anyway.

    He knows your pain. He knows exactly how badly you are hurting. He saw every tear you cried so far today, and yesterday, and even the day before. He caught every one of your tears in His bottle, and He already had a recording in His book of every tear you have ever cried before those tears even came forth (Psalm 56:8).

    Beloved, Father loves you. And His heart beats for you.

    Like Adam and Eve, I know it’s easy to want to hide. Like the bird in the image at left, you feel so fragile and you can be easily crushed. You feel defenseless and weak and vulnerable, so you retreat to hide in the leaves and the shadows.

    You feel like you ought to be safe in the shadows … but you’ve also discovered that, somehow, you’re not.

    Instead, it’s dark there, and cold, and you feel separated and isolated and afraid. Father seems so very far away, and you might have started to forget what His warmth and light felt like.

    But Father loves you so much, and He’s not actually far from you at all.

    He’s just on the other side of those leaves you’re hiding behind. He’s right there, longing for you, yearning over you, desiring you. His thoughts and His love and His affection are reaching out to you, drawing, drawing, drawing.

    He has even moved your dark leaves aside and peeked in. You’ve heard His voice, saying, “Precious one? Will you come to Me?”

    But you have been shrinking back, cowering, retreating deeper into the shadows. All the while, however, your Daddy God is longing for you. Jesus is interceding for you, and the Holy Spirit is drawing you… because all the Father wants is to have you back in His embrace.

    Beloved? Precious, beloved one … yes, you: Will you come back to your Father’s embrace now?

    Please, beloved. I’m sobbing huge, wracking sobs as I write this. Dear beloved son–precious daughter–the Father is longing for you.

    He wants only to comfort you, you see … to comfort you, to pull you into His embrace and shelter you from the world. To pull you into that place where it’s safe, and warm, and where you belong.

    • All of those sins that have beset you? He’ll wash you clean as soon as you tell Him about them (1 John 1:9).
    • All of that shame? He’ll roll it off of you, and you won’t even remember what it felt like to be ashamed.
    • All of that agony? He’ll comfort you.
    • That sense of separation? He’ll fill you with such a sense of belonging that you’ll never feel the cold of separation again.
    • That sense of hopelessness? He’ll make you new.
    • All that darkness and fear? It will flee as He fills you with the light of His love and His Spirit and His peace.

    You belong to Father, beloved, and He is longing for you RIGHT NOW. It’s time to come back to the Father’s embrace.

    How do you do that?

    You pray.

    • You come to the Father in Jesus’ name.
    • Pour out your heart to Him.
    • Confess your sins, and He will forgive you and make you clean with the blood of Jesus.
    • Ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit and draw Him closer to Himself.
    • Tell Him all about everything that concerns you. Tell Him about your pain, your needs, your hurt, your desires, and most of all, your need for Him.
    • Ask Him to help you change the way you think.
    • Give Him your life–your entire everything.
    • Ask Him to help you seek Him with your whole heart.
    • Ask Him to make you a doer of the Word, and not a hearer only, so that you don’t deceive yourself.
    • Thank Him for hearing and answering your prayer.

    I can’t write “the right words” for you. It’s not about “right words” when you pray. It’s about pouring out your heart to Daddy God Who loves you, confessing your sins, and receiving His forgiveness and restoration.

    But if you will come out from behind those leaves and step forward into the light of Father’s love, you will find Him. He’s right there with you, beside you, and yes, He’s even in you.

    He loves you, you see, and He’ll never leave you.

    Will you return to Father’s embrace today?

    If this message is for you today, after you’ve prayed, would you leave a comment below? I’d love to hear from you. And may Abba Father, our Daddy God, bless you as you fall back into His arms.

    Related song: Let the Father immerse you in His love as you listen to Dennis Jernigan sing “Daddy’s Song”:

    Related resource:

    If you feel separated from the Father, read Leif Hetland’s book “Healing the Orphan Spirit.” God used this book powerfully in my journey of healing from an orphan heart. I highly recommend it. Grab a copy of Healing the Orphan Spirit on Amazon here!

    Also related: Healing the Orphan Heart: Your Name Is Carved On God’s Tree

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    1. Thank you I am that woman who has a broken heart, loneliness, missing the man Brian who I was in a relationship with. He needs prayer too, confused. I need to be back in my fathers arms. I needed this message today.
      Gods blessings on you .

      1. Mark S. Mooers says:

        Thank you. I have been it seems very far from God. But I still could feel His presence. AMAZING. His love is truly amazing. Thanks again for your faithfulness. May God richly bless you and keep you safe from the enemy.

    2. Another great song is “Come Out Of Hiding” by Steffany Gretzinger!!!

    3. Nadine Mcdonald says:

      Once again you have touched my whole life with your post. It’s like you actually know what’s going on with me. Thank you for this encouraging word. I really do feel all of these things that you have pointed out here. God bless you. If can have a number for you it would be great. May God pour out a supernatural financial blessing over you and your family and this blog so that you can continue to lift up our spirits. Blessings.

      1. Cory Wolf says:

        I like that song you left, its good to remember my daddy loves, especially since my earthly father is long since passed… God bless! 🙂

        1. Thank you Jamie. This was for me.
          Thank you for sending t bi is today.
          Blessings, Claudia

    4. Thank you Lord. Yes this message is definitely for me. Lord help me to come back to you to feel your warm embrace and your love that never fails. Thank you Jesus. Amen

    5. sibonginkosi says:

      I love you Jesus.
      That’s all I can say.

    6. God has sent you . Everything you have said is soo true I’ve been having sooo much darkness in my life these pass few months with my relationship with my daughter I’ve been really depressed I don’t have any strength to keep going until I read your blog I’m sooo blessed to have you .. thank you for your prayers and help you are the Angel of God !!!!??????…

    7. Broken in many pieces. My husband, in these last few months has been hit with many different things on top of the disabilities he has. I just don’t know anymore. I know prayers are being answered, yet it feels like not the ones for him. I need those arms of fathers more then ever right know.

    8. Thank you for your post. I really struggle with the concept of accepting hugs from God. I find it hard to accept hugs from my earthly Dad, so I find it very difficult to understand the concept of being embraced by God – I want to and yet the idea fills me with fear and discomfort.

      1. Hi Jude. I totally understand. There has to be some measure of healing in our souls if we’ve been wounded, before we can receive Father’s love. The key I’ve found is to forgive the humans who hurt me using the process/prayer in Finding Deep Soul Healing 101; then to release that person – even if it’s a parent – from any further obligation (in prayer); then to verbally confess to God that I receive Him as my Father in that place. Humans hurt us. They mess up and our world is so sinful that people are not like God. They should be kind and loving parents, but they either don’t want to be or don’t know how in many cases. Acknowledging to God in prayer that those people are NOT real fathers, and forgiving them, helps because it heals our picture of what fatherhood is. Then we can truly receive love from Abba Father. He longs to heal us with His perfect love in every place of our heart, soul, and spirit. He loves you very much.

    9. Thank you so very much!!!!

    10. I don’t know how to go on anymore the pain is not going away I feel so alone and I can’t feel God anymore

        1. scott macdowell says:

          Yes Jamie, this is right from Jesus’ heart, I get delivered from the generational curse, and guess who’s right around the corner to lay it back on me. My sisters don’t want to see me set free, I’m delivered, and there they go again, they want to drag me down to were they are. I doing the hard work of praying and fasting, taking communion, I don’t want to keep going around this mountain again and again.

    11. Thank you, this really resonates with me right now 🙏🏼

    12. Cindy Turner says:

      I, too, am that woman. I have been in hiding but need, I WANT to bring God and his peace back into my life and to those people that I love who need this as well. I need to remember that there is only one path for my life and my loved one’s lives. That is the journey back to Him. Thank you so much

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